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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: joy, -joy-
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
joy(n) ความปีติยินดี, สิ่งที่ทำให้ดีอกดีใจ, ความสุขสบายใจ, ความดีใจ, ความเบิกบานใจ, See also: ecstasy

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
joy(n) ความสุขสันต์, See also: ความสุขสำราญ, ความผาสุก, ความเบิกบาน, ความสุขใจ, Syn. delight, pleasure, bliss, Ant. sadness, sorrow
joy(n) สิ่งที่ทำให้รู้สึกเป็นสุข, Syn. delight
enjoy(vt) ได้ใช้ตามสิทธิ์อย่างเต็มที่
enjoy(vt) เพลิดเพลินกับ, See also: สนุก, สนุกสนาน, รื่นเริง, สำราญ, Syn. relish, savor, Ant. abhor, suffer
joybox(sl) เปียโน
joyful(adj) ที่เปี่ยมไปด้วยความสุข, See also: เต็มไปด้วยความร่าเริง, เต็มไปด้วยความเบิกบาน, เต็มไปด้วยความสดใส, Syn. joyous, happy, elated, Ant. sad, unhappy
joyous(adj) สนุกสนาน, See also: เบิกบาน, มีความสุข, Syn. joyful, merry, Ant. joyless, sad, unhappy
joyless(adj) ที่ไม่มีความสุข, See also: ที่ไม่ร่าเริง, ที่ไม่เบิกบานใจ, ที่ไม่สนุกสนาน, Syn. miserable, sad, depressed, Ant. joyous, joyful, merry
joyfully(adv) อย่างมีความสุข, See also: อย่างเริงร่า, อย่างสนุกสนาน, Syn. happily, cheerfully, Ant. unhappily
joystick(n) คันบังคับทิศทางเครื่องบิน
joystick(n) คันบังคับสำหรับเล่นเกมคอมพิวเตอร์
enjoyable(adj) ที่พอใจ, See also: ออกรส, สนุก, สำราญใจ, เพลิดเพลิน, Syn. agreeable, pleasant, delightful, satisfying, Ant. boring, unpleasant, hateful, detestable, loathsome
enjoyably(adv) อย่างเพลิดเพลิน, Syn. delightfully, pleasantly
enjoyment(n) ความเพลิดเพลิน, See also: ความสนุกสนาน, ความหรรษา, ความบันเทิง, ความสุข, ความเบิกบานใจ, ความรื่นรมย์, สิ่งที่น่ารื่นร, Syn. gratification, pleasure, satisfaction
joy juice(sl) เหล้า, See also: สุรา
overjoyed(adj) ดีใจเหลือเกิน, Syn. delighted, elated
bundle of joy(sl) ทารก, Syn. bundle from heaven
enjoyableness(n) ความเพลิดเพลิน, See also: ความสนุก, ความสำราญใจ, Syn. delightfulness, pleasantness

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
enjoy(เอนจอย') { enjoyed, enjoying, enjoys } v. ชอบ, พอใจ, สนุก, สำราญใจ.
enjoyableadj. น่าสนุก, น่าเพลิดเพลิน, สนุก, สำราญใจ., See also: enjoyably adv. ดูenjoyable, Syn. agreeable
enjoyment(เอนจอย'เมินทฺ) n. ความสนุกสนาน, ความเพลิดเพลิน, แหล่งหรือสิ่งที่ให้ความเพลิดเพลินหรือสนุกสนาน, Syn. pleasure
joy(จอย) { joyed, joying, joys } n. ความปีติยินดี, สิ่งที่ทำให้ดีอกดีใจ, ความสุขสบาย. vi. รู้สึกปีติยินดี, ดีใจ, เบิกบานใจ, Syn. ecstasy
joyful(จอย'ฟูล) adj. ปีติยินดี, ปลื้มปีติ, ดีอกดีใจ, เบิกบานใจ, รื่นเริง, ซึ่งทำให้มีความสุข., See also: joyfulness n. ดูjoyful
joyless(จอย'ลิส) adj. ไม่มีความสุข, ไม่รื่นเริง, เศร้า, หดหู่ใจ, หม่นหมอง
joyous(จอย'เอิส) adj. เบิกบานใจ, ปลื้มปีติ, ดีอกดีใจ, รื่นเริง., See also: joyousness n., Syn. merry, festive
joystickก้านควบคุม <คำแปล>หมายถึง อุปกรณ์ชนิดหนึ่งที่มีสายเสียบต่อกับเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์หรือเครื่องปลายทาง (terminal) มีคันโยก ทำหน้าที่เหมือนเมาส์ หมุนได้เป็นวงรอบ ใช้ควบคุมการเคลื่อนตัวไปในทิศทางต่าง ๆ ของตัวชี้ตำแหน่ง (cursor) ไปสู่จุดต่าง ๆ บนจอภาพ นำมาใช้กับการเล่นเกมเท่านั้น

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
enjoy(vt) ทำให้เพลิดเพลิน, ทำให้สนุกสนาน, ทำให้พอใจ
enjoyable(adj) น่าเพลิดเพลิน, พอใจ, น่าสนุกสนาน, สำราญใจ
enjoyment(n) ความเพลิดเพลิน, ความสนุกสนาน, ความพอใจ
joy(n) ความยินดี, ความปีติ, ความสนุกสนาน, ความรื่นเริง
joyful(adj) ยินดี, ปีติ, สนุกสนาน, ร่าเริง, รื่นเริง, เบิกบานใจ
joyless(adj) ไม่ยินดี, ทุกข์, เศร้าโศก, ไม่สนุกสนาน, ไม่ร่าเริง
joyous(adj) ยินดี, ปีติ, สนุกสนาน, ร่าเริง, เบิกบาน
overjoy(vt) ทำให้ดีใจมาก, ทำให้เป็นปลื้ม

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
joystickก้านควบคุม [เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
joystickก้านควบคุม [คอมพิวเตอร์ ๑๙ มิ.ย. ๒๕๔๔]
quiet enjoymentการใช้ทรัพย์สินที่เช่าโดยสงบ [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Joystickก้านควบคุม [เทคโนโลยีการศึกษา]
Joystickก้านควบคุม [คอมพิวเตอร์]
Joyความร่าเริง [TU Subject Heading]
enjoy privilegesใช้เอกสิทธิที่มีอยู่ [การทูต]
Joy and Pleasureอารมณ์สนุกสนานรื่นเริง [การแพทย์]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
joy ride(คำแสลง) การขับรถเพื่อการสนุกสนานโดยขาดความระมัดระวัง, การขับรถที่ไม่ได้รับอนุญาตจากเจ้าของ(มักเป็นรถที่ขโมยมา)
joyride(n) การขับรถเรื่อยเปื่อย
joyriding(n) การขโมยรถคนอื่นไปขับเล่น

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
joyA drama where you can enjoy the delicate workings of a woman's mind.
joyAfter finishing his examinations, my brother is enjoying skiing to his heart's content.
joyAfter that he began to enjoy life again and gradually recovered.
joyAfter we finished working, we enjoyed talking together.
joyA little knowledge of Spanish will go a long way toward making your trip to Mexico enjoyable.
joyAll the boys enjoyed skiing.
joyAll the students shouted with joy.
joyAlmost all the students enjoy their school life.
joyAnd then one day the boy came back and the tree shook with joy and she said, "Come, boy, climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and be happy."
joyAny child can enjoy the story.
joyAnyone who is unwilling to read does not understand the joy of reading.
joyAre you enjoying it?
joyAs it was cloudy, we could not enjoy the view.
joyAs I was free after a long interval yesterday, I enjoyed playing tennis with my friends.
joyA smile may convey understanding, joy, or an appreciation of humor.
joyA thing of beauty is a joy for ever.
joyA time will soon come when people can enjoy space travel.
joyAt last they experienced the joy of victory.
joyAt school I had enjoyed reading Japanese literature in English translation, in particular Soseki's I am a Cat and Kokoro, and Akutagawa's The Nose and Kappa.
joyA winter sport that many people enjoy is ice skating.
joyBeing told the news, she jumped for joy.
joyBob brought such good news that they jumped up with joy.
joyBob was beside himself with joy.
joyBut he can't enjoy hot summers.
joyBut I enjoyed farm work.
joyBut it's a typical savanna country, and we enjoy cooler temperatures.
joyBut she liked children and she enjoyed her work.
joyCan we find joy in spite of suffering and death?
joyChildren enjoying making a splash in water as they come off a waterslide.
joyDid they enjoy their holiday in Scotland?
joyDid you enjoy staying in Hokkaido?
joyDid you enjoy the film?
joyDid you enjoy the movies?
joyDid you enjoy the movie you saw last night?
joyDid you enjoy the party yesterday?
joyDid you enjoy watching the night game last night?
joyDid you enjoy your holiday?
joyDid you enjoy yourself?
joyDid you enjoy yourself at the party?
joyDid you enjoy yourself at the party last night?
joyDid you enjoy yourself at the theater?
joyDid you enjoy yourself at the welcoming party for freshmen?
joyDid you enjoy yourself last evening?
joyDid you enjoy yourself yesterday.
joyDid you enjoy your stay visit?
joyDid you enjoy your trip?
joyDid you enjoy your winter holidays?
joyDinner finished, they enjoyed playing cards.
joyDon't think about leaving money for your kids, use it all up and enjoy yourself with flair.
joyDon't you always sleep like a log yourself? I can understand your feelings of wanting them to enjoy their meal but don't be in such a rush.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
น่าสนุก(adj) enjoyable, See also: fun, Example: เธอคิดว่าการเขียนหนังสือเป็นเรื่องน่าสนุก
น่าอ่าน(v) be enjoyable to read, See also: be good to read, be fun to read, Example: เขาเขียนหนังสือได้น่าอ่านทีเดียว
ปลื้มปิติ(v) rejoice at/over, See also: be glad, be joyful, be delighted, be pleased, Syn. ดีใจ, ปิติยินดี, ปิติ, ปลื้มใจ, Example: ประชาชนพากันปลื้มปิติเพราะกองทัพได้ชัยชนะ
สนุกปาก(adv) entertainingly, See also: amusingly, pleasantly, enjoyably, Syn. คะนองปาก, Example: พวกอันธพาลแซวผู้หญิงที่เดินผ่านไปผ่านมาอย่างสนุกปากโดยไม่เกรงใจใครเลย, Thai Definition: พูดออกไปเพลิดเพลินขำขันอย่างไม่คิดถึงความเหมาะสม
ดี๊ด๊า(adv) jubilantly, See also: delightfully, joyfully, Syn. กระดี๊กระด๊า, ลิงโลด, Example: เด็กๆ เต้นดี๊ด๊าเพราะดีใจที่จะได้ไปสวนสนุก, Notes: (ปาก)
มันส์(v) enjoy, Syn. มัน, สนุก, Example: แม่ค้ากำลังด่าทอกันโดยมีผู้คนกำลังมันส์กับการส่งเสียงเชียร์, Thai Definition: สนุกมาก, หนำใจมาก, Notes: (สแลง)
ลิงโลดใจ(v) be elated (at), See also: elate, exhilarate, be overjoyed at/with, Syn. เริงโลดใจ, Example: เขารู้สึกปลอดโปร่งและลิงโลดใจ เมื่อนำรถข้ามสะพานไปได้, Thai Definition: ตื่นเต้นดีใจ
สนุกสนาน(v) amuse, See also: be enjoyable, keep pleasantly, Syn. สนุก, รื้นเริง, ครึกครื้น, เบิกบาน, Ant. โศก, โศกเศร้า, เศร้า
สบายใจ(v) be happy, See also: be pleasure, be joyous, Syn. สุขใจ, พอใจ, บันเทิงใจ, เพลิดเพลินใจ, Ant. กังวลใจ, ทุกข์ใจ
สำราญ(v) be happy, See also: be joyful, be good-humoured, Syn. สุข, สบาย, Ant. โศกเศร้า, โศก, เศร้า
สุข(n) happiness, See also: cheerfulness, delight, enjoyment, Syn. ความสุข, ความสบาย, ความสำราญ, Ant. ทุกข์, โศก
อย่างสนุก(adv) joyfully, See also: merrily, cheerfully, Syn. อย่างเบิกบาน, อย่างสนุกสนาน, Ant. อย่างเบื่อหน่าย, Example: พวกเราขอขอบคุณน้องเจนี่ ที่วันนี้พาเราไปเดินซื้อของกันอย่างสนุก
อย่างสนุกสนาน(adv) merrily, See also: cheerfully, joyfully, Syn. อย่างสนุก, Ant. อย่างเบื่อหน่าย, Example: เด็กๆ ทำพิธีอำลาโดยการรดน้ำดำหัวผู้ใหญ่ และเล่นรดน้ำสงกรานต์กันเองอย่างสนุกสนาน
เบิกบานใจ(adv) joyfully, See also: elatedly, Syn. แช่มชื่น, สดใส, สบายใจ, แจ่มใส, Example: ผมเห็นเธอยิ้มอย่างเบิกบานใจแล้วก็พลอยมีความสุขไปด้วย, Thai Definition: รู้สึกสุขสดชื่นแจ่มใส
เริงใจ(v) be in high spirits, See also: be in exuberant spirits, be joyful/cheerful/merry/jovial/gay, Example: ฉันไม่เคยเห็นพ่อเริงใจเช่นนี้มานานแล้ว, Thai Definition: สุขใจ
อยู่ดีกินดี(v) live well, See also: live well-off, live in plenty, live a good life, enjoy a happy life, have the good things, Syn. สุขสบาย, Ant. อดมื้อกินมื้อ, อดอยาก, Example: เมื่อไรประเทศไทยจะไปถึงจุดหมายตรงที่ทุกคนอยู่ดีกินดี มีความสุขตามอัตภาพ, Thai Definition: มีความสุขสบาย
รื่น(v) be happy, See also: be joyful, be joyous, be merry, be jubilant, be pleased, Syn. ระรื่น, สดชื่น, Ant. ห่อเหี่ยว, Example: หลังจากเล่าจบแล้ว ใบหน้าห่อเหี่ยวของแกก็รื่นขึ้น
เรื่องบันเทิง(n) entertainment, See also: amusement, leisure activity, enjoyment, fun, Syn. เรื่องสนุก, Ant. เรื่องเครียด, เรื่องซีเรียส, Example: มนุษย์มีสัญชาตญาณที่จะสนใจเรื่องบันเทิงมากกว่าปัญหาสังคม, Count Unit: เรื่อง
สนุก(v) enjoy, See also: be enjoyable, enjoy, have a good time, be funny, Syn. สนุกสนาน, Ant. เศร้า, ซึมเศร้า, น่าเบื่อ, Example: การจัดสถานที่ทำงานใหม่เป็นเรื่องที่ไม่สนุก และค่อนข้างเป็นเรื่องใหญ่, Thai Definition: เพลินใจ, ให้ความเบิกบานใจ, Notes: (เขมร)
สยิว(v) feel a sense of thrilling, See also: feel a spasm of sexual feeling, be overwhelmed with joy, Syn. เสียวซ่าน, Example: เธอรู้สึกสยิวเมื่อเขาแตะต้องเธอ, Thai Definition: รู้สึกเสียวอย่างฉับพลันด้วยความกำหนัดเป็นต้น
สาระบันเทิง(n) entertainment, See also: amusement, leisure activity, enjoyment, fun, pleasure, recreation, Example: หนังสือเหล่านี้ล้วนเป็นสาระบันเทิงสำหรับเด็ก
สำราญ(adv) happily, See also: merrily, joyfully, cheerfully, gaily, gleefully, Syn. สุขสบาย, สุขสำราญ, เกษม, เกษมสำราญ, Ant. ทุกข์โศก, Example: หมูแม่ลูกอ่อนล้มตัวนอนให้ลูกกินนมอย่างสำราญ, Thai Definition: อย่างมีความสุขเพราะได้ปล่อยอารมณ์, Notes: (เขมร)
สุขสันต์(adj) happy, See also: blissful, cheerful, content, joyful, ecstatic, merry, jubilant, overjoyed, Ant. เศร้าโศก, Example: มุมสุขสันต์ของโรงเรียนเต็มไปด้วยเด็กหญิง ซึ่งเล่นบทบาทสมมติกันอยู่, Thai Definition: อย่างมีความสุขสนุกสนาน
สุขสันต์(adv) happily, See also: blissfully, cheerfully, joyfully, ecstatically, merrily, jubilantly, Ant. เศร้าโศก, Example: ละครเรื่องนี้จบอย่างสุขสันต์, Thai Definition: ที่มีความสุขสนุกสนาน
สุขสันต์(v) be happy, See also: be blissful, be cheerful, be content, be joyful, be ecstatic, be merry, be jubilant, be ov, Ant. เศร้าโศก, Example: งานชุมนุมศิษย์เก่าในคืนนั้น ทุกคนต่างสุขสันต์กันมาก, Thai Definition: มีความสุขสนุกสนาน
ไม่สดใส(adj) not happy, See also: not cheerful, not clear, not joyful, Syn. ไม่แจ่มใส, ไม่เบิกบาน, ไม่สดชื่น, Example: วันนี้ครูมีน้ำเสียงไม่สดใสเลย สงสัยจะไม่สบาย, Thai Definition: ที่ไม่มีชีวิตชีวาเพราะหงอยเหงาเซื่องซึม
ไม่สดใส(v) be not cheerful, See also: be not joyful, be not gay, be not merry, be not jovial, be not in high spirits, be not liv, Syn. ไม่ร่าเริง, ไม่แจ่มใส, ไม่เบิกบาน, ไม่สดชื่น, Example: เธอดูไม่สดใสเลยคงกลุ้มใจเรื่องงานแน่ๆ, Thai Definition: ไม่มีชีวิตชีวาเพราะหงอยเหงาเซื่องซึม
มีชีวิตชีวา(v) be jolly, See also: be merry, be mirthful, be jubilant, be joyous, Syn. ครึ้กครื้น, รื่นเริง, เบิกบานใจ, สดชื่น, กระปรี้กระเปร่า, Example: บ้านกลับมีชีวิตชีวาอีกครั้งเพราะเสียงร้องหลานชายคนใหม่ของครอบครัว, Thai Definition: มีความสดชื่นรื่นเริงกระฉับกระเฉง, ไม่เป็นทุกข์
เพลิน(adv) jubilantly, See also: joyously, merrily, Syn. เพลิดเพลิน, Example: ฉันเดินซื้อของเพลินจนลืมเวลานัดหมาย, Thai Definition: อย่างสนุกสบายใจ, อย่างที่ไม่น่าเบื่อ
เพลิน(v) enjoy, See also: be absorbed, be entertained, be amused, be jubilant, Syn. เพลิดเพลิน, Example: แม่กับลูกกำลังเพลินกับการทำขนมอยู่ในครัวโน่น, Thai Definition: สนุกสบายใจ, ไม่เบื่อ
เกษมศานต์(v) be happy, See also: be peaceful, be joyful, be cheerful, Syn. เกษมสันต์, สุข, รื่นเริง, รื่นรมย์, สุขสม, Example: พระบารมีของพระองค์ทรงปกแผ่ไปขจัดปัดเป่าทุกข์ บำรุงสุขให้ราษฎรเกษมศานต์, Notes: (บาลี/สันสกฤต)
เกษมสันต์(v) be happy, See also: be peaceful, be joyful, be cheerful, Syn. เกษมศานต์, สุข, รื่นเริง, รื่นรมย์, สุขสม, Example: ถ้าเสร็จการปราบกรุงอังวะลงเมื่อใด เหล่าไพร่พลก็จะเป็นสุขเกษมสันต์, Notes: (บาลี/สันสกฤต)
ปลื้ม(v) be pleased, See also: be overjoyed, be happy, be delighted, be gratified, Syn. ปลาบปลื้ม, ยินดี, Example: นภาศรีปลื้มมากที่ลูกชายสอบเป็นปลัดอำเภอได้, Thai Definition: เบิกบานยินดีมาก
ปลาบปลื้ม(v) be delighted, See also: be pleased, be glad, joy, exult, rejoice, Syn. ปลื้มใจ, ปลื้มเปรม, ปลื้มปิติ, Example: สมเด็จพระเทพฯ ทรงมีรับสั่งอย่างไม่ถือพระองค์ ทำให้คณะของสื่อมวลชน และพสกนิกรที่มาเข้าเฝ้าปลาบปลื้มเป็นอย่างยิ่ง, Thai Definition: มีความรู้สึกยินดีแล่นวาบเข้าหัวใจ
ปิติ(n) joy, See also: gladness, happiness, delight, pleasure, elation, Syn. ยินดี, ปลาบปลื้ม, ดีใจ, ปีติ, Ant. โศกเศร้า, โทมนัส, Example: พ่อแม่เต็มไปด้วยความปิติที่ลูกสาวสอบเข้ามหาวิทยาลัยของรัฐบาลได้
พิลาส(v) enjoy, Syn. สนุก, คะนอง, ครึกครื้น, ครื้นเครง
แป้น(adv) merrily, See also: joyfully, broadly, Syn. แฉ่ง, บาน, Example: เธอยิ้มแป้นเข้ามาหาผม
มุทิตา(n) rejoicing with others in their happiness or prosperity, See also: kindliness, sympathetic joy, feelings of pleasure, gladness of another's success, Example: สมาธิภาวนาจะผุดขึ้นเป็นปัญญาให้เราใช้เมตตากรุณาและมุทิตาอย่างเหมาะสม, Thai Definition: ความมีจิตพลอยยินดีในลาภยศสรรเสริญสุขของผู้อื่น เป็นข้อหนึ่ง ในพรหมวิหาร 4 คือ เมตตา กรุณา มุทิตา อุเบกขา, Notes: (บาลี)
มุทา(n) pleasure, See also: happiness, gladness, joy, delight, gratification, Syn. ความยินดี, ความสุขใจ, Notes: (บาลี)
เปรม(v) be content, See also: be surfeited, be delighted, be happy, be joyful, be glad, be pleased, Syn. สุข, สบาย, Ant. ทุกข์, Example: งานเลี้ยงเมื่อคืนนี้พนักงานเปรมไปเลยเพราะกรรมการผู้จัดการเลี้ยงไม่อั้น, Thai Definition: เป็นสุขกายสุขใจ
แป้น(adv) merrily, See also: joyfully, Syn. แฉ่ง, บาน, Example: เธอยิ้มแป้นเข้ามาหาผม, Thai Definition: ลักษณะที่ยิ้มทำแก้มบาน
เริงร่า(adv) joyfully, See also: jovially, cheerfully, playfully, Example: เธอเต้นเริงร่าด้วยความปีติยินดีเข้าไปกลางวง
เริงร่า(v) enjoy, See also: glad, Syn. เบิกบาน, Example: พวกเด็กยังเริงร่ากับของเล่นชิ้นเก่าดังเช่นวันแรกที่ได้มา
เริงร่า(adj) joyful, See also: cheerful, happy, Example: เขาได้ยินเสียงเริงร่าดีใจของเด็กๆ เมื่อได้ของเล่นใหม่
ลิงโลด(v) overjoy, Syn. ตื่นเต้นดีใจ, ดีใจ, Example: เขาลิงโลดเกินพอดีเมื่อรู้ว่าผู้หญิงที่เขาคั่วอยู่รับรักเขาแล้ว, Thai Definition: กระโดดโลดเต้นด้วยความตื่นเต้นดีใจ
อานันท์(n) joy, See also: delight, pleasure, happiness, enjoyment, Syn. อานนท์, ความเพลิดเพลิน, ความยินดี, ความปลื้มใจ
อานนท์(n) joy, See also: delight, pleasure, happiness, enjoyment, Syn. อานันท์, ความเพลิดเพลิน, ความยินดี, ความปลื้มใจ, Notes: (บาลี/สันสกฤต)
เอิกเกริก(adj) joyous, See also: joyful, pleasant, Syn. ครึกครื้น, สนุกสนาน, Example: ตำบลต่างๆ ได้จัดให้มีการประชุมทำบุญเป็นงานเอิกเกริกใหญ่ เรียกว่า บุญบั้งไฟ
เอิกเกริก(adv) joyously, See also: joyfully, pleasantly, Syn. ครึกครื้น, สนุกสนาน, Example: เจ้าชายทรงฉลองวันคล้ายวันประสูติอย่างเอิกเกริก
เอม(adj) delightful, See also: cheerful, joyful, Thai Definition: ชื่นใจ

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อาราม[ārām] (n) EN: pleasure ; delight ; joy ; happiness ; enjoyment
ใบบุญ[baibun] (n) EN: protection ; merit; merit as a protecting leaf ; condition of peacefulness and joy under the power of merit  FR: protection [ f ]
บันเทิง[banthoēng] (v) EN: enjoy ; entertain ; be amused ; be joyful ; be happy  FR: distraire ; divertir ; égayer
เบิกบาน[boēkbān] (v) EN: be joyful ; be delighted ; be cheerful ; be hilarious ; be happy ; be merry ; be in high spirits  FR: être radieux ; être heureux
เบิกบาน[boēkbān] (adv) EN: happily ; joyfully ; delighted ; cheerfully ; hilariously ; merrily  FR: joyeusement
ชื่น[cheūn] (adj) EN: cheerful ; happy ; merry ; joyful ; delighted ; glad ; cheering ; pleased ; cheering ; refreshing  FR: content ; heureux ; enchanté ; gai ; enjoué ; ravi ; jovial ; réjoui ; joyeux ; agréable ; plaisant ; réjouissant
ชอบ[chøp] (v) EN: like ; be fond of ; admire ; be pleased ; enjoy ; fancy  FR: aimer ; apprécier ; affectionner ; se plaire (à) ; se complaire (à) ; se délecter
ชุ่มชื่น[chumcheūn] (v) EN: be delighted ; be cheerful ; be joyful ; be happy ; be merry  FR: être ravi ; être content
ด่าสนุก[dā sanuk] (v, exp) EN: enjoy scolding others
ดีใจ[dījai] (adj) EN: happy ; glad ; pleased ; in high spirits ; delighted ; joyous  FR: content ; heureux ; enchanté ; ravi ; satisfait
เจริญใจ[jaroēnjai] (v, exp) EN: be pleased ; be happy ; be highly delighted ; be joyful  FR: être heureux
ขอให้สนุกกับ...[khø hai sanuk kap ...] (xp) EN: enjoy ... (+ activity)
ขอให้สนุกกับวันหยุด[khø hai sanuk kap wanyut] (xp) EN: enjoy your holiday/vacation (Am.)  FR: bonnes vacances !
ขบขัน[khopkhan] (adj) EN: amusing ; funny ; mirthful ; humorous ; comic ; jocular  FR: amusant ; drôle ; gai ; joyeux
ครึกครื้น[khreukkhreūn] (v) EN: be joyful ; be jubilant ; be jolly ; be hilarious ; be merry ; be mirthful
ครึกครื้น[khreukkhreūn] (adj) EN: merry ; jolly ; hilarious ; mirthful  FR: joyeux
ครึกครื้น[khreukkhreūn] (adv) EN: merrily ; joyfully ; jolly ; lively  FR: très agréable ; de rêve
คุยสนุก[khui sanuk] (v, exp) EN: enjoy talking ; be a good speaker
ความดีใจ[khwām dījai] (n) EN: gladness ; pleasure ; delight ; joy ; happiness ; willingness  FR: joie [ f ] ; bonheur [ m ]
ความสนุก[khwām sanuk] (n) EN: enjoyment ; fun  FR: joie [ f ] ; plaisir [ m ] ; agrément [ m ]
ความยินดี[khwām yindī] (n) EN: joy ; gladness ; pleasure ; happiness  FR: joie [ f ] ; plaisir [ m ] ; enchantement [ m ]
กระดี๊กระด๊า[kradikradā] (adj) EN: jubilant ; delighted ; joyful
กระโดดโลดเต้น[kradōt-lōtten] (v) EN: dance and jump with joy
เล่น[len] (adv) EN: for fun ; for joy ; for pleasure ; for amusement ; playfully  FR: pour le plaisir ; pour l'amusement
ลิงโลด[linglōt] (v) EN: dance with joy ; overjoy ; heartly rejoice ; be highly elated ; spring with joy  FR: sauter de joie ; bondir de joie
ลิงโลดใจ[linglōtjai] (v) EN: be elated (at) ; elate ; exhilarate ; be overjoyed at/with
โลดเต้น[lōtten] (v) EN: jump ; leap ; spring ; hop ; dance with joy
มุทิตา[muthitā] (n) EN: vicarious pleasure at another's good fortune ; good wished towards otherskindliness ; sympathetic joy ; feelings of pleasure ; gladness of another's success  FR: sympathie [ f ]
งานมงคล[ngān mongkhon] (n, exp) EN: auspicious ceremony ; propitious ceremony ; happy event ; joyous occasion  FR: cérémonie propitiatoire [ f ]
นพรัตน์[noppharat] (n) EN: nine gems  FR: les neuf joyaux [ mpl ]
เอิกเกริก[oēkkaroēk] (adj) EN: boisterous ; joyous ; joyful ; pleasant  FR: grandiose ; enthousiaste ; tapageur
แป้น[paen] (adj) EN: joyfully ; beaming with joy ; merrily ; broadly
เพลิน[phloēn] (v) EN: be absorbed ; be lost in thought ; be engrossed ; be amused ; enjoy  FR: être absorbé ; être fasciné ; être subjugué
เพลิดเพลิน[phloētphloēn] (v) EN: enjoy ; be amused ; be relaxed and happy ; be jubilant ; be entertained ; delight in ; take pleasure in ; relish ; be pleased with ; be absorbed  FR: jubiler
ปิติ[piti] (n) EN: joy ; gladness ; happiness ; delight ; pleasure ; elation
ปีติ[pīti] (n) EN: elation ; exultation ; joy ; rejoicing  FR: joie [ f ] ; plaisir [ m ]
ปลาบปลื้ม[plāppleūm] (v) EN: be thrilled ; be exulted ; rejoice ; be delighted ; be pleased ; be glad ; joy ; exult  FR: être ravi ; être enchanté ; se réjouir
ปราโมทย์[prāmōt] (n) EN: jubilation ; joy ; exultation ; delight ; happiness  FR: jubilation [ f ] ; exaltation [ f ] ; joie [ f ]
ร่า[rā] (adj) EN: happy ; joyful ; rejoicing ; smiling all over  FR: heureux ; réjoui ; gai
รัตน์[rat] (n) EN: gem ; precious stone  FR: joyau [ m ] ; pierre précieuse [ f ]
รัตน-[rattana-] (pref, (n)) EN: gem ; precious stone  FR: joyau [ m ] ; pierre précieuse [ f ]
รัตนตรัย[Rattanatrai] (n, exp) EN: Triple Gem  FR: Triple Joyau [ m ]
รื่นเริง[reūnroēng] (adj) EN: joyful ; jolly ; cheerful ; jovial ; hilarious ; enjoyable  FR: gai ; jovial ; joyeux
รื่นเริง[reūnroēng] (adv) EN: merrily ; joyfully ; cheerfully ; jovially ; hilariously ; happily ; enjoyably
เริง[roēng] (adj) EN: delighted ; delightful  FR: ravi ; gai ; joyeux
สบายใจ[sabāijai] (v) EN: be happy ; be pleasure ; be joyous ; feel content
สบายใจ[sabāijai] (adj) EN: contented heart ; happy ; pleasure ; joyous  FR: heureux ; détendu
สำราญ[samrān] (adj) EN: content ; happy ; joyful ; good-humoured  FR: heureux ; joyeux ; de bonne humeur
สนุก[sanuk] (v) EN: enjoy ; be enjoyable ; enjoy ; have a good time ; be funny  FR: s'amuser ; prendre du bon temps
สนุก[sanuk] (adj) EN: pleasant ; funny ; fun ; entertaining ; amusing ; vivacious ; diverting ; enjoyable;  FR: plaisant ; agréable ; amusant ; réjouissant ; divertissant ; distrayant

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
enjoy(v) derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in, Syn. savour, bask, savor, relish
enjoy(v) have benefit from
enjoy(v) have for one's benefit, Ant. suffer
enjoyable(adj) affording satisfaction or pleasure, Syn. gratifying, pleasurable
enjoyableness(n) pleasantness resulting from something that can be enjoyed
enjoyer(n) a person who delights in having or using or experiencing something
enjoyment(n) the pleasure felt when having a good time
enjoyment(n) act of receiving pleasure from something, Syn. delectation
joy(n) the emotion of great happiness, Syn. joyousness, joyfulness, Ant. sorrow
joy(n) something or someone that provides a source of happiness, Syn. delight, pleasure
Joyce(n) influential Irish writer noted for his many innovations (such as stream of consciousness writing) (1882-1941), Syn. James Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius Joyce
joyful(adj) full of or producing joy, Ant. sorrowful
joyless(adj) not experiencing or inspiring joy, Ant. joyous
joylessly(adv) in a joyless manner; without joy, Ant. joyfully
joylessness(n) a feeling of dismal cheerlessness
joyous(adj) full of or characterized by joy, Ant. joyless
joyride(n) a ride in a car taken solely for pleasure
joyride(v) ride in a car with no particular goal and just for the pleasure of it, Syn. tool, tool around
joystick(n) a manual control consisting of a vertical handle that can move freely in two directions; used as an input device to computers or to devices controlled by computers
overjoy(v) cause to feel extremely joyful or happy
delight(v) take delight in, Syn. revel, enjoy
exult(v) feel extreme happiness or elation, Syn. be on cloud nine, jump for joy, walk on air
gladden(v) make glad or happy, Syn. joy, Ant. sadden
gleefully(adv) in a joyous and gleeful manner, Syn. joyfully, joyously, Ant. joylessly
laugh(v) produce laughter, Syn. express mirth, express joy, Ant. cry
love(v) get pleasure from, Syn. enjoy
Oates(n) United States writer (born in 1938), Syn. Joyce Carol Oates
pleasantly(adv) in an enjoyable manner, Syn. enjoyably, agreeably, Ant. unpleasantly, disagreeably
rejoice(v) feel happiness or joy, Syn. joy
spoilsport(n) someone who spoils the pleasure of others, Syn. party pooper, wet blanket, killjoy
stick(n) a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane, Syn. joystick, control stick
use(n) (law) the exercise of the legal right to enjoy the benefits of owning property, Syn. enjoyment

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Enjoyed p. pr. & vb. n. Enjoying. ] [ OF. enjoier to receive with joy; pref. en- (L. in) + OF. & F. joie joy: cf. OF. enjoir to enjoy. See Joy. ] 1. To take pleasure or satisfaction in the possession or experience of; to feel or perceive with pleasure; to be delighted with; as, to enjoy the dainties of a feast; to enjoy conversation. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To have, possess, and use with satisfaction; to occupy or have the benefit of, as a good or profitable thing, or as something desirable; as, to enjoy a free constitution and religious liberty. [ 1913 Webster ]

That the children of Israel may enjoy every man the inheritance of his fathers. Num. xxxvi. 8. [ 1913 Webster ]

To enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. Heb. xi. 25. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. To have sexual intercourse with. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

To enjoy one's self, to feel pleasure; to be happy.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. To take satisfaction; to live in happiness. [ R. ] Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Capable of being enjoyed or of giving joy; yielding enjoyment. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who enjoys. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. The condition of enjoying anything; pleasure or satisfaction, as in the possession or occupancy of anything; possession and use; as, the enjoyment of an estate. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. That which gives pleasure or keen satisfaction. [ 1913 Webster ]

The hope of everlasting enjoyments. Glanvill.

Syn. -- Pleasure; satisfaction; gratification; fruition; happiness; felicity; delight. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OE. joye, OF. joye, joie, goie, F. joie, L. gaudia, pl. of gaudium joy, fr. gaudere to rejoice, to be glad; cf. Gr. gai`ein to rejoice, gay^ros proud. Cf. Gaud, Jewel. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. The passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; pleasurable feelings or emotions caused by success, good fortune, and the like, or by a rational prospect of possessing what we love or desire; gladness; exhilaration of spirits; delight. [ 1913 Webster ]

Her heavenly form beheld, all wished her joy. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

Glides the smooth current of domestic joy. Johnson. [ 1913 Webster ]

Who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame. Heb. xii. 2. [ 1913 Webster ]

Tears of true joy for his return. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

Joy is a delight of the mind, from the consideration of the present or assured approaching possession of a good. Locke. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. That which causes joy or happiness. [ 1913 Webster ]

For ye are our glory and joy. 1 Thess. ii. 20. [ 1913 Webster ]

A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Keats. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. The sign or exhibition of joy; gayety; mirth; merriment; festivity. [ 1913 Webster ]

Such joy made Una, when her knight she found. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]

The roofs with joy resound. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Joy is used in composition, esp. with participles, to from many self-explaining compounds; as, joy-bells, joy-bringing, joy-inspiring, joy-resounding, etc.

Syn. -- Gladness; pleasure; delight; happiness; exultation; transport; felicity; ecstasy; rapture; bliss; gayety; mirth; merriment; festivity; hilarity. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. [ imp. & p. p. Joyed p. pr. & vb. n. Joying. ] [ OF. joir, F. jouir. See Joy, n. ] To rejoice; to be glad; to delight; to exult. [ 1913 Webster ]

I will joy in the God of my salvation. Hab. iii. 18. [ 1913 Webster ]

In whose sight all things joy. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. 1. To give joy to; to congratulate. [ Obs. ] “Joy us of our conquest.” Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

To joy the friend, or grapple with the foe. Prior. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To gladden; to make joyful; to exhilarate. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Neither pleasure's art can joy my spirits. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. To enjoy. [ Obs. ] See Enjoy. [ 1913 Webster ]

Who might have lived and joyed immortal bliss. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OF. joiance. ] Enjoyment; gayety; festivity; joyfulness. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]

Some days of joyance are decreed to all. Byron. [ 1913 Webster ]

From what hid fountains doth thy joyance flow? Trench. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Joyance. [ R. ] Carlyle. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Full of joy; having or causing joy; very glad; as, a joyful heart. “Joyful tidings.” Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

My soul shall be joyful in my God. Is. lxi. 10. [ 1913 Webster ]

Sad for their loss, but joyful of our life. Pope.

-- Joy"ful*ly, adv. -- Joy"ful*ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. the emotion of great happiness.
Syn. -- joy, joyousness. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


a. Not having joy; not causing joy; unenjoyable. -- Joy"less*ly, adv. -- Joy"less*ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]

With downcast eyes the joyless victor sat. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

Youth and health and war are joyless to him. Addison. [ 1913 Webster ]

[ He ] pining for the lass,
Is joyless of the grove, and spurns the growing grass. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ OE. joyous, joious, joios, F. joyeux.See Joy. ] Glad; gay; merry; joyful; also, affording or inspiring joy; with of before the word or words expressing the cause of joy. [ 1913 Webster ]

Is this your joyous city? Is. xxiii. 7. [ 1913 Webster ]

They all as glad as birds of joyous prime. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]

And joyous of our conquest early won. Dryden.

Syn. -- Merry; lively; blithe; gleeful; gay; glad; mirthful; sportive; festive; joyful; happy; blissful; charming; delightful.

-- Joy"ous*ly, adv. -- Joy"ous*ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Causing joyfulness. [ R. ]
Syn. -- gladsome, delightful. [ 1913 Webster ]

This all joysome grove. T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who causes gloom or grief; a dispiriting person; a spoilsport. W. Black. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. To make excessively joyful; to gratify extremely. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Excessive joy; transport. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. To enjoy anew. Pope. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Renewed enjoyment. [ 1913 Webster ]


pos>n. Enjoyment of one's self; self-satisfaction. [ 1913 Webster ]


See high.
See honorable.
See hopeful.
See hostile.
See hurt.
See hhurtful.
See hygienic.
See ideal.
See idle.
See illusory.
See imaginable.
See imaginative.
See immortal.
See implicit.
See important.
See impressible. See >Unimpressible.
See impressionable.
See improvable.
See impugnable.
See incidental.
See increasable.
See indifferent.
See indulgent.
See industrious.
See inflammable.
See influential.
See ingenious.
See ingenuous.
See inhabitable.
See injurious.
See inquisitive.
See instructive.
See intelligent.
See intelligible.
See intentional.
See interesting.
See interpretable.
See inventive.
See investigable.
See jealous.
See joyful.
See joyous.
See justifiable.
See kingly.
See knightly.
See knotty.
See knowable.
See laborious.
See ladylike.
See level.
See libidinous.
See lightsome.
See limber.
See lineal.
See logical.
See lordly.
See losable.
See lovable.
See lucent.
See luminous.
See lustrous.
See lusty.
See maidenly.
See makable.
See malleable.
See manageable.
See manful.
See manlike.
See manly.
See marketable.
See marriable.
See marriageable.
See marvelous.
See masculine.
See matchable.
See matronlike.
See meek.
See meet.
See melodious.
See mendable.
See mentionable.
See mercenary.
See merciable.
See meritable.
See merry.
See metaphorical.
See mighty.
See mild.
See military.
See mindful.
See mingleable.
See miraculous.
See miry.
See mitigable.
See modifiable.
See modish.
See moist.
See monkish.
See motherly.
See muscular.
See musical.
See mysterious.
See namable.
See native.
See navigable.
See needful.
See negotiable.
See niggard.
See noble.
See objectionable.
[ 1913 Webster ]

[ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unnoble, Unniggard, Unnegotiable, Unneedful, Unnavigable, Unnative, Unnamable, Unmysterious, Unmusical, Unmuscular, Unmotherly, Unmonkish, Unmoist, Unmodish, Unmodifiable, Unmitigable, Unmiry, Unmiraculous, Unmingleable, Unmindful, Unmilitary, Unmild, Unmighty, Unmetaphorical, Unmerry, Unmeritable, Unmerciable, Unmercenary, Unmentionable, Unmendable, Unmelodious, Unmeet, Unmeek, Unmatronlike, Unmatchable, Unmasculine, Unmarvelous, Unmarriageable, Unmarriable, Unmarketable, Unmanly, Unmanlike, Unmanful, Unmanageable, Unmalleable, Unmakable, Unmaidenly, Unlusty, Unlustrous, Unluminous, Unlucent, Unlovable, Unlosable, Unlordly, Unlogical, Unlineal, Unlimber, Unlightsome, Unlibidinous, Unlevel, Unladylike, Unlaborious, Unknowable, Unknotty, Unknightly, Unkingly, Unjustifiable, Unjoyous, Unjoyful, Unjealous, Uninvestigable, Uninventive, Uninterpretable, Uninteresting, Unintentional, Unintelligible, Unintelligent, Uninstructive, Uninquisitive, Uninjurious, Uninhabitable, Uningenuous, Uningenious, Uninfluential, Uninflammable, Unindustrious, Unindulgent, Unindifferent, Unincreasable, Unincidental, Unimpugnable, Unimprovable, Unimpressionable, Unimpressible, Unimportant, Unimplicit, Unimmortal, Unimaginative, Unimaginable, Unillusory, Unidle, Unideal, Unhygienic, Unhhurtful, Unhurt, Unhostile, Unhopeful, Unhonorable, Unhigh

See accommodating.
See aching.
See ailing.
See aiming.
See alarming.
See altering.
See appreciating.
See approving.
See aspiring.
See assisting.
See attempting.
See attending.
See bearing.
See befitting.
See beginning.
See believing.
See bleaching.
See bleeding.
See blemishing.
See blenching.
See blossoming.
See blushing.
See boding.
See branching.
See breathing.
See burning.
See calculating.
See ceasing.
See changing.
See charming.
See communicating.
See complaining.
See complying.
See conceiving.
See conducing.
See confessing.
See conniving.
See consenting.
See considering.
See conspiring.
See consulting.
See consuming.
See contending.
See contriving.
See conversing.
See convincing.
See dawning.
See decaying.
See delaying.
See depending.
See derogating.
See deserving.
See desiring.
See despairing.
See detesting.
See deviating.
See differencing.
See discerning.
See discording.
See discriminating.
See disobliging.
See dispensing.
See dissembling.
See dissolving.
See distinguishing.
See distracting.
See disturbing.
See doubting.
See dreading.
See drooping.
See ebbing.
See echoing.
See edifying.
See ending.
See enduring.
See engaging.
See enjoying.
See entering.
See enterprising.
See entertaining.
See envying.
See existing.
See fadging.
See fading.
See fainting.
See faltering.
See fearing.
See feigning.
See fighting.
See fitting.
See flagging.
See flattering.
See flinching.
See folding.
See forbearing.
See foreboding.
See foreseeing.
See forgiving.
See giving.
See grudging.
See harming.
See heeding.
See hesitating.
See hoping.
See hurting.
See importing.
See imposing.
See improving.
See interesting.
See intermitting.
See intoxicating.
See inviting.
See jarring.
See laboring.
See lingering.
See listening.
See loving.
See meddling.
See meriting.
See mistrusting.
See moving.
See murmuring.
See obliging.
See observing.
See offending.
See opening.
See pardoning.
See paying.
See perceiving.
See performing.
See perishing.
See pitying.
See pleasing.
See possessing.
See preaching.
See prepossessing.
See presuming.
See pretending.
See prevailing.
See prevaricating.
See profiting.
See promising.
See proving.
See quailing.
See questioning.
See reasoning.
See recalling.
See reclining.
See recurring.
See referring.
See reflecting.
See refunding.
See refusing.
See rejoicing.
See relaxing.
See relishing.
See remembering.
See repenting.
See repining.
See reproving.
See repulsing.
See resisting.
See resolving.
See resting.
See returning.
See rewarding.
See sanctifying.
See satisfying.
See searching.
See seeing.
See setting.
See shrinking.
See sinking.
See sleeping.
See slipping.
See slumbering.
See speaking.
See stinting.
See stirring.
See stooping.
See submitting.
See sufficing.
See suiting.
See surging.
See suspecting.
See sweating.
See swerving.
See sympathizing.
See tasting.
See thriving.
See tiring.
See toiling.
See trading.
See trembling.
See trespassing.
See trifling.
See vacillating.
See varying.
See walking.
See wandering.
See waning.
See wasting.
See wavering.
See weeping.
See winking.
See winning.
See withdrawing.
See withering.
See wondering.
See working.
See writing.
See yielding.
----- and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

The above classes of words are unlimited in extent, and such compounds may be formed by any writer or speaker at will from almost all the adjectives or participles in the language, excepting those which have a recognized and usual negative correspondent with the prefix -in. No attempt will be made, therefore, to define them all in this Dictionary; many will be omitted from its Vocabulary which are negations of the simple word, and are readily explained by prefixing a not to the latter. Derivatives of these words in -ly and -ness will also, for the most part, be omitted for the same or similar reasons. [ 1913 Webster ]

There will be inserted as separate articles with definitions, the following: -- [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Those which have acquired an opposed or contrary, instead of a merely negative, meaning; as, unfriendly, ungraceful, unpalatable, unquiet, and the like; or else an intensive sense more than a prefixed not would express; as, unending, unparalleled, undisciplined, undoubted, unsafe, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Those which have the value of independent words, inasmuch as the simple words are either not used at all, or are rarely, or at least much less frequently, used; as, unavoidable, unconscionable, undeniable, unspeakable, unprecedented, unruly, and the like; or inasmuch as they are used in a different sense from the usual meaning of the primitive, or especially in one of the significations of the latter; as, unaccountable, unalloyed, unbelieving, unpretending, unreserved, and the like; or inasmuch as they are so frequently and familiarly used that they are hardly felt to be of negative origin; as, uncertain, uneven, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Those which are anomalous, provincial, or, for some other reason, not desirable to be used, and are so indicated; as, unpure for impure, unsatisfaction for dissatisfaction, unexpressible for inexpressible, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

II. Un- is prefixed to nouns to express the absence of, or the contrary of, that which the noun signifies; as, unbelief, unfaith, unhealth, unrest, untruth, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Compounds of this last class are given in full in their proper order in the Vocabulary. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unwriting, Unworking, Unwondering, Unwithering, Unwithdrawing, Unwinning, Unwinking, Unweeping, Unwavering, Unwasting, Unwaning, Unwandering, Unwalking, Unvarying, Unvacillating, Untrifling, Untrespassing, Untrembling, Untrading, Untoiling, Untiring, Unthriving, Untasting, Unsympathizing, Unswerving, Unsweating, Unsuspecting, Unsurging, Unsuiting, Unsufficing, Unsubmitting, Unstooping, Unstirring, Unstinting, Unspeaking, Unslumbering, Unslipping, Unsleeping, Unsinking, Unshrinking, Unsetting, Unseeing, Unsearching, Unsatisfying, Unsanctifying, Unrewarding, Unreturning, Unresting, Unresolving, Unresisting, Unrepulsing, Unreproving, Unrepining, Unrepenting, Unremembering, Unrelishing, Unrelaxing, Unrejoicing, Unrefusing, Unrefunding, Unreflecting, Unreferring, Unrecurring, Unreclining, Unrecalling, Unreasoning, Unquestioning, Unquailing, Unproving, Unpromising, Unprofiting, Unprevaricating, Unprevailing, Unpretending, Unpresuming, Unprepossessing, Unpreaching, Unpossessing, Unpleasing, Unpitying, Unperishing, Unperforming, Unperceiving, Unpaying, Unpardoning, Unopening, Unoffending, Unobserving, Unobliging, Unmurmuring, Unmoving, Unmistrusting, Unmeriting, Unmeddling, Unloving, Unlistening, Unlingering, Unlaboring, Unjarring, Uninviting, Unintoxicating, Unintermitting, Uninteresting, Unimproving, Unimposing, Unimporting, Unhurting, Unhoping, Unhesitating, Unheeding, Unharming, Ungrudging, Ungiving, Unforgiving, Unforeseeing, Unforeboding, Unforbearing, Unfolding, Unflinching, Unflattering, Unflagging, Unfitting, Unfighting, Unfeigning, Unfearing, Unfaltering, Unfainting, Unfading, Unfadging, Unexisting, Unenvying, Unentertaining, Unenterprising, Unentering, Unenjoying, Unengaging, Unenduring, Unending, Unedifying, Unechoing, Unebbing, Undrooping, Undreading, Undoubting, Undisturbing, Undistracting, Undistinguishing, Undissolving, Undissembling, Undispensing, Undisobliging, Undiscriminating, Undiscording, Undiscerning, Undifferencing, Undeviating, Undetesting, Undespairing, Undesiring, Undeserving, Underogating, Undepending, Undelaying, Undecaying, Undawning, Unconvincing, Unconversing, Uncontriving, Uncontending, Unconsuming, Unconsulting, Unconspiring, Unconsidering, Unconsenting, Unconniving, Unconfessing, Unconducing, Unconceiving, Uncomplying, Uncomplaining, Uncommunicating, Uncharming, Unchanging, Unceasing, Uncalculating, Unburning, Unbreathing, Unbranching, Unboding, Unblushing, Unblossoming, Unblenching, Unblemishing, Unbleeding, Unbleaching, Unbelieving, Unbeginning, Unbefitting, Unbearing, Unattending, Unattempting, Unassisting, Unaspiring, Unapproving, Unappreciating, Unaltering, Unalarming, Unaiming, Unailing, Unaching, Unaccommodating

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
分享[fēn xiǎng, ㄈㄣ ㄒㄧㄤˇ,  ] to share (joys, benefits, privileges etc) with others; to get one's share; to divide out; to partake #848 [Add to Longdo]
享受[xiǎng shòu, ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄕㄡˋ,  ] to enjoy (rights, benefits etc) #1,228 [Add to Longdo]
[chūn, ㄔㄨㄣ, ] spring (time); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust; life #1,459 [Add to Longdo]
[xǐ, ㄒㄧˇ, ] to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad #2,013 [Add to Longdo]
欣赏[xīn shǎng, ㄒㄧㄣ ㄕㄤˇ,   /  ] to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire #2,602 [Add to Longdo]
欢乐[huān lè, ㄏㄨㄢ ㄌㄜˋ,   /  ] gaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure; happy; joyous; gay #3,536 [Add to Longdo]
垄断[lǒng duàn, ㄌㄨㄥˇ ㄉㄨㄢˋ,   /  ] enjoy market dominance; monopolize #3,698 [Add to Longdo]
[xiǎng, ㄒㄧㄤˇ, ] to enjoy; to benefit; to have the use of #4,487 [Add to Longdo]
有意思[yǒu yì si, ㄧㄡˇ ㄧˋ ㄙ˙,   ] interesting; meaningful; enjoyable; fun #4,970 [Add to Longdo]
[huān, ㄏㄨㄢ, / ] joyous; happy; pleased #5,204 [Add to Longdo]
享有[xiǎng yǒu, ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄧㄡˇ,  ] enjoy (rights, privileges etc) #5,423 [Add to Longdo]
乐趣[lè qù, ㄌㄜˋ ㄑㄩˋ,   /  ] delight; pleasure; joy #5,570 [Add to Longdo]
喜悦[xǐ yuè, ㄒㄧˇ ㄩㄝˋ,   /  ] happy; joyous #6,685 [Add to Longdo]
[chàng, ㄔㄤˋ, / ] smooth; fluent; joyful; happy #6,959 [Add to Longdo]
观赏[guān shǎng, ㄍㄨㄢ ㄕㄤˇ,   /  ] to see and enjoy; to admire the view #8,899 [Add to Longdo]
欢喜[huān xǐ, ㄏㄨㄢ ㄒㄧˇ,   /  ] joyful #9,148 [Add to Longdo]
愉悦[yú yuè, ㄩˊ ㄩㄝˋ,   /  ] joyful; cheerful; delighted #10,268 [Add to Longdo]
痛快[tòng kuài, ㄊㄨㄥˋ ㄎㄨㄞˋ,  ] overjoyed; delighted; happily; heartily; enjoying; also pr. tong4 kuai5 #10,671 [Add to Longdo]
过瘾[guò yǐn, ㄍㄨㄛˋ ㄧㄣˇ,   /  ] to satisfy a craving; to get a kick out of sth; gratifying; immensely enjoyable; satisfying; fulfilling #11,069 [Add to Longdo]
玩耍[wán shuǎ, ㄨㄢˊ ㄕㄨㄚˇ,  ] to enjoy oneself; an entertainment; to play (of children) #11,903 [Add to Longdo]
销魂[xiāo hún, ㄒㄧㄠ ㄏㄨㄣˊ,   /  ] ecstasy; rapture; to feel overwhelming joy or sorrow #12,413 [Add to Longdo]
福气[fú qì, ㄈㄨˊ ㄑㄧˋ,   /  ] good luck; to enjoy good fortune #14,881 [Add to Longdo]
享用[xiǎng yòng, ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄩㄥˋ,  ] to enjoy the use of; to take pleasure from #15,452 [Add to Longdo]
[xiǎng, ㄒㄧㄤˇ, / ] offer or enjoy sacrifice #18,724 [Add to Longdo]
[xuè, ㄒㄩㄝˋ, / ] joy; to joke; to banter; to tease; to mock; Taiwan pr. nüe4 #20,624 [Add to Longdo]
看热闹[kàn rè nao, ㄎㄢˋ ㄖㄜˋ ㄋㄠ˙,    /   ] to enjoy watching a bustling scene; to go where the crowds are (for excitement, or out of curiosity) #21,055 [Add to Longdo]
[xǐ, ㄒㄧˇ, ] joy #22,613 [Add to Longdo]
享誉[xiǎng yù, ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄩˋ,   /  ] to enjoy a reputation #23,191 [Add to Longdo]
尽兴[jìn xìng, ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄒㄧㄥˋ,   /  ] to enjoy oneself to the full; to one's heart's content #23,416 [Add to Longdo]
雀跃[què yuè, ㄑㄩㄝˋ ㄩㄝˋ,   /  ] to frolic for joy; lit. to jump like a sparrow; to gambol excitedly #25,249 [Add to Longdo]
乐此不疲[lè cǐ bù pí, ㄌㄜˋ ㄘˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄆㄧˊ,     /    ] to enjoy sth and never tire of it (成语 saw); unwavering enthusiasm #25,843 [Add to Longdo]
酸甜苦辣[suān tián kǔ là, ㄙㄨㄢ ㄊㄧㄢˊ ㄎㄨˇ ㄌㄚˋ,    ] sour, sweet, bitter and spicy hot; fig. the joys and sorrows of life #26,090 [Add to Longdo]
欢欣鼓舞[huān xīn gǔ wǔ, ㄏㄨㄢ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄍㄨˇ ㄨˇ,     /    ] elated and excited (成语 saw); overjoyed #27,144 [Add to Longdo]
喜乐[xǐ lè, ㄒㄧˇ ㄌㄜˋ,   /  ] joy #27,850 [Add to Longdo]
桃源[táo yuán, ㄊㄠˊ ㄩㄢˊ,  ] same as 世外桃源; the Garden of the Peaches of Immortality; Shangri-la; imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la) #28,153 [Add to Longdo]
满腔[mǎn qiāng, ㄇㄢˇ ㄑㄧㄤ,   / 滿 ] one's heart filled with; full of (joy) #28,298 [Add to Longdo]
喜气洋洋[xǐ qì yáng yáng, ㄒㄧˇ ㄑㄧˋ ㄧㄤˊ ㄧㄤˊ,     /    ] full of joy (成语 saw); jubilation #28,809 [Add to Longdo]
喜出望外[xǐ chū wàng wài, ㄒㄧˇ ㄔㄨ ㄨㄤˋ ㄨㄞˋ,    ] overjoyed at unexpected good news (成语 saw) #29,963 [Add to Longdo]
欣喜若狂[xīn xǐ ruò kuáng, ㄒㄧㄣ ㄒㄧˇ ㄖㄨㄛˋ ㄎㄨㄤˊ,    ] wild with joy (成语 saw); to rejoice; to exult #30,523 [Add to Longdo]
兴冲冲[xìng chōng chōng, ㄒㄧㄥˋ ㄔㄨㄥ ㄔㄨㄥ,    /   ] full of joy and expectations; animatedly #30,843 [Add to Longdo]
世外桃源[shì wài táo yuán, ㄕˋ ㄨㄞˋ ㄊㄠˊ ㄩㄢˊ,    ] the Garden of the Peaches of Immortality; Shangri-la; imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la) #31,547 [Add to Longdo]
手舞足蹈[shǒu wǔ zú dǎo, ㄕㄡˇ ㄨˇ ㄗㄨˊ ㄉㄠˇ,    ] hands dance and feet trip (成语 saw); dancing and gesticulating for joy #32,113 [Add to Longdo]
[kǎi, ㄎㄞˇ, / ] joyful; kind #32,414 [Add to Longdo]
桃花源[táo huā yuán, ㄊㄠˊ ㄏㄨㄚ ㄩㄢˊ,   ] same as 世外桃花源; the Garden of the Peaches of Immortality; imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la) #32,568 [Add to Longdo]
名不虚传[míng bù xū chuán, ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄒㄩ ㄔㄨㄢˊ,     /    ] lit. name is not in vain (成语 saw); a fully justified reputation; enjoys a well-deserved reputation #32,740 [Add to Longdo]
流连忘返[liú lián wàng fǎn, ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄨㄤˋ ㄈㄢˇ,     /    ] to linger; to remain enjoying oneself and forget to go home #33,120 [Add to Longdo]
欢天喜地[huān tiān xǐ dì, ㄏㄨㄢ ㄊㄧㄢ ㄒㄧˇ ㄉㄧˋ,     /    ] delighted; wild with joy; lit. pleased with heaven, happy with earth (成语 saw) #33,168 [Add to Longdo]
[xī, ㄒㄧ, ] cautious; merry; joyful; surname Xi #33,924 [Add to Longdo]
悲欢离合[bēi huān lí hé, ㄅㄟ ㄏㄨㄢ ㄌㄧˊ ㄏㄜˊ,     /    ] joys and sorrows; partings and reunions; the vicissitudes of life #34,483 [Add to Longdo]
同甘共苦[tóng gān gòng kǔ, ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄍㄢ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄎㄨˇ,    ] shared delights and common hardships (成语 saw); to share life's joys and sorrows; for better or for worse #34,993 [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Freude { f } (über)joy (at) [Add to Longdo]
Freude { f } | Freuden { pl }enjoyment | enjoyments [Add to Longdo]
Freude { f }joyousness [Add to Longdo]
Freudloskeit { f }joylessness [Add to Longdo]
Fröhlichkeit { f }joyance [Add to Longdo]
Gefallen finden anto enjoy [Add to Longdo]
Genießbarkeit { f }enjoyableness [Add to Longdo]
Joystick { m } [ comp. ]joystick [Add to Longdo]
Leuchten { n }; Strahlen { n }; Glanz { m } | freudiges Strahlenradiance; radiancy | radiance of joy [Add to Longdo]
Nervenkitzel { m }; Erregung { f } | freudige Erregungthrill; thrills | thrill of joy [Add to Longdo]
Schadenfreude { f }; Häme { f }malicious-joy; malicious glee; gloating; gloating joy; gloat; schadenfreude [Add to Longdo]
Schwarzfahrt { f }joy ride [Add to Longdo]
Sinneslust { f }sensual enjoyment; sensual pleasure [Add to Longdo]
Spaßverderber { m }kill joy [Add to Longdo]
Spielverderber { m }killjoy [Add to Longdo]
Steuerknüppel { m } (Flugzeug)control stick; control column; joystick; sidestick [Add to Longdo]
Stolz { m }; Hochmut { m } | sein ganzer Stolz | verletzter Stolzpride | his pride and joy | wounded pride [Add to Longdo]
mein bestes Stückmy pride and joy [Add to Longdo]
Vergnügungsfahrt { f }joyride [Add to Longdo]
Vollgenuss { m }full enjoyment [Add to Longdo]
großen Zuspruch haben; großen Zuspruch finden; sich großen Zuspruchs erfreuento be very popular; to enjoy popularity [Add to Longdo]
erfreulichenjoyable [Add to Longdo]
erfreulich; freudig { adj }joyful [Add to Longdo]
erfreulich; genießbar { adj }enjoyable [Add to Longdo]
erfreulichjoyous [Add to Longdo]
freudestrahlend { adj }radiant with joy [Add to Longdo]
freudig { adj } | freudiger | am freudigstenjoyful | more joyful | most joyful [Add to Longdo]
freudig { adv }joyfully [Add to Longdo]
freudig { adv }joyously [Add to Longdo]
freudlosjoyless [Add to Longdo]
freudlos { adv }joylessly [Add to Longdo]
fröhlichjoyous [Add to Longdo]
genießbar { adv }enjoyably [Add to Longdo]
genießen | genießend | genossen | er/sie genießt | ich/er/sie genoss (genoß [ alt ]) | er/sie hat/hatte genossen | ich/er/sie genösse | etw. in vollen Zügen genießen | das Leben genießen; sich seines Lebens freuento enjoy | enjoying | enjoyed | he/she enjoys | I/he/she enjoyed | he/she has/had enjoyed | I/he/she would enjoy | to enjoy sth. to the full | to enjoy life [Add to Longdo]
genießtenjoys [Add to Longdo]
gern; gerne { adv } (lieber; am liebsten) | etw. gern tun | gern gesehen sein | Ich trinke gern Apfelsaft. | Er trinkt Bier lieber. | Am liebsten trinkt sie Wein.... like to ... | to like to do sth.; to enjoy doing sth.; to be fond of doing sth. | to be welcome | I like apple juice. | He likes beer better. | She likes wine best. [Add to Longdo]
überglücklich { adj } | überglücklicher | am überglücklichstenoverjoyed | more overjoyed | most overjoyed [Add to Longdo]
überglücklich machento overjoy [Add to Longdo]
überwältigen; übermannen | überwältigend; übermannend | überwältigt; übermannt | überwältigt | von Freude überwältigt seinto overwhelm | overwhelming | overwhelmed | overwhelms | to be overwhelmed with joy [Add to Longdo]
unerfreulichjoyless [Add to Longdo]
ungenießbarunenjoyable [Add to Longdo]
unglücklichunjoyous [Add to Longdo]
sich gut unterhaltento enjoy oneself; to have a good time [Add to Longdo]
sich vergnügento enjoy [Add to Longdo]
völlig aus dem Häuschen seinto be beside oneself with joy [Add to Longdo]
vor Freude an die Decke springento jump for joy [Add to Longdo]
vor Freude strahlento beam with joy [Add to Longdo]
Das Abendessen hat mir geschmeckt.I enjoyed my supper. [Add to Longdo]
Das ist unser bestes Stück.That is our pride and joy. [Add to Longdo]
Guten Appetit!Enjoy your meal! [Add to Longdo]

French-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
joyeux anniversaire(n) สุขสันต์วันเกิด

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
楽しみ(P);愉しみ[たのしみ, tanoshimi] (adj-na, n) (1) (See 御楽しみ) enjoyment; pleasure; diversion; amusement; hobby; (2) (See 楽しみにする) anticipation; looking forward to; (P) #562 [Add to Longdo]
女優[じょゆう, joyuu] (n, adj-no) actress; (P) #801 [Add to Longdo]
余り(P);餘り(oK)[あまり(P);あんまり(P), amari (P); anmari (P)] (adj-na, adv, adj-no, n, n-suf) (1) (uk) remainder; rest; balance; remains; scraps; residue; remnant; (adv) (2) not very (with negative sentence); not much; (adv, adj-no) (3) surplus; excess; fullness; too much; (adv) (4) overjoyed; overwhelmed; (n-suf) (5) more than; over; (P) #5,591 [Add to Longdo]
[かい, kai] (n) pleasure; delight; enjoyment #6,189 [Add to Longdo]
幸福[こうふく, koufuku] (adj-na, n) (mainly literary) happiness; blessedness; joy; well-being; (P) #6,516 [Add to Longdo]
楽しむ(P);楽む(io)[たのしむ, tanoshimu] (v5m) to enjoy (oneself); (P) #8,282 [Add to Longdo]
喜び(P);慶び(oK);悦び(oK);歓び[よろこび, yorokobi] (n) joy; delight; rapture; pleasure; gratification; rejoicing; congratulations; felicitations; (P) #9,024 [Add to Longdo]
楽しい(P);愉しい;娯しい(iK)[たのしい, tanoshii] (adj-i) enjoyable; fun; (P) #9,943 [Add to Longdo]
レバー[reba-] (n) (1) lever; joystick; (2) { food } (See 肝臓) liver; (P) #12,344 [Add to Longdo]
楽しめる[たのしめる, tanoshimeru] (v1) to be able to enjoy #12,448 [Add to Longdo]
遊ぶ[あそぶ(P);あすぶ(ok), asobu (P); asubu (ok)] (v5b, vi) (1) to play; to enjoy oneself; to have a good time; (2) to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.); (3) to be idle; to do nothing; to be unused; (4) (as 〜に遊ぶ) to go to (for pleasure or for study); (5) (in baseball) to intentionally throw a ball to lower the batter's concentration; (P) #13,143 [Add to Longdo]
探る[さぐる, saguru] (v5r, vt) (1) to feel around for; to fumble for; to grope for; to search for; to look for; (2) to investigate; to probe into; to spy on; to sound out; (3) to explore (parts unknown); to enjoy (natural beauty); (P) #13,178 [Add to Longdo]
歓喜[かんき, kanki] (n, vs) delight; great joy; (P) #18,035 [Add to Longdo]
わあ[waa] (int) (1) wow! (surprise); (2) yeah!; alright! (joy); (3) waah! (crying) #18,266 [Add to Longdo]
AV女優[エーヴイじょゆう, e-vui joyuu] (n) (See アダルトビデオ) female porn star [Add to Longdo]
あんまし[anmashi] (adj-na, adv, n, n-suf) (1) remainder; rest; balance; remains; scraps; residue; remnant; (adv) (2) not very (with negative sentence); not much; (3) surplus; excess; fullness; too much; (4) overjoyed; overwhelmed; (n-suf) (5) more than; over [Add to Longdo]
うれしい悲鳴;嬉しい悲鳴[うれしいひめい, ureshiihimei] (exp, n) shriek of delight; cry of joy [Add to Longdo]
お楽しみ;御楽しみ[おたのしみ, otanoshimi] (n) (pol) (See 楽しみ) enjoyment; pleasure; diversion; amusement; hobby [Add to Longdo]
お客好き[おきゃくずき, okyakuzuki] (adj-na) enjoys company; enjoys having guests [Add to Longdo]
お零れに預かる[おこぼれにあずかる, okoboreniazukaru] (exp) (uk) to get a tiny share of the profits; to get a small share of what someone is enjoying [Add to Longdo]
アナログジョイスティック[anarogujoisuteikku] (n) { comp } analog joystick [Add to Longdo]
エンジョイ[enjoi] (n, vs) enjoy; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ジョイ[joi] (n) joy; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ジョイスティック[joisuteikku] (n) joy stick [Add to Longdo]
ジョイパッド[joipaddo] (n) { comp } joypad [Add to Longdo]
ジョイフル[joifuru] (n) joyful [Add to Longdo]
プッツン女優[プッツンじょゆう, puttsun joyuu] (n) (See プッツン) actress that frequently does bizarre things [Add to Longdo]
メガフェプス[megafepusu] (n) megafeps (mnemonic for verbs that never precede infinitives, but rather their gerunds); mind, enjoy, give up, avoid, finish, escape, postpone, stop [Add to Longdo]
哀れむ(P);憐れむ;閔れむ(oK)[あわれむ, awaremu] (v5m, vt) (1) to commiserate; to pity; to have mercy on; to sympathize with; to sympathise with; (2) (哀れむ only) (arch) to enjoy the beauty of; to appreciate (e.g. the moon, flowers); (P) [Add to Longdo]
哀歓[あいかん, aikan] (n) joys and sorrows; happiness and sadness [Add to Longdo]
一喜一憂[いっきいちゆう, ikkiichiyuu] (exp) now rejoicing, now worrying; swinging from joy to sorrow; glad and sad by turns; alternating hope and fear; unable to put one's mind at ease; (P) [Add to Longdo]
印刷標準字体[いんさつひょうじゅんじたい, insatsuhyoujunjitai] (n) (See 常用漢字) standard printed form (of kanji); any of 1, 022 non-joyo kanji commonly used in print [Add to Longdo]
飲み口;呑み口;呑口;飲口[のみくち;のみぐち, nomikuchi ; nomiguchi] (n) (1) (usu. のみくち) taste (of a liquid, esp. alcoholic beverages); (2) someone who enjoys alcohol; (3) rim (of a glass); (4) shape of one's mouth when drinking; (5) (usu. のみぐち) tap; faucet; spigot [Add to Longdo]
英雄好色[えいゆうこうしょく, eiyuukoushoku] (exp) All great men like women; Great men enjoy sensual pleasure [Add to Longdo]
悦ばしい[よろこばしい, yorokobashii] (adj-i) delightful; joyful; gratifying [Add to Longdo]
悦楽[えつらく, etsuraku] (n, vs) enjoyment; pleasure [Add to Longdo]
延命息災[えんめいそくさい, enmeisokusai] (n) (obsc) (See 息災延命) health and longevity; enjoying a long and healthy life being untouched by disaster [Add to Longdo]
恩寵を享ける;恩寵を受ける[おんちょうをうける, onchouwoukeru] (exp, v1) to enjoy (a person's) favor (favour) [Add to Longdo]
家族団欒[かぞくだんらん, kazokudanran] (n, vs) happy family circle; sitting in a family circle and enjoying conversation; harmony in a family [Add to Longdo]
回遊式庭園[かいゆうしきていえん, kaiyuushikiteien] (n) (See 座観式庭園, 池泉回遊式) stroll garden with a central pond; large garden best enjoyed by walking around it [Add to Longdo]
快を貪る[かいをむさぼる, kaiwomusaboru] (exp, v5r) to enjoy oneself to the full [Add to Longdo]
快哉[かいさい, kaisai] (n) joy; exultation [Add to Longdo]
快哉を叫ぶ[かいさいをさけぶ, kaisaiwosakebu] (exp, v5b) to shout with exultation; to shout for joy [Add to Longdo]
快食快便[かいしょくかいべん, kaishokukaiben] (n) good appetite and good bowel movements; enjoying one's food and having regular stools [Add to Longdo]
快食快眠[かいしょくかいみん, kaishokukaimin] (n) good appetite and pleasant sleep; enjoying one's food and sleeping well [Add to Longdo]
外字[がいじ, gaiji] (n) (1) characters not in Joyo Kanji; external character; (2) foreign letters or words [Add to Longdo]
[かん, kan] (n) joy; enjoyment; delight; pleasure [Add to Longdo]
歓を尽くす[かんをつくす, kanwotsukusu] (exp, v5s) to enjoy oneself to one's hearts content; to enjoy oneself to the full [Add to Longdo]
歓声[かんせい, kansei] (n) cheer; shout of joy; (P) [Add to Longdo]
歓然[かんぜん, kanzen] (adv-to, adj-t) (arch) delighted; overjoyed [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
ジョイスティック[じょいすていっく, joisuteikku] joy stick [Add to Longdo]
操作棒[そうさぼう, sousabou] joy stick [Add to Longdo]
排除要素[はいじょようそ, haijoyouso] exclusions [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
女優[じょゆう, joyuu] Schauspielerin [Add to Longdo]

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