ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: uses, -uses- |
มีผลลัพธ์ที่ไม่แสดงผลอยู่ |
| | | You'd be in charge of all the decisions regarding the educational arm of this hospital. | Sie werden für alle Entscheidungen verantwortlich sein, die die Ausbildungszweige des Krankenhauses betreffen. We Gotta Get Out of This Place (2014) | She's the mistress of the house. | Sie ist die Herrin des Hauses. 1505 (2014) | Garcia, are there any vacant buildings within a 5-mile radius of the fraternity house? | Garcia, gibt es in einem 8 km Umkreis des Verbindungshauses ein leerstehendes Gebäude? Überprüfe ich gerade. What Happens in Mecklinburg... (2014) | Marcus and I are on our way back from talking to Eugene MacIntosh's brother. He gave us the address to a house in Cambria Heights. | Er gab uns die Adresse eines Hauses in Cambria Heights. No Lack of Void (2014) | In the basement of St. Sebastian's Hospital, you will find the refrigerated remains of a body. | Im Keller des St. Sebastian-Krankenhauses finden Sie gefrorene Leichenteile. Occultation (2014) | The machine says the security camera overlooking the entrance to Grace's building just went out. | Die Maschine sagt, dass die Sicherheitskamera, die den Eingang des Hauses von Grace überwacht, gerade ausgegangen ist. Beta (2014) | What are you doing out of your house? | Was machst du denn außerhalb deines Hauses? Charlie and His Probation Officer's Daughter (2014) | The lady of the house is mine, my lady. | Die Dame des Hauses gehört mir, meine Lady. The Red Rose and the Briar (2014) | Now let's take a trip to the side of the house. | Jetzt lasst uns ein Ausflug zur Seite des Hauses unternehmen. Super Franchise Me (2014) | What I am, Victoria, is the legal owner of this house, which I intend to raze to the ground. | Was ich bin, Victoria, ist die rechtmäßige Besitzerin dieses Hauses. - Das ich in den Boden stampfen werde. Struggle (2014) | I just looked at the stability calculations for a 9-story panel building. | Ich habe mir die Stabilitätsberechnung eines 8-stöckigen Hauses angesehen: The Fool (2014) | Where is the mistress of this house? | Wo ist die Herrin dieses Hauses? The Beating of Her Wings (2014) | Uh, to be honest, I never thought our work would wind up on the floor of a fraternity bathroom. | Um ehrlich zu sein, ich hätte nie gedacht, dass unsere Arbeit... mal auf dem Badezimmerboden eines Verbindungs- hauses hier enden würden. Charlie and Jordan Go to Prison (2014) | She works out of the crib not too far from here, if you know what I mean. | Sie arbeitete außerhalb eines Hauses, wenn Sie wissen, was ich meine. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014) | I have a client to meet in town, you on the other hand are staying close to home. | Ich habe ein Treffen mit einem Klienten, du dagegen bleibst in der Nähe des Hauses. Whirly Girly (2014) | For all of us. | Für uns alle. Dad, vergiss das mit dem Verkauf des Hauses. Surfing the Aftershocks (2014) | Having sex in every room in the house. | in jedem Zimmer des Hauses Sex zu haben. Dial 1-900-Mix-A-Lot (2014) | Is the lady of the house available? | Ist die Dame des Hauses da? Tupperware Party Massacre (2014) | So, including this estate and the house in Montauk and the stocks and bonds held in trust from my grandfather, the fortune left to me could easily sustain a small country. | Einschließlich dieses Anwesens, des Hauses in Montauk und den treuhänderisch verwalteten Aktien und Anleihen von meinem Großvater könnte das Vermögen, das mir hinterlassen wurde, leicht ein kleines Land aufrechterhalten. Tupperware Party Massacre (2014) | Nolan, I'd offer to take you, but I feel like we need some space after I saw you naked this morning in our building's laundry room. | Nolan, ich würde dich ja da hinbringen, aber ich denke, wir brauchen etwas mehr Abstand, nachdem ich dich heute morgen im Hauswirtschafts- raum unseres Hauses nackt gesehen habe. Charlie Cops a Feel (2014) | Don't be silly. What maid? She was the most beautiful girl in the house. | Unsinn, sie ist das hübscheste Mädchen des Hauses. Coming Soon (2014) | They were found in the basement of their home... after a neighbor complained of a terrible smell emanating from inside. | Man fand sie im Keller ihres Hauses, nachdem sich ein Nachbar... über den schrecklichen Gestank beschwerte. Loved Ones (2014) | That was the street address of our place in Philly... when I was in medical school. | Das war die Hausnummer unseres Hauses in Philly, als ich an der Uni war. Loved Ones (2014) | I need to inform you that we've had reason to enter the property... -Why? -..and I need to ask you a couple of questions, | Die Polizei war zum Betreten des Hauses gezwungen. Episode #1.4 (2014) | I mean, what about the members of this hospital? | Ich meine, was ist mit den Mitgliedern dieses Krankenhauses? I Must Have Lost It on the Wind (2014) | They literally made me build the outside of the house. | Sie ließen mich buchstäblich die Außenseite des Hauses bauen. The Long Honeymoon (2014) | Parked outside the home of her parents, | Parkte außerhalb des Hauses ihrer Eltern, Pilot (2014) | Lucrezia Borgia, duchess and regent of Ferrara, will hear petitions. | Oder langsam, wenn man sich nach den familiaritas des Zuhauses sehnt. 1507 (2014) | A company called Symphony's negotiating to buy the hospital, but the regulatory approval's taking forever. | Eine Firma namens Symphony verhandelt über den Kauf des Krankenhauses, - aber die reguläre Abnahme wird ewig andauern. Goodwill Stunting (2014) | Each unit is independently powered, so cutting the house's main will get us nowhere. | Jede Einheit wird unabhängig versorgt, also hilft uns das Durchschneiden der Hauptleitung des Hauses nicht weiter. Return to Sender (2014) | Now that we have cleansed the Quarter of his kind perhaps it's time to turn our attention to the outskirts of our beautiful home. | Wir haben ja nun das Quarter von seinesgleichen gereinigt. Jetzt können wir uns um die Außenbezirke unseres wunderschönen Zuhauses kümmern. Every Mother's Son (2014) | He was found outside of a crack house where some of them lived. | Er wurde außerhalb eines Crack Hauses gefunden, wo einige von ihnen lebten. Angels (2014) | When you were three years old, you were abducted from the front lawn of your home in great falls, Virginia. | Als Sie drei Jahre alt waren, wurden Sie aus dem Vorgarten Ihres Elternhauses entführt, in Great Falls, Virginia. | I will give away half of my net worth to the benefit of our home. | Ich werde die Hälfte meines Vermögens zugunsten unseres Zuhauses verschenken. Sara (2014) | And you give us the address of that brownstone. | Und Sie geben uns die Adresse dieses Sandsteinhauses. Clear & Present Danger (2014) | With our compliments, of course. | Auf Kosten des Hauses natürlich. Girls, Girls, Girls (2014) | ♪ hey ♪ | Ist dir klar, dass das das 1. Mal ist, dass wir uns außerhalb des Hauses sehen? Pilot (2014) | - before I make the offer. - So this whole entire evening has just been one big job interview? | Wenn ich sehe, dass du nach Verlassen des Hauses jemand eine Nachricht geschrieben hast, bekommst du einen Privatlehrer und wirst nie richtige Freunde haben. Pilot (2014) | Do you remember when we closed escrow, it was just you and I in the house. | Erinnerst du dich, als wir endlich Besitzer dieses Hauses geworden sind? ...Through Admission (2014) | And I would like all of you to serve on the hospital's board of directors. | Und ich würde sie gern alle im Aufsichtsgremium des Krankenhauses haben. A Bigger Boat (2014) | There's no way our warehouse employees could pull that off. | Es ist unmöglich, dass ein Mitarbeiter des Lagerhauses das durchziehen konnte. Montreal (2014) | This is the first time we've seen each other outside the house in, like, six months. | Das ist das 1. Mal, dass wir uns außerhalb des Hauses sehen, seit 6 Monaten. ...Through Partnership (2014) | Well, you are the sheriff and the savior and royalty. | Du bist der Sheriff und die Retterin und Mitglied des Königshauses. Rocky Road (2014) | They found her litter in the crawl space of some house. | Sie haben ihn im Keller eines alten Hauses entdeckt. Please Refrain from Crying (2014) | I've got some cash coming from the sale on the house. | Ich habe noch Geld übrig von dem Verkauf meines Hauses. Twist the Knife (2014) | Jibril was a known critic of the House of Saud. | - Jibril war eine bekannte Kritikerin des sau- dischen Hauses. Iconoclast (2014) | Meet in the basement of a parking garage, physically. | Treffen Sie sich im Tiefgeschoss eines Parkhauses. Buchstäblich. Citizenfour (2014) | I am handling the sale of our neighbor Jerry's house. | Ich wickle den Verkauf des Hauses unseres Nachbarn Jerry ab. Won't You Be Our Neighbor (2014) | This place is nowhere near the house Paul's family owns. | Das ist nicht einmal in der Nähe des Hauses, das Pauls Familie gehört. New York Kids (2014) | Kill the royals! | Tötet die Mitglieder des Königshauses! Three Queens (2014) |
| | อาคารบ้านเรือน | (n) houses, See also: residence, dwellings, Syn. บ้านเรือน, ที่อยู่อาศัย, Example: น้ำประปาที่ส่งไปให้เราใช้ตามอาคารบ้านเรือน จัดเป็นน้ำที่สะอาด ไม่มีเชื้อโรค, Count Unit: หลัง | ป้านลม | (n) gable, See also: shaped board, ornamental gable-end of Thai houses, Syn. ปั้นลม, Example: วัดถ้ำเขาวงใช้หลังคาที่นำมาจากลำพูน ช่างที่เข้าตัวเรือน รวมทั้งทำส่วนตัวเหงา ป้านลม และจั่ว มาจากอยุธยา, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: ชื่อไม้แผ่นที่พาดบนหัวแป ใช้ปิดริมหลังคาด้านหัวและท้ายเรือนกันลมตี | ปั้นหยา | (n) Thai pattern of Thai construction of common houses without the gable, Syn. ทรงปั้นหยา, Example: บ้านหลังใหม่ในที่ดินวัดบวรนิเวศฯตรอกบวรรังสีปลูกเป็นทรงปั้นหยาหลังใหญ่, Thai Definition: สิ่งปลูกสร้างซึ่งมีหลังคาเอนเข้าหาอกไก่ทั้ง 4 ด้าน ไม่มีหน้าจั่ว | ปั้นลม | (n) gable end, See also: gable-end of Thai houses, Syn. ป้านลม, Example: บ้านทรงไทยหลังนี้มีปั้นลมประดับตรงชายคา, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: ชื่อไม้แผ่นที่พาดบนหัวแป ใช้ปิดริมหลังคาด้านหัวและท้ายเรือนกันลมตีเครื่องมุง | ภรณีภู | (n) a celestial monster which causes elipses by eating the sun or moon, See also: name of monster who is supposed to cause eclipse by taking the sun or the moon in his mout, Syn. พระราหู, Thai Definition: ผู้เกิดจากดาวภรณี คือ พระราหู, Notes: (สันสกฤต) | ผัวเมีย | (n) spouses, See also: husband and wife, mate, married couple, Syn. สามีภรรยา, คู่สมรส, Example: ผัวเมียคู่นี้รักกันมากเหลือเกิน, Count Unit: คู่, Thai Definition: ชายหญิงที่อยู่ร่วมกันฉันสามีภรรยา | ออกรับ | (v) speak up for, See also: defend someone, make excuses for, Syn. รับแทน, รับผิดแทน, Example: หัวหน้าพรรคออกมายืนยันความบริสุทธิ์ของลูกพรรค พร้อมทั้งออกรับแทนอย่างหน้าตาเฉย, Thai Definition: รับเอาเสียเองเมื่อเขาว่าผู้อื่น | อุปกิเลส | (n) sixteen causes of sorrow, Thai Definition: เครื่องทำใจให้เศร้าหมอง มี 16 อย่าง | ปรัศว์ | (n) flanking royal houses, See also: two wing-rooms of a palace, Example: มีการพบซอสามสายโบราณบนพระที่นั่งจักรพรรดิพิมานด้านปรัศว์ทิศตะวันออก, Thai Definition: เรียกเรือนหลวงซึ่งอยู่ขนานทั้ง 2 ข้างของเรือนหลวงหรือพระที่นั่งที่เป็นประธาน | ก้างขวางคอ | (n) one who causes interruption, See also: (someone/something ) in the way, Example: เขารู้ว่าเพื่อนเขาคอยทำตัวเป็นก้างขวางคออยู่เสมอเพื่อไม่ให้เขาได้สมหวัง, Thai Definition: ผู้ขัดขวางไม่ให้ทำการได้สะดวก, ผู้ขัดขวางให้ผู้อื่นเสียประโยชน์ |
| อาคารบ้านเรือน | [ākhān bānreūoen] (n, exp) EN: houses ; residence ; dwellings | บ้านเรือน | [bānreūoen] (n) EN: houses ; dwellings ; buildings ; homes FR: maisons [ fpl ] ; habitations [ fpl ] | จดหมายขอโทษ | [jotmāi khøthōt] (n, exp) EN: letter of apology FR: lettre d'excuses [ f ] | แก้ตัว | [kaētūa] (v) EN: make an excuse ; offer an excuse ; find an excuse ; justify oneself ; make amends FR: s'excuser ; présenter ses excuses ; faire amende honorable ; se justifier | ก้างขวางคอ | [kāngkhwāngkhø] (n) EN: bur in the throat ; fishbone got stuck in one' s throat ; obstacle ; one who causes interruption ; someone in the way ; something in the way | การแก้ตัว | [kān kaētūa] (n) EN: excuse FR: excuses [ fpl ] | ขมา | [khamā] (v) EN: ask for pardon ; apologize to FR: demander le pardon ; présenter ses excuses | คัน | [khan] (n) EN: [ classifier : automobiles, carriages and other vehicles (buses, motorbikes ...) ; umbrellas ; spoons, forks ] FR: [ classificateur : automobiles, cyclomoteurs, bicyclettes, véhicules motorisés ; parapluies, ombrelles ; cuillères, fourchettes ] | คิดค้นหามูลเหตุ | [khit khonhā mūnhēt] (v, exp) EN: inquire into the causes | คิดค้นหาสาเหตุ | [khit khonhā sāhēt] (v, exp) EN: inquire into the causes | คอกจำเลย | [khøk jamloēi] (n, exp) EN: dock FR: box des accusés [ m ] ; banc des accusés [ m ] | ของน่าเบื่อ | [khøng nābeūa] (n, exp) EN: boring things FR: choses ennuyeuses [ fpl ] | ค้นหามูลเหตุ | [khonhā mūnhēt] (v, exp) EN: inquire into the causes | ค้นหาสาเหตุ | [khonhā sāhēt] (v, exp) EN: inquire into the causes | ขอโทษ | [khøthōt] (v) EN: apologize ; make an apology ; beg your pardon ; excuse ; pardon ; ask for forgiveness FR: s'excuser ; présenter ses excuses ; demander pardon ; exprimer des regrets | หลายคน | [lāi khon] (n, exp) EN: many people FR: de nombreuses personnes ; beaucoup de personnes ; beaucoup de gens | หลัง | [lang] (n) EN: [ classifier : houses ; dwrellings ; mosquito nets ; rafts ] FR: [ classificateur : maisons ; résidences ; moustiquaires ; radeaux ] | เม็ด | [met] (n) EN: [ classifier : pills, tablets, dragees, drops ; gems ; buttons ; fruit pits ; seeds ] FR: [ classificateur : pilules, gélules, capsules ; gouttes ; pierres précieuses ; noyaux et pépins de fruits ; grains, semences ] | น้ำมูก | [nāmmūk] (n, exp) EN: nasal discharge ; nasal mucus ; snot FR: morve [ f ] ; écoulement nasal [ m ] ; muqueuses nasales [ fpl ] | ปากร้าย | [pāk rāi] (v) EN: be sharp-tongued ; be foul-mouthed ; be given to abuses ; be bitter of speech FR: être mauvaise langue | พิสูจน์หาสาเหตุการตาย | [phisūt hā sāhēt kān tāi] (v, exp) EN: determine the cause of death FR: déterminer les causes de la mort | พลิกศพ | [phlik sop] (v, exp) EN: determine the cause of death ; make a postmortem examination FR: déterminer les causes d'un décès | ผัวเมีย | [phūa-mīa] (n) EN: spouses ; husband and wife ; mate ; married couple FR: époux [ mpl ] ; couple [ m ] ; mari et femme [ mpl ] | ราชาศัพท์ | [rāchāsap] (n) EN: royal terms of reverence ; royal language FR: langage royal [ m ] ; expressions révérencieuses envers la famille royale | สาเหตุของเพลิงไหม้ | [sāhēt khøng phloēngmāi] (n, exp) EN: causes of the fire FR: causes d'un incendie [ fpl ] | สาเหตุของอุบัติเหตุ | [sāhēt khøng ubattihēt = sāhēt khøng ubatthēt] (n, exp) EN: causes of an acccident FR: causes d'un accident [ fpl ] | ถ่ายรถ | [thāi rot] (v, exp) EN: change trains ; change buses ; transfer to another train/bus FR: changer de train ; changer de bus | เทือกเขาร็อกกี | [theūakkhao Røkkhī] (n, prop) EN: Rocky Mountains FR: montagnes Rocheuses [ fpl ] ; Rocheuses [ fpl ] | ท้องไม่มีพ่อ | [thøng mai mī phø] (n, exp) EN: pregnancy where the father refuses to acknowledge paternity | ยอมรับคำขออภัย | [yømrap kham khø aphai] (v, exp) EN: accept an apology FR: accepter les excuses |
| | | | Spousess | n. A wife or bride. [ Obs. ] Fabyan. [ 1913 Webster ] | Tunguses | n. pl. (Ethnol.) A group of roving Turanian tribes occupying Eastern Siberia and the Amur valley. They resemble the Mongols. [ Written also Tungooses. ] [ 1913 Webster ] |
| 被 | [bèi, ㄅㄟˋ, 被] by (indicates passive-voice sentences or clauses); to cover; to wear #45 [Add to Longdo] | 所 | [suǒ, ㄙㄨㄛˇ, 所] actually; place; classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc; that which; particle introducing a relative clause or passive #111 [Add to Longdo] | 倒 | [dǎo, ㄉㄠˇ, 倒] to fall; to collapse; to topple; to fail; to go bankrupt; to change (trains or buses); to move around; to sell; to speculate (buying and selling, also 搗|捣); profiteer #1,009 [Add to Longdo] | 房产 | [fáng chǎn, ㄈㄤˊ ㄔㄢˇ, 房 产 / 房 產] real estate; the property market (e.g. houses) #3,412 [Add to Longdo] | 贷 | [dài, ㄉㄞˋ, 贷 / 貸] to lend on interest; to borrow; a loan; leniency; to make excuses; to pardon; to forgive #3,863 [Add to Longdo] | 栋 | [dòng, ㄉㄨㄥˋ, 栋 / 棟] ridge-beam of a roof; classifier for houses or buildings #4,463 [Add to Longdo] | 幢 | [chuáng, ㄔㄨㄤˊ, 幢] tents; classifier for houses #6,276 [Add to Longdo] | 卿 | [qīng, ㄑㄧㄥ, 卿] (old) minister; (old) term of endearment between spouses; thou (poet.) #9,808 [Add to Longdo] | 致病 | [zhì bìng, ㄓˋ ㄅㄧㄥˋ, 致 病] pathogenic; causes disease #17,113 [Add to Longdo] | 倒车 | [dǎo chē, ㄉㄠˇ ㄔㄜ, 倒 车 / 倒 車] to change buses, trains etc #20,488 [Add to Longdo] | 诿 | [wěi, ㄨㄟˇ, 诿 / 諉] to shirk; to give excuses #31,769 [Add to Longdo] | 条目 | [tiáo mù, ㄊㄧㄠˊ ㄇㄨˋ, 条 目 / 條 目] clauses and sub-clauses (in formal document); (dictionary) entry #31,809 [Add to Longdo] | 因缘 | [yīn yuán, ㄧㄣ ㄩㄢˊ, 因 缘 / 因 緣] chance; opportunity; predestined relationship; (Buddhist) principal and secondary causes; chain of cause and effect #33,445 [Add to Longdo] | 美轮美奂 | [měi lún měi huàn, ㄇㄟˇ ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄇㄟˇ ㄏㄨㄢˋ, 美 轮 美 奂 / 美 輪 美 奐] splendid and magnificent houses (成语 saw); a sumptuous mansion #36,595 [Add to Longdo] | 对开 | [duì kāi, ㄉㄨㄟˋ ㄎㄞ, 对 开 / 對 開] running in opposite direction (buses, trains, ferries etc) #38,659 [Add to Longdo] | 防毒 | [fáng dú, ㄈㄤˊ ㄉㄨˊ, 防 毒] defense against poison; defense against poison gas; anti-narcotics measures; defense against computer viruses #41,020 [Add to Longdo] | 转车 | [zhuǎn chē, ㄓㄨㄢˇ ㄔㄜ, 转 车 / 轉 車] to transfer; to change trains, buses etc #43,210 [Add to Longdo] | 周作人 | [Zhōu Zuò rén, ㄓㄡ ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄖㄣˊ, 周 作 人] Zhou Zuoren (1885-1967), brother of Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅, academic in Japanese and Greek studies, briefly imprisoned after the war as Japanese collaborator, persecuted and died of unknown causes during the Cultural Revolution #46,385 [Add to Longdo] | 菟 | [tù, ㄊㄨˋ, 菟] dodder (Cuscuta sinensis, a parasitic vine with seeds having medicinal uses); also called 菟丝子 #48,759 [Add to Longdo] | 分辩 | [fēn biàn, ㄈㄣ ㄅㄧㄢˋ, 分 辩 / 分 辯] to explain; to defend oneself; to make excuses #51,226 [Add to Longdo] | 巧立名目 | [qiǎo lì míng mù, ㄑㄧㄠˇ ㄌㄧˋ ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄇㄨˋ, 巧 立 名 目] to fabricate excuses (成语 saw); to concoct various items (e.g. to pad an expense account) #52,119 [Add to Longdo] | 书馆 | [shū guǎn, ㄕㄨ ㄍㄨㄢˇ, 书 馆 / 書 館] teashop with performance by 評書|评书 story tellers; (attached to name of publishing houses); (in former times) private school; library (of classic texts) #65,429 [Add to Longdo] | 稳如泰山 | [wěn rú Tài shān, ㄨㄣˇ ㄖㄨˊ ㄊㄞˋ ㄕㄢ, 稳 如 泰 山 / 穩 如 泰 山] steady as Mt Tai; as safe as houses #67,497 [Add to Longdo] | 一失足成千古恨 | [yī shī zú chéng qiān gǔ hèn, ㄧ ㄕ ㄗㄨˊ ㄔㄥˊ ㄑㄧㄢ ㄍㄨˇ ㄏㄣˋ, 一 失 足 成 千 古 恨] lit. one wrong step causes thousand hatred (成语 saw); A single slip may cause lasting sorrow. #77,592 [Add to Longdo] | 相士 | [xiàng shì, ㄒㄧㄤˋ ㄕˋ, 相 士] fortune-teller who uses the subject's face for his prognostication #82,111 [Add to Longdo] | 出脱 | [chū tuō, ㄔㄨ ㄊㄨㄛ, 出 脱 / 出 脫] to manage to sell; to dispose of sth (by selling); to get property off one's hands; to find excuses (to get off a charge); to extricate sb (from trouble); to vindicate; to become prettier (of child) #90,969 [Add to Longdo] | 清仓查库 | [qīng cāng chá kù, ㄑㄧㄥ ㄘㄤ ㄔㄚˊ ㄎㄨˋ, 清 仓 查 库 / 清 倉 查 庫] to make an inventory of warehouses #107,414 [Add to Longdo] | 中心埋置关系从句 | [zhōng xīn mái zhì guān xì cóng jù, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄇㄞˊ ㄓˋ ㄍㄨㄢ ㄒㄧˋ ㄘㄨㄥˊ ㄐㄩˋ, 中 心 埋 置 关 系 从 句 / 中 心 埋 置 關 係 從 句] center-embedded relative clauses [Add to Longdo] | 参两院 | [cān liǎng yuàn, ㄘㄢ ㄌㄧㄤˇ ㄩㄢˋ, 参 两 院 / 參 兩 院] both houses of US Congress [Add to Longdo] | 叛变的省份 | [pàn biàn de shěng fèn, ㄆㄢˋ ㄅㄧㄢˋ ㄉㄜ˙ ㄕㄥˇ ㄈㄣˋ, 叛 变 的 省 份 / 叛 變 的 省 份] renegade province (term PRC uses for Taiwan) [Add to Longdo] | 右分枝关系从句 | [yòu fēn zhī guān xì cóng jù, ㄧㄡˋ ㄈㄣ ㄓ ㄍㄨㄢ ㄒㄧˋ ㄘㄨㄥˊ ㄐㄩˋ, 右 分 枝 关 系 从 句 / 右 分 枝 關 係 從 句] right branching relative clauses [Add to Longdo] | 多用 | [duō yòng, ㄉㄨㄛ ㄩㄥˋ, 多 用] multipurpose; having several uses [Add to Longdo] | 布尼亚病毒 | [bù ní yà bìng dú, ㄅㄨˋ ㄋㄧˊ ㄧㄚˋ ㄅㄧㄥˋ ㄉㄨˊ, 布 尼 亚 病 毒 / 布 尼 亞 病 毒] the bunyaviridae family of viruses [Add to Longdo] | 懒驴上磨屎尿多 | [lǎn lǘ shàng mò shǐ niào duō, ㄌㄢˇ ㄌㄩˊ ㄕㄤˋ ㄇㄛˋ ㄕˇ ㄋㄧㄠˋ ㄉㄨㄛ, 懒 驴 上 磨 屎 尿 多 / 懶 驢 上 磨 屎 尿 多] (proverb) A lazy person will find many excuses to delay working; lit. When a lazy donkey is turning a grindstone, it takes a lot of time off for peeing and pooing [Add to Longdo] | 混行 | [hún xíng, ㄏㄨㄣˊ ㄒㄧㄥˊ, 混 行] mixed use (e.g. pedestrians and vehicles); joint operation (e.g. trains and buses) [Add to Longdo] | 汉他病毒 | [hàn tā bìng dú, ㄏㄢˋ ㄊㄚ ㄅㄧㄥˋ ㄉㄨˊ, 汉 他 病 毒 / 漢 他 病 毒] Hantavirus (a family deadly rodent-borne viruses) responsible for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or cardiopulmonary syndrome [Add to Longdo] | 汉坦病毒 | [hàn tǎn bìng dú, ㄏㄢˋ ㄊㄢˇ ㄅㄧㄥˋ ㄉㄨˊ, 汉 坦 病 毒 / 漢 坦 病 毒] Hantavirus (a family deadly rodent-borne viruses) responsible for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or cardiopulmonary syndrome [Add to Longdo] | 病毒学 | [bìng dú xué, ㄅㄧㄥˋ ㄉㄨˊ ㄒㄩㄝˊ, 病 毒 学 / 病 毒 學] virology (study of viruses) [Add to Longdo] | 病毒学家 | [bìng dú xué jiā, ㄅㄧㄥˋ ㄉㄨˊ ㄒㄩㄝˊ ㄐㄧㄚ, 病 毒 学 家 / 病 毒 學 家] virologist (person who studies viruses) [Add to Longdo] | 万户 | [wàn hù, ㄨㄢˋ ㄏㄨˋ, 万 户 / 萬 戶] ten thousand houses or households [Add to Longdo] | 趼足 | [jiǎn zú, ㄐㄧㄢˇ ㄗㄨˊ, 趼 足] feet with calluses; fig. a long and hard march [Add to Longdo] | 转乘 | [zhuǎn chéng, ㄓㄨㄢˇ ㄔㄥˊ, 转 乘 / 轉 乘] to transfer; to change trains, buses etc [Add to Longdo] |
| アクセス | [あくせす, akusesu] TH: การเข้าถึง(ยังเครือข่าย) EN: access |
| | の | [no] (prt) (See 乃) indicates possessive among other uses (for full details and examples see the main entry (linked)) #1 [Add to Longdo] | 杯;盃 | [はい;はた(杯)(ok), hai ; hata ( hai )(ok)] (n) (1) (はい only) sake cup; cup for alcoholic beverages; (suf, ctr) (2) counter for cupfuls; (3) (はい only) counter for ships, octopuses and squid #1,247 [Add to Longdo] | アクセス | [akusesu] (n, vs) access; (P) #1,680 [Add to Longdo] | 戸 | [こ, ko] (ctr) counter for houses #2,735 [Add to Longdo] | 縁;江に(ateji) | [えん(縁);えにし(縁);えに;え(縁), en ( heri ); enishi ( heri ); eni ; e ( heri )] (n) (1) fate; destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together); (2) relationship (e.g. between two people); bond; link; connection; (3) family ties; affinity; (4) (えん only) opportunity; chance (to meet someone and start a relationship); (5) (えん only) { Buddh } (See 因・2) pratyaya (indirect conditions, as opposed to direct causes); (6) (えん only) (also written as 椽) narrow open-air veranda #3,129 [Add to Longdo] | 夫婦 | [ふうふ(P);めおと;みょうと, fuufu (P); meoto ; myouto] (n) married couple; spouses; husband and wife; couple; pair; (P) #3,728 [Add to Longdo] | 軒 | [けん, ken] (suf, ctr) (1) counter for buildings (esp. houses); (suf) (2) suffix for a pen name, stage name, etc. #3,861 [Add to Longdo] | 並(P);並み(P) | [なみ, nami] (n, n-suf) (1) (See 中・ちゅう・1, 普通・1) average; medium; common; ordinary; (2) line; row of (e.g. houses); (3) mid-grade; (4) same level; equal; each (e.g. month); set of (e.g. teeth); (P) #7,934 [Add to Longdo] | 多用 | [たよう, tayou] (adj-na, n, vs) (1) busyness; a lot of things to do; (2) frequent use; heavy use (of); many uses #8,305 [Add to Longdo] | 因縁 | [いんねん(P);いんえん, innen (P); in'en] (n) (1) { Buddh } hetu and prataya (direct causes and indirect conditions, which underlie the actions of all things); (2) fate; destiny; (3) connection; origin; (4) pretext; (P) #15,303 [Add to Longdo] | アクセサリー(P);アクセサリ | [akusesari-(P); akusesari] (n) accessory; (P) #17,802 [Add to Longdo] | サクセス | [sakusesu] (n) success; (P) #18,698 [Add to Longdo] | 戸数 | [こすう, kosuu] (n) number of households (houses); (P) #19,533 [Add to Longdo] | 両院 | [りょういん, ryouin] (n) both Houses of Parliament; (P) #19,632 [Add to Longdo] | C3植物 | [シーさんしょくぶつ, shi-sanshokubutsu] (n) C3 plant (any plant, such as rice, that uses C3 carbon fixation) [Add to Longdo] | C4植物 | [シーよんしょくぶつ, shi-yonshokubutsu] (n) C4 plant (any plant, such as corn, that uses C4 carbon fixation) [Add to Longdo] | CAM植物 | [カムしょくぶつ, kamu shokubutsu] (n) CAM plant (any plant, such as the pineapple, that uses crassulacean acid metabolism) [Add to Longdo] | FTTx | [エフティーティーエックス, efutei-tei-ekkusu] (n) fiber to the x (generic term for any network architecture that uses optical fiber) (fibre); FTTx [Add to Longdo] | お陰で;御陰で | [おかげで, okagede] (exp) (uk) thanks to ... (can be used for non-people causes); owing to .... [Add to Longdo] | さしすせそ | [sashisuseso] (n) the five fundamental seasonings used in Japanese cooking [Add to Longdo] | つんと | [tsunto] (adv) (1) prickly (attitude); aloof; (vs) (2) to look standoffish; (3) acrid; sharp (smell); (4) popping (e.g. of ears, sinuses, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | ねじれ国会;捩れ国会 | [ねじれこっかい, nejirekokkai] (n) the two houses of the Diet being controlled by different parties (lit [Add to Longdo] | ばったり床几;ばったり床机 | [ばったりしょうぎ, battarishougi] (n) (See 町家・まちや・1) folding bench at the front of traditional townhouses [Add to Longdo] | ばったん床几;ばったん床机 | [ばったんしょうぎ, battanshougi] (n) (obsc) (See ばったり床几, 町家・まちや・1) folding bench at the front of traditional townhouses [Add to Longdo] | アクセサ | [akusesa] (n) { comp } accessor [Add to Longdo] | アクセシビリティ | [akuseshibiritei] (n) accessibility; a11y (in IT) [Add to Longdo] | アクセシビリティー | [akuseshibiritei-] (n) accessibility [Add to Longdo] | アクセシブル | [akuseshiburu] (adj-na) accessible [Add to Longdo] | アクセスを許可する | [アクセスをきょかする, akusesu wokyokasuru] (exp, vs-i) { comp } to permit access [Add to Longdo] | アクセスアーム | [akusesua-mu] (n) { comp } access arm [Add to Longdo] | アクセスカウンター;アクセスカウンタ | [akusesukaunta-; akusesukaunta] (n) { comp } access counter; Web counter [Add to Longdo] | アクセスキー | [akusesuki-] (n) { comp } access key [Add to Longdo] | アクセスコード | [akusesuko-do] (n) access code [Add to Longdo] | アクセスコンテキスト | [akusesukontekisuto] (n) { comp } access context [Add to Longdo] | アクセスコントロール | [akusesukontoro-ru] (n) { comp } access control [Add to Longdo] | アクセスコントロールリスト | [akusesukontoro-rurisuto] (n) { comp } access control list; ACL [Add to Longdo] | アクセススイッチ | [akusesusuicchi] (n) { comp } access switch [Add to Longdo] | アクセススピード | [akusesusupi-do] (n) { comp } access speed [Add to Longdo] | アクセスタイム | [akusesutaimu] (n) { comp } access time [Add to Longdo] | アクセスチャージ | [akusesucha-ji] (n) access charge [Add to Longdo] | アクセスパネル | [akusesupaneru] (n) access panel [Add to Longdo] | アクセスブロック | [akusesuburokku] (n) { comp } access block [Add to Longdo] | アクセスプロバイダ | [akusesupurobaida] (n) { comp } access provider [Add to Longdo] | アクセスポイント | [akusesupointo] (n) access point [Add to Longdo] | アクセスマスク | [akusesumasuku] (n) { comp } access mask [Add to Longdo] | アクセスモード | [akusesumo-do] (n) { comp } access mode [Add to Longdo] | アクセスレベル | [akusesureberu] (n) { comp } access level [Add to Longdo] | アクセスログ | [akusesurogu] (n) { comp } access log [Add to Longdo] | アクセス可能 | [アクセスかのう, akusesu kanou] (adj-na) { comp } accessible [Add to Longdo] | アクセス回線 | [アクセスかいせん, akusesu kaisen] (n) { comp } access line [Add to Longdo] |
| アクセスアーム | [あくせすあーむ, akusesua-mu] access arm [Add to Longdo] | アクセスキー | [あくせすきー, akusesuki-] access key [Add to Longdo] | アクセスコンテキスト | [あくせすこんてきすと, akusesukontekisuto] access context [Add to Longdo] | アクセススイッチ | [あくせすすいっち, akusesusuicchi] access switch [Add to Longdo] | アクセススピード | [あくせすすぴーど, akusesusupi-do] access speed [Add to Longdo] | アクセスポイント | [あくせすぽいんと, akusesupointo] access point [Add to Longdo] | アクセスモード | [あくせすもーど, akusesumo-do] access mode [Add to Longdo] | アクセスログ | [あくせすろぐ, akusesurogu] access log [Add to Longdo] | アクセス可能 | [アクセスかのう, akusesu kanou] accessible (an) [Add to Longdo] | アクセス回線 | [アクセスかいせん, akusesu kaisen] access line [Add to Longdo] | アクセス管理 | [アクセスかんり, akusesu kanri] access management [Add to Longdo] | アクセス機構 | [アクセスきこう, akusesu kikou] access mechanism, actuator [Add to Longdo] | アクセス許可 | [アクセスきょか, akusesu kyoka] access permission [Add to Longdo] | アクセス系 | [アクセスけい, akusesu kei] access system [Add to Longdo] | アクセス権 | [アクセスけん, akusesu ken] access permission, access right [Add to Longdo] | アクセス権 | [アクセスけん, akusesu ken] access right [Add to Longdo] | アクセス権限 | [アクセスけんげん, akusesu kengen] access authorizations [Add to Longdo] | アクセス時間 | [アクセスじかん, akusesu jikan] access time [Add to Longdo] | アクセス情報 | [アクセスじょうほう, akusesu jouhou] access information [Add to Longdo] | アクセス制御 | [アクセスせいぎょ, akusesu seigyo] access control [Add to Longdo] | アクセス制御フィールド | [アクセスせいぎょフィールド, akusesu seigyo fi-rudo] access control field [Add to Longdo] | アクセス制御一覧 | [アクセスせいぎょいちらん, akusesu seigyoichiran] access control list [Add to Longdo] | アクセス単位 | [アクセスたんい, akusesu tan'i] Access Unit, AU [Add to Longdo] | アクセス点 | [アクセスてん, akusesu ten] access point [Add to Longdo] | アクセス不能 | [アクセスふのう, akusesu funou] unaccessible [Add to Longdo] | アクセス方式 | [アクセスほうしき, akusesu houshiki] access method [Add to Longdo] | アクセス法 | [アクセスほう, akusesu hou] access method [Add to Longdo] | アクセス網 | [アクセスもう, akusesu mou] access network [Add to Longdo] | アクセス料金 | [アクセスりょうきん, akusesu ryoukin] access charge, access fee [Add to Longdo] | アクセス例外 | [アクセスれいがい, akusesu reigai] access exception [Add to Longdo] | インターネットアクセス | [いんたーねっとあくせす, inta-nettoakusesu] Internet access [Add to Longdo] | キャリア検地多重アクセス衝突回避ネットワーク | [きゃりあけんちたじゅうアクセスしょうとつかいひネットワーク, kyariakenchitajuu akusesu shoutotsukaihi nettowa-ku] carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance network, CSMA, CA network (abbr.) [Add to Longdo] | キャリア検地多重アクセス衝突検出ネットワーク | [きゃりあけんちたじゅうアクセスしょうとつけんしゅつネットワーク, kyariakenchitajuu akusesu shoutotsukenshutsu nettowa-ku] carrier sense multiple access with collision detection network, CSMA, CD network (abbr.) [Add to Longdo] | コモンアクセスメソッド | [こもん'あくせすめそっど, komon ' akusesumesoddo] common access method (CAM) [Add to Longdo] | コンカレントアクセス | [こんかれんとあくせす, konkarentoakusesu] concurrent access [Add to Longdo] | サービスアクセスポイント | [さーびすあくせすぽいんと, sa-bisuakusesupointo] service access point, SAP [Add to Longdo] | スタティックランダムアクセスメモリ | [すたていっくらんだむあくせすめもり, sutateikkurandamuakusesumemori] static random access memory (SRAM) [Add to Longdo] | トラックアクセス時間 | [トラックアクセスじかん, torakkuakusesu jikan] track access time [Add to Longdo] | ネットアクセス | [ねっとあくせす, nettoakusesu] net access [Add to Longdo] | ネットワークアクセスポイント | [ねっとわーくあくせすぽいんと, nettowa-kuakusesupointo] network access point, NAP [Add to Longdo] | ネットワークアクセス点 | [ネットワークアクセスてん, nettowa-kuakusesu ten] network access point [Add to Longdo] | ファイルアクセス | [ふぁいるあくせす, fairuakusesu] file access [Add to Longdo] | ファイルアクセスデータ単位 | [ファイルアクセスデータたんい, fairuakusesude-ta tan'i] file access data unit [Add to Longdo] | ファイルアクセスモード | [ふぁいるあくせすもーど, fairuakusesumo-do] file access mode [Add to Longdo] | ファイルアクセス構造 | [ファイルアクセスこうぞう, fairuakusesu kouzou] file access structure [Add to Longdo] | マルチプルアクセス | [まるちぷるあくせす, maruchipuruakusesu] multiple access [Add to Longdo] | メディアアクセス制御 | [メディアアクセスせいぎょ, medeiaakusesu seigyo] Media Access Control, MAC [Add to Longdo] | ランダムアクセス | [らんだむあくせす, randamuakusesu] random access [Add to Longdo] | ランダムアクセスメモリ | [らんだむあくせすめもり, randamuakusesumemori] random access memory (RAM) [Add to Longdo] | リモートアクセス | [りもーとあくせす, rimo-toakusesu] remote access [Add to Longdo] |
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