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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: fond, -fond-
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
fond(adj) ด้วยความรักใคร่, See also: เต็มไปด้วยความรักใคร่, Syn. loving, affectionate, Ant. cool, hostile
fond(adj) ลมๆ แล้งๆ (ความหวัง), See also: เลื่อนลอย, Syn. delusive, deluded, foolish, Ant. real
fondle(vt) ลูบไล้ด้วยความรัก, See also: ลูบไล้, เล้าโลม, กอด, Syn. caress, cuddle, pet
fondness(n) ความชอบ, See also: ความพอใจ, ความชอบพอ, ความชื่นชอบ, ความรักใคร่, Syn. affection, love, Ant. hatred, dislike
fond (of)(adj) ชอบ, See also: รัก, โปรดปราน, หลงรัก, Syn. keen on, enamoured of

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
au fond(โอฟอน') n., German ที่กัน, ที่ฐาน, ความจริงนั้น
fond(ฟอนดฺ) adj. ชอบ, รัก, ติดอกติดใจ, โง่, งมงาย. v. เอาอกเอาใจ, รัก, ชอบ, ทำให้โง่., Syn. affectionate, -A. averse
fondle(ฟอน'เดิล) { fondled, fondling, fondles } vt. ลูบไล้ด้วยความรัก, จบด้วยความรัก, กอด. vi. แสดงความชอบหรือความรัก (โดยกริยา คำพูด หรือการกอด) . -fondler n., See also: fondlingly adv.
fondly(ฟอน'ลี) adv. อย่างรักใคร่, ด้วยความชอบ, อย่างงมงาย
fondness(ฟอน'นิส) n. ความชอบ, ความรัก, ความงมงาย

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
fond(adj) ที่รัก, ชอบ, ติดอกติดใจ, หลงงมงาย
fondle(vt) กอด, ลูบไล้, เคล้าคลึง, เล่นหัว

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Formation of the pension fund.Die Gründung des Rentenfonds. Hoffa (1992)
Several of the trust fund brats that Mycroft aligned himself with at university are underwriting a treasure hunt of sorts.Ein paar der Treuhandfonds-Bälger, die Mycroft von der Universität kennt, unternehmen eine Art Schatzsuche. The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014)
So you want an obnoxious cake on a trust fund wearing an ironic t-shirt with HPV?Also willst du eine widerliche Torte, mit einem Treuhandfond, der ein ironisches T-Shirt trägt und HPV hat? And the Wedding Cake Cake Cake (2014)
"John Herod," was in Paris when a hedge fund manager was killed."John Herod," war in Paris, als ein Hedgefonds-Manager getötet wurde. Enough Nemesis to Go Around (2014)
That was a representative from a hedge fund interested in buying my stake in Voulez at an amateurishly inflated price.Ein Vertreter von einem Hedgefonds wollte meinen Anteil an Voulez kaufen. Zu einem völlig überteuerten Preis. Struggle (2014)
What about a hedge fund guy?Wie sieht's mit einem Hedge-Fonds-Typen aus? Buried Secrets (2014)
I took them from his studio yesterday.Führende auf ihrem Gebiet. Wir leiten Mittel in einen Fonds. Ashes and Diamonds (2014)
And a college fund.Und einen College-Fonds. Addiction (2014)
And... There's a separate trust in my name.Und... es gibt einen zusätzlichen Fonds auf meinen Namen. The Hive (2014)
Well, we can set up a scholarship fund if your wife's not giving you enough lunch money.Wir könnten einen Fonds einrichten, wenn dir deine Frau zu wenig Geld gibt. The Hive (2014)
I got a trust fund.Ich habe einen Treuhandfonds. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
It's for the HP Bereavement Fund.Es ist für den HP-Trauerbewältigungs-Fonds. Makani 'Olu a Holo Malie (2014)
I've got 800 pounds left in the Shelby property fund, and I need someone down here to look for suitable properties.Ich habe in dem Shelby-Immobilienfonds achthundert Pfund übrig, und ich brauche jemanden hier unten, der sich nach passenden Immobilien umsieht. Episode #2.3 (2014)
We've got a fund.Wir haben einen Fonds. Episode #2.3 (2014)
I don't have any children, Ada, so I have set up a trust fund.Ich habe keine Kinder, Ada... also habe ich ein Treuhandfonds eingerichtet. Episode #2.4 (2014)
Rerouting for cover and ghost fund.Leite sie auf den Geisterfonds um. Betrayal (2014)
You can be his champion, like Margaret O'Sullivan in Let Us Live, crusading to save Henry Fonda.Du kannst seine Heldin sein, wie Margaret O'Sullivan in "Laßt uns leben", die dafür kämpft, Henry Fonda zu retten. Orphans (2014)
Despite these measures, the head of the international Monetary Fund... hinted in a news conference today... that the world financial system is now teetering... on the brink of systematic-Trotz der Maßnahmen deutete der Chef des Internationalen Währungsfonds... in einer Pressekonferenz an, dass das Finanzsystem gefährdet ist... - wegen systematischer... Loved Ones (2014)
We still have all the money donated for Henry's bail fund.Wir haben noch die ganzen Spenden für Henry Rettungsfonds. Wanted Man (2014)
Well, there's some money in my retirement fund.Es gibt etwas Geld in meinem Pensionsfonds. Miss Cheyenne (2014)
And even with dad's retirement and the collection jar we passed around, we're still short about 50 grand.Und selbst mit Dads Pensionsfond und der Sammelbüchse, die wir herumgereicht haben, fehlen uns noch über 50 Riesen. Miss Cheyenne (2014)
I don't have a trust fund.Hab keinen Treuhandfond. Acceptable Limits (2014)
Monitoring of the patient, phone. blood.Andrzej! Überwachung des Patienten, Telefondienst und Blut von der Bezirksstation. Gods (2014)
I like those things Russel got in that hedge fund guy's house.Ich mag die Sachen die Russel aus diesem Hedge Fond Haus dieses Typen hatte. Goodwill Stunting (2014)
I'm gonna personally donate to her medical fund.Ich werde persönlich in ihren medizinischen Fond spenden. Goodwill Stunting (2014)
They just promised $1/2-billion donation to their pension fund.Die haben gerade eine 1/2 Milliarde $ -Spende an deren Rentenfonds versprochen. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (2014)
The only way to do that is to get Walter Gillis to put $500 million into that pension fund.Die einzige Möglichkeit, um das zu machen, wäre die, Walter Gillis dazu zu bringen, 500 Millionen $ in den Rentenfonds zu stecken. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (2014)
The meeting comes to the Amazon Fund, but we get 5 min to discuss Liens case afterwards.Bei dem Treffen geht es um den Amazonas-Fond. Wir haben fünf Minuten für Mr. Liens Fall, - nach der Regenwald-Geschichte. Foreign Affairs (2014)
Corporate LLC, probably a hedge fund.Corporate LLC, wahrscheinlich ein Hedgefonds. Two Boats and a Helicopter (2014)
Wexler's merging two of their funds.Wexler legt zwei von seinen Fonds zusammen. Pound of Flesh (2014)
Which is why you're going to set up a trust for us to buy it for him.Deshalb wirst du einen Fonds einrichten, damit wir sie für ihn kaufen können. Pound of Flesh (2014)
So figure out a way to set up the trust, and do it quickly, because we're running out of time.Lass dir eine Möglichkeit einfallen, um den Fonds einzurichten, und mach es schnell, denn uns läuft die Zeit davon. Pound of Flesh (2014)
Did you set up that trust?Hast du den Fonds eingerichtet? Pound of Flesh (2014)
Yeah, but I just got his phone records from his wireless carrier, and dude didn't talk much except to this one number right here.Ja, aber ich habe gerade seine Telefondaten bekommen von seinem Mobilfunkanbieter und der Kerl hat nicht viel gesprochen, außer mit dieser Nummer. Clear & Present Danger (2014)
♪Havemercy... ♪Oh, havemercy♪♪Z Nation S01E06 "Resurrection Z" Übersetzung von frumfondel Korrektur von Cuina Resurrection Z (2014)
What about us?Wenn Sie mir erlauben, diese Gelder in von mir gemanagte Hedgefonds zu stecken, werden Sie 2-stellige Renditen sehen. Pilot (2014)
Would you be willing to move to wall street and run a hedge fund?Würden Sie gern an der Wall Street einen Hedgefonds leiten? Cut Day (2014)
My husband, well, he embezzled millions from his hedge fund.Mein Mann hat Millionen von seinem Hedgefond unterschlagen. ...Through Terms and Conditions (2014)
Until I access some auxiliary funds, we have no choice but commit to our identities' socioeconomic status.Bis ich an einige Hilfsfonds komme, haben wir keine andere Wahl, als dem sozioökonomischen Status unserer Identität zu entsprechen. Wingman (2014)
You put your money in a high-performing mutual fund and you j... leave it alone.Man steckt sein Geld in leistungsstarke Anlagefonds, und lässt es ruhen. Episode #1.9 (2014)
He's also got detailed disbursement schedules for payouts to Aaron Rawley and operational funds for Ahmed Hassan.Er hat auch detaillierte Auszahlungspläne für Auszahlungen an Aaron Rawley und Betriebsfonds für Ahmed Hassan. Es reicht über ein Jahr zurück. Iconoclast (2014)
I've engaged our communications firm to start spinning the transfer of funds as consulting fees, part of the larger protection deal.Ich habe unser Kommunikationsunternehmen beauftragt, die Fonds als Beratungsgebühren verdeckt zu transferieren als Teil der größeren Schutzabmachung. Iconoclast (2014)
The Ponzi fund was made up of small-cap stocks.Der Schneeballsystem-Fonds war zusammengesetzt aus Small-Caps Aktien. Two in the Knees (2014)
Out doing Jane Fonda exercises, whatever people did in the '80s.Oder macht eine auf Jane Fonda, oder was die Leute in den 80ern so taten. The Fall (2014)
I gained greater control, as you know, of my family's bank and discovered we hold certain funds that are, to say the very least, tainted.und deckte auf, dass wir einen bestimmten Anteil an Fonds halten, die geringsten falls, beschmutzt sind. Steaks on a Plane (2014)
The preferred bank of international criminals, dictators, terrorists, hedge-fund managers.- Die bevorzugte Bank des internationalen Verbrechertums, Diktatoren, Terroristen und Managern von Hedgefonds. Monarch Douglas Bank (No. 112) (2014)
Uh, chocolate fondue goes there.Das Schokoladenfondue muss hierhin. Smash the Mirror: Part 1 (2014)
What are you doing here, Nadia, answering phones for 12 bucks an hour?Zwei, genau genommen. Was tun Sie hier, Nadia, Telefondienst für 12 Mäuse die Stunde? The Weigh Station (2014)
♪ Oh, have mercy... ♪ How much ammo do we got?Übersetzer frumfondel und Korrekturleserin Cuina wünschen viel Spaß beim Staffelfinale. Doctor of the Dead (2014)
Six years ago, Alger Equities took investments from municipal pension funds and private investors and funneled all of that into offshore --Vor sechs Jahren machte Alger Equities Investitionen für kommunale Pensionsfonds und private Investoren und schleuste sie alle in Offshore... Halloween 3: AwesomeLand (2014)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
fondOnce again, Mrs. Lee speaks fondly of the past, and it is impossible to stop her.
fondSpeaking of hobbies, I'm fond of baseball.
fondChildren are fond of adventure.
fondAre you fond of baseball?
fondI am fond of cars.
fondIn general, little girls are fond of dolls.
fondWe have a cat. We are all fond of the cat.
fondHe is fond of painting.
fondI am fond of skiing.
fondOur cat is very fond of seaweed.
fondShe is very fond of dogs.
fondI am very fond of travelling by train.
fondShe as well as her friends is fond of music.
fondHe seems to be very fond of the boy.
fondLittle girls in general are fond of dolls.
fondJudy is fond of dancing.
fondShe seems to be fond of talking about herself.
fondHe is fond of adventure.
fondI am fond of soccer, rugby, football, and so on.
fondMy sister is very fond of children.
fondI am fond of playing the guitar.
fondShe's fond of taking pictures.
fondHe is fond of vegetables, and cabbages in particular.
fondShe is very fond of standing out.
fondShe is fond of cake.
fondI am not so much fond of music as you are.
fondI am fond of music.
fondHe is fond of wandering about.
fondI am very fond of lobsters, but they are very, very expensive.
fondHe gave her a fond look.
fondHe's very fond of science fiction.
fondShe is fond of painting a picture.
fondThe British people in general are extremely fond of their pets.
fondShe is very fond of flowers.
fondHer face I'm not fond of.
fondShe is fond of display.
fondGenerally speaking, Americans are very fond of coffee.
fondI have been fond of adventure since I was a child.
fondGenerally speaking, little girls are fond of dolls.
fondYou are very fond of the lunch menu of this restaurant.
fondI am fond of Cathy.
fondAren't you fond of playing tennis?
fondChildren are fond of cake.
fondThe English people in general are extremely fond of their pets.
fondShe is fond of singing old songs.
fondI'm fond of playing shogi.
fondBoth of us are very fond of curry and steak.
fondHe is fond of gossip.
fondBoys are fond of mischief.
fondAbsence makes the heart grow fonder. [ Proverb ]

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
บ้ายอ(v) be fond of flattery, Example: เขาบ้ายอเป็นที่หนึ่ง, Thai Definition: ชอบให้คนสรรญเสริญตัว, หลงคำที่เขายกยอปอปั้น
ปิ๊ง(v) like, See also: love, be fond of, be pleased with, be fascinated, Syn. ต้องใจ, ถูกใจ, Example: หนุ่มสาวคู่นี้ปิ๊งกันตั้งแต่แรกเห็น, Thai Definition: พบสิ่งประทับใจเข้าแล้ว
ความชื่นชอบ(n) zeal for something, See also: interest, keenness, fondness, liking, affection, Syn. ความชื่นชม, ความชอบ, Ant. ความเกลียด, Example: ผู้คนที่มาดูการแข่งขันฟุตบอลนี้ล้วนเป็นผู้ที่มีความชื่นชอบในทีมฟุตบอลเดียวกัน
รักสวยรักงาม(v) be conscious of one's appearance, See also: be fond of dressing up, be proud of one's appearance, Example: ใครจะรักสวยรักงามเกินเธอนั้น ไม่มีแล้ว, Thai Definition: ใส่ใจกับเรื่องของความสวยงาม
รสนิยม(n) taste, See also: liking, preference, fondness, Syn. ความพอใจ, ความชอบ, Example: รัฐบาลตั้งเจ้าหน้าที่รับเรื่องราวร้องทุกข์ขึ้น เพื่อปลอบใจประชาชน, Thai Definition: บอกความทุกข์เพื่อขอให้ช่วยเหลือ
สวมกอด(v) embrace, See also: hug, enfold, cuddle, caress, fondle, Syn. กอด, โอบกอด, Example: เขาสวมกอดเธอด้วยความรักใคร่, Thai Definition: เอามือทั้ง 2 ข้าง โอบรัดเข้าไว้ในวงแขน
โลมเล้า(v) caress, See also: fondle, pet, hug, cuddle, stroke, nuzzle, Syn. โลม, โอ้โลม, ปฏิโลม, Example: เธอหายโกรธสามีแล้วหลังจากที่เขาโลมเล้าเธออยู่นาน, Thai Definition: ประคอง ลูบ หรือโอบกอดด้วยความเสน่หา
จับเนื้อต้องตัว(v) touch, See also: caress, fondle, feel, stroke, pet, Syn. ถูกเนื้อต้องตัว, Example: เธอปล่อยให้เขาจับเนื้อต้องตัวอย่างไม่ถือสาเลยสักนิด, Thai Definition: อาการที่ใช้มือแตะต้องส่วนใดส่วนหนึ่งของร่างกาย
คอ(n) popularity, See also: fondness, admiration, taste, Syn. ความนิยม, Example: ผมเป็นคอหนังสืออยู่แล้ว เมื่อสิ้นกระบวนการชมจึงต้องแวะเข้าไปอุดหนุนตามธรรมเนียม, Thai Definition: ความมีใจชอบ
เคล้า(v) wallow, See also: fondle, pet, Syn. คลอเคลีย, เกลือก, Example: หมู่แมลงผึ้งบินว่อนเวียนเคล้าเรณูเกสรของดอกไม้
เคล้าคลึง(v) caress tenderly, See also: pet, fondle, Syn. ลูบไล้, คลอเคลีย, Thai Definition: ทั้งเคล้าทั้งคลึง ลูบคลำกอดรัด
ใฝ่ใจ(v) pay attention to, See also: keen on, be fond of, take an interest in, Syn. สนใจ, ใจจดใจจ่อ, จดจ่อ, ตั้งใจ, มุ่งมั่น, Example: นักเขียนคนนี้ควรจะใฝ่ใจศึกษาเรียนรู้ในเรื่องภาษาอยู่เสมอ, Thai Definition: เอาใจผูกพันอยู่
โปรด(v) love, See also: like, be fond of, Syn. ชื่นชอบ, พอใจ, ถูกใจ, พึงใจ, Ant. เกลียด, ชัง, ไม่ชอบ, Example: สมเด็จพระเทพฯ ทรงโปรดดนตรีไทยมากโดยเฉพาะระนาด, Thai Definition: ถูกใจหรือพอใจมาก, Notes: (เขมร)
โปรดปราน(v) fond of, See also: show kindness on, like, favour, Syn. โปรด, ชอบ, ชื่นชอบ, Ant. เกลียด, Example: การแข่งม้าเป็นกีฬาที่เขาโปรดปรานที่สุด, Thai Definition: เอ็นดู รักใคร่ หรือชอบเป็นพิเศษ
ละโบม(v) caress, See also: fondle, stroke, pet, Syn. โลม, ลูบคลำ, เคล้าคลึง
ลูบไล้(v) caress, See also: stroke, fondle, smooth, anoint, apply, Syn. สัมผัส, ประ, ลูบ, Example: ผู้เป็นย่าเอาแป้งลูบไล้แก้มบางของหลานสาวจนหน้านวล, Thai Definition: สัมผัสอย่างเบาๆ
โลม(v) caress, See also: fondle, pet, Syn. ลูบโลม, Thai Definition: ทำอาการประคองลูบให้รู้สึกว่ามีความเอ็นดูรักใคร่เหมือนเป็นกันเอง
อานก(v) love, See also: adore, be fond of, Syn. อานิก, เอ็นดู, รักใคร่, Notes: (เขมร)
ติดใจ(v) like, See also: yearn, impress, fascinate, be fond of, be enamoured with, Syn. ชอบ, ชอบใจ, พึงใจ, Example: เด็กๆ ติดใจภาพที่สวยงามของการ์ตูนเรื่องใหม่ ที่เพิ่งออกอากาศไปเมื่อวานนี้, Thai Definition: พอใจกับสิ่งที่ได้เห็นหรือได้สัมผัส
ตะโบม(v) embrace, See also: hug, caress, enfold, fondle, encircle, pet, Syn. เล้าโลม, โอบกอด, โลมไล้, Ant. ผลักไส, Example: เขาตะโบมโลมไล้เธอจนเธอใจอ่อน
น้ำลายสอ(v) be fond of good food, See also: be very greedy, Syn. น้ำลายหก, น้ำลายไหล, Example: ฉันต้องน้ำลายสอทุกทีเมื่อเห็นผลไม้รสเปรี้ยว, Thai Definition: อาการที่อยากกินมากจนน้ำลายมารวมกัน, Notes: (ปาก)
น้ำลายหก(v) be fond of good food, See also: have great appetite for, Syn. น้ำลายไหล, น้ำลายสอ, Example: ส้มตำที่ยกออกมาน่ากินมากจนเขาน้ำลายหก, Thai Definition: อาการที่อยากกินมาก
นิยมชมชอบ(v) admire, See also: be in flavor of, like, be fond of, Syn. ชื่นชอบ, ชื่นชม, ชื่นชมยินดี, Ant. เกลียด, ไม่ชอบ, Example: เด็กผู้หญิงมักนิยมชมชอบนักร้องที่หน้าตามากกว่าความสามารถ, Thai Definition: ยอมรับนับถือด้วยความชื่นชอบ
ปฏิพัทธ์(v) love, See also: be fond of, fall in love, be deeply in love, Syn. รักใคร่, ผูกพัน, ชอบ, หลงใหล, Ant. หน่าย, คลาย, Example: ฉันไม่ปฏิพัทธ์เขาถึงอย่างนั้นดอก
ประเล้าประโลม(v) comfort, See also: fondle, solace, console, soothe, cajole, coax, wheedle, Syn. เอาใจ, เล้าโลม, ปลอบโยน, เอาอกเอาใจ, Example: เขามักจะประเล้าประโลมเธออยู่เสมอๆ
ชื่นชอบ(v) be satisfied, See also: be pleased, impress, like, love, be fond of, Syn. ติดอกติดใจ, จับใจ, ชื่นชม, ประทับใจ, ตรึงใจ, ติดใจ, พอใจ, Example: ผู้ชมชื่นชอบการแสดงโขนมากเพราะนักแสดงแสดงได้เก่งมาก
เชยชม(v) fondle, See also: caress, stroke, Syn. จับต้อง, สัมผัส, Example: เขาเป็นชายเดียวที่ได้เชยชมร่างกายของหล่อน
เชย(v) touch fondly, See also: chuck, fondle, pet, caress, stroke, Example: หมอเชยคางคนไข้เพื่อดูแผลที่ริมฝีปากให้ถนัด, Thai Definition: สัมผัสเบาๆ หรือช้อนขึ้นเบาๆ ด้วยความเอ็นดูหรือรักใคร่
กก(v) cuddle, See also: fondle, embrace, hug, Syn. กอด, Example: คุณแม่ลูกอ่อนพยายามกกลูกให้หลับก่อนจะออกไปทำงานบ้านต่อ, Thai Definition: โอบไว้ในวงแขน โดยปริยายหมายถึงอาการที่มีลักษณะคล้ายคลึงเช่นนี้
คลำ(v) grope, See also: touch, stroke, fumble, feel, fondle, Syn. ลูบคลำ, Example: รุ่นพี่สั่งให้รุ่นน้องเอามือคลำลงไปในไหทุกคน, Thai Definition: เอามือเป็นต้นแตะต้องหรือลูบไปมาอย่างช้าๆ เพื่อให้รู้ว่าเป็นอะไร
คลึงเคล้น(v) caress, See also: fondle, stroke, roll and rotate with the hand, massage (in a circular motion), Syn. บีบเคล้น, เคล้น, Example: ชายชรานอนให้หลานชายคลึงเคล้นตามลำขาจนรู้สึกว่าหายปวดเมื่อยขึ้นบ้าง, Thai Definition: ลูบคลำและบีบเน้นไปมา
คลึงเคล้า(v) caress, See also: fondle, Example: เขาค่อยๆ คลึงเคล้าเบาๆ ไปตามตัวของเธอ, Thai Definition: ทั้งคลึงทั้งเคล้า, ลูบคลำกอดรัด
ความชอบ(n) liking, See also: fondness, affection, Syn. ความพอใจ, ความชื่นชอบ, Example: ลูกค้าที่มาใช้บริการก็มีความชอบแตกต่างกันไป
รักใคร่(v) love, See also: like, be fond of, Syn. พิศวาส, Example: เขานิสัยดี เพื่อนฝูงจึงรักใคร่
ลูบ(v) grope, See also: touch, stroke, fumble, feel, fondle, Syn. ลูบคลำ, คลำ, Thai Definition: เอาฝ่ามือทาบลงแล้วเลื่อนไปมาเป็นต้น
ลูบคลำ(v) grope, See also: touch, stroke, fumble, feel, fondle, Syn. คลำ, ลูบ, Example: การที่เราจะทราบว่าเด็กเป็นไข้อาจทราบโดยลูบคลำตัวเด็ก, Thai Definition: เอามือเป็นต้นแตะต้องหรือลูบไปมาอย่างช้าๆ เพื่อให้รู้ว่าเป็นอะไร
ชอบ(v) like, See also: be pleased, fond of, prefer, love, Syn. พอใจ, ถูกใจ, ชื่นชอบ, Ant. เกลียด, Example: ผู้ขายบ้านจัดสรรหวังให้คนที่มาดูบ้านชอบบรรยากาศภายในหมู่บ้าน, Thai Definition: พอใจ
ความรัก(n) love, See also: affection, fondness, Ant. ความเกลียด, Example: ความรักทำให้พ่อแม่สละทุกสิ่งเพื่อลูกได้, Thai Definition: ความชอบอย่างผูกพันพร้อมด้วยชื่นชมยินดี
ความชอบพอ(n) fondness, See also: affection, liking, Syn. ความพอใจ, ความรักใคร่, Ant. ความเกลียด, ความรังเกียจ, Example: หนุ่มสาวที่มีความชอบพอกันมักลงเอยด้วยการแต่งงาน
ใจรัก(v) be extremely fond of something, See also: love, be bent on, be engrossed in, be wrapped up in, Syn. ใจชอบ, ถูกใจ, Example: ทุกคนทำงานด้วยความสนุกสนานและด้วยใจรักในงาน, Thai Definition: พึงพอใจ

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อานก[ānok] (v) EN: love ; adore ; be fond of
แบบเจาะลึก[baēp jǿ leuk] (adj) EN: in-depth  FR: en profondeur ; approfondi
เบ้อ[boē] (adj) EN: gaping  FR: béant ; profond
บุพ[bup] (adj) EN: primitive ; primeval ; primordial  FR: primitif ; fondamental
ช่างหล่อ[chang lø] (n) EN: caster ; founder ; moulder ; molder (am.)  FR: mouleur [ m ] ; fondeur [ m ]
ชื่นชอบ[cheūnchøp] (v) EN: be satisfied ; be pleased ; impress ; like ; love ; be fond of  FR: être passionné ; être enthousiaste
เฉี่ยว[chīo] (v) EN: seize ; pinch ; carry away ; swoop ; pounce  FR: fondre sur ; se précipiter sur ; descendre en piqué
เชย[choēi] (v) EN: caress ; drizzle ; shower ; blow gently ; fondle ; chuck  FR: caresser ; cajoler
โฉบ[chōp] (v) EN: pounce on ; swoop down  FR: fondre sur ; se jeter sur
ชอบ[chøp] (v) EN: like ; be fond of ; admire ; be pleased ; enjoy ; fancy  FR: aimer ; apprécier ; affectionner ; se plaire (à) ; se complaire (à) ; se délecter
ชอบพอกัน[chøpphø kan] (v, exp) EN: be fond of one another ; be friends ; know each other  FR: s'apprécier mutuellement
ดงดึก[dongdeuk] (n, exp) EN: deep forest  FR: forêt profonde [ f ] ; jungle épaisse [ f ]
ไห้[hai] (v) EN: cry ; weep ; sob ; blubber ; wail  FR: pleurer ; fondre en larmes ; se lamenter
หาด[hāt] (n) EN: beach ; seashore ; seaside ; shore ; bank under the sea ; shoal  FR: plage [ f ] ; banc [ m ] ; haut-fond [ m ]
เฮือก[heūak] (adv) EN: deeply ; heavily  FR: profondément
อิง[ing] (v) EN: lean on ; adhere to ; cling to ; rest on ; rest against ; count on ; rely on ; depend on ; be based on ; be in the line with  FR: compter sur ; être basé sur ; fonder sur
ใจรัก[jairak] (v) EN: like ; love ; be extremely fond of something ; love ; be bent on ; be engrossed in ; be wrapped up in  FR: être fou amoureux ; adorer
เจียว[jiao] (x) FR: faire fondre la graisse à la cuisson
เจาะ[jǿ] (v, exp) EN: study intensively  FR: étudier en profondeur
เจาะลึก[jǿ leuk] (v) FR: approfondir
แก่[kaē] (adj) EN: dark ; deep ; intense ; strong ; vigourous ; concentrated  FR: foncé ; profond ; intense ; fort ; vigoureux ; concentré
การณ์[kān] (n) EN: event ; circumstances ; situation ; cause  FR: évènement [ m ] ; circonstance [ f ] ; situation [ f ] ; fondement [ m ] ; cause [ m ] ; raison [ f ]
การอภิปรายเจาะลึก[kān aphiprāi jǿ leuk] (n, exp) EN: in-depth discussion  FR: discussion approfondie [ f ]
การเรียนพื้นฐาน[kān rīenrū pheūnthān] (n, exp) FR: apprentissage fondamental [ m ]
การสัมภาษณ์แบบเจาะลึก[kān samphāt kān samphāt baēp phachoēn nā] (n, exp) EN: in-depth interview   FR: entretien approfondi [ m ]
การวิจัยขั้นพื้นฐาน[kān wijai khanpheūnthān] (n, exp) EN: basic research  FR: recherche fondamentale [ f ]
ขั้นพื้นฐาน[khanpheūnthān] (adj) EN: primary ; basic  FR: fondamental ; élémentaire
ข่าวยกเมฆ[khāoyokmēk] (n) EN: unfounded news ; groundless news ; rumour = rumor (Am.)  FR: information non fondée [ f ] ; rumeur [ f ]
เขตน้ำลึก[khēt nām leuk] (n, exp) FR: zone profonde [ f ]
ขีดจำกัด[khītjamkat] (n) EN: limitation ; restriction ; limit ; ceiling  FR: limitation [ f ] ; restriction [ f ] ; plafond [ m ] ; limite [ f ]
คิดลึก[khit leuk] (v, exp) EN: think deeply ; ponder over  FR: réfléchir profondément
คลำ[khlam] (v) EN: grope ; touch ; stroke ; fumble ; feel ; fondle  FR: tâtonner ; tâter
เคล้า[khlao] (v) EN: wallow ; fondle ; pet ; caress ; stroke
เคล้าคลึง[khlaokhleung] (v) EN: caress tenderly ; pet ; fondle  FR: flirter
คลึงเคล้า[khleungkhlao] (v) EN: caress ; fondle  FR: caresser ; câliner
คลึงเคล้น[khleungkhlēn] (v) EN: caress ; fondle ; stroke ; roll and rotate with the hand ; massage (in a circular motion)
โคมลอย[khōmløi] (adj) EN: groundless ; baseless ; unfounded ; unjustified ; idle  FR: non fondé ; injustifié
โครงสร้างลึก[khrōngsāng leuk] (n, exp) EN: deep structure  FR: sructure profonde [ f ]
ความชอบ[khwām chøp] (n) EN: liking ; fondness ; affection  FR: affection [ f ]
ความลึก[khwām leuk] (n) EN: depth ; deepness ; lowness  FR: profondeur [ f ]
ความรัก[khwām rak] (n) EN: love ; affection ; fondness  FR: amour [ m ] ; passion [ f ] ; affection [ f ]
กก[kok] (n) EN: base ; bottom ; food  FR: base [ f ] ; fond [ m ]
ก้น[kon] (n) EN: bottom ; bed  FR: fond [ m ] ; cul [ m ] ; lit [ m ]
ก้นบ่อ[kon bø] (n, exp) EN: bottom of a well  FR: fond d'un puits [ m ]
กองทุน[køngthun] (n) EN: fund  FR: fonds [ mpl ]
กองทุนบำเหน็จบำนาญ[køngthun bamnet bamnān] (n, exp) EN: pension fund  FR: fonds de pension [ m ] ; fonds de retraite [ m ]
กองทุนการเงินระหว่างประเทศ[Køngthun Kānngoen Rawāng Prathēt] (org) EN: International Monetary Fund (IMF)  FR: Fonds monétaire international (FMI)
กองทุนผสม[køngthun phasom] (n, exp) EN: mixed fund  FR: fonds mixte [ m ]
กองทุนสำรอง[køngthun samrøng] (n, exp) EN: reserve fund  FR: fonds de réserve [ m ]
กองทุนสาธารณะ[køngthun sāthārana] (n, exp) EN: public fund  FR: fonds public [ m ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)
au fond

WordNet (3.0)
fond(adj) (followed by `of' or `to') having a strong preference or liking for, Syn. partial
fond(adj) absurd or silly because unlikely
Fonda(n) United States film actress and daughter of Henry Fonda (born in 1937), Syn. Jane Fonda
Fonda(n) United States film actor (1905-1982), Syn. Henry Fonda
fondant(n) candy made of a thick creamy sugar paste
fondler(n) a molester who touches the intimate parts of the victim
fondly(adv) with fondness; with love, Syn. lovingly
fondness(n) a predisposition to like something, Syn. fancy, partiality
fondue(n) cubes of meat or seafood cooked in hot oil and then dipped in any of various sauces, Syn. fondu
fondue(n) hot cheese or chocolate melted to the consistency of a sauce into which bread or fruits are dipped, Syn. fondu
overfond(adj) excessively fond
affection(n) a positive feeling of liking, Syn. affectionateness, fondness, philia, tenderness, heart, warmness, warmheartedness
affectionate(adj) having or displaying warmth or affection, Syn. lovesome, tender, fond, warm
affectionateness(n) a quality proceeding from feelings of affection or love, Syn. lovingness, warmth, fondness
attachment(n) a feeling of affection for a person or an institution, Syn. fond regard
caress(v) touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner, Syn. fondle
caressing(n) affectionate play (or foreplay without contact with the genital organs), Syn. cuddling, hugging, fondling, necking, smooching, kissing, snuggling, petting
petter(n) a lover who gently fondles and caresses the loved one, Syn. fondler

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53
Au fond

[ F., lit., at the bottom. ] At bottom; fundamentally; essentially. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


obs. imp. of Find. Found. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Compar. Fonder superl. Fondest. ] [ For fonned, p. p. of OE. fonnen to be foolish. See Fon. ] 1. Foolish; silly; simple; weak. [ Archaic ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Grant I may never prove so fond
To trust man on his oath or bond. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Foolishly tender and loving; weakly indulgent; over-affectionate. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Affectionate; loving; tender; -- in a good sense; as, a fond mother or wife. Addison. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Loving; much pleased; affectionately regardful, indulgent, or desirous; longing or yearning; -- followed by of (formerly also by on). [ 1913 Webster ]

More fond on her than she upon her love. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

You are as fond of grief as of your child. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

A great traveler, and fond of telling his adventures. Irving. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. Doted on; regarded with affection. [ R. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Nor fix on fond abodes to circumscribe thy prayer. Byron. [ 1913 Webster ]

6. Trifling; valued by folly; trivial. [ Obs. ] Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. To caress; to fondle. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

The Tyrian hugs and fonds thee on her breast. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. To be fond; to dote. [ Obs. ] Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F., fr. L. fundus. See Fund. ] [ Obs., or used as a French word ] 1. Foundation; bottom; groundwork; specif.: (a) (Lace Making) The ground. (b) (Cookery) The broth or juice from braised flesh or fish, usually served as a sauce. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

2. Fund, stock, or store. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


‖n. [ F., lit., melting, p. pr. of fondre to melt, L. fundere. See Found to cast. ] A kind of soft candy, made of a thick creamy sugar paste by boiling solutions to the point of crystallization, and usually molded; as, cherry fondant. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. + WordNet 1.5 ]


v. t. & i. [ AS. fandian to try. ] To endeavor; to strive; to try. [ Obs. ] Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Fondled p. pr. & vb. n. Fondling ] [ From Fond, v. ] To treat or handle with tenderness or in a loving manner; to caress; as, a nurse fondles a child.

Syn.- See Caress. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who fondles. Johnson. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ From Fondle. ] The act of caressing; manifestation of tenderness. [ 1913 Webster ]

Cyrus made no . . . amorous fondling
To fan her pride, or melt her guardless heart. Mickle. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Fond + -ling. ] 1. A person or thing fondled or caressed; one treated with foolish or doting affection. [ 1913 Webster ]

Fondlings are in danger to be made fools. L'Estrange. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A fool; a simpleton; a ninny. [ Obs. ] Chapman. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. 1. Foolishly. [ Archaic ] Verstegan (1673). [ 1913 Webster ]

Make him speak fondly like a frantic man. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. In a fond manner; affectionately; tenderly. [ 1913 Webster ]

My heart, untraveled, fondly turns to thee. Goldsmith. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. The quality or state of being fond; foolishness. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Fondness it were for any, being free,
To covet fetters, though they golden be. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Doting affection; tender liking; strong appetite, propensity, or relish; as, he had a fondness for truffles. [ 1913 Webster ]

My heart had still some foolish fondness for thee. Addison.

Syn. -- Attachment; affection; love; kindness. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. F. fondant flux. ] (Metal.) A large copper vessel used for hot amalgamation. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖a. [ F. fondu, p.p. of fondre to melt, blend. See Found to cast. ] 1. Blended; gradually changing or passing into each other by subtle gradations; -- said of colors or of the surface or material on which the colors are laid.

2. Melted. [ Also spelled fondue. ] [ PJC ]


‖n. [ Also erroneously . ] [ F. See Fondu; cf. Fondant. ] 1. (Cookery) A dish made of cheese, eggs, butter, etc., often seasoned with kirsch and white wine, melted together, and usually used as a dip for pieces of bread. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

2. (Cookery) A dish consisting of pieces of solid food cooked in or dipped into a hot sauce; as, beef fondue. [ PJC ]

Variants: Fondue

a. [ F. fondu, p.p. of fondre to melt, blend. See Found to cast. ] Melted. [ Also spelled fondu. ] [ PJC ]


‖n. [ F. fondu, prop. p. p. of fondre to melt, blend. See Found to cast. ] A style of printing calico, paper hangings, etc., in which the colors are in bands and graduated into each other. Ure. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Fond to excess. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

-- O"ver*fond"ly, adv. -- O"ver*fond"ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[hào, ㄏㄠˋ, ] to be fond of #32 [Add to Longdo]
[ài, ㄞˋ, / ] to love; affection; to be fond of; to like #124 [Add to Longdo]
喜欢[xǐ huan, ㄒㄧˇ ㄏㄨㄢ˙,   /  ] to like; to be fond of #184 [Add to Longdo]
[xǐ, ㄒㄧˇ, ] to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad #2,013 [Add to Longdo]
[téng, ㄊㄥˊ, ] (it) hurts; love fondly; ache; pain; sore #2,107 [Add to Longdo]
喜爱[xǐ ài, ㄒㄧˇ ㄞˋ,   /  ] to like; to love; to be fond of; favorite #4,356 [Add to Longdo]
爱好[ài hào, ㄞˋ ㄏㄠˋ,   /  ] to like; to be fond of; to be keen on; interest; hobby #5,470 [Add to Longdo]
[shì, ㄕˋ, ] addicted to; fond of; stem corresponding to -phil or -phile #11,905 [Add to Longdo]
抚摸[fǔ mō, ㄈㄨˇ ㄇㄛ,   /  ] to gently caress and stroke; to pet; to fondle #12,572 [Add to Longdo]
喜好[xǐ hào, ㄒㄧˇ ㄏㄠˋ,  ] to like; fond of; to prefer; to love; one's tastes; preference #12,791 [Add to Longdo]
怀旧[huái jiù, ㄏㄨㄞˊ ㄐㄧㄡˋ, 怀  /  ] fond remembrance of times past; nostalgia #12,910 [Add to Longdo]
留恋[liú liàn, ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄌㄧㄢˋ,   /  ] reluctant to leave; to hate to have to go; to recall fondly #13,763 [Add to Longdo]
留念[liú niàn, ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄋㄧㄢˋ,  ] to keep as a souvenir; to recall fondly #13,821 [Add to Longdo]
缅怀[miǎn huái, ㄇㄧㄢˇ ㄏㄨㄞˊ,  怀 /  ] to commemorate; to recall fondly; to think of the past #17,482 [Add to Longdo]
嗜好[shì hào, ㄕˋ ㄏㄠˋ,  ] fondness; hobby; indulgence #20,186 [Add to Longdo]
爱不释手[ài bù shì shǒu, ㄞˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄕˋ ㄕㄡˇ,     /    ] to fondle admiringly; to love something too much to part with it #23,847 [Add to Longdo]
感念[gǎn niàn, ㄍㄢˇ ㄋㄧㄢˋ,  ] to recall fondly; to remember with emotion #52,578 [Add to Longdo]
眷念[juàn niàn, ㄐㄩㄢˋ ㄋㄧㄢˋ,  ] to think fondly of #68,877 [Add to Longdo]
[suō, ㄙㄨㄛ, ] feel; to fondle #121,703 [Add to Longdo]
盘弄[pán nòng, ㄆㄢˊ ㄋㄨㄥˋ,   /  ] to play around with; to fidget; to fondle #188,474 [Add to Longdo]
眷注[juàn zhù, ㄐㄩㄢˋ ㄓㄨˋ,   /  ] to think fondly of sb #317,058 [Add to Longdo]
[juàn, ㄐㄩㄢˋ, ] variant of 眷, to care about; to look fondly on #853,007 [Add to Longdo]
吃不来[chī bu lái, ㄔ ㄅㄨ˙ ㄌㄞˊ,    /   ] not be fond of certain food [Add to Longdo]
爱之如命[ài zhī rú mìng, ㄞˋ ㄓ ㄖㄨˊ ㄇㄧㄥˋ,     /    ] inordinately fond of sth; lit. to love it as one's life [Add to Longdo]

German-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
Fonds(n) |der, pl. Fonds| เงินทุน, ทุน, กองทุน เช่น Forschungsfonds เงินทุนวิจัย

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Anlagefonds { m }; offener Investmentfonds [ fin. ]mutual fund; unit trust [Add to Longdo]
Devisenausgleichfonds { m }exchange equalization fund [Add to Longdo]
Eventualfonds { m }contingency fund [Add to Longdo]
Fond { m }; Wagenfond { m } [ auto ]rear; back [Add to Longdo]
Fond { m }; Fleischsaft { m } [ cook. ]meat juices [Add to Longdo]
Fondant { m }; aromatisierte Zuckermasse { f } [ cook. ]fudge [Add to Longdo]
Fondsitz { m }; Rücksitz { m } [ auto ]rear seat [Add to Longdo]
Fondue { n } [ cook. ]fondue [Add to Longdo]
Gemüsefond { m }; Gemüsebrühe { f } [ cook. ]vegetable stock; vegetable broth [Add to Longdo]
mit lieben Grüßenfondest regards [Add to Longdo]
Herzenswunsch { m } | nach Herzenslust | ihr Herzenswunschheart's desire | to the top of one's bent | her fondest wish [Add to Longdo]
Hoffnung { f } (auf) | Hoffnungen { pl } | eine schwache Hoffnung | eine Hoffnung zerstören | sich mit eitlen Hoffnungen tragen | sich Hoffnungen hingeben | unrealistische Hoffnunghope (for) | hopes | a slight hope | to dash a hope | to hug fond hopes | to cherish hopes | pie in the sky [ fig. ] [Add to Longdo]
Immobilienfonds { pl }real estate investment trust [Add to Longdo]
Indexfonds { m }index fund [Add to Longdo]
Investmentfonds { m }investment fund [Add to Longdo]
Kohäsionsfonds { pl }Cohesion Fund [Add to Longdo]
Liebkosung { f }; Schmusen { n } | Liebkosungen { pl }fondling | fondlings [Add to Longdo]
Rentenfonds { m }annuity fund; fixed-income fund [Add to Longdo]
Rücklage { f }; Reservefonds { m } | Rücklagen auflösenreserve fund | to appropriate reserves [Add to Longdo]
Tilgungsfond { m } | Tilgungsfonds { pl }redemption fund | amortization fund [Add to Longdo]
Unterstützungsfonds { m }benevolent fund [Add to Longdo]
Vorliebe { f }fondness [Add to Longdo]
Währungsfonds { m }monetary fund [Add to Longdo]
Zärtlichkeit { f }fondness [Add to Longdo]
gern; gerne { adv } (lieber; am liebsten) | etw. gern tun | gern gesehen sein | Ich trinke gern Apfelsaft. | Er trinkt Bier lieber. | Am liebsten trinkt sie Wein.... like to ... | to like to do sth.; to enjoy doing sth.; to be fond of doing sth. | to be welcome | I like apple juice. | He likes beer better. | She likes wine best. [Add to Longdo]
etw. gern tunto be fond of doing sth. [Add to Longdo]
jdn. gern habento like sb.; to be fond of sb. [Add to Longdo]
hätscheln; zärtlich spielen | hätschelt | hätschelteto fondle | fondles | fondled [Add to Longdo]
kinderlieb; kinderfreundlich { adj }fond of children [Add to Longdo]
jdn. lieb gewinnento become fond of sb.; to grow fond of sb. [Add to Longdo]
etw. lieb gewinnento become fond of sth. [Add to Longdo]
lieb; liebevolllovingly; fondly [Add to Longdo]
liebevoll; lieb { adj }fond [Add to Longdo]
liebgewinnento become fond of [Add to Longdo]
liebkosen; streicheln; schmusen; kraulen | liebkosend; streichelnd; schmusend; kraulend | liebkost; gestreichelt; geschmust; gekrault | liebkost | liebkosteto fondle | fondling | fondled | fondles | fondled [Add to Longdo]
jdn. gern haben; jdn. mögen; jdn. lieb habento be fond of sb. [Add to Longdo]
etw. mögento be fond of sth. [Add to Longdo]
naiv; töricht { adj }fond [Add to Longdo]
reiselustigfond of traveling [Add to Longdo]
sehnlichfond [Add to Longdo]
ihr sehnlichster Wunschher fondest wish [Add to Longdo]
vergebliche Hoffnung { f }; vergeblicher Glaubenfond hope; fond belief [Add to Longdo]
verliebt { adv }fondly [Add to Longdo]
zärtlich { adv }fondly [Add to Longdo]
zärtlich; verliebtfond [Add to Longdo]
Die beiden mögen sich.The two are fond of eachother. [Add to Longdo]
Er bildet sich tatsächlich ein, gewinnen zu können.He has fond hopes of winning. [Add to Longdo]
Er macht gern Späße.He is fond of joking. [Add to Longdo]
Ich lese sehr gern.I am fond of reading. [Add to Longdo]
EFRE : Europäischer Fonds für regionale EntwicklungERDF : European Regional Development Fund [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
好き[ずき, zuki] (adj-na, n) liking; fondness; love; (P) #1,236 [Add to Longdo]
好み[ごのみ, gonomi] (adj-na, adj-no, suf) (1) being fond of; having a liking for; (2) to the liking of; favored by; popular with #7,624 [Add to Longdo]
チーズフォンデュー[chi-zufondeyu-] (n) cheese fondue [Add to Longdo]
フォンダン[fondan] (n) fondant (fre [Add to Longdo]
フォンデュー;フォンデュ[fondeyu-; fondeyu] (n) fondue (fre [Add to Longdo]
モバイラー[mobaira-] (n) person fond of using a mobile phone (wasei [Add to Longdo]
愛玩;愛翫;愛がん[あいがん, aigan] (n, vs) caring for (esp. a pet or a small object); cherishing; being fond of; prizing; treasuring [Add to Longdo]
愛唱[あいしょう, aishou] (n, vs) fondness for singing [Add to Longdo]
愛想尽かし[あいそづかし, aisodukashi] (n, vs) no longer being fond of someone; spiteful words or acts showing that one is disgusted with someone [Add to Longdo]
英雄色を好む[えいゆういろをこのむ, eiyuuirowokonomu] (exp) (id) Great men have great fondness for the sensual pleasures [Add to Longdo]
甘党[あまとう, amatou] (n) (someone with a) sweet tooth; person fond of sweets; person who doesn't like alcohol, preferring sweets [Add to Longdo]
呼び慕う[よびしたう, yobishitau] (v5u, vt) to call fondly [Add to Longdo]
好きになる[すきになる, sukininaru] (exp) to come to like; to become fond of; to fall in love [Add to Longdo]
好き好む[すきこのむ, sukikonomu] (v5m, vt) to do something by choice; to like; to be fond of [Add to Longdo]
好く[すく, suku] (v5k, vt) to like; to love; to be fond of [Add to Longdo]
惚れ惚れ[ほれぼれ, horebore] (adv, n, adv-to) (uk) fondly; charming [Add to Longdo]
惚気[のろけ, noroke] (n) speaking fondly of a loved one [Add to Longdo]
惚気る[のろける, norokeru] (v1, vi) to play up; to speak fondly of; to praise one's spouse [Add to Longdo]
惚気話;のろけ話[のろけばなし, norokebanashi] (n) (uk) speaking fondly of [Add to Longdo]
三度の飯より好き;三度のめしより好き;三度のめしよりすき[さんどのめしよりすき, sandonomeshiyorisuki] (exp) very fond of; more fond of than eating; lit [Add to Longdo]
子煩悩[こぼんのう, kobonnou] (adj-na, n) indulgent; fond [Add to Longdo]
思し召し[おぼしめし, oboshimeshi] (n) (1) (hon) thoughts; opinion; (one's) discretion; (2) however much money you wish to give (as alms, a fee at a museum, etc.); (3) fondness (for a significant other, etc.; often used teasingly); love; fancy; liking [Add to Longdo]
若者好き[わかものずき, wakamonozuki] (n, adj-na, adj-no) (1) (See 好き・ずき) being fond of young people; (2) being popular with young people [Add to Longdo]
女好き[おんなずき, onnazuki] (n) fondness for women; woman admirer; lustful man; spoony [Add to Longdo]
新しがる[あたらしがる, atarashigaru] (v5r, vi) to be fond of new things; to hunt after novelties [Add to Longdo]
親馬鹿;親ばか[おやばか, oyabaka] (n) (over) fond parents; doting parents [Add to Longdo]
辛党[からとう, karatou] (n) (See 甘党) drinker; person fond of alcohol (as opposed to sweets) [Add to Longdo]
熱愛者[ねつあいしゃ, netsuaisha] (n) person who is very fond of something [Add to Longdo]
撫で回す;なで回す[なでまわす, nademawasu] (v5s) to pat (e.g. dog); to rub; to stroke; to fondle [Add to Longdo]
目がない;目が無い[めがない, meganai] (exp, adj-i) extremely fond of; having a weakness for [Add to Longdo]
目を細める[めをほそめる, mewohosomeru] (exp, v1) (1) to close one's eyes partly; to squint; (2) to smile with one's whole face; to look fondly at [Add to Longdo]
恋々として;恋恋として[れんれんとして, renrentoshite] (exp) fondly; longingly [Add to Longdo]
弄り[いじり, ijiri] (n) (uk) meddling; fumbling; fondling; playing around with something [Add to Longdo]
嗜む[たしなむ, tashinamu] (v5m, vt) (1) (uk) to have a taste for; to be fond of; to have an interest in (e.g. a hobby); (2) to be modest; to be prudent [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
予備費[よびひ, yobihi] Geldreserve, Reservefonds [Add to Longdo]
基金[ききん, kikin] Stiftung, Fonds [Add to Longdo]
資金[しきん, shikin] Fonds [Add to Longdo]

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