ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: lieu, -lieu- |
| lieu | (ลู) n. การแทน -Phr. (in lieu of แทนที่) | lieutenant | (ลูเทน'เนินทฺ) n. ร้อยโท, เรือโท | lieutenant colonel | n. พันโท, นาวาโท | lieutenant commander | n. นาวาตรี | lieutenant general | n. พลโท | lieutenant governor | n. รองผู้ว่าราชการ | milieu | (มิล'ยู') n. สิ่งแวดล้อม, สื่อ, ภาวะ, สภาพ pl. milieus, -milieux, Syn. environment | purlieu | (เพอ'ลู) n. ที่ดินตามชายป่า, บริเวณรอบนอก. purlieus สิ่งแวดล้อม, ละแวกใกล้เคียง, เขตสกปรกของเมือง, Syn. outskirts | second lieutenant | (อังกฤษ) ร้อยตรีทหารบก, ร้อยตรีแห่งนาวิกโยธิน, (อเมริกา) เรืออากาศตรี, ร้อยตรีทหารบก |
| | | | | Zombies! | - Ich muss los, Lieutenant. Tale of the Goat (1985) | This is it? | Das ist von Lieutenant Langley. The Betrayal (1985) | - Lieutenant. It's maximum ugly. | - Lieutenant, hässlicher geht's nicht. Four Brothers (2005) | No. They didn't recognize me. | Ich möchte gegen diese Leute vorgehen, Lieutenant. Badge of Dishonor (1988) | - Lieutenant... | - Lieutenant... Sins of the Father (1990) | The Lieutenant's gonna have a chat with him. | Der Lieutenant wird ein Gespräch mit ihm führen. Eating the Blame (2014) | Yeah, I'll tell the Lieutenant to wait for you. | Ja, ich werde dem Lieutenant sagen, dass er auf Sie warten soll. Eating the Blame (2014) | Yeah, I'm Lieutenant Schmidt. | Ja, ich bin Lieutenant Schmidt. Eating the Blame (2014) | I'll put Lieutenant Vogel on. | Ich gebe Ihnen Lieutenant Vogel. 24 Days (2014) | Lieutenant Vogel. | Lieutenant Vogel. 24 Days (2014) | - Lieutenant Joubert. - OK. | - Lieutenant Joubert. 24 Days (2014) | The DST in France have long suspected that he is a high-ranking lieutenant in Le Milieu. | Die DST in Frankreich vermutete schon lange, dass er ein hochrangiger Leutnant in "Le Milieu" ist. The Man with the Twisted Lip (2014) | There was suspicion that Le Milieu was involved. | Es gab den Verdacht, dass "Le Milieu" beteiligt war. The Man with the Twisted Lip (2014) | You can help explain what Le Milieu is. | Willst du mit? Du kannst helfen zu erklären, was "Le Milieu" ist. The Man with the Twisted Lip (2014) | I had no idea he was tied up with Le Milieu or with you. | Ich hatte keine Ahnung, dass er mit "Le Milieu" oder Ihnen verbandelt war. The Grand Experiment (2014) | What if Le Milieu knew the truth about you, about your role in the downfalls of some of their more powerful members. | Was ist, wenn "Le Milieu" die Wahrheit über Sie weiß, über Ihre Verwicklung im Untergang eines ihrer mächtigeren Mitglieder. The Grand Experiment (2014) | But you know Le Milieu. | Aber Sie kennen "Le Milieu". The Grand Experiment (2014) | That in the event of his death or arrest, it would be sent to certain parties within Le Milieu. | Im Falle seines Todes oder seiner Verhaftung würde er an gewisse Leute bei "Le Milieu" versandt werden. The Grand Experiment (2014) | They had their own contacts at Le Milieu, which I suspected all along. | Sie hatten ihre eigenen Kontaktebei "Le Milieu", wie ich bereits vermutete. The Grand Experiment (2014) | And, in turn, Le Milieu made an example of Sherrington. | Und im Gegenzug statuierte "Le Milieu" ein Exempel an Sherrington. The Grand Experiment (2014) | Or anywhere else he's had dealings with Le Milieu. | Oder Rom. Oder irgendwo sonst, wo er Geschäfte mit "Le Milieu" hatte. The Grand Experiment (2014) | Our victim-- Lieutenant Kit Jones. | Unser Opfer ... Lieutenant Kit Jones. Page Not Found (2014) | The murder of Navy Lieutenant Kit Jones-- you know the progress of that investigation? | Der Mord an Navy Lieutenant Kit Jones ... kennst du den Stand dieser Untersuchung? Page Not Found (2014) | According to his file from O.N.I., Lieutenant Kit Jones was a loyal and hardworking cyber specialist. | Laut seiner Akte beim Amt für Navy Angelegenheiten, war Lieutenant Kit Jones ein loyaler, hat arbeitender Cyber-Spezialist. Page Not Found (2014) | The lieutenant was a good man. | Der Lieutenant war ein guter Mann. Page Not Found (2014) | Until Lieutenant Jones came along. | Bis Lieutenant Jones auftauchte. Page Not Found (2014) | We're thinking Lieutenant Jones himself. | Wir denken, es war Lieutenant Jones. Page Not Found (2014) | Noted, but the lieutenant's in good hands, and if we did need help, it's FBI jurisdiction. | Notiert, aber der Lieutenant befindet sich in guten Händen, und wenn wir Hilfe benötigen würden, wäre es die Zuständigkeit des FBIs. Page Not Found (2014) | Lieutenant Jones would have access to it. | Lieutenant Jones hätte Zugriff darauf gehabt. Page Not Found (2014) | Lieutenant is not a double agent. | Der Lieutenant ist kein Doppelagent. Page Not Found (2014) | Lieutenant Jones was smart. | Lieutenant Jones war klug. Page Not Found (2014) | Lieutenant Jones. | Lieutenant Jones. Page Not Found (2014) | - How are you, Lieutenant? | - Wie läuft's, Lieutenant? La mort et la belle vie (2014) | Very funny, Lieutenant. | Sehr lustig, Lieutenant. La mort et la belle vie (2014) | Lieutenant. | - Lieutenant. Brothers and Sisters (1993) | What can I do for you, Lieutenant? | Was kann ich für Sie tun, Lieutenant? La mort et la belle vie (2014) | Congrats, Lieutenant. | Glückwunsch, Lieutenant. La mort et la belle vie (2014) | One hopes that Lieutenant Gracely won't hit his mark too soon. | Hoffen wir, dass Lieutenant Gracely das nicht so schnell erreicht. Challenge (2014) | All right, put the pursuit out. | Hier ist Lieutenant Kelly. Ma lalo o ka 'ili (2014) | The man in this picture, Army First Lieutenant Michael Waters, is being court-martialed for the death of the Afghan villager. | Der Mann in diesem Bild, Army First Lieutenant Michael Waters, steht wegen des Todes an einem afghanischen Dorfbewohner vor einem Militärgericht. Shooter (2014) | The lieutenant claims that the villager was a Taliban terrorist and it was a justified shooting. | Der Lieutenant behauptet, bei dem Dörfler habe es sich um einen Taliban gehandelt, sodass es eine berechtigte Schussabgabe war. Shooter (2014) | Army Lieutenant Waters. | - Army Lieutenant Waters. Shooter (2014) | Appreciate you coming in, Lieutenant Waters. | Ich weiß Ihr Kommen zu schätzen, Lieutenant Waters. Shooter (2014) | I'm Major Huggins, Lieutenant Waters' JAG counsel. | Ich bin Major Huggins, Lieutenant Waters JAG Anwalt. Shooter (2014) | Court-martial proceedings against Lieutenant Waters will be dismissed. | Das Gerichtsverfahren gegen Lieutenant Waters wird abgewiesen. Shooter (2014) | He was gunning for Roe. | - Water, der Army Lieutenant, steht demnach ganz oben auf der Liste der Verdächtigen. - Er hatte es auf Roe abgesehen. Shooter (2014) | He wants me to bring Lieutenant Waters back in. | Er möchte, dass ich Lieutenant Waters wieder her bringe. Shooter (2014) | Boss, I don't think that we should rule out Lieutenant Waters and his team. | Boss, ich denke nicht, dass wir Lieutenant Waters und sein Team ausschließen sollen. Shooter (2014) | I've taken over his investigation on Lieutenant Waters' unit, but can't read his handwriting. | Ich habe seine Untersuchungen bezüglich Lieutenant Waters Einheit übernommen, aber ich kann seine Handschrift nicht lesen. Shooter (2014) | So, uh, I'm going over your notes, and at the end of your interview with the medic on Lieutenant Waters' team... | Ich bin deine Notizen durchgegangen, und am Ende der Befragung, die du mit dem Sanitäter von Lieutenant Waters Team führtest ... was steht da? Shooter (2014) |
| ผู้หมวด | (n) Lieutenant, Example: ปีนี้เขาได้เลื่อนยศเป็นผู้หมวด, Thai Definition: เรียกนายทหารหรือตำรวจชั้นนายร้อยตรีและโทว่า ผู้หมวด, Notes: (ปาก) | พ.ต.ท. | (n) police lieutenant colonel, See also: Pol.Lt.Col., Syn. พันตำรวจโท | พล.ต.ท. | (n) police lieutenant general, See also: Pol.Lt.Gen., Syn. พลตำรวจโท | พล.ท. | (n) lieutenant general, See also: Lt.Gen., Syn. พลโท | ร.ต. | (n) sub-lieutenant, See also: Sub-Lt., Syn. ร้อยตรี | ร.ต.ต. | (n) police sub- lieutenant, See also: Pol.Sub-Lt., Syn. ร้อยตำรวจตรี | ร.ต.ท. | (n) police lieutenant, See also: Pol.Lt., Syn. ร้อยตำรวจโท | ร.ท. | (n) lieutenant, See also: Lt., Lieut., Syn. ร้อยโท | ร.อ.อ. | (n) flight lieutenant, See also: Flt.Lt., Syn. เรืออากาศเอก | นายร้อย | (n) lieutenant, Example: ในที่สุดเขาก็สามารถฝ่าฟันอุปสรรคต่างๆ จนสามารถเรียนจบได้เป็นนายร้อยดังที่หวังไว้, Count Unit: คน, นาย, Thai Definition: นายทหารหรือนายตำรวจผู้มียศต่ำกว่านายพัน | นาวาตรี | (n) lieutenant commander, Count Unit: คน, นาย, Thai Definition: ยศทหารเรือ สูงกว่านายเรือเอก ต่ำกว่านาวาโท | เรือตรี | (n) Sub-Lieutenant, Thai Definition: ยศนายทหารเรือชั้นสัญญาบัตร ชั้นนายเรือตรี | เรือโท | (n) Lieutenant Junior Grade, Thai Definition: ยศนายทหารเรือ สูงกว่าเรือตรี ต่ำกว่าเรือเอก | เรืออากาศเอก | (n) Fight Lieutenant | เรือเอก | (n) Lieutenant, Example: กลุ่มบ้านมิตรภาพ เสนอชื่อเรือเอกชิด ชนก วัฒนศิริ เข้าประกบเขตคลองสามวา | พลตำรวจโท | (n) Police Lieutenant General, Example: คณะกรรมการสรรหาฯ ได้ประชุมลงคะแนนรวม 7 รอบ มีผู้ได้คะแนนไม่น้อยกว่าสามในสี่รอบละ 1 คน คือ พลตำรวจโท วาสนา เพิ่มลาภ นายวีระชัย แนวบุญเนียร และนายจรัล บูรณพันธุ์ศรี, Count Unit: นาย, Thai Definition: ชื่อยศตำรวจที่สูงกว่าพลตำรวจตรี แต่ต่ำกว่าพลตำรวจเอก | พลโท | (n) Lieutenant General, Example: ปีนี้มีนายพลตรีหลายคนได้เลื่อนยศเป็นพลโท, Count Unit: นาย, Thai Definition: ชื่อยศนายทหารบกที่สูงกว่าพลตรี แต่ต่ำกว่าพลเอก | พันโท | (n) lieutenant colonel, Thai Definition: ชื่อยศตำแหน่งนายทหารบก สูงกว่าพันตรี ต่ำกว่าพันเอก | ต่าง | (adv) in place of, See also: instead of, in lieu of, Example: เขานอนบนโต๊ะยาวต่างเตียง, Thai Definition: แทน, เหมือน, เช่น ว่าต่าง แก้ต่าง ดูต่างหน้า | ร้อยโท | (n) army lieutenant, See also: first lieutenant, Example: ใน ร.ศ. 130 มีนายร้อยตรี และร้อยโทหลายคนที่เป็นกบฏ | ร้อยตรี | (n) second lieutenant, Example: หล่อนแสดงความยินดี ที่เขาได้เลื่อนยศเป็นนายร้อยตรี | ร้อย | (n) lieutenant, Thai Definition: ยศทหารบกหรือตำรวจชั้นสัญญาบัตรขั้นต้น ต่ำกว่านายพันหรือนายพันตำรวจ |
| อำเภอเมือง | [amphoē meūang] (n, exp) EN: capital district ; provincial capital FR: chef-lieu de province [ m ] ; préfecture [ f ] | อาศัย | [āsai] (n) EN: dwelling ; residence ; quarters ; habitat ; natural environment FR: résidence [ f ] ; lieu d'habitation [ m ] ; habitat [ m ] | บ้านเกิด | [bānkoēt] (n) EN: homeland ; hometown ; native village ; birthplace ; fatherland ; motherland FR: village natal [ m ] ; lieu de naissance [ m ] ; pays natal [ m ] | ใช้เป็น | [chai pen] (v, exp) FR: servir de ; tenir lieu de | ชานเมือง | [chānmeūang] (n) EN: suburb ; outskirts FR: banlieue [ f ] ; périphérie [ f ] ; faubourg [ m ] | แห่ง | [haeng] (n) EN: place ; location ; spot ; stop ; point FR: place [ f ] ; endroit [ m ] ; lieu [ m ] ; site [ m ] | ห้ามบุกรุก | [hām bukruk] (v, exp) FR: défense d'entrer ; interdiction de pénétrer dans un lieu ; interdiction de circuler | ห้องน้ำ | [hǿng-nām] (n) EN: wash room ; bathroom ; toilet ; restroom ; lavatory ; WC ; water closet FR: toilettes [ fpl ] ; toilette [ f ] (Belg.) ; salle de bains [ f ] ; W-C [ mpl ] ; waters [ mpl ] ; cabinets [ mpl ] ; lieux d'aisances [ mpl ] (vx) | ห้องส้วม | [hǿngsūam] (n) EN: toilet ; lavatory ; water closet ; WC ; restroom FR: toilettes [ fpl ] ; toilette [ f ] (Belg.) ; cabinet de toilette [ m ] ; W.-C. [ mpl ] ; vécés [ mpl ] (fam.) ; lieux d'aisances [ mpl ] ; chiottes [ fpl ] (fam.) ; cabinets [ mpl ] (vx) ; goguenots [ mpl ] (fam.) ; waters [ mpl ] (vx) ; cour [ f ] (Belg.) | ใจ | [jai] (n) FR: coeur [ m ] ; centre [ m ] ; milieu [ m ] | ใจกลาง | [jaiklāng] (n) EN: center ; heart ; middle ; core FR: centre [ m ] ; milieu [ m ] ; coeur [ m ] ; sein [ m ] (litt.) | เจ้าของบ้าน | [jaokhøng bān] (n, exp) EN: landlord of a house ; host ; homeowner FR: propriétaire (de la maison) [ m, f ] ; hôte [ m ] ; maître des lieux [ m ] | เจ้าที่ | [jao thī] (n, exp) EN: spirit of the area ; protecting spirit of a place FR: esprit du lieu [ m ] ; esprit local [ m ] | จัดขึ้น | [jat kheun] (v, exp) EN: take place FR: prendre place ; se dérouler ; avoir lieu | กึ่งกลาง | [keungklāng] (n) EN: center ; middle ; half FR: centre [ m ] ; milieu [ m ] | กึ่งกลาง | [keungklāng] (n) EN: central ; in the middle ; midway FR: central ; au milieu | ขี้ลืม | [khīleūm] (adj) EN: forgetful ; absent-minded FR: distrait ; étourdi ; oublieux (litt.) | ขี้หลง | [khīlong] (adj) EN: forgetful; absent-minded FR: distrait ; étourdi ; oublieux (litt.) | ขี้หลงขี้ลืม | [khīlong-khīleūm] (adj) EN: forgetful ; absent-mionded FR: distrait ; étourdi ; oublieux (litt.) | กลาง | [klāng] (n) EN: center ; middle FR: centre [ m ] ; milieu [ m ] | กลาง | [klāng] (prep) EN: midway ; in the middle (of) ; halfway ; in between ; among ; amongst ; amid FR: dans le milieu ; au milieu ; en plein ; au coeur | เกิด | [koēt] (v) EN: happen ; produce ; take place ; take birth ; arise ; originate FR: arriver ; se produire ; avoir lieu ; apparaître ; surgir ; survenir ; prendre naissance ; éclater | กองกลาง | [køngklāng] (n) FR: milieu de terrain [ m ] | แหล่ง | [laeng] (n) EN: centre ; location ; spot ; area ; venue ; place ; quarter ; district FR: centre [ m ] ; endroit [ m ] ; lieu [ m ] ; quartier [ m ] ; foyer [ m ] ; site [ m ] ; milieu [ m ] | แหล่งกำเนิด | [laēng kamnoēt] (n, exp) EN: source ; place of origin ; genesis ; origin ; birth ; beginning ; birthplace FR: source [ f ] ; lieu de naissance [ m ] | แหล่งผลิต | [laeng phalit] (n, exp) EN: source of production FR: lieu de production [ m ] | แหล่งเริงรมย์ | [laeng roēng-rom] (n, exp) EN: entertainment centre ; amusement centre FR: lieu de divertissement [ m ] | แหล่งที่อยู่ | [laeng thīyū] (n, exp) EN: habitat ; residence ; dwelling place ; residence quarters FR: lieu de résidence [ m ] ; lieu d'habitation [ m ] ; habitat [ m ] | แหล่งที่อยู่อาศัย | [laeng thīyū-āsai] (n, exp) FR: habitat [ m ] ; milieu [ m ] | แหล่งท่องเที่ยว | [laeng thøngthīo] (n, exp) EN: tourist site ; tourist attraction ; tourism location FR: lieu touristique [ m ] ; endroit touristique [ m ] ; site touristique [ m ] ; attraction touristique [ f ] | หลงลืม | [longleūm] (v) EN: forget ; overlook ; omit ; neglect FR: être distrait ; être oublieux (litt.) | มีขึ้น | [mī kheun] (v, exp) EN: come into existence FR: avoir lieu ; se passer | นายธง | [nāithong] (n) EN: flag captain ; flag lieutenant | นิเวศ = นิเวศน์ | [niwēt] (n) EN: dwelling ; home ; retreat ; residence ; abode ; house ; estate ; housing development FR: résidence [ f ] ; demeure [ f ] ; milieu [ m ] | นกอีก๋อยเล็ก | [nok ī-køi lek] (n, exp) EN: Whimbrel ; Common Whimbrel FR: Courlis corlieu [ m ] ; Courlis hudsonien (N. ph. hudsonicus) [ m ] ; Petit Courlis [ m ] ; Courlis de terre [ m ] | ภาย | [pāi] (n) EN: place ; side FR: lieu [ m ] ; côté [ m ] | ภาย | [phāi] (n) EN: place ; locality FR: lieu [ m ] | พันโท | [phan-thō] (n) EN: lieutenant colonel FR: lieutenant-colonel [ m ] | พิธีมณฑล | [phithīmonthon] (n) EN: site of rite FR: lieu de culte [ m ] | พลโท | [phon-thō] (n, exp) EN: lieutenant-general ; three-star general FR: général de corps d'armée [ m ] ; lieutenant-général [ m ] | พระภูมิ | [phraphūm] (n) EN: guardian spirit inhabiting a homestead FR: esprit du lieu [ m ] | ผู้เล่นกองกลาง | [phūlēn køngklāng] (n, exp) EN: midfielder FR: milieu de terrain [ m ] | ประการ | [prakān] (n) EN: [ classifier : numerative noun for items, counts, points, kinds, sorts, ways, respects ] FR: [ classificateur : éléments, points, aspects, espèces, sortes, lieux...) | ประการที่เก้า = ประการที่ ๙ | [prakān thī kao] (adv) FR: neuvièmement ; en neuvième lieu | ประการที่สิบสาม = ประการที่ ๐๒ | [prakān thī sip-sām] (adv) FR: treizièmement ; en treizième lieu | ประการที่สอง = ประการที่ ๒ | [prakān thī søng] (adv) FR: deuxièmement ; en second lieu ; secundo ; deuzio (fam.) | ร้านขายเหล้าที่ผิดกฎหมาย | [rān khāi lao thī phit kot māi] (n, exp) EN: speakeasy FR: lieu de vente d'alcool illégal | ร้อยโท | [røi-thō] (n) EN: army lieutenant ; first lieutenant FR: lieutenant [ m ] | ร้อยตรี | [røi-trī] (n) EN: second lieutenant FR: sous-lieutenant [ m ] | รอบนอก | [ropnøk] (n) EN: periphery ; outskirts ; outside ; outer area FR: périphérie [ f ] ; banlieue [ f ] |
| | | first lieutenant | (n) a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marines ranking above a 2nd lieutenant and below a captain, Syn. 1st lieutenant | lieutenancy | (n) the position of a lieutenant | lieutenant | (n) a commissioned military officer | lieutenant | (n) an officer in a police force, Syn. police lieutenant | lieutenant | (n) an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or the United States Coast Guard; below lieutenant commander and above lieutenant junior grade | lieutenant colonel | (n) a commissioned officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines holding a rank above major and below colonel, Syn. light colonel | lieutenant commander | (n) a commissioned officer in the Navy ranking above a lieutenant and below a commander | lieutenant general | (n) a general officer ranking above a major general and below a full general | lieutenant governor | (n) an elected official serving as deputy to the governor of a state of the United States | lieutenant junior grade | (n) an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or United States Coast Guard; below lieutenant and above ensign, Syn. lieutenant JG | milieu | (n) the environmental condition, Syn. surroundings | richelieu | (n) French prelate and statesman; principal minister to Louis XIII (1585-1642), Syn. Cardinal Richelieu, Duc de Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis | second lieutenant | (n) a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marine Corps holding the lowest rank, Syn. 2nd lieutenant | sublieutenant | (n) an officer ranking next below a lieutenant | deputy | (n) an assistant with power to act when his superior is absent, Syn. lieutenant | environs | (n) an outer adjacent area of any place, Syn. purlieu | stead | (n) the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another, Syn. place, position, lieu |
| Banlieue | ‖n. [ F., fr. LL. bannum leucae, banleuca; bannum jurisdiction + leuca league. ] The territory without the walls, but within the legal limits, of a town or city. Brande & C. [ 1913 Webster ] | Halieutics | n. [ L. halieuticus pertaining to fishing, Gr. "alieytiko`s.] A treatise upon fish or the art of fishing; ichthyology. [1913 Webster] | Lieu | n. [ F., OF. also liu, leu, lou, fr. L. locus place. See Local, Locus. ] Place; room; stead; -- used only in the phrase in lieu of, that is, instead of. [ 1913 Webster ] The plan of extortion had been adopted in lieu of the scheme of confiscation. Burke. [ 1913 Webster ] | Lieutenancy | n. 1. The office, rank, or commission, of a lieutenant. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. The body of lieutenants or subordinates. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] The list of the lieutenancy of our metropolis. Felton. [ 1913 Webster ] | Lieutenant | n. [ F., fr. lieu place + tenant holding, p. pr. of tenir to hold, L. tenere. See Lieu, and Tenant, and cf. Locum tenens. ] 1. An officer who supplies the place of a superior in his absence; a representative of, or substitute for, another in the performance of any duty. [ 1913 Webster ] The lawful magistrate, who is the vicegerent or lieutenant of God. Abp. Bramhall. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. (a) A commissioned officer in the army, next below a captain. (b) A commissioned officer in the British navy, in rank next below a commander. (c) A commissioned officer in the United States navy, in rank next below a lieutenant commander. [ 1913 Webster ] ☞ Lieutenant is often used, either adjectively or in hyphened compounds, to denote an officer, in rank next below another, especially when the duties of the higher officer may devolve upon the lower one; as, lieutenant general, or lieutenant-general; lieutenant colonel, or lieutenant-colonel; lieutenant governor, etc. [ 1913 Webster ] Deputy lieutenant, the title of any one of the deputies or assistants of the lord lieutenant of a county. [ Eng. ] -- Lieutenant colonel, an army officer next in rank above major, and below colonel. -- Lieutenant commander, an officer in the United States navy, in rank next below a commander and next above a lieutenant. -- Lieutenant general. See in Vocabulary. -- Lieutenant governor. (a) An officer of a State, being next in rank to the governor, and in case of the death or resignation of the latter, himself acting as governor. [ U. S. ] (b) A deputy governor acting as the chief civil officer of one of several colonies under a governor general. [ Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
| Lieutenant general | pos>n. An army officer in rank next below a general and next above a major general. [ 1913 Webster ] ☞ In the United States, before the civil war, this rank had been conferred only on George Washington and (in brevet) on Winfield Scott. In 1864 it was revived by Congress and conferred on Ulysses S. Grant, and subsequently, by promotion, on William T. Sherman and Philip H. Sheridan, each of whom was advanced to the rank of general of the army. When Sheridan was made general (in 1888) the rank of lieutenant general was suffered to lapse. See General. [ 1913 Webster ] | Lieutenantry | n. See Lieutenancy. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] | Lieutenantship | n. Same as Lieutenancy, 1. [ 1913 Webster ] | Milieu | ‖n. [ F., fr. mi middle (L. medius) + lieu place. See Demi-, Lieu. ] Environment. The intellectual and moral milieu created by multitudes of self-centered, cultivated personalities. J. A. Symonds. It is one of the great outstanding facts of his progressive relation to the elements of his social milieu. J. M. Baldwin. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] | Pourlieu | n. See Purlieu. [ 1913 Webster ] | Purlieu | n. [ Corrupted (by influence of lieu place) fr. OF. puralée, poralée (equiv. to LL. perambulatio a survey of boundaries, originally, a going through); por (L. pro, confused, however, with L. per through) + alée. See Pro-, and Alley. ] [ Written also pourlieu. ] 1. Originally, the ground near a royal forest, which, having been unlawfully added to the forest, was afterwards severed from it, and disafforested so as to remit to the former owners their rights. [ 1913 Webster ] Then as a tiger, who by chance hath spied In some purlieu two gentle fawns at play. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Hence, the outer portion of any place; an adjacent district; environs; neighborhood. “The purlieus of St. James.” [ 1913 Webster ] brokers had been incessantly plying for custom in the purlieus of the court. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ] | Sublieutenant | n. [ Pref. sub + lieutenant: cf. F. sous-lieutenant. ] An inferior or second lieutenant; in the British service, a commissioned officer of the lowest rank. [ 1913 Webster ] | Vergaloo | { } n. [ Cf. Virgouleuse. ] (Bot.) See Virgalieu. [ 1913 Webster ] Variants: Vergalieu | Virgalieu | n. [ Cf. Virgouleuse. ] (Bot.) A valuable kind of pear, of an obovate shape and with melting flesh of delicious flavor; -- more properly called White Doyenné. [ Written also virgaloo, vergalieu, vergaloo, etc. ] [ 1913 Webster ] |
| 少校 | [shào xiào, ㄕㄠˋ ㄒㄧㄠˋ, 少 校] junior ranking officer in Chinese army; major; lieutenant commander #24,234 [Add to Longdo] | 中校 | [zhōng xiào, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄒㄧㄠˋ, 中 校] middle ranking officer in Chinese army; lieutenant colonel; commander #24,967 [Add to Longdo] | 中尉 | [zhōng wèi, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄨㄟˋ, 中 尉] lieutenant (navy); first lieutenant (army); subaltern #29,235 [Add to Longdo] | 少尉 | [shào wèi, ㄕㄠˋ ㄨㄟˋ, 少 尉] second lieutenant (army rank) #42,260 [Add to Longdo] | 中将 | [zhōng jiàng, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄐㄧㄤˋ, 中 将 / 中 將] lieutenant general; vice admiral; air marshal [Add to Longdo] | 副州长 | [fù zhōu zhǎng, ㄈㄨˋ ㄓㄡ ㄓㄤˇ, 副 州 长 / 副 州 長] deputy governor (of a province or colony); lieutenant governor of US state [Add to Longdo] | 海军少校 | [hǎi jūn shǎo xiào, ㄏㄞˇ ㄐㄩㄣ ㄕㄠˇ ㄒㄧㄠˋ, 海 军 少 校 / 海 軍 少 校] lieutenant commander (= UK and US Navy equivalent) [Add to Longdo] | 社会环境 | [shè huì huán jìng, ㄕㄜˋ ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄏㄨㄢˊ ㄐㄧㄥˋ, 社 会 环 境 / 社 會 環 境] milieu; social environment [Add to Longdo] | 陆军中尉 | [lù jūn zhōng wèi, ㄌㄨˋ ㄐㄩㄣ ㄓㄨㄥ ㄨㄟˋ, 陆 军 中 尉 / 陸 軍 中 尉] lieutenant [Add to Longdo] |
| | au milieu de | (prep) ตรงกลาง, ใจกลาง (บุพบทระบุสถานที่) เช่น Au milieu du jardin, il y a une fontaine. ตรงกลางของสวนมีน้ำพุ |
| | 中将 | [ちゅうじょう, chuujou] (n) lieutenant general; vice-admiral; (P) #4,600 [Add to Longdo] | 大尉 | [たいい(P);だいい, taii (P); daii] (n) (pron. だいい in ref. to the old Japanese navy) captain (Army, U.S. Marine Corps, USAF); lieutenant (Navy); flight lieutenant (RAF, RAAF, RNZAF, etc.); (P) #6,164 [Add to Longdo] | 少佐 | [しょうさ, shousa] (n) major; lieutenant commander; wing commander; (P) #6,186 [Add to Longdo] | 中佐 | [ちゅうさ, chuusa] (n) lieutenant colonel; commander (navy); (P) #7,307 [Add to Longdo] | 中尉 | [ちゅうい, chuui] (n) first lieutenant; lieutenant junior grade; (P) #8,999 [Add to Longdo] | 少尉 | [しょうい, shoui] (n) second lieutenant; sublieutenant; ensign; (P) #9,170 [Add to Longdo] | ダブルバンドサージョンフィッシュ;ダブルバンドサージャンフィッシュ | [daburubandosa-jonfisshu ; daburubandosa-janfisshu] (n) doubleband surgeonfish (Acanthurus tennentii, species of Indian Ocean tang); lieutenant surgeon; lieutenant surgeonfish; lieutenant tang [Add to Longdo] | ブラックテールラス | [burakkute-rurasu] (n) blacktail wrasse (Thalassoma ballieui); Ballieu's wrasse [Add to Longdo] | 空尉 | [くうい, kuui] (n) (Self Defense Force's Air Force) captain (defence); lieutenant [Add to Longdo] | 空佐 | [くうさ, kuusa] (n) (Self Defense Force's Air Force) colonel (defence); lieutenant; major [Add to Longdo] | 空将 | [くうしょう, kuushou] (n) (Self Defense Force's Air Force) general (defence); lieutenant; major [Add to Longdo] | 三尉 | [さんい, san'i] (n) second lieutenant (JSDF) [Add to Longdo] | 少慰 | [しょうい, shoui] (n) ensign (navy); second lieutenant (marine and army) [Add to Longdo] | 赤靴;赤苦津 | [あかぐつ;アカグツ, akagutsu ; akagutsu] (n) (uk) starry handfish (Halieutaea stellata) [Add to Longdo] | 二尉 | [にい, nii] (n) first lieutenant (JSDF) [Add to Longdo] | 二佐 | [にさ, nisa] (n) lieutenant colonel (JSDF) [Add to Longdo] | 副将軍 | [ふくしょうぐん, fukushougun] (n) lieutenant general; vice-shogun [Add to Longdo] | 副知事 | [ふくちじ, fukuchiji] (n) lieutenant governor; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 補佐役 | [ほさやく, hosayaku] (n) assistant; adjunct; lieutenant [Add to Longdo] | 陸軍中将 | [りくぐんちゅうじょう, rikugunchuujou] (n) (See 中将) lieutenant general (army); lt. general [Add to Longdo] | 陸将 | [りくしょう, rikushou] (n) general; lieutenant general [Add to Longdo] |
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