ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: otis, -otis- |
| anecdotist | (แอน' นิโดทิสทฺ) n. ผู้เล่าเรื่องราวเล็ก ๆ น้อย ๆ , ผู้เล่าเกร็ดประวัติ | autoerotism | (ออโทเออ'ระทิสซึม) n. การกระตุ้นกำหนัดตัวเอง (โดยเฉพาะการทำกามอัตโนมัติ) ., Syn. autoeroticism -autoerotic adj. | azotise | (แอซ'ซะไทซ) vt. ไส้ในโตรเจน (nitrogenize) | catacrotism | (คะแท็ค'โครทิสซึม) n. ชีพจรวิกล | egotist | (เอก'กะทิสทฺ, อี'กะทิสทฺ) n. คนคุยโว, คนอวดดี, คนทะนงตัว, Syn. boaster | helotism | (เฮล'ละทิสซึม) n. ความเป็นทาส | hypnotise | (ฮิพ'นะไทซ) vt., vi. สะกดจิต, ทำให้หลับ., See also: hypnotis z -ation n. hyonotis z ability n. hypnotis z able adj., Syn. entrance | hypnotist | (ฮิพ'นะทิสทฺ) n. ผู้สะกดจิต | patriotism | (เพทริอะทิส'ซึม) n. ความรักชาติ |
| despotism | (n) ลัทธิสมบูรณาญาสิทธิราช, อำนาจเผด็จการ, ระบอบเผด็จการ | egotist | (n) คนเห็นแก่ตัว, คนอวดดี, คนหยิ่ง, คนคุยโว, คนทะนงตัว | hypnotism | (n) การสะกดจิต | hypnotist | (n) ผู้สะกดจิต | nepotism | (n) การแบ่งพรรคพวก, การถือพวกพ้อง, การเลือกที่รักมักที่ชัง | patriotism | (n) ลัทธิชาตินิยม, ความรักชาติ |
| | | Like a neurotic? | Neurotisch? The Umbrella Coup (1980) | Sounds so strong. And so exotic. | Das klingt stark und exotisch. High Flying Steele (1984) | - Crazy. | Das ist idiotisch. The Jigsaw Man (1983) | This is insane. | - Das ist doch idiotisch. Cop (1988) | - Otis? | - Otis? CB4 (1993) | You sabotage my intentions over some patriotic grudge against my brother. | Ihr sabotiert meine Absichten wegen eines patriotischen Grolls gegen Cesare. 1505 (2014) | Before the attack, we will feed them. | Sie unterstützen Spanien, weil ihre Bäuche leer sind, nicht aus Patriotismus. 1507 (2014) | There's creepy predators, exotic diseases. | Da gibt es gruselige Räuber, exotische Krankheiten. Three Girls and an Urn (2014) | For erotica, surprisingly boring. | - Langweilig, für einen erotischen Text. - Ich bin David. Pilot (2014) | - Sounds exotic. | Klingt exotisch. Revolution (2014) | My father is stepping down and handing over the company to my idiot brother. | Mein Vater tritt zurück und überlässt die Firma meinem idiotischen Bruder. Blood (2014) | We need a contact person, or else it's going in all directions. | Wir brauchen einen Ansprechpartner, sonst wird es chaotisch. 24 Days (2014) | He's psychotic. | Er ist psychotisch. Beginning of the End (2014) | Is it really messy? | Ist er echt chaotisch? Second Chance (2014) | Idiocy. | Idiotisch. The Grand Experiment (2014) | Give me your sexiest pose right here. | Gebt mir eure erotischste Pose, genau hier. Cruise (2014) | Sexiest pose. | - Erotischste Pose. Cruise (2014) | How messy they can be. | Wie chaotisch sie sein können. The Grand Experiment (2014) | I'm sorry everything is... so chaotic right now. | Und dass im Moment alles so chaotisch ist. Occultation (2014) | It's organic mustard seed, imported from exotic places like-- like Canada. | - Es sind organische Senfsamen, importiert... aus exotischen Plätzen, wie... wie Kanada. Most Likely to... (2014) | "Any organization donating to the Meyer campaign may want to reflect on how its tightfisted idiocy is mocked by the woman on the $1,200 crate." | Er schreibt: "Wer Meyer Geld spendet, möge darüber nachdenken, wie sein idiotischer Geiz von der Frau auf der $1 .200-Kiste verspottet wird." Crate (2014) | Welcome to the most frustrating, befuddling and, yes, erotic book release party you've ever attended. | Willkommen zu der frustrierendsten, berauschendsten, und, ja, erotischsten Buch-Release-Party, an der Sie je teilgenommen haben. Treehouse of Horror XXV (2014) | Interested in some exotic dancers, huh? | Interessiert an exotischen Tänzerinnen, hmm? Super Franchise Me (2014) | It's weird, but? | Das klingt idiotisch. La mort et la belle vie (2014) | Our last good-bye was a little messy. | Unser letzter Abschied war ein wenig chaotisch. Betrayal (2014) | This is completely idiotic. | Das ist doch völlig idiotisch. Live (2014) | They think those two things are separate, that they're not symbiotic. | Die denken, dass diese beiden Dinge nicht symbiotisch sind. Special Relationship (2014) | That, uh... I had a psychotic episode in space, or that I had a vision of my dead boyfriend and now | Dass ich im Weltraum einen psychotischen Schub hatte? Extinct (2014) | All right, listen up, you no-talent, idiot babies! | Alles klar, hergehört, ihr talentfreien, idiotischen Babys! Fired Up (2014) | I write erotic fan fiction based on old reruns of "The Facts of Life." | Ich schreibe erotische Fangeschichten, die auf Wiederholungen der Serie "Zwei sind einer zuviel" basieren. Charlie and the Houseful of Hookers (2014) | You're a stranger to cocaine and exotic dancing, too, I would imagine. | Kokain und exotische Tänze sind Ihnen fremd, möchte ich meinen. Episode #2.1 (2014) | Dinesh, change the lighting to something erotic because it's about to get pretty fucking erotic in here. | Dinesh, mach eine erotische Beleuchtung an, denn hier drin wird es gleich verflucht erotisch. The Cap Table (2014) | Was it just me, or was Charlie jumping up every five minutes to check on that psychotic-looking plumber in there? | Lag das an mir oder an Charlie, der alle fünf Minuten aufgesprungen ist, um diesen psychotisch aussehenden Klempner zu überprüfen? Charlie, Lacey & the Dangerous Plumber (2014) | - Otis, you okay? | Otis, alles okay? Just Drive the Truck (2014) | Otis, you're driving for now. | Otis, du fährst vorläufig. Just Drive the Truck (2014) | Look, I love this city, but it's... it's such a tangled mess right now. | Ich liebe diese Stadt, aber es ist alle so chaotisch. Ever After (2014) | Absorbs through the kidneys, but yours will become so necrotic and gangrenous as the cancer spreads, they'll have to be removed. | Sie wird durch die Nieren aufgenommen. Aber deine werden bald so nekrotisch und krebszerfressen sein, dass man sie entfernen muss, also wieder kein Glück. Demons and the Dogstar (2014) | That's why she hates you. Smells of homoerotic relations in here, gentlemen. | Das riecht nach homoerotischen Beziehungen hier, Gentlemen. Glass Eye (2014) | I need you to let me hypnotize you. | Du musst mir erlauben dich zu hypnotisieren. Second Chance (2014) | "Marriage is like a freeway... messy, but if you communicate, it's so worth it." | "Heirat ist wie eine Autobahn, chaotisch, aber wenn du kommunizierst, ist es das wert." The Wedding, Part 2 (2014) | Ladies and gentlemen, from the exotic land of Siam, the Spectacular Siamese Sisters! | Meine Damen und Herren, aus dem exotischen Land Siam, die spektakulären siamesischen Schwestern! Massacres and Matinees (2014) | My breakthrough in extrauterine fetal incubation involved an artificial umbilical vein conducting atmospheric oxygen and a fluorocarbon mixture through the ductus venosus to the inferior vena cava to maintain lung inflation at amniotic pressures... | Meine bahnbrechende extra-uterine Fötal-Inkubationstechnik bezieht eine künstliche Nabelvene ein. Sie leitet atmosphärischen Sauerstoff und eine Fluorkohlenstoff-Mischung durch den Ductus venosus zur unteren Hohlvene, - um Lungeninflation auf amniotischem-- Lost Generation (2014) | - of some psychotic old woman who... | - einer psychotischen alten Frau-- - Bitte! Lost Generation (2014) | You've got a thing to learn about patriotism and loyalty. | Sie müssen noch einiges über Patriotismus und Loyalität lernen. The Runaways (2014) | It's getting a little messy for you. | Es wird etwas chaotisch für dich. Self Help (2014) | He was kind of a mess. | Er war ziemlich chaotisch. Self Help (2014) | Great Khan, a rare and exotic gift from the Arabian Peninsula by route of Dunhuang. | Großkhan, ein seltenes und exotisches Geschenk aus Arabien, auf dem Weg über Dunhuang. The Fourth Step (2014) | Let me find you someone more exotic. | Lass mich eine finden, die exotischer ist. The Fourth Step (2014) | But missed, hitting the carotid artery, which was now squirting like a loose fire hose, hence the walls, so then I struck again, number two. | Aber verpasste dabei die Karotis Arterie, welche jetzt spritzte, wie ein lockerer Feuerwehrschlauch, deswegen die Wände, also habe ich nochmal zugestochen, Nummer zwei. It's All Her Fault (2014) | Because that's when this team, my warriors, are gonna burn those pansy-ass OHIO players right to the ground! | Denn dann wird dieses Team, meine Warriors, diesen idiotischen Ohio Spielern die Hölle heiß machen wird! Pilot (2014) |
| | ลัทธิสมบูรณาญาสิทธิราชย์ | (n) absolutism, See also: despotism, Syn. สมบูรณาญาสิทธิราชย์, Example: คณะราษฎร์กระทำการปฏิวัติยึดอำนาจเปลี่ยนแปลงการปกครองระบอบสมบูรณาญาสิทธิราชย์มาเป็นระบอบประชาธิปไตยเมื่อพ.ศ.2475, Thai Definition: ระบอบการปกครองซึ่งพระมหากษัตริย์มีอำนาจสิทธิ์ขาดในการบริหารประเทศ | หยิ่ง | (v) be conceit, See also: be egotistical, be overly proud, be arrogant, be haughty, Syn. จองหอง, อวดดี, ลำพอง, ถือตัว, เย่อหยิ่ง, โอหัง, ทะนงตัว, Ant. ถ่อมตัว, Example: เขาหยิ่งจนไม่ยอมพูดกับใคร, Thai Definition: ถือดีในตัวของตัว, สำคัญว่ามีดีในตัวของตน | ชาตินิยม | (n) nationalism, See also: patriotism, Example: ิความเป็นชาตินิยมถูกปลูกฝังไว้ในตัวของคนในชาติโดยไม่รู้ตัว, Thai Definition: ลัทธิที่ถือชาติเป็นใหญ่ | ความรักชาติ | (n) patriotism, Example: รัฐบาลพยายามปลุกความรักชาติให้เกิดในหมู่ประชาชน |
| บ้านใต้ถุนสูง | [bān tāithun sūng] (n, exp) FR: maison sur pilotis [ f ] | กาม | [kām] (n) EN: lust ; sexual desire ; sensuality ; lewdness ; libido ; kama FR: plaisir sexuel [ m ] ; plaisir charnel [ m ] ; érotisme [ m ] ; sensualité [ f ] ; désir sexuel [ m ] ; envie [ f ] | ค่าสมาชิก | [khā samāchik] (n, exp) EN: membership fee FR: cotisation de membre [ f ] | ความรักชาติ | [khwām rak chāt] (n, exp) EN: patriotism FR: patriotisme [ m ] ; amour de la patrie [ f ] | ลัทธิชาฅินิยม | [latthi chāt niyom] (n, exp) EN: patriotism ; nationalism FR: patriotisme [ m ] ; nationalisme [ f ] | ลงขัน | [longkhan] (v) EN: contribute ; offer money ; take a share in the expenses ; chip in ; contribute to the pot ; take up a collection FR: cotiser ; contribuer ; participer | สะกด | [sakot] (v) EN: hypnotize ; mesmerize ; put in a trance ; put to sleep FR: hypnotiser | สะกดจิต | [sakotjit] (v) EN: hypnotize ; mesmerize FR: hypnotiser | เฅาปิ้ง | [tao ping] (n) EN: broiler FR: gril [ m ] ; rôtissoire [ f ] | เตาย่าง | [tao yāng] (n, exp) FR: gril [ m ] ; rôtissoire [ f ] | ที่ดินแบ่ง | [thīdin baeng] (n, exp) FR: lotissement [ m ] |
| | | anecdotist | (n) a person skilled in telling anecdotes, Syn. raconteur | arctotis | (n) herbs and subshrubs: African daisy, Syn. genus Arctotis | bibliotist | (n) someone who engages in bibliotics | cave myotis | (n) small bat of southwest United States that lives in caves etc., Syn. Myotis velifer | choriotis | (n) Australian bustard, Syn. genus Choriotis | chorizagrotis | (n) moths whose larvae are army cutworms, Syn. genus Chorizagrotis | cryptotis | (n) least shrews, Syn. genus Cryptotis | disciotis venosa | (n) an edible morel with a cup-shaped or saucer-shaped fruiting body can be up to 20 cm wide; the fertile surface inside the cup has wrinkles radiating from the center; can be easily confused with inedible mushrooms, Syn. cup morel | dolichotis | (n) maras, Syn. genus Dolichotis | egotism | (n) an exaggerated opinion of your own importance, Syn. swelled head, self-importance | egotist | (n) a conceited and self-centered person, Syn. egoist, swellhead | egotistic | (adj) characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance, Syn. self-loving, egotistical, narcissistic | egotistically | (adv) in an egotistical manner, Syn. selfishly, Ant. unselfishly | ergotism | (n) poisoning by ingestion of ergot-infected grain products; characterized by thirst and diarrhea and nausea and cramping and vomiting and abnormal cardiac rhythms; in severe cases it can cause seizures and gangrene of the limbs | genus stephanotis | (n) genus of Old World tropical woody vines | haliotis | (n) type genus of the family Haliotidae, Syn. genus Haliotis | hypnotism | (n) the act of inducing hypnosis, Syn. mesmerism, suggestion | hypnotist | (n) a person who induces hypnosis, Syn. hypnotizer, mesmerizer, mesmerist, hypnotiser | leonotis | (n) small genus of tropical herbs and subshrubs of South Africa, Syn. genus Leonotis | macrotis | (n) a genus of Peramelidae, Syn. genus Macrotis | melanotis | (n) a genus of Mimidae, Syn. genus Melanotis | myosotis | (n) forget-me-nots; scorpion grass, Syn. genus Myosotis | myotis | (n) largest and most widely distributed genus of bats, Syn. genus Myotis | nepotism | (n) favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by giving them jobs) | nepotist | (n) a powerful person who shows favoritism to relatives or close friends | otis | (n) United States inventor who manufactured the first elevator with a safety device (1811-1861), Syn. Elisha Graves Otis | otis | (n) type genus of the Otididae: European bustard, Syn. genus Otis | patriotism | (n) love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it, Syn. nationalism | protist | (n) free-living or colonial organisms with diverse nutritional and reproductive modes, Syn. protistan | protista | (n) eukaryotic one-celled living organisms distinct from multicellular plants and animals: protozoa, slime molds, and eukaryotic algae, Syn. division Protista | rotisserie | (n) an oven or broiler equipped with a rotating spit on which meat cooks as it turns | rotisserie | (n) a restaurant that specializes in roasted and barbecued meats | stephanotis | (n) any of various evergreen climbing shrubs of the genus Stephanotis having fragrant waxy flowers | absolutism | (n) dominance through threat of punishment and violence, Syn. tyranny, despotism | amorousness | (n) the arousal of feelings of sexual desire, Syn. erotism, eroticism, amativeness, sexiness | army cutworm | (n) larvae (of a noctuid moth) that travel in large groups and destroy grains and alfalfa in the midwestern states, Syn. Chorizagrotis auxiliaris | autoeroticism | (n) using you own body as a sexual object, Syn. autoerotism | blue-eyed african daisy | (n) bushy perennial of South Africa with white or violet flowers; in its native region often clothes entire valley sides in a sheet of color, Syn. Arctotis venusta, Arctotis stoechadifolia | blue mockingbird | (n) mockingbird of Mexico, Syn. Melanotis caerulescens | carotid artery | (n) either of two major arteries of the neck and head; branches from the aorta, Syn. arteria carotis | chauvinism | (n) fanatical patriotism, Syn. superpatriotism, ultranationalism, jingoism | conceited | (adj) characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance, Syn. vain, egotistic, egotistical, swollen-headed, self-conceited, swollen | dagga | (n) relatively nontoxic South African herb smoked like tobacco, Syn. red dagga, Leonotis leonurus, Cape dagga, wilde dagga | dictatorship | (n) a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.), Syn. despotism, monocracy, totalitarianism, absolutism, tyranny, Caesarism, one-man rule, authoritarianism, Stalinism, shogunate | ego | (n) an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others, Syn. egotism, self-importance | eroticism | (n) a state of anticipation of sexuality, Syn. erotism | exoticism | (n) the quality of being exotic, Syn. exoticness, exotism | forget-me-not | (n) small perennial herb having bright blue or white flowers, Syn. Myosotis scorpiodes, mouse ear | garden forget-me-not | (n) small biennial to perennial herb of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia having blue, purple or white flowers, Syn. Myosotis sylvatica | great bustard | (n) largest European land bird, Syn. Otis tarda |
| acrotism | n. [ Gr. 'a priv. + kro`tos a rattling, beating. ] (Med.) Lack or defect of pulsation. AS [ 1913 Webster ] | Anacrotism | n. [ Gr. &unr_;, up, again + &unr_; a stroke. ] (Physiol.) A secondary notch in the pulse curve, obtained in a sphygmographic tracing. [ 1913 Webster ] | Anecdotist | n. One who relates or collects anecdotes. [ 1913 Webster ] | Arctotis | n. 1. 1 a genus of herbs and subshrubs: African daisy. Syn. -- genus Arctotis. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | autoerotism | n. using you own body as a sexual object. [ WordNet 1.5 ] Variants: autoeroticism | Autohypnotism | n. [ Auto- + hypnotism. ] Hypnotism of one's self by concentration of the attention on some object or idea. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] | Catadicrotism | n. [ Cata- + dicrotism. ] (Physiol.) Quality or state of being catacrotic. -- Cat`a*di*crot"ic a. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] | Compatriotism | n. The condition of being compatriots. [ 1913 Webster ] | Cotise | n. (Her.) See Cottise. [ 1913 Webster ] | Cotised | a. (Her.) See Cottised. [ 1913 Webster ] | Despotism | n. [ Cf. F. despotisme. ] 1. The power, spirit, or principles of a despot; absolute control over others; tyrannical sway; tyranny. “The despotism of vice.” Byron. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. A government which is directed by a despot; a despotic monarchy; absolutism; autocracy. [ 1913 Webster ] Despotism . . . is the only form of government which may with safety to itself neglect the education of its infant poor. Bp. Horsley. [ 1913 Webster ] | Despotist | n. A supporter of despotism. [ R. ] [ 1913 Webster ] | Dicrotism | n. (Physiol.) A condition in which there are two beats or waves of the arterial pulse to each beat of the heart. [ 1913 Webster ] | Dolichotis | n. 1. a genus of rodents including the maras. Syn. -- genus Dolichotis. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Dotish | a. Foolish; weak; imbecile. Sir W. Scott. [ 1913 Webster ] | Egotism | n. [ L. ego I + ending -tism for -ism, prob. influenced by other English words in -tism fr. the Greek, where t is not part of the ending, as baptism. See Egoism. ] The practice of too frequently using the word I; hence, a speaking or writing overmuch of one's self; self-exaltation; self-praise; the act or practice of magnifying one's self or parading one's own doings. The word is also used in the sense of egoism. [ 1913 Webster ] His excessive egotism, which filled all objects with himself. Hazlitt. Syn. -- Egotism, Self-conceit, Vanity, Egoism. Self-conceit is an overweening opinion of one's talents, capacity, attractions, etc.; egotism is the acting out of self-conceit, or self-importance, in words and exterior conduct; vanity is inflation of mind arising from the idea of being thought highly of by others. It shows itself by its eagerness to catch the notice of others. Egoism is a state in which the feelings are concentrated on one's self. Its expression is egotism. [ 1913 Webster ] | Egotist | n. [ L. ego I + ending -tist for -ist. See Egotism, and cf. Egoist. ] One addicted to egotism; one who speaks much of himself or magnifies his own achievements or affairs. | Egotistical | { } a. Addicted to, or manifesting, egotism; having an exaggerated view of one's own importance or good qualities. Syn. -- egotistic; narcissistic; self-loving; conceited; vain; self-important; opinionated. [ 1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5 ] Variants: Egotistic | Egotistically | adv. With egotism. [ 1913 Webster ] | Ergotism | n. [ F. ergotisme, fr. L. ergo. ] A logical deduction. [ Obs. ] Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ] | Ergotism | n. [ From Ergot, n.; cf. F. ergotisme. ] (Med.) A diseased condition produced by eating rye affected with the ergot fungus. [ 1913 Webster ] | Haliotis | ‖prop. n. [ NL., fr. Gr. "a`ls sea + o'y^s, 'wto`s, ear.] (Zool.) A genus of marine shells; the ear-shells. See Abalone. [1913 Webster] | Helotism | n. The condition of the Helots or slaves in Sparta; slavery. [ 1913 Webster ] | Hottentotism | n. A term employed to describe one of the varieties of stammering. Tylor. [ 1913 Webster ] | Huguenotism | n. [ Cf. F. huguenotisme. ] The religion of the Huguenots in France. [ 1913 Webster ] | Hyperdicrotism | n. (Physiol.) A hyperdicrotic condition. [ 1913 Webster ] | Hypnotism | n. [ Gr. &unr_; sleep: cf. F. hypnotisme. ] 1. A form of sleep or trance, in some respects resembling somnambulism, but brought on by artificial means, in which there is an unusual suspension of some powers, and an unusual activity of others, especially a heightened susceptibility to suggestion. It is induced by an action upon the nerves, through the medium of the senses, by causing the subject to gaze steadily at a very bright object held before the eyes, or on an oscillating object, or by pressure upon certain points of the surface of the body, usually accompanied by the speaking of the hypnotist in quiet soothing tones. Called also hypnosis. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ] 2. The science which deals with the induction and properties of the hypnotic state. [ PJC ] | Hypnotist | n. A person who hypnotizes another, especially one who is professionally trained in the technique. [ PJC ] | Idiotish | a. Like an idiot; foolish. [ 1913 Webster ] | Idiotism | n. [ F. idiotisme, L. idiotismus the way of fashion of a private person, the common or vulgar manner of speaking, Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; to put into or use common language, fr. &unr_;. See Idiot. ] 1. An idiom; a form, mode of expression, or signification, peculiar to a language. [ 1913 Webster ] Scholars sometimes give terminations and idiotisms, suitable to their native language, unto words newly invented. M. Hale. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Lack of knowledge or mental capacity; idiocy; foolishness. [ 1913 Webster ] Worse than mere ignorance or idiotism. Shaftesbury. [ 1913 Webster ] The running that adventure is the greatist idiotism. Hammond. [ 1913 Webster ] | Leonotis | n. A small genus of tropical herbs and subshrubs of S Africa. Syn. -- genus Leonotis. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Maggotish | a. Full of whims or fancies; maggoty. [ 1913 Webster ] | Monocrotism | n. [ Gr. mo`nos alone + &unr_; a beating. ] (Physiol.) That condition of the pulse in which the pulse curve or sphygmogram shows but a single crest, the dicrotic elevation entirely disappearing. [ 1913 Webster ] | Myosotis | ‖prop. n. [ NL.; Gr. &unr_;, lit., mouse ear. ] (Bot.) A genus of plants. See Mouse-ear. [ 1913 Webster ] | Narcotism | n. [ Cf. F. narcotisme. ] Narcosis; the state of being narcotized. G. Eliot. [ 1913 Webster ] | Nepotism | n. [ L. nepus, nepotus, nephew: cf. F. népotisme. See Nephew. ] Undue attachment to relations; favoritism shown to members of one's family; bestowal of patronage in consideration of relationship, rather than of merit or of legal claim. [ 1913 Webster ] From nepotism Alexander V. was safe; for he was without kindred or relatives. But there was another perhaps more fatal nepotism, which turned the tide of popularity against him -- the nepotism of his order. Milman. [ 1913 Webster ] | Nepotist | n. One who practices nepotism. [ 1913 Webster ] | Notist | n. An annotator. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] | Otis | ‖prop. n. [ L., a kind of bustard, Gr. &unr_;. ] (Zool.) A genus of birds including certain of the bustards. [ 1913 Webster ] | Patriotism | n. [ Cf. F. patriotisme. ] Love of country; devotion to the welfare of one's country; the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion which inspires one to serve one's country. Berkley. [ 1913 Webster ] | Photism | n. [ Gr. fwtismo`s illumination. ] (Psycol.) A luminous image or appearance of a hallucinatory character. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] | Pilotry | { } n. Pilotage; skill in the duties of a pilot. [ R. ] [ 1913 Webster ] Variants: Pilotism | Polycrotism | n. (Physiol.) That state or condition of the pulse in which the pulse curve, or sphygmogram, shows several secondary crests or elevations; -- contrasted with monocrotism and dicrotism. [ 1913 Webster ] | Protist | n. (Zool.) One of the Protista. [ 1913 Webster ] | Protista | ‖n. pl. [ NL., fr. Gr. prw`tistos first. ] (Zool.) A provisional group in which are placed a number of low microscopic organisms of doubtful nature. Some are probably plants, others animals. [ 1913 Webster ] | Protiston | ‖n.; pl. Protista [ NL. ] (Zool.) One of the Protista. [ 1913 Webster ] | Quixotism | n. That form of delusion which leads to extravagant and absurd undertakings or sacrifices in obedience to a morbidly romantic ideal of duty or honor, as illustrated by the exploits of Don Quixote in knight-errantry. See quixotic. [ 1913 Webster ] | Riotise | n. Excess; tumult; revelry. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] His life he led in lawless riotise. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ] | Scotist | n. (Eccl. Hist.) A follower of (Joannes) Duns Scotus, the Franciscan scholastic (d. 1308), who maintained certain doctrines in philosophy and theology, in opposition to the Thomists, or followers of Thomas Aquinas, the Dominican scholastic. [ 1913 Webster ] | Sootish | a. Sooty. Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ] |
| 爱国 | [ài guó, ㄞˋ ㄍㄨㄛˊ, 爱 国 / 愛 國] patriotic; love of country; patriotism #5,778 [Add to Longdo] | 爱国主义 | [ài guó zhǔ yì, ㄞˋ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄓㄨˇ ㄧˋ, 爱 国 主 义 / 愛 國 主 義] patriotism #9,751 [Add to Longdo] | 狂妄 | [kuáng wàng, ㄎㄨㄤˊ ㄨㄤˋ, 狂 妄] egotistical; arrogant; brassy #21,192 [Add to Longdo] | 任人唯亲 | [rèn rén wéi qīn, ㄖㄣˋ ㄖㄣˊ ㄨㄟˊ ㄑㄧㄣ, 任 人 唯 亲 / 任 人 唯 親] to appoint people by favoritism (成语 saw); nepotism; corrupt appointment #61,524 [Add to Longdo] | 催眠术 | [cuī mián shù, ㄘㄨㄟ ㄇㄧㄢˊ ㄕㄨˋ, 催 眠 术 / 催 眠 術] hypnotize; hypnotism; mesmerism #71,283 [Add to Longdo] | 鳆 | [fù, ㄈㄨˋ, 鳆 / 鰒] Haliotis gigantea; sea ear #317,543 [Add to Longdo] | 原生生物 | [yuán shēng shēng wù, ㄩㄢˊ ㄕㄥ ㄕㄥ ㄨˋ, 原 生 生 物] protist; primitive organism [Add to Longdo] | 专制主义 | [zhuān zhì zhǔ yì, ㄓㄨㄢ ㄓˋ ㄓㄨˇ ㄧˋ, 专 制 主 义 / 專 制 主 義] absolutism; despotism; autocracy [Add to Longdo] |
| | 独裁 | [どくさい, dokusai] (n, vs, adj-no) dictatorship; despotism; (P) #8,886 [Add to Longdo] | 愛国 | [あいこく, aikoku] (n, adj-no) love of (one's) country; patriotism; (P) #11,615 [Add to Longdo] | 催眠 | [さいみん, saimin] (n, adj-no) hypnotism; (P) #12,916 [Add to Longdo] | イエローイアーエンジェルフィッシュ | [iero-ia-enjierufisshu] (n) yellow-ear angelfish (Apolemichthys xanthotis); Red Sea angelfish [Add to Longdo] | エゴイスティック | [egoisuteikku] (adj-na) egotistic [Add to Longdo] | エゴイスト | [egoisuto] (n) egotist [Add to Longdo] | エゴティスト | [egoteisuto] (n) egotist [Add to Longdo] | エゴティズム | [egoteizumu] (n) egotism [Add to Longdo] | エロチズム | [erochizumu] (n) erotism [Add to Longdo] | ダクロ | [dakuro] (adj-f) (abbr) Dacrotized (trademark for an anti-corrosion metal coating) (Dacrotised) [Add to Longdo] | ダクロダイズド | [dakurodaizudo] (adj-f) Dacrotized (trademark for an anti-corrosion metal coating) (Dacrotised) [Add to Longdo] | デスポティズム | [desupoteizumu] (n) despotism [Add to Longdo] | ナイルアロワナ;ナイル・アロワナ | [nairuarowana ; nairu . arowana] (n) African arowana (Heterotis niloticus) [Add to Longdo] | ネポチズム;ネポティズム | [nepochizumu ; nepoteizumu] (n) nepotism [Add to Longdo] | パウア貝 | [パウアかい, paua kai] (n) paua (edible New Zealand abalone; species Haliotis iris, H. australis, H. virginea) [Add to Longdo] | パトリオティズム | [patorioteizumu] (n) patriotism; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 愛国主義 | [あいこくしゅぎ, aikokushugi] (n) nationalism; patriotism [Add to Longdo] | 愛国心 | [あいこくしん, aikokushin] (n) patriotic feelings; patriotism [Add to Longdo] | 圧制;あっ制 | [あっせい, assei] (n) oppression; tyranny; despotism [Add to Longdo] | 縁故政治 | [えんこせいじ, enkoseiji] (n) crony politics; nepotistic government [Add to Longdo] | 縁者贔屓 | [えんじゃびいき, enjabiiki] (n) nepotism [Add to Longdo] | 横暴 | [おうぼう, oubou] (adj-na, n) violence; oppression; high-handedness; tyranny; despotism; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 苛政 | [かせい, kasei] (n) tyranny; despotism [Add to Longdo] | 我執 | [がしゅう, gashuu] (n) egotism; obstinacy [Add to Longdo] | 慨世憂国 | [がいせいゆうこく, gaiseiyuukoku] (n) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism [Add to Longdo] | 虐政 | [ぎゃくせい, gyakusei] (n) tyranny; despotism [Add to Longdo] | 原生生物 | [げんせいせいぶつ, genseiseibutsu] (n) protist; protistan; protoctist [Add to Longdo] | 国粋主義 | [こくすいしゅぎ, kokusuishugi] (n, adj-no) nationalism; extreme patriotism [Add to Longdo] | 催眠術 | [さいみんじゅつ, saiminjutsu] (n) hypnotism [Add to Longdo] | 耳貝 | [みみがい;ミミガイ, mimigai ; mimigai] (n) (uk) ass's ear abalone (Haliotis asinina); donkey's ear abalone [Add to Longdo] | 自家本位 | [じかほんい, jikahon'i] (n) self-centeredness; selfishness; egoism; egotism; egocentricity [Add to Longdo] | 自己催眠 | [じこさいみん, jikosaimin] (n) auto-hypnosis; self-hypnosis; self-induced hypnotism [Add to Longdo] | 自己中;自己チュー | [じこちゅう(自己中);じこチュー(自己チュー), jikochuu ( jiko naka ); jiko chu-( jiko chu-)] (n) (abbr) (sl) (See 自己中心) selfishness; egotism; egoism; egocentricity [Add to Longdo] | 自己中心 | [じこちゅうしん, jikochuushin] (n, adj-no) selfishness; egotism; egoism; egocentricity [Add to Longdo] | 自己本位 | [じこほんい, jikohon'i] (n, adj-no) self-centeredness; self-centredness; selfishness; egotism; egoism [Add to Longdo] | 自分本位 | [じぶんほんい, jibunhon'i] (n, adj-no) self-centeredness; selfishness; egotism; egocentricity [Add to Longdo] | 身勝手 | [みがって, migatte] (adj-na, n) selfishness; egoism; egotism [Add to Longdo] | 身贔屓;身びいき | [みびいき, mibiiki] (n) favoritism (towards relatives); favouritism; nepotism [Add to Longdo] | 尽忠報国 | [じんちゅうほうこく, jinchuuhoukoku] (n) loyalty and patriotism [Add to Longdo] | 専横 | [せんおう, sen'ou] (adj-na, n) arbitrariness; despotism; tyranny; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 専制(P);擅制 | [せんせい, sensei] (n, vs, adj-no) despotism; autocracy; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 祖国愛 | [そこくあい, sokokuai] (n) patriotism [Add to Longdo] | 忠君愛国 | [ちゅうくんあいこく, chuukun'aikoku] (n) loyalty and patriotism [Add to Longdo] | 独裁国家 | [どくさいこっか, dokusaikokka] (n) dictatorship; despotism [Add to Longdo] | 報国 | [ほうこく, houkoku] (n) patriotism [Add to Longdo] | 忘れな草;勿忘草 | [わすれなぐさ;ワスレナグサ, wasurenagusa ; wasurenagusa] (n) forget-me-not (esp. the water forget-me-not, Myosotis scorpioides) [Add to Longdo] | 野雁;鴇 | [のがん;ノガン, nogan ; nogan] (n) (uk) bustard (esp. the great bustard, Otis tarda) [Add to Longdo] | 憂国 | [ゆうこく, yuukoku] (n) patriotism; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 憂国慨世 | [ゆうこくがいせい, yuukokugaisei] (n) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism [Add to Longdo] | 鵯 | [ひよどり;ひえどり;ヒヨドリ;ヒエドリ, hiyodori ; hiedori ; hiyodori ; hiedori] (n) (uk) brown-eared bulbul (Hypsipetes amaurotis) [Add to Longdo] |
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