ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: legit, -legit- |
legitimacy | (n) ลักษณะที่ชอบด้วยกฎหมาย, See also: ความชอบธรรม, Syn. authenticity, genuineness | legitimate | (adj) ตามหลักการหรือกฎเกณฑ์ที่ตั้งไว้, See also: ตามทำนองคลองธรรม, Syn. sanctioned | legitimate | (adj) ถูกต้องตามกฎหมาย, See also: ชอบด้วยกฎหมาย, Syn. lawful, licit, legal | legitimate | (adj) ถูกต้องตามเหตุผล, See also: ตามตรรกะ, Syn. logical, valid | legitimate | (vt) ทำให้ถูกกฎหมาย, Syn. legalize | legitimate | (vt) ทำให้เป็นบุตรถูกต้องตามกฎหมาย | legitimate | (adj) ที่เกิดจากบิดามารดาซึ่งสมรสกันตามกฎหมาย, See also: ที่เป็นบุตรตามกฎหมาย | legitimate | (adj) แท้จริง, See also: ปลอม, เก๊, หลอกลวง | legitimate | (vt) พิสูจน์ให้เห็นว่าถูกต้องตามกฎหมาย | illegitimacy | (n) การทำผิดกฎหมาย, See also: ความไม่ชอบด้วยกฎหมาย, การฝ่าฝืนกฎหมาย, Syn. illegality, illicitness, Ant. legality | illegitimate | (adj) ซึ่งเป็นลูกนอกสมรส, See also: ซึ่งเป็นลูกนอกกฎหมาย, Syn. bastard, fatherless | illegitimate | (adj) ซึ่งผิดกฎหมาย, See also: ซึ่งฝ่าฝืนกฎหมาย, Syn. illegal, illicit, Ant. legal | illegitimize | (vt) ทำให้ผิดกฎหมาย, Syn. bastardize |
| elegit | (อีลี'จิท) n. คำสั่งอายัดทรัพย์สินของจำเลยจนกว่าจำเลยจะใช้หนี้หมด | illegitimacy | (อิลลิจิท'ทะมะซี) n. ความผิดกฎหมาย, ความนอกกฎหมาย (ลูก) | illegitimate | (อิลลิจิท'ทิเมท) adj. ผิดกฎหมาย, (ลูก) นอกกฎหมาย, ผิดปกติ, ผิดทำนองคลองธรรม, ผิดหลักการ. vt. ทำให้ผิดกฎหมาย. n. ลูกนอกกฎหมาย, บุคคลนอกกฎหมาย., See also: illegitimateness n. illegitimation n., Syn. unlawful, bastard, illogical | legitimacy | (ลิจิท'ทะมะซี) n. ความถูกต้องตามกฎหมาย, ความชอบด้วยกฎหมาย, ความถูกต้องสมควร, ความมีสิทธิตามกฎหมาย, ความถูกต้องตามทำนองคลองธรรม, ความถูกต้องตามขนบธรรมเนียมประเพณี | legitimate | (ลิจิท'ทะเมท) adj. ถูกต้องตามกฎหมาย, ถูกต้องสมควร, มีสิทธิตามกฎหมาย, ถูกต้องตามทำนองคลองธรรม, ถูกต้องตามขนบธรรมเนียมประเพณี, โดยการสมรสที่ชอบด้วยกฎหมาย vt.ทำให้ถูกต้อง ตามกฎหมาย, ทำให้ชอบด้วยกฎหมาย, มอบอำนาจ., See also: legitimateness n. ดูlegitimate legitimation n. ดูlegimate, Syn. lawful, legal, licit |
| | | | | I always imagined you in a legitimate occupation, like your music business, where you would prosper and raise a family. | Ich dachte immer, dass du einem legitimen Beruf nachgehen wirst, damit Geld verdienst und dann eine Familie gründest. Beasts of Burden (2014) | It's a legitimate beef. | - Es ist ein legitimer Streit. Beasts of Burden (2014) | Everything's totally legit. | Alles ist komplett legitim. And the New Lease on Life (2014) | And now they want their pound of flesh. So you come to us in exchange for what? I need immunity. | Kann mir jemand sagen, warum ein legitimes Unternehmen einige seiner hübschesten Dinge verstecken sollte? Minute Man (2014) | No CPS search? | Du hast mit den menschlichen Bomben an Legitimität eingebüßt. Minute Man (2014) | Legitimate names. | Legitimen Namen. Up Helly Aa (2014) | I've never left the bounds of this borough. | Sie sind ein illegitimer Mann, und Sie leben illegitim mit einem Mädchen. Live Free, Live True (2014) | Has met your own. | Legitimität. Live Free, Live True (2014) | For once, she wins legitimately. | Ausnahmsweise gewinnt sie mal legitim. Addiction (2014) | Then you'll go legit? | Dann wirst du legitim? Episode #2.4 (2014) | My shares are legit. | Meine Anteile sind legitim. I Must Have Lost It on the Wind (2014) | Now that you're on trial, you don't get to question our legitimacy. | Nun, da du vor Gericht bist, kannst du nicht unsere Legitimität in Frage stellen. Population 25 (2014) | Your credentials check out. | Ihre Legitimationen sind bestätigt. Clear & Present Danger (2014) | We just need to come up with a legitimate reason why Brooks made that trade. | Wir müssen uns bloß einen legitimen Grund einfallen lassen, weshalb Brooks dieses Geschäft getätigt hat. Two in the Knees (2014) | There is no legitimate reason. | Es gibt keinen legitimen Grund. Two in the Knees (2014) | That's a legit reason for him to have cashed out. | Das ist ein legitimer Grund für ihn, um sich ausbezahlen zu lassen. Two in the Knees (2014) | Never even had a legitimate passport. | Ich hatte ja auch noch nie einen legitimen Reisepass. Like Hell: Part 2 (2014) | But the debate itself is legitimate and should be engaged. | Aber die Debatte an sich ist legitim und soll stattfinden. Citizenfour (2014) | In order to legitimize the presence of Mussolini and Hitler the political establishment places them within coalition governments. | Um die Präsenz von Mussolini und Hitler zu legitimieren, bindet die herrschende Klasse sie in Regierungskoaltionen ein. | In order to legitimize the neo-Nazi presence the media compare them with the moderate left by means of the theory of the two extremes. | Um die Präsens der Neo-Nazis zu legitimieren, vergleichen die Medien sie mit der gemäßigten Linken nach der Theorie zweier Extreme. | In the Greece of the economic crisis the EU and the creditors will politically legitimize the far-right in order to bring to power a non-elected banker, Loukas Papademos. | Im Griechenland der Wirtschaftskrise werden die EU und die Gläubiger die äußerste Rechte politisch legitimieren, um einen nicht gewählten Banker an die Macht zu bringen, L. Papademos. | That'll explain your absence from here. | Das wird Ihre Abwesenheit legitimieren. Child 44 (2015) | Elsa made her daughter legitimate too So what? | -Elsa hat ihre Tochter auch legitimiert. Elser (2015) | Sir, our lawyer says the girl's presence has not necessarily altered the legitimacy of our operation. But he does need that confirmed. | Laut Jurist ändert das Mädchen nichts an der Legitimität unserer Operation, aber er hätte das sehr gern bestätigt. Eye in the Sky (2015) | And let me tell you categorically that the existence of this new circumstance does not push us beyond a legitimate military action. | Und ich sage kategorisch, die neuen Umstände legitimieren weiterhin eine militärische Aktion. Eye in the Sky (2015) | Yes, there is. But, conversely, it does not mean that there is not also a legal argument for releasing the weapon now. | Ja, so ist es, aber das heißt nicht, es wäre legitim, unverzüglich zu feuern. Eye in the Sky (2015) | By identifying the cause of her despair with such clarity, I'd given her carte blanche to do just as she intended. | Indem ich den Grund für ihre Verzweiflung so klar identifizierte, gab ich ihr die Legitimation, ihren Plan umzusetzen. Mr. Holmes (2015) | I think very legitimate questions have been raised About the level of heroin. | Es sind legitime Fragen über das Heroin-Level aufgetaucht. Soaked in Bleach (2015) | You are credentialed. | Und Sie. können sich legitimieren? Bridge of Spies (2015) | Ecbert must hide his power behind a legitimate heir to the throne of Mercia. | Egbert muss seine Macht hinter einem legitimen Thronerben Mercias verbergen. Scarred (2015) | And to your son, the legitimate heir of the great Jarl Borg. | Und deinem Sohn, dem legitimen Erben des großen Jarl Borg. Scarred (2015) | The return of legitimate commerce and the return of law. | Die Rückkehr zu legitimem Handel und zu Recht und Gesetz. XVII. (2015) | Now, BP has vowed to pay all legitimate claims, but folks don't have a lot of room to wait around for checks to come or I should say not to come in the mail. | BP will zwar alle legitimen Ansprüche begleichen, aber die Leute haben nicht die Luft auf die Schecks zu warten. Die vielleicht nie kommen. The Runner (2015) | He will never accept her as his legitimate wife. | Er wird sie niemals als seine legitime Frau akzeptieren. Bajirao Mastani (2015) | Krishna was born out of wedlock and he shall always remain... illegitimate! | Krishna wurde aus der Ehe geboren und bleibt immer... illegitim! Bajirao Mastani (2015) | Your thinking is illegitimate, Krishna Bhatt. | Dein Denken ist illegitim, Krishna Bhatt. Bajirao Mastani (2015) | I may be illegitimate, but your coming here.. | Ich kann illegitim sein, aber Ihr kommt hierher... Bajirao Mastani (2015) | It's a legitimate line of inquiry. | - Das ist eine legitime Fragestellung. Episode #1.7 (2015) | And the moment they ratify our control over this place, no more fighting, no more leads, no more chasing our fucking meals. | Und sobald unsere Selbstverwaltung hier legitimiert ist, ist Schluss mit Kämpfen. Mit Finten. Mit dem Streit um Brosamen. XIV. (2015) | Not his "children named in this document," not his "legitimate" children, just his children. | Nicht den "Kindern, die in dem Dokument benannt werden", nicht seinen "legitimen" Kindern, nur seinen Kindern. Heirlooms (2015) | Eugenics is, in my opinion, a very legitimate and necessary study. | Eugenik ist meiner Auffassung nach eine legitime und notwendige Lehre. Do You Remember Moon Flower? (2015) | I just made a logical and scientific argument... and respected, learned men agreed with me because whether you like it or not, this field of study is legitimate and it's not going away. | Ich habe soeben logisch und wissenschaftlich argumentiert. Und respektable, gelehrte Männer haben mir zugestimmt. Ob es Ihnen gefällt oder nicht, dieses Forschungsgebiet ist legitim. Do You Remember Moon Flower? (2015) | They tell me Roose Bolton plans to marry her to his son Ramsay, a bastard recently legitimized by King Tommen. | Sie sagen mir, Roose Bolton plant, sie mit seinem Sohn Ramsay zu verheiraten, einem kürzlich von König Tommen legitimiertem Bastard. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (2015) | Marrying his son to the last of the Starks gives him more legitimacy in the North than an alliance with a hated southern house. | Seinen Sohn mit der Letzten der Starks zu verheiraten, bringt ihm mehr Legitimität im Norden als ein Bündnis mit einem verhassten Haus aus dem Süden. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (2015) | Kansas City runs most of their dope through an outfit called Legit Truckin' out of Cincinnati. | Kansas City holt die meisten seiner Drogen durch eine Firma namens Legit Truckin', von Cincinnati aus. Did You Do This? No, You Did It! (2015) | Jesse wouldn't have been admitted if he wasn't experiencing a legitimate mental-health crisis. | Jesse wäre nicht hospitalisiert worden, wenn er keine legitime psychische Krise erlebt hätte. Romeo (2015) | Owns several businesses, all legit. | Auf dem Papier ist er sauber. Hat mehrere Firmen, alle legitim. Gumshoe (2015) | "After Rome's innocent victims, "the irresponsibility "of some leaders | "Nach Rom und neuen unschuldigen Opfern darf die Verantwortungslosigkeit einiger Köpfe der Organisation mit ihren wahllosen, wenn auch legitimen Anschlägen gegen die Interessen der Türkei, nicht das Gegenteil dessen bewirken, was wir wollen." Don't Tell Me the Boy Was Mad (2015) | Each trial is a chance to proclaim openly the truth about the Armenian genocide, and to make public the legitimacy of our demand for the return of our land. | Jeder Prozess bekräftigt öffentlich die Wahrheit über den Völkermord an den Armeniern und zeigt der Öffentlichkeit, dass unser Anspruch auf unser Land legitim ist. Don't Tell Me the Boy Was Mad (2015) | You brought me here to legitimize this experiment, and there's nothing legitimate about this place, Phil. | Du hast mich geholt, um dieses Experiment zu legitimieren, und hier ist einfach nichts legitim, Phil. The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015) |
| | ถูกกฎหมาย | (v) be lawful, See also: be legal, be licit, be legitimate, Ant. ผิดกฎหมาย, Example: การจำแนกผิวผิดกฎหมายในสหรัฐแต่ถูกกฎหมายในแอฟริกาใต้, Thai Definition: ไม่ขัดกับกฎหมาย | นอกสมรส | (adj) unlawful, See also: illegal, illicit, illegitimate, Syn. นอกกฎหมาย, Example: อย่าหวังเลยว่า ปัญหาการท้องนอกสมรส การทำแท้งจะหมดไป, Thai Definition: ไม่ถูกต้องตามกฎหมายสมรส | ลูกไม่มีพ่อ | (n) illegitimate child, See also: bastard, love child, Example: ที่ปองไม่อยากจะไปโรงเรียนเพราะไม่อยากได้ยินที่เพื่อนล้อว่าปองเป็นลูกไม่มีพ่อ | มิชอบ | (adv) dishonestly, See also: illegitimately, deceitfully, Syn. ไม่ดี, ไม่ถูกต้อง, Ant. ชอบ, Example: รูปแบบการกระทำของเขาเข้าข่ายประพฤติมิชอบในหน้าที่ราชการ | ละครพูด | (n) dialogue play, See also: legitimate drama, Thai Definition: ละครพูดเจรจา ได้แบบจากตะวันตก เป็นละครที่เล่นอย่างชีวิตจริง | โดยถูกกฎหมาย | (adv) legally, See also: lawfully, legitimately, Example: คนพวกนี้มาชุมนุมประท้วงโดยถูกกฎหมาย ไม่ได้ทำให้ใครเดือดร้อน, Thai Definition: เป็นไปตามกฎข้อบังคับของกฎหมายนั้นๆ | นอกกฎหมาย | (v) be illegitimate, See also: be contraband, be wrong, be illicit, be irregular, be illegal, be unlawful, Thai Definition: ไม่ถูกต้องตามกฎหมาย | ความชอบธรรม | (n) righteousness, See also: legitimacy, morality, Syn. ความยุติธรรม, Ant. ความอยุติธรรม, Example: เพราะต้องการให้เกิดความชอบธรรม นักศึกษาจึงเดินขบวนประท้วง | นอกกฎหมาย | (adj) illegitimate, See also: contraband, wrong, illicit, irregular, illegal, unlawful, Syn. ผิดกฎหมาย, เถื่อน, Ant. ถูกกฎหมาย, Example: ครอบครัวของผมจะไม่ทำอาชีพนอกกฎหมายเด็ดขาด, Thai Definition: ที่ไม่ถูกกฎหมาย | ชอบด้วยกฎหมาย | (adj) legal, See also: lawful, legitimate, Ant. ผิดกฎหมาย, Example: สิทธิส่วนบุคคลเป็นสิทธิที่ชอบด้วยกฎหมายของคนไทยทุกคน, Thai Definition: ถูกต้องตามหลักกฎหมาย | ลูกนอกสมรส | (n) illegitimate child, Syn. ลูกนอกกฎหมาย, Count Unit: คน, Thai Definition: ลูกที่เกิดจากภรรยาที่มิได้จดทะเบียนสมรสตามกฎหมาย |
| บุตรนอกกฎหมาย | [but nøk kotmāi] (n, exp) EN: illegitimate child ; bastard FR: enfant naturel [ m ] ; bâtard [ m ] (péj.) ; bâtarde [ f ] (péj.) | บุตรนอกสมรส | [but nøk somrot] (n, exp) EN: illegitimate child ; bastard FR: enfant naturel [ m ] ; bâtard [ m ] (péj.) ; bâtarde [ f ] (péj.) | ชอบด้วย | [chøp dūay] (adj) EN: legal ; lawful ; legitimate FR: conforme à ; en accord avec | ชอบด้วยกฎหมาย | [chøp dūay kotmāi] (adj) EN: legal ; lawful ; legitimate FR: légal | ชอบธรรม | [chøptham] (adj) EN: lawful ; legal ; legitimate ; rightful FR: légitime | โดยชอบธรรม | [dōi chøptham] (adj) EN: legitimate | ความชอบด้วยกฎหมาย | [khwām chøp dūay kotmāi] (n, exp) EN: righteousness ; legality ; legitimacy | ความชอบธรรม | [khwām chøptham] (n) EN: righteousness ; legality ; legitimacy | ความถูกต้องตามกฎหมาย | [khwām thuktǿng tām kotmāi] (n, exp) EN: legality ; legitimacy ; validity FR: légalité [ f ] | กฎหมายลักษณะบุคคล | [kotmāi laksana bukkhon] (n, exp) EN: legitimate persons | ละครพูด | [lakhøn phūt] (n, exp) EN: legitimate drama FR: théâtre sérieux [ m ] | ลูกนอกสมรส | [lūk nøk somrot] (n, exp) EN: illegitimate child | เมียหลวง | [mīa lūang] (n, exp) EN: principal wife FR: épouse légitime [ f ] | มิชอบ | [michøp] (adv) EN: dishonestly ; illegitimately ; deceitfully ; improperly ; wrongly ; unfustifiably FR: malhonnêtement | นิติธรรม | [nititham] (n) EN: legal principle ; principle of law ; legality ; legitimacy | นอกสมรส | [nøk somrot] (adj) EN: extramarital ; illegitimate | สิทธิโดยชอบธรรม | [sitthi dōi chøptham] (n, exp) EN: legitimate right ; entitlement | ทำให้ถูกกฎหมาย | [thamhai thūk kotmāi] (v, exp) EN: legalize ; legitimate FR: légaliser | ทายาทโดยสิทธิ | [thāyāt dōi sitthi] (n, exp) EN: legitimate heir ; legitimate heiress ; rightful heir ; rightful heiress FR: héritier légitime [ m ] | ถูกกฎหมาย | [thūk kotmāi] (v) EN: be lawful ; be legal ; be licit ; be legitimate | ถูกต้องตามเหตุผล | [thuktǿng tām hētphon] (adj) EN: logical ; legitimate | ถูกต้องตามกฎหมาย | [thuktǿng tām kotmāi] (adj) EN: legal ; rightful ; lawful ; legitimate FR: légal |
| | | illegitimacy | (n) unlawfulness by virtue of not being authorized by or in accordance with law, Ant. legitimacy | illegitimate | (adj) contrary to or forbidden by law, Syn. outlaw, unlawful, outlawed, illicit | illegitimate | (adj) of marriages and offspring; not recognized as lawful, Ant. legitimate | illegitimately | (adv) in a manner disapproved or not allowed by custom, Syn. illicitly, Ant. licitly, legitimately | illegitimately | (adv) of biological parents not married to each other, Syn. out of wedlock, Ant. legitimately | legitimacy | (n) lawfulness by virtue of being authorized or in accordance with law, Ant. illegitimacy | legitimate | (v) show or affirm to be just and legitimate | legitimate | (v) make (an illegitimate child) legitimate; declare the legitimacy of (someone) | legitimate | (adj) of marriages and offspring; recognized as lawful, Ant. illegitimate | legitimate | (adj) based on known statements or events or conditions, Syn. logical | legitimate | (adj) in accordance with recognized or accepted standards or principles | legitimately | (adv) in a manner acceptable to common custom, Syn. lawfully, licitly, Ant. illicitly, illegitimately, lawlessly | legitimately | (adv) in a lawfully recognized manner, Ant. illegitimately | legitimation | (n) the act of rendering a person legitimate | authenticity | (n) undisputed credibility, Syn. genuineness, legitimacy | bastard | (n) the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents, Syn. illegitimate child, love child, illegitimate, by-blow, whoreson | bastardy | (n) the status of being born to parents who were not married, Syn. bar sinister, illegitimacy | lawful | (adj) authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law, Syn. licit, legitimate | legalization | (n) the act of making lawful, Syn. legalisation, legitimation | legalize | (v) make legal, Syn. decriminalize, legalise, legitimatise, legitimate, legitimize, legitimatize, legitimise, decriminalise, Ant. criminalize, outlaw, criminalise | racket | (n) an illegal enterprise (such as extortion or fraud or drug peddling or prostitution) carried on for profit, Syn. illegitimate enterprise, fraudulent scheme |
| Elegit | ‖n. [ L., he has chosen, fr. eligere to choose. See Elect. ] (Law) A judicial writ of execution, by which a defendant's goods are appraised and delivered to the plaintiff, and, if not sufficient to satisfy the debt, all of his lands are delivered, to be held till the debt is paid by the rents and profits, or until the defendant's interest has expired. [ 1913 Webster ] | Illegitimacy | n. The state of being illegitimate. Blackstone. [ 1913 Webster ] | Illegitimate | a. 1. Not according to law; not regular or authorized; unlawful; improper. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Unlawfully begotten; born out of wedlock; bastard; as, an illegitimate child. [ 1913 Webster ] 3. Not legitimately deduced or inferred; illogical; as, an illegitimate inference. [ 1913 Webster ] 4. Not authorized by good usage; not genuine; spurious; as, an illegitimate word. [ 1913 Webster ] Illegitimate fertilization, or Illegitimate union (Bot.), the fertilization of pistils by stamens not of their own length, in heterogonously dimorphic and trimorphic flowers. Darwin. [ 1913 Webster ]
| Illegitimate | v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Illegitimated p. pr. & vb. n. Illegitimating. ] To render illegitimate; to declare or prove to be born out of wedlock; to bastardize; to illegitimatize. [ 1913 Webster ] The marriage should only be dissolved for the future, without illegitimating the issue. Bp. Burnet. [ 1913 Webster ] | Illegitimately | adv. In a illegitimate manner; unlawfully. [ 1913 Webster ] | Illegitimation | n. 1. The act of illegitimating; bastardizing. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. The state of being illegitimate; illegitimacy. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] Gardiner had performed his promise to the queen of getting her illegitimation taken off. Bp. Burnet. [ 1913 Webster ] | Illegitimatize | v. t. To render illegitimate; to bastardize. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitim | n. [ See Legitimate, a. ] (Scots Law) The portion of movable estate to which the children are entitled upon the death of the father. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitimacy | n. [ See Legitimate, a. ] The state, or quality, of being legitimate, or in conformity with law; hence, the condition of having been lawfully begotten, or born in wedlock. [ 1913 Webster ] The doctrine of Divine Right, which has now come back to us, like a thief from transportation, under the alias of Legitimacy. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitimate | a. [ LL. legitimatus, p. p. of legitimare to legitimate, fr. L. legitimus legitimate. See Legal. ] 1. Accordant with law or with established legal forms and requirements; lawful; as, legitimate government; legitimate rights; the legitimate succession to the throne; a legitimate proceeding of an officer; a legitimate heir. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Lawfully begotten; born in wedlock. [ 1913 Webster ] 3. Authorized; real; genuine; not false, counterfe`t, or spurious; as, $legitimate poems of Chaucer; legitimate inscriptions. [ 1913 Webster ] 4. Conforming to known principles, or accepted rules; as, legitimate reasoning; a legitimate standard, or method; a legitimate combination of colors. [ 1913 Webster ] Tillotson still keeps his place as a legitimate English classic. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ] 5. Following by logical sequence; reasonable; as, a legitimate result; a legitimate inference. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitimate | v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Legitimated p. pr. & vb. n. Legitimating ] To make legitimate, lawful, or valid; esp., to put in the position or state of a legitimate person before the law, by legal means; as, to legitimate a bastard child. [ 1913 Webster ] To enact a statute of that which he dares not seem to approve, even to legitimate vice. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitimately | adv. In a legitimate manner; lawfully; genuinely. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitimateness | n. The state or quality of being legitimate; lawfulness; genuineness. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitimation | n. [ Cf. F. légitimation. ] [ 1913 Webster ] 1. The act of making legitimate. [ 1913 Webster ] The coining or legitimation of money. East. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Lawful birth. [ R. ] Shak. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitimatist | n. See Legitimist. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitimatize | v. t. To legitimate. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitimism | n. The principles or plans of legitimists. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitimist | n. [ Cf. F. légitimiste. ] 1. One who supports legitimate authority; esp., one who believes in hereditary monarchy, as a divine right. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Specifically, a supporter of the claims of the elder branch of the Bourbon dynasty to the crown of France. [ 1913 Webster ] | Legitimize | v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Legitimized p. pr. & vb. n. Legitimizing. ] To legitimate. [ 1913 Webster ] |
| 合法 | [hé fǎ, ㄏㄜˊ ㄈㄚˇ, 合 法] lawful; legitimate; legal #2,712 [Add to Longdo] | 合法性 | [hé fǎ xìng, ㄏㄜˊ ㄈㄚˇ ㄒㄧㄥˋ, 合 法 性] legitimacy #15,644 [Add to Longdo] | 认领 | [rèn lǐng, ㄖㄣˋ ㄌㄧㄥˇ, 认 领 / 認 領] to claim (as one's property); to accept (an illegitimate child as one's own) #21,040 [Add to Longdo] | 私生子 | [sī shēng zǐ, ㄙ ㄕㄥ ㄗˇ, 私 生 子] illegitimate child (male); bastard; love child #36,964 [Add to Longdo] | 正当防卫 | [zhèng dāng fáng wèi, ㄓㄥˋ ㄉㄤ ㄈㄤˊ ㄨㄟˋ, 正 当 防 卫 / 正 當 防 衛] reasonable self-defense; legitimate defense #46,547 [Add to Longdo] | 正当性 | [zhèng dàng xìng, ㄓㄥˋ ㄉㄤˋ ㄒㄧㄥˋ, 正 当 性 / 正 當 性] (political) legitimacy #46,687 [Add to Longdo] | 蜀汉 | [Shǔ Hàn, ㄕㄨˇ ㄏㄢˋ, 蜀 汉 / 蜀 漢] Shu Han (c. 200-263), Liu Bei's kingdom in Sichuan during the Three Kingdoms, claiming legitimacy as successor of Han #57,820 [Add to Longdo] | 非婚生子女 | [fēi hūn shēng zǐ nǚ, ㄈㄟ ㄏㄨㄣ ㄕㄥ ㄗˇ ㄋㄩˇ, 非 婚 生 子 女] an illegitimate child #102,880 [Add to Longdo] | 私生子女 | [sī shēng zǐ nǚ, ㄙ ㄕㄥ ㄗˇ ㄋㄩˇ, 私 生 子 女] illegitimate child; bastard; love child [Add to Longdo] | 非婚生 | [fēi hūn shēng, ㄈㄟ ㄏㄨㄣ ㄕㄥ, 非 婚 生] born out of wedlock; illegitimate [Add to Longdo] |
| | 正当 | [せいとう, seitou] (adj-na, n) just; justifiable; right; due; proper; equitable; reasonable; legitimate; legal; lawful; (P) #4,912 [Add to Longdo] | 正規 | [せいき, seiki] (adj-na, n, adj-no) regular; normal; legal; formal; established; legitimate; (P) #5,306 [Add to Longdo] | 正統 | [せいとう(P);しょうとう, seitou (P); shoutou] (adj-na, n, adj-no) legitimate; orthodox; traditional; (P) #9,970 [Add to Longdo] | 立派 | [りっぱ, rippa] (adj-na, n) splendid; fine; handsome; elegant; imposing; prominent; legal; legitimate; (P) #12,938 [Add to Longdo] | 嫡子 | [ちゃくし, chakushi] (n) legitimate child; (P) #17,661 [Add to Longdo] | こぼれ種;零れ種 | [こぼれだね;こぼれダネ, koboredane ; kobore dane] (n) (1) self-sown seed; self-sown seedling; (2) illegitimate child (e.g. of one's servant) [Add to Longdo] | ご立派;御立派 | [ごりっぱ, gorippa] (adj-na) (pol) (See 立派) splendid; fine; handsome; elegant; imposing; prominent; legal; legitimate [Add to Longdo] | 隠し子 | [かくしご, kakushigo] (n) illegitimate child [Add to Longdo] | 吉野時代 | [よしのじだい, yoshinojidai] (n) (obsc) (See 南北朝時代) Yoshino period (Japan's Northern and Southern Courts period, esp. from the viewpoint of the legitimacy of the Southern Court, 1336-1392 CE) [Add to Longdo] | 吉野朝時代 | [よしのちょうじだい, yoshinochoujidai] (n) (obsc) (See 南北朝時代) Yoshino period (Japan's Northern and Southern Courts period, esp. from the viewpoint of the legitimacy of the Southern Court, 1336-1392 CE) [Add to Longdo] | 合法政府 | [ごうほうせいふ, gouhouseifu] (n) legitimate government [Add to Longdo] | 合法的 | [ごうほうてき, gouhouteki] (adj-na) legal; lawful; legitimate; law-abiding; in order; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 婚外子 | [こんがいし, kongaishi] (n) child born out of wedlock; illegitimate child; love child [Add to Longdo] | 私生子 | [しせいし, shiseishi] (n) illegitimate child [Add to Longdo] | 私生児 | [しせいじ, shiseiji] (n) illegitimate child; bastard; love child [Add to Longdo] | 私生児出産 | [しせいじしゅっさん, shiseijishussan] (n) illegitimate birth [Add to Longdo] | 準正 | [じゅんせい, junsei] (n) legitimation (of a child born outside a marriage) [Add to Longdo] | 庶子 | [しょし, shoshi] (n) illegitimate child [Add to Longdo] | 庶出 | [しょしゅつ, shoshutsu] (n, adj-no) illegitimate birth [Add to Longdo] | 庶流 | [しょりゅう, shoryuu] (n) illegitimate family lineage [Add to Longdo] | 妾出 | [しょうしゅつ, shoushutsu] (n) illegitimate (e.g. born to a mistress) [Add to Longdo] | 妾腹 | [しょうふく;めかけばら, shoufuku ; mekakebara] (n) illegitimate (e.g. born to a mistress) [Add to Longdo] | 正閏 | [せいじゅん, seijun] (n) (1) normal and leap (years); (2) legitimate and illegitimate dynasties [Add to Longdo] | 正業 | [せいぎょう, seigyou] (n) legitimate occupation; honest business [Add to Longdo] | 正系 | [せいけい, seikei] (n) legitimate line; direct descent [Add to Longdo] | 正出 | [せいしゅつ, seishutsu] (n, adj-no) legitimate child [Add to Longdo] | 正朝 | [せいちょう, seichou] (n) legitimate dynasty [Add to Longdo] | 正当性 | [せいとうせい, seitousei] (n, adj-no) lawfulness; propriety; reasonableness; appropriateness; legality; legitimacy [Add to Longdo] | 正当防衛 | [せいとうぼうえい, seitoubouei] (n) legitimate self-defence; legitimate self-defense; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 正腹 | [せいふく, seifuku] (n) legitimacy [Add to Longdo] | 嫡妻 | [ちゃくさい, chakusai] (n) one's legal wife; legitimate wife [Add to Longdo] | 嫡嗣 | [ちゃくし, chakushi] (n) legitimate heir [Add to Longdo] | 嫡室 | [ちゃくしつ, chakushitsu] (n) one's legal wife; legitimate wife [Add to Longdo] | 嫡出 | [ちゃくしゅつ(P);てきしゅつ, chakushutsu (P); tekishutsu] (n, adj-no) legitimate birth; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 嫡出子;摘出子(iK) | [ちゃくしゅつし(嫡出子);てきしゅつし, chakushutsushi ( chakushutsu ko ); tekishutsushi] (n) legitimate child [Add to Longdo] | 天下御免;天下ご免 | [てんかごめん, tenkagomen] (n, adj-no) licensed; chartered; officially allowed; legitimate [Add to Longdo] | 渡世人 | [とせいにん, toseinin] (n) gambler; yakuza; person without a legitimate job [Add to Longdo] | 非嫡出子;非摘出子(iK) | [ひちゃくしゅつし(非嫡出子);ひてきしゅつし, hichakushutsushi ( hi chakushutsu ko ); hitekishutsushi] (n) illegitimate child [Add to Longdo] | 不適正 | [ふてきせい, futekisei] (adj-na) improper; inappropriate; illegitimate; unacceptable; unfair [Add to Longdo] | 父無し子 | [ちちなしご;ててなしご, chichinashigo ; tetenashigo] (n) fatherless or illegitimate child [Add to Longdo] | 本腹 | [ほんばら;ほんぷく, honbara ; honpuku] (n) legitimate (child) [Add to Longdo] | 落し胤 | [おとしだね, otoshidane] (n) nobleman's illegitimate child [Add to Longdo] | 落し子 | [おとしご, otoshigo] (n) nobleman's illegitimate child; evil consequence [Add to Longdo] | 落胤 | [らくいん, rakuin] (n) nobleman's illegitimate child [Add to Longdo] |
| 嫡 | [ちゃく, chaku] LEGITIM (FRAU, KIND, ERBE) [Add to Longdo] | 嫡出子 | [ちゃくしゅつし, chakushutsushi] legitimes_Kind, eheliches_Kind [Add to Longdo] | 嫡嗣 | [ちゃくし, chakushi] legitimer_Erbe [Add to Longdo] | 嫡子 | [ちゃくし, chakushi] legitimes_Kind, eheliches_Kind [Add to Longdo] | 嫡孫 | [ちゃくそん, chakuson] legitimer_Enkel, (Kind_des_aeltesten_Sohnes) [Add to Longdo] | 正規 | [せいき, seiki] regulaer, legitim, vorgeschrieben [Add to Longdo] |
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