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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: , -祕-
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, mì, ㄇㄧˋ] secret, mysterious, abstruse
Radical: , Decomposition:   礻 [shì, ㄕˋ]  必 [, ㄅㄧˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] spirit
Variants: , Rank: 5927
[, mì, ㄇㄧˋ] secret, mysterious, abstruse
Radical: , Decomposition:   禾 [, ㄏㄜˊ]  必 [, ㄅㄧˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] grain
Variants: , Rank: 896

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: mysterious; secret; abstruse
On-yomi: ヒ, hi
Kun-yomi: ひ.める, かく.す, hi.meru, kaku.su
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: secret; conceal
On-yomi: ヒ, hi
Kun-yomi: ひ.める, ひそ.か, かく.す, hi.meru, hiso.ka, kaku.su
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , Rank: 862

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[mì, ㄇㄧˋ, / ] secret #7,176 [Add to Longdo]
神秘[shén mì, ㄕㄣˊ ㄇㄧˋ,   /  ] mysterious; mystery #2,799 [Add to Longdo]
秘方[mì fāng, ㄇㄧˋ ㄈㄤ,   /  ] secret recipe #19,288 [Add to Longdo]
奥秘[ào mì, ㄠˋ ㄇㄧˋ,   /  ] profound; deep; a mystery #19,961 [Add to Longdo]
诡秘[guǐ mì, ㄍㄨㄟˇ ㄇㄧˋ,   /  ] secretive; furtive; surreptitious #36,127 [Add to Longdo]
神秘莫测[shén mì mò cè, ㄕㄣˊ ㄇㄧˋ ㄇㄛˋ ㄘㄜˋ,     /    ] mystery; unfathomable; enigmatic #46,882 [Add to Longdo]
秘而不宣[mì ér bù xuān, ㄇㄧˋ ㄦˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄒㄩㄢ,     /    ] to withhold information; to keep sth secret #63,471 [Add to Longdo]
秘结[mì jié, ㄇㄧˋ ㄐㄧㄝˊ,   /  ] constipation #73,020 [Add to Longdo]
秘藏[mì cáng, ㄇㄧˋ ㄘㄤˊ,   /  ] hidden; a hidden treasure (often a Buddhist relic); to keep secret #87,015 [Add to Longdo]
秘本[mì běn, ㄇㄧˋ ㄅㄣˇ,   /  ] a treasured rare book #123,883 [Add to Longdo]
大便秘结[dà biàn mì jié, ㄉㄚˋ ㄅㄧㄢˋ ㄇㄧˋ ㄐㄧㄝˊ,  便   /  便  ] constipation [Add to Longdo]
怪秘[guài mì, ㄍㄨㄞˋ ㄇㄧˋ,   /  ] strange; mystic [Add to Longdo]
秘传[mì chuán, ㄇㄧˋ ㄔㄨㄢˊ,   /  ] secretly transmitted; esoteric lore [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
So, with all this said... the placebo effect fascinates me.[CN] 也揭露祕密,我們先抱懷疑態度 Tune Your Quack-o-Meter (2017)
At the root of existence...[CN] 在你所认知的背后 还藏着怎样的祕密 What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? Doctor Strange (2016)
A secret Secret Service?[CN] 祕密組織裡的祕密組織? Johnny English Reborn (2011)
The Washington Post and the Guardian in London reporting that the NSA and the FBI are tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading Internet companies, including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, [CN] 2013年6月6日,週四 最新消息揭露另一個... 廣泛祕密的美國政府監控計劃 Snowden (2016)
How long can we keep our secret trysts going?[CN] 我們能保守我們的祕密多久? The Unseeable (2006)
Thank you, sir.[CN] 祕密即是安全,安全即是勝利 Snowden (2016)
Your tale is so mysterious![CN] 你寫的荒村那麼神祕, Curse of the Deserted (2010)
Mysterious are the paths followed by heart and soul.[CN] 心和靈所走的路,是神祕的。 Our Home (2010)
Rumor ha it that... actually... she kept a young man as her secret lover, hling him in her bouoir.[CN] 謠言傳出來 ... 說是 ... 她藏了一個年輕人作她的祕密的情人, The Unseeable (2006)
It was elegant, streamlined. It was the best work I ever did.[CN] 能區分國外和國內的程式 加密每個未鎖定信號,以保持祕密 Snowden (2016)
All my fairy tales took place in the mythical land of Georgetown.[CN] 但我的童话故事却是 All my fairy tales took place in 发生在神祕的乔治镇大学 the mythical land of Georgetown. Premature (2014)
Okay, well then, what do I have to hide?[CN] 大家都有祕密 Snowden (2016)
A talking dolphin, breathing underwater and mysterious pink hair.[CN] 一隻會說話的海豚 能在水裡呼吸 還有神祕的粉紅色頭髮 Barbie in a Mermaid Tale (2010)
as part of a black bag CIA operation.[CN] 替中情局執行祕密任務 White House Down (2013)
A secret secret secret service called Armitage?[CN] 這祕密祕密組織名為艾米塔吉? Johnny English Reborn (2011)
He was head of Johannesburg Zoo, and went on to have a show on BBC.[CN] 已經有研究讓靈媒和神祕主義者 Tune Your Quack-o-Meter (2017)
It's a trade secret.[CN] -不是亞洲物品嗎? -幼兒。 那個企業祕密。 Exte: Hair Extensions (2007)
3 weeks ago he secretly took some of the frozen vaccine.[CN] 3周前,他祕密带走了 一些冷冻疫苗 My Girlfriend Is an Agent (2009)
There's been no sign of this mysterious island.[CN] 怎樣都找不到那個神祕的小島 Barbie in the Nutcracker (2001)
I'll only say if you promise not to tell.[CN] 妳守祕密,我就告訴妳 The Nun (2013)
On the map, the dragon's head is pointing to Dragon Tomb, the place hidden with the secret ofthe royal family and is vital to the destiny of China.[CN] 地圖上, 龍頭所指之處 埋藏了關乎神州皇帝族命脈之祕, 龍塚 The Storm Warriors (2009)
London.[CN] 我可不想参加什么神祕的战争 Not to fight in some mystical war. Doctor Strange (2016)
That's been reported by the Guardian newspaper in the U.K.[CN] 透過祕密法院的指令 歐巴馬政府正在蒐集... 幾百萬名威訊客戶的通話紀錄 Snowden (2016)
Remember the Maame's secret I tol you about?[CN] 大概記得我告訴你, 夫人的祕密嗎 The Unseeable (2006)
you're gonna deploy it, back up your site, destroy it, and restore it again.[CN] 你們每個人會在自己的家鄉城市 建立一個祕密通訊網 Snowden (2016)
Yeah, in fact, there's a tunnel to the next estate over.[CN] 是啊, 事实上, 还有祕道通往其他地方 Night of the Demons (2009)
So now I'm a viable boyfriend?[CN] 我神祕的艾德終於入鏡了 Snowden (2016)
Rogue slates in Southeast Asia have begun secretly to develop nuclear weapons.[CN] 東南亞的野心國家 已開始祕密研發核子武器 Johnny English Reborn (2011)
Nameless, give me your martial arts bible.[CN] 無名! 交出萬劍歸宗祕笈 The Storm Warriors (2009)
Only the persons who could locate the Dragon Tomb could share this country with me.[CN] 誰有能力找到龍塚之祕 自然可以跟老夫共享大業 The Storm Warriors (2009)
Just kept it private.[CN] 变成私人的祕密 61* (2001)
It's a booby trap.[CN] 這是祕密陷阱 Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014)
Emails, chats, SMS, whatever.[CN] 把這想作谷歌大神 不只搜尋人們的公開資訊 還有他們的所有祕密 Snowden (2016)
It's like a secret garden where only he can enter.[CN] 像是一個 只有他能進去的祕密花園 Seven Something (2012)
The poem tells of a talking raven's mysterious visit to a distraught lover, tracing's the man's slow fall into madness.[CN] 这首诗的内容描述一个会说话的乌鸦神祕地造访 The poem tells of a talking raven's mysterious visit to a 一个失落的爱人,并让那个男人陷入疯狂 distraught lover, tracing's he man's slow fall into madness. Premature (2014)
I admit she was a mystery to me.[CN] 我承認對我來說她很神祕 Swept from the Sea (1997)
And he felt it was his duty as a human being to disclose it.[CN] 2013年6月8日,週六 2013年6月8日,週六 史諾登的想法是 2013年6月8日,週六 這個祕密機構內的事件 Snowden (2016)
Well, is it a victory for Edward Snowden?[CN] 定期准許監控的祕密法院 會有更透明的指令 Snowden (2016)
Dude, it's a fucking dead end. Man, we're looking for a tunnel.[CN] 这是一个他妈的死胡同 我们正在寻找祕道 Night of the Demons (2009)
Remember fucking Angela said something about a fucking tunnel that leads out of here?[CN] 关於一个离开这里的祕道? Night of the Demons (2009)
In the coming months and the coming years, it'll just get worse.[CN] 就是害怕我握有... 能揭露美國的最多祕辛 但後果無法改變現狀 Snowden (2016)
Well then, Mr. Secret Agent Man, [CN] 好, 祕密探员先生, Dying of the Light (2014)
For some, mystique.[CN] 某些程度来说, 这是种神祕的魅力. Dying of the Light (2014)
Brazil, Austria.[CN] 我們祕密植入惡意軟體在... 墨西哥 德國 Snowden (2016)
I'm sorry, who are you with?[CN] 也許能從消失的證據... 找出瘋狂的祕密暗殺行動? Snowden (2016)
I am going with you to search for the Dragon Tomb.[CN] 我和你一起去找龍塚之祕 The Storm Warriors (2009)
And these court proceedings are classified, which means, surprise...[CN] 但,有時 搜索令需由祕密法院發布 才不會驚動我們監控的嫌犯 Snowden (2016)
This morning your mother gave me permission to reveal the secret behind her conduct toward you.[CN] 妳母親今早叫我向妳透露 一個關於她失德的祕密 The Nun (2013)
So there's good pizza?[CN] 誰曉得二戰時期的祕密地下基地 會變成上千名駭客的零食天堂,對吧? Snowden (2016)
Sure, I brought her home but... she's not dead.[CN] 祕密地帶這個孩子來之類的事了, 還沒死的g。 Exte: Hair Extensions (2007)


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