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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: , -師-
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, shī, ] teacher, professional, master
Radical: , Decomposition:     丿 [piě, ㄆㄧㄝˇ]  㠯 [, ㄧˇ]  帀 [, ㄗㄚ]
Etymology: [ideographic] To skillfully wield 帀 a knife 㠯
[, shī, ] teacher, professional, master
Radical: , Decomposition:   刂 [dāo, ㄉㄠ]  帀 [, ㄗㄚ]
Etymology: [ideographic] To skillfully wield 帀 a knife 刂
Variants: , Rank: 333
[, shī, ] lion
Radical: , Decomposition:   犭 [quǎn, ㄑㄩㄢˇ]  師 [shī, ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] animal
[, shāi, ㄕㄞ] screen, sieve; to filter, to sift
Radical: , Decomposition:   ⺮ [zhú, ㄓㄨˊ]  師 [shī, ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] bamboo
Variants: , Rank: 7352
[, sī, ] a snail with a spiral shell
Radical: , Decomposition:   虫 [chóng, ㄔㄨㄥˊ]  師 [shī, ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] mollusk

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: expert; teacher; master; model; exemplar; army (incl. counter); war
On-yomi: シ, shi
Kun-yomi: いくさ, ikusa
Radical: , Decomposition:   𠂤  
Rank: 563
[] Meaning: lion
On-yomi: シ, shi
Kun-yomi: しし, shishi
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 1914

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[shī, ㄕ, / ] a division (military); teacher; master; expert; model #1,490 [Add to Longdo]
老师[lǎo shī, ㄌㄠˇ ㄕ,   /  ] teacher #795 [Add to Longdo]
教师[jiào shī, ㄐㄧㄠˋ ㄕ,   /  ] teacher #1,220 [Add to Longdo]
律师[lǜ shī, ㄌㄩˋ ㄕ,   /  ] lawyer #1,999 [Add to Longdo]
大师[dà shī, ㄉㄚˋ ㄕ,   /  ] great master; master #3,119 [Add to Longdo]
设计师[shè jì shī, ㄕㄜˋ ㄐㄧˋ ㄕ,    /   ] designer; architect #4,613 [Add to Longdo]
师傅[shī fu, ㄕ ㄈㄨ˙,   /  ] master; qualified worker #5,093 [Add to Longdo]
分析师[fēn xī shī, ㄈㄣ ㄒㄧ ㄕ,    /   ] analyst; commentator #5,126 [Add to Longdo]
工程师[gōng chéng shī, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄔㄥˊ ㄕ,    /   ] engineer #5,704 [Add to Longdo]
会计师[kuài jì shī, ㄎㄨㄞˋ ㄐㄧˋ ㄕ,    /   ] accountant #6,290 [Add to Longdo]
师父[shī fù, ㄕ ㄈㄨˋ,   /  ] used for 師傅|师傅 (in Taiwan); master; qualified worker #7,089 [Add to Longdo]
摄影师[shè yǐng shī, ㄕㄜˋ ㄧㄥˇ ㄕ,    /   ] photographer #7,555 [Add to Longdo]
医师[yī shī, ㄧ ㄕ,   /  ] doctor #7,767 [Add to Longdo]
导师[dǎo shī, ㄉㄠˇ ㄕ,   /  ] tutor; teacher; academic advisor #7,882 [Add to Longdo]
法师[fǎ shī, ㄈㄚˇ ㄕ,   /  ] Master (in Buddh.); one who has mastered the sutras #10,073 [Add to Longdo]
师资[shī zī, ㄕ ㄗ,   /  ] qualified teachers; teachers #10,734 [Add to Longdo]
厨师[chú shī, ㄔㄨˊ ㄕ,   /  ] cook #11,209 [Add to Longdo]
师范[shī fàn, ㄕ ㄈㄢˋ,   /  ] teacher-training; pedagogical; normal (school, e.g. Beijing Normal University) #11,698 [Add to Longdo]
师大[shī dà, ㄕ ㄉㄚˋ,   /  ] abbr. for 師範大學|师范大学, Normal University; teacher-training college #13,822 [Add to Longdo]
建筑师[jiàn zhú shī, ㄐㄧㄢˋ ㄓㄨˊ ㄕ,    /   ] architect #16,313 [Add to Longdo]
技师[jì shī, ㄐㄧˋ ㄕ,   /  ] technician; technical expert #16,994 [Add to Longdo]
师长[shī zhǎng, ㄕ ㄓㄤˇ,   /  ] military division level commander; teacher #17,250 [Add to Longdo]
禅师[chán shī, ㄔㄢˊ ㄕ,   /  ] honorific title for a Buddhist monk #18,104 [Add to Longdo]
魔术师[mó shù shī, ㄇㄛˊ ㄕㄨˋ ㄕ,    /   ] magician #18,743 [Add to Longdo]
名师[míng shī, ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄕ,   /  ] famous master; great teacher #19,831 [Add to Longdo]
讲师[jiǎng shī, ㄐㄧㄤˇ ㄕ,   /  ] instructor; lecturer #20,184 [Add to Longdo]
牧师[mù shī, ㄇㄨˋ ㄕ,   /  ] chaplain; churchman; clergyman; parson; pastor; priest; rector #20,318 [Add to Longdo]
北京师范大学[Běi jīng Shī fàn Dà xué, ㄅㄟˇ ㄐㄧㄥ ㄕ ㄈㄢˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄒㄩㄝˊ,       /      ] Beijing Normal University #21,504 [Add to Longdo]
会师[huì shī, ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄕ,   /  ] to collaborate; to join forces; to effect a junction #22,254 [Add to Longdo]
巫师[wū shī, ㄨ ㄕ,   /  ] wizard; magician #24,161 [Add to Longdo]
水师[shuǐ shī, ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄕ,   /  ] navy (in Qing times) #24,206 [Add to Longdo]
理发师[lǐ fà shī, ㄌㄧˇ ㄈㄚˋ ㄕ,    /   ] barber #24,772 [Add to Longdo]
教师节[Jiào shī jié, ㄐㄧㄠˋ ㄕ ㄐㄧㄝˊ,    /   ] Teachers' Day #31,891 [Add to Longdo]
华东师范大学[Huá dōng Shī fàn Dà xué, ㄏㄨㄚˊ ㄉㄨㄥ ㄕ ㄈㄢˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄒㄩㄝˊ,       /      ] East China Normal University #33,595 [Add to Longdo]
出师[chū shī, ㄔㄨ ㄕ,   /  ] to finish apprenticeship; to graduate; to send out troops (under a commander) #36,974 [Add to Longdo]
师范大学[shī fàn dà xué, ㄕ ㄈㄢˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄒㄩㄝˊ,     /    ] Normal University; teacher-training college #41,097 [Add to Longdo]
为人师表[wéi rén shī biǎo, ㄨㄟˊ ㄖㄣˊ ㄕ ㄅㄧㄠˇ,     /    ] to serve as a model (成语 saw); a paragon #44,725 [Add to Longdo]
家庭教师[jiā tíng jiào shī, ㄐㄧㄚ ㄊㄧㄥˊ ㄐㄧㄠˋ ㄕ,     /    ] tutor #53,083 [Add to Longdo]
药剂师[yào jì shī, ㄧㄠˋ ㄐㄧˋ ㄕ,    /   ] drugstore chemist; druggist; pharmacist #53,592 [Add to Longdo]
钢琴师[gāng qín shī, ㄍㄤ ㄑㄧㄣˊ ㄕ,    /   ] pianist #57,254 [Add to Longdo]
尊师[zūn shī, ㄗㄨㄣ ㄕ,   /  ] revered master #61,436 [Add to Longdo]
挥师[huī shī, ㄏㄨㄟ ㄕ,   /  ] in command of the army #62,153 [Add to Longdo]
誓师[shì shī, ㄕˋ ㄕ,   /  ] to vow before one's troops #64,249 [Add to Longdo]
师友[shī yǒu, ㄕ ㄧㄡˇ,   /  ] friend who you can seek advice #65,256 [Add to Longdo]
厨师长[chú shī zhǎng, ㄔㄨˊ ㄕ ㄓㄤˇ,    /   ] executive chef; head chef #65,668 [Add to Longdo]
乐师[yuè shī, ㄩㄝˋ ㄕ,   /  ] musician #65,898 [Add to Longdo]
偃师[Yǎn shī, ㄧㄢˇ ㄕ,   /  ] Yanshi city in Henan #67,926 [Add to Longdo]
班师[bān shī, ㄅㄢ ㄕ,   /  ] withdraw troops from the front; return after victory #70,849 [Add to Longdo]
拳师[quán shī, ㄑㄩㄢˊ ㄕ,   /  ] boxing coach; pugilist master #72,550 [Add to Longdo]
琴师[qín shī, ㄑㄧㄣˊ ㄕ,   /  ] player of a stringed instrument #73,390 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
伝道師[でんどうし, dendoushi] (n) นักประกาศ (ศาสนาคริสต์)
牧師[ぼくし, bokushi] (n) บาทหลวง, ผู้สอนศาสนา

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
医師[いし, ishi] (n) (ภาษาทางการ) แพทย์, หมอ, See also: S. 医者
家庭教師[かていきょうし, kateikyoushi] (n) ครูสอนพิเศษ, ครูส่วนตัว, ผู้ภิทักษ์,
教師[きょうし, kyoushi] (n) คุณครู อาจารย์ ผู้สอน (เมื่อกล่าวถึงอาชีพของตัวเอง)
教師[きょうし, kyoushi] (n) คุณครู, อาจารย์, ผู้สอน (ใช้เมื่อกล่าวถึงอาชีพของตัวเอง)
教師[きょうし, kyoushi, kyoushi , kyoushi] (n) คุณครู, อาจารย์, ผู้สอน, (ใช้คำนี้เมื่อกล่าวถึงอาชีพของตัวเอง)

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
影法師[かげぼうし, kageboushi] TH: หุ่นเงา  EN: shadow figure

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[し, shi] (n) (1) teacher; master; one's mentor; (n, suf) (2) religious leader; (suf) (3) specialist; (n) (4) (arch) five-battalion brigade comprising 2500 men (Zhou-dynasty Chinese army) #908 [Add to Longdo]
師団[しだん, shidan] (n, adj-no) (army) division; (P) #2,209 [Add to Longdo]
医師[いし, ishi] (n, adj-no) doctor; physician; (P) #2,246 [Add to Longdo]
教師[きょうし, kyoushi] (n, adj-no) teacher (classroom); (P) #2,403 [Add to Longdo]
講師[こうし, koushi] (n) lecturer; (P) #2,646 [Add to Longdo]
師範[しはん, shihan] (adj-na, n) instructor; (fencing) teacher; model; (P) #4,523 [Add to Longdo]
師匠[ししょう, shishou] (n) (1) master; teacher; (2) sumo coach who owns his stable; (P) #5,868 [Add to Longdo]
師事[しじ, shiji] (n, vs) study under; looking up; apprentice oneself; (P) #7,031 [Add to Longdo]
獅子(P);師子[しし, shishi] (n) (1) lion; (2) (See 狛犬) left-hand guardian dog at a Shinto shrine; (P) #7,085 [Add to Longdo]
牧師[ぼくし, bokushi] (n, adj-no) pastor; minister; clergyman; reverend; (P) #7,433 [Add to Longdo]
技師[ぎし, gishi] (n) engineer; technician; (P) #7,515 [Add to Longdo]
宣教師[せんきょうし, senkyoushi] (n) missionary; (P) #9,978 [Add to Longdo]
大師[だいし, daishi] (n) (hon) { Buddh } great teacher (i.e. a buddha, bodhisattva or high monk, esp. Kobo Daishi); (P) #14,302 [Add to Longdo]
薬剤師[やくざいし, yakuzaishi] (n) chemist; pharmacist; (P) #15,091 [Add to Longdo]
漁師[りょうし, ryoushi] (n, adj-no) (sens) fisherman; (P) #15,194 [Add to Longdo]
薬師[やくし, yakushi] (n) Bhaisajyaguru; Pindola; The Healing Buddha #15,632 [Add to Longdo]
薬師;医;医師(iK)[くすし;くすりし(薬師), kusushi ; kusurishi ( kusurishi )] (n) (arch) doctor #15,632 [Add to Longdo]
法師[ほうし, houshi] (n) Buddhist priest; bonze; (P) #16,330 [Add to Longdo]
恩師[おんし, onshi] (n) one's honoured teacher; one's honored teacher; one's former teacher; (P) #18,216 [Add to Longdo]
占い師;占師[うらないし, uranaishi] (n) diviner; fortuneteller; soothsayer; palmist #19,851 [Add to Longdo]
くつくつ法師(ateji)[くつくつぼうし, kutsukutsuboushi] (n) (obsc) (See つくつく法師) Meimuna opalifera (species of cicada) [Add to Longdo]
つくつく法師(ateji)[つくつくぼうし;ツクツクボウシ, tsukutsukuboushi ; tsukutsukuboushi] (n) (uk) Meimuna opalifera (species of cicada) [Add to Longdo]
ろくろ師;ロクロ師;轆轤師[ろくろし(ろくろ師;轆轤師);ロクロし(ロクロ師), rokuroshi ( rokuro shi ; rokuro shi ); rokuro shi ( rokuro shi )] (n) (See 轆轤・ろくろ・1, 轆轤・ろくろ・2) turner; thrower [Add to Longdo]
アメリカ山法師;亜米利加山法師[アメリカやまぼうし;アメリカヤマボウシ, amerika yamaboushi ; amerikayamaboushi] (n) (uk) (See ハナミズキ) flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) [Add to Longdo]
カリスマ美容師[カリスマびようし, karisuma biyoushi] (n) star beautician; famous beautician [Add to Longdo]
ニンベン師[ニンベンし, ninben shi] (n) (obs) (sl) forger [Add to Longdo]
ペテン師;ぺてん師[ペテンし(ペテン師);ぺてんし(ぺてん師), peten shi ( peten shi ); petenshi ( peten shi )] (n) swindler; imposter; crook [Add to Longdo]
マッサージ師[マッサージし, massa-ji shi] (n) masseuse; masseur [Add to Longdo]
マッサージ療法師[マッサージりょうほうし, massa-ji ryouhoushi] (n) massage therapist [Add to Longdo]
レントゲン技師[レントゲンぎし, rentogen gishi] (n) radiographer; X-ray operator [Add to Longdo]
按摩師(oK)[あんまし, anmashi] (n) masseuse; masseur [Add to Longdo]
医師会[いしかい, ishikai] (n) medical association; (P) [Add to Longdo]
医師国家試験[いしこっかしけん, ishikokkashiken] (n) National Medical Practitioners Qualifying Examination [Add to Longdo]
医師団[いしだん, ishidan] (n) team of doctors [Add to Longdo]
医師法[いしほう, ishihou] (n) medical practitioner's law [Add to Longdo]
医師免許[いしめんきょ, ishimenkyo] (n) physician's license (licence); doctor's license; medical license; license to practice medicine [Add to Longdo]
医師免許証[いしめんきょしょう, ishimenkyoshou] (n) (See 医師免許) physician's license (licence); doctor's license; medical license [Add to Longdo]
一人ぼっち;独りぼっち;一人ぽっち;独りぽっち;独り法師[ひとりぼっち(一人ぼっち;独りぼっち;独り法師);ひとりぽっち(一人ぽっち;独りぽっち;独り法師), hitoribocchi ( hitori bocchi ; hitori bocchi ; hitori houshi ); hitoripocchi ( hito] (n) aloneness; loneliness; solitude [Add to Longdo]
一寸法師[いっすんぼうし, issunboushi] (n) (1) dwarf; midget; elf; Tom Thumb; Jack Sprat; (2) Issun-boshi (Japanese fairytale) [Add to Longdo]
印刻師[いんこくし, inkokushi] (n) seal engraver [Add to Longdo]
印判師[いんばんし, inbanshi] (n) seal engraver [Add to Longdo]
陰陽師[おんみょうじ;おんようじ;おみょうじ(ik), onmyouji ; onyouji ; omyouji (ik)] (n) diviner; sorcerer; exorcist; medium [Add to Longdo]
影法師[かげぼうし, kageboushi] (n) shadow figure; silhouette [Add to Longdo]
英語教師[えいごきょうし, eigokyoushi] (n) English teacher [Add to Longdo]
衛生検査技師[えいせいけんさぎし, eiseikensagishi] (n) medical technologist [Add to Longdo]
王師[おうし, oushi] (n) emperor's teacher; imperial army [Add to Longdo]
家庭教師[かていきょうし, kateikyoushi] (n) tutor; coach; (P) [Add to Longdo]
花火師[はなびし, hanabishi] (n) pyrotechnist; pyrotechnician [Add to Longdo]
画師;絵師[えし;がし(画師), eshi ; gashi ( eshi )] (n) painter; artist; painter supported by patron [Add to Longdo]
開教師[かいきょうし, kaikyoushi] (n) Buddhist missionary, esp. in Jodo, Pure Land, etc. sects; Buddhist minister (in the West) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
"You are Israel's teacher," said Jesus.「あなたはイスラエルの教師でしょう」とイエスはいった。
In 1964, (Rev. Martin Luther) King won the Nobel Peace Prize.1964年にキング牧師はノーベル平和賞を受賞した。
In April of 1968, (Rev. Martin Luther) King was in Memphis, Tennessee.1968年4月、キング牧師はテネシー州メンフィスにいた。
A man shouldn't be a pastor until he's in his forties.40代になるまでは牧師になるべきではない。
The confidence man and his blonde call girl make a perfect match in enraging his landlady.あの詐欺師と金髪のコールガールは下宿のおかみさんを怒らせるには申分のない取り合わせだ。
That gentleman must be a doctor.あの紳士は医師にちがいない。
That fortune-teller is no better than a liar.あの占い師はうそつき同然だ。
All things considered, he is a good teacher.あらゆる事を考慮に入れれば、彼はよい教師だ。
A math teacher says, "With a calculator, the child can reach the right answer, but have no idea at all how he got there."ある数学の教師は、「計算機があれば、子供は正しい答えは出しますが、どうしてそういう答えになったのかは全く理解していないのです」と言っている。
I'm very serious about wanting to be a good magician.いい手品師になろうと本気で思っている。
The boss is hard to get along with. But if I try to talk to him about problems I have at work he might have a little heart. Even a hunter can't kill a bird who flies to him for protection.いけすかないボスだけど、仕事の悩みを相談したら案外、窮鳥懐に入れば猟師も殺さず、てなことになるかもね。
Everything (Rev. Martin Luther) King had worked so hard for seemed lost.キング牧師が献身的に力を尽くしたものすべてが水泡に帰したかのように思われた。
(Rev. Martin Luther) King and his supporters were threatened.キング牧師と彼の支持者は脅迫された。
(Rev. Martin Luther) King's house was destroyed by a bomb. But still, the buses went on empty.キング牧師の家は爆弾で破壊された。しかし、それでもなお、バスは空っぽのまま走り続けた。
Some of (Rev. Martin Luther) King's supporters began to question his belief in peaceful protests.キング牧師の支持者の中には、平和的に抗議するという彼の信念に疑いの念を持つ物も現れ始めた。
(Rev. Martin Luther) King led protests and demonstrations all over the country during the next few years.キング牧師は、それに続く数年間にわたって、アメリカ中で行われた抗議運動やデモを指導した。
(Rev. Martin Luther) King fell backwards, shot in the neck.キング牧師は首を撃たれ、後方に倒れた。
Dr. Klein recommended you to me.クライン医師から紹介を受けました。
To control a class calls for all your skills as a teacher.クラスをまとめるためには、教師としてすべての技量が必要である。
The doctor is trying to solve many of the riddles of cancer.この医師はガンの多くの不可解な点を解こうと努力している。
Only 16 percent of the teachers of this school are female.この学校の教師のたった16%が女性です。
Some students in this university don't even know how to talk to teachers.この大学の学生の中には教師に対する口の利き方すら知らないものがいる。
The engineers blew up the bridge because it was about to collapse.こわれかかっていたので技師たちはその橋を爆破した。
The clown at the circus pleased my children.サーカスの道化師は子供たちを楽しませた。
The strike had not been peaceful, however, and (Rev. Martin Luther) King begged both sides to be patient and calm.しかしながら、このストライキは平和的ではなく、キング牧師は労使双方に忍耐と平静さを求めた。
Jack and Peggy were married by the Rev. John Smith.ジャックとペギーの結婚式はジョン・スミス師により行われた。
All the clergy are against the new law.すべての牧師が新しい法律に反対である。
Mr Smith is a doctor by profession.スミス氏は職業は医師だ。
Mr Smith had three sons who became engineers.スミス氏には技師になった息子が3人いた。
Such a teacher may as well retire from his work.そのような教師は仕事から身を引いたほうがいい。
The doctor is trying to solve many of the riddles of cancer.その医師はガンの多くの不可解な点を解こうと努力している。
The doctor did everything possible as a physician to save the life of the dying child; he also gave his blood to help the child weather the storm.その医師は内科医として、瀕死の子供の生命を救うために、できることはなんでもしたばかりか、危機を切り抜けるために自分の血を提供までした。
The school needed a new teacher.その学校で新しい教師を必要とした。
When the school needed a new teacher, he applied for the position.その学校で新しい教師を必要としていたので、彼はその職に応募した。
The student insulted the teacher.その学生は教師を侮辱した。
The engineer told us how to use the machine.その技師はその機械をどう使ったらよいか私達に教えてくれた。
The fisherman saved himself by means of a floating board.その漁師は浮かんでいる板によって助かった。
The fisherman cast their nets into the sea.その漁師達は網を海に投げた。
The teacher was deluged with questions.その教師には質問が殺到した。
The teacher always thinks highly of the students who try to think 'Why?'.その教師はいつも「なぜか」と考える生徒を高く評価する。
The teacher aroused our interest.その教師は我々の興味をかき立てた。
The teacher affirmed the decision of the student council.その教師は学生自治委員会の決定を支持した。
The teacher assembled the students in the hall.その教師は講堂に学生を集めた。
The teacher is always finding fault with his students.その教師は生徒のあらさがしばかりしている。
The teachers greeted the little boys.その教師達はその小さな男の子達に挨拶した。
The young doctor devoted himself to helping the poor and sick.その若い医師は貧しい人々や病人を助けることに専念した。
The young engineer was deficient in experience.その若い技師は経験が不足していた。
The hand of the magician was quicker than our eyes; before we could say Jack Robinson, the cards he was holding between his fingers disappeared.その手品師の手は私たちの眼より早かった。あっとゆうまに、彼が指の間にはさんでいたトランプは消えた。
The girl, closing her eyes, listened to the priest.その少女は、目を閉じて牧師の話を聞いた。
The new teacher clicked with the students.その新任教師は生徒たちと馬が合った。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You're better than a priest.[CN] 你比牧師還好。 Hey Babu Riba (1985)
What does teacher wants to do?[CN] 老師到底想做什麼呢? And Then (1985)
I don't want to listen to no jive-ass preacher talking to me about heaven and hell.[JP] 俺はイカサマ伝道師が 天国と地獄について 語るのなんか聞きたくない The Blues Brothers (1980)
Stop talking about that pig who charmed you and your Landier, that teacher who's always hot for some cause![CN] 別再講那頭迷惑了你和朗迪耶夫人的豬了 那個老師總是不明原因地興奮 Vagabond (1985)
And lucky Bedelia, she got to nurse him full-time.[JP] 彼女は看護師を雇って一息さ Creepshow (1982)
A vast military build-up of armoured divisions and missiles accompanied by a fourfold increase in the number of rocket bombs, directed at the most densely populated areas of Airstrip One...[JP] 装甲師団 ミサイル 遊動要塞の大部隊が 4倍に増強された 無線操縦ロケット弾と共に エアストリップワンの 人口密集地帯に向かってます 1984 (1984)
Just take him up on deck, chop off his head and give his body to the cook.[CN] 把他帶到甲板上把他的腦袋砍下來 把他的身體給廚師 Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951)
I've made friends with her ballet master, Pimenov.[CN] 我和她的芭蕾導師, 皮門諾夫, 也交上了朋友. Grand Hotel (1932)
Maybe something happened in the room and...[JP] 技師もやられたのかも Demons (1985)
- What are you drinking, Reverend?[JP] 牧師さんは何を お飲みで? Straw Dogs (1971)
I'll let everybody know... what has become of this planet because of this buffoon PJ[JP] ふざけやがって 奇術師PJのせいで 世の中メチャクチャだ Kin-dza-dza! (1986)
Teacher, if you are to leave, [CN] 老師,你要啟程的話 And Then (1985)
Master spirit came[CN] 師父到 Huan chang (1985)
Clergy Ho[CN] 何牧師, 何牧師... Huan chang (1985)
Vladimir Nikolayevich is a foreman, we'll build you a house[JP] 例えば? ウラジーミルさんは 建築技師です 家を作れます Kin-dza-dza! (1986)
Now, be a good girl, and do everything the doctor and the head nurse tell you, and I'll be back tomorrow, and we'll go home![JP] じゃ、いい子にしてて 先生と師長さんのおっしゃることよく聞くのよ 明日また来るわ、むかえに Return to Oz (1985)
Hello, father. Well![CN] 早上好, 牧師 La Poison (1951)
Teacher! Big news![CN] 老師,大消息 And Then (1985)
Lawyer Liu. What do you do?[CN] 劉律師,幹哪一行? Qiu ai ye jing hun (1989)
Hello, Reverend.[JP] - やあ 牧師さん Straw Dogs (1971)
A poacher I may have been, sir, but a cook, never.[CN] 作為一個偷獵者的話我也許會 但是作為廚師從不 Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951)
Don't worry. God will be with you[CN] 牧師唔駛驚架, 上帝與你同在 Huan chang (1985)
Tonight, we have a well-known and controversial author in our midst.[JP] 今夜の講師は かのセンセーショナルな作家 The 4th Man (1983)
Maestro, I've got something for you.[CN] 大師,我有東西給你 Hey Babu Riba (1985)
I've been your master anyway[CN] 怎麼說我都做過你師父呀 Jue biu yat juk (1990)
Would it work better with whiskey, vicar?[JP] ウイスキーの方が いいだろ 牧師さん? Straw Dogs (1971)
Not a teacher, either.[CN] 也不是一名教師 It All Starts Today (1999)
I'm a teacher at Franklin High.[CN] 富蘭克林高中的老師 Waterland (1992)
You've said the word, father! A miracle![CN] 你說對了, 牧師, 就是奇跡! La Poison (1951)
Chaplain Charlie will tell you about how the free world will conquer communism with the aid of God and a few Marines.[JP] 牧師の話というのは― いかに自由世界が 共産主義を 席巻するかである 神と一握りの海兵の 手助けで Full Metal Jacket (1987)
I'm lawyer[CN] 律師 Qiu ai ye jing hun (1989)
Would you try, Justice Zinnowitz...[CN] 茲諾威特茲律師, 你能不能幫著... Grand Hotel (1932)
Teacher Kang![CN] 姜老師 Episode #5.15 (2013)
Yes, Dr Channard. You've spoken to Ronson?[JP] 医師の チャナードです ロンソン警部と話をしましたか? Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
I'm not a combination of the Speaking Clock, Moss Bros and Teasy-Weasy, [JP] 美容師のまね事を してる暇はありません Future Echoes (1988)
My instructor was Mr. Langley and he taught me to sing a song.[JP] 教師はミスター・ラングレー 歌を教わりました 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
The reverend and his wife... came to invite us to a party at the church hall next week, David.[JP] 牧師さんと奥様が... 来週 教会のパーティに お招きくださったの Straw Dogs (1971)
Keep this up and we'll get you your own dummy.[JP] お前は俺の物マネ師匠だからな。 What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
Fernand Janisse, chief sound technician, since you record everything, record my gratitude.[CN] 賈尼西先生, 音響師 你記錄一切 也記錄下我的感激之情吧 La Poison (1951)
Bro...[CN] 師兄... A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella (1995)
Cameraman, someone asks us to make a poster We ignored them[CN] 喂, 攝影師呀, 明報週刊吸我地影海報 我地唔睬佢 Huan chang (1985)
Mr. Lee.[CN] 李師父 Ren zai Niu Yue (1989)
You were... awful to the reverend.[JP] 牧師さんに... 失礼じゃない Straw Dogs (1971)
- I'm glad you're here, Justice Zinnowitz.[CN] - 很高興你來了, 茲諾威特茲律師. Grand Hotel (1932)
Hello, this is your camp director.[CN] 我是你們的營地導師 Poltergeist III (1988)
But I know a con man when I see one and I think he made up this whole story to get at a gullible kid so he can stay out of rest homes and hospitals.[JP] でも私は詐欺師は見れば分かる... 彼は初心な子供に話をでっちあげて. . Crossroads (1986)
Teacher, there is a guest.[CN] 老師,有客人 And Then (1985)
- Yes, Vicar.[JP] - ええ 牧師さん Straw Dogs (1971)
Then let me tell you how a physician sees you.[JP] 医師の診断を言おう The 4th Man (1983)
The craftsman stands disgraced, the teacher must learn from his prentice.[JP] これでは鍛治屋もかたなしだ 小僧が師匠を教えるのだから Siegfried (1980)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
医師[いし, ishi] Arzt [Add to Longdo]
宣教師[せんきょうし, senkyoushi] Missionar [Add to Longdo]
山師[やまし, yamashi] Spekulant, Abenteurer, Scharlatan [Add to Longdo]
[し, shi] Lehrer, Armee [Add to Longdo]
師匠[ししょう, shishou] Lehrer, Lehrmeister [Add to Longdo]
師団[しだん, shidan] Division [Add to Longdo]
師弟[してい, shitei] Lehrer_und_Schueler [Add to Longdo]
師範[しはん, shihan] Lehrer, Meister [Add to Longdo]
影法師[かげぼうし, kageboushi] Schatten_einer_Person [Add to Longdo]
技師[ぎし, gishi] Ingenieur [Add to Longdo]
教師[きょうし, kyoushi] Lehrer [Add to Longdo]
法師[ほうし, houshi] buddhistischer_Priester [Add to Longdo]
漁師[りょうし, ryoushi] Fischer [Add to Longdo]
牧師[ぼくし, bokushi] Pfarrer, Pastor [Add to Longdo]
猟師[りょうし, ryoushi] Jaeger [Add to Longdo]
薬剤師[やくざいし, yakuzaishi] Apotheker [Add to Longdo]
詐欺師[さぎし, sagishi] Betrueger [Add to Longdo]
講師[こうし, koushi] Dozent, Lektor, Vortragender [Add to Longdo]


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