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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: chih, -chih-
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CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
Chihuahua(n) a city in northern Mexico in the state of Chihuahua; commercial center of northern Mexico
Chihuahua(n) a state in northern Mexico; mostly high plateau
Chihuahua(n) an old breed of tiny short-haired dog with protruding eyes from Mexico held to antedate Aztec civilization

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

‖n. (Min.) The Mexican name for turquoise. See Turquoise. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chih fu

[ Chin. chih fu, lit., (He who) knows (the) prefecture. ] An official administering a prefecture of China; a prefect, supervising the civil business of the hsiens or districts comprised in his fu (which see). [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Chih hsien

[ Chin. chih hsien, lit., (He who) knows (the) district. ] An official having charge of a hsien, or administrative district, in China; a district magistrate, responsible for good order in his hsien (which see), and having jurisdiction in its civil and criminal cases. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Chih tai

[ Chin. chih to govern + t‘ai an honorary title. ] A Chinese governor general; a tsung tu (which see). [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. An old breed of tiny short-coated dogs with protruding eyes, originating in Mexico, believed to antedate Aztec civilization. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
顾恺之[Gù Kǎi zhī, ㄍㄨˋ ㄎㄞˇ ㄓ,    /   ] Gu Kaizhi or Ku K'aichih (346-407), famous painter of Eastern Jin dynasty, one of the Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties 六朝四大家 #105,717 [Add to Longdo]
三芝乡[Sān zhī xiāng, ㄙㄢ ㄓ ㄒㄧㄤ,    /   ] (N) Sanchih (village in Taiwan) #558,159 [Add to Longdo]
长治乡[Cháng zhì xiāng, ㄔㄤˊ ㄓˋ ㄒㄧㄤ,    /   ] (N) Changchih (village in Taiwan) #1,044,909 [Add to Longdo]
汐止[Xī zhǐ, ㄒㄧ ㄓˇ,  ] (N) Hsichih (city in Taiwan) [Add to Longdo]
池上乡[Chí shàng xiāng, ㄔˊ ㄕㄤˋ ㄒㄧㄤ,    /   ] (N) Chihshang (village in Taiwan) [Add to Longdo]
鱼池乡[Yú chí xiāng, ㄩˊ ㄔˊ ㄒㄧㄤ,    /   ] (N) Yuchih (village in Taiwan) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
地方[ちほう, chihou] TH: ภูมิภาค
地方[ちほう, chihou] TH: ท้องถิ่น

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Dschihad { m }Jihad [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
地方[ちほう(P);じかた, chihou (P); jikata] (n, adj-no) (1) area; locality; district; region; province; (2) countryside; rural area; (3) coast (esp. as seen from the water); (4) (じかた only) person singing ballads in noh; person in charge of music in a Japanese dance performance; (P) #416 [Add to Longdo]
父母[ふぼ(P);ちちはは, fubo (P); chichihaha] (n) father and mother; parents; (P) #6,790 [Add to Longdo]
地方裁判所[ちほうさいばんしょ, chihousaibansho] (n) (See 地裁) district court; local court #7,152 [Add to Longdo]
地方自治体[ちほうじちたい, chihoujichitai] (n) local authority; local government; locality; local self-governing body; municipality; (P) #13,196 [Add to Longdo]
地表[ちひょう, chihyou] (n, adj-no) surface of the earth; ground surface; (P) #14,508 [Add to Longdo]
襅(oK)[ちはや, chihaya] (n) (obsc) (uk) thin, white ceremonial haori worn by miko [Add to Longdo]
こんにちわ(ik);こにちわ(ik);こにちは(ik)[konnichiwa (ik); konichiwa (ik); konichiha (ik)] (int) (col) (misspelling of こんにちは) (See 今日は) hello; good day (daytime greeting) [Add to Longdo]
しゃちほこ張る;鯱張る[しゃちほこばる;しゃっちょこばる(鯱張る);しゃちこばる(鯱張る), shachihokobaru ; shacchokobaru ( shachihokobaru ); shachikobaru ( shachihokobaru )] (v5r) (1) to stand on ceremony; (2) to stiffen up (the nerves); to be tense [Add to Longdo]
アルティアハチハチゼロゼロ[aruteiahachihachizerozero] (n) { comp } Altair8800 [Add to Longdo]
アンチハッキング[anchihakkingu] (n) { comp } anti-hacking [Add to Longdo]
アンチヒーロー[anchihi-ro-] (n) antihero [Add to Longdo]
アンチヒューマニズム[anchihyu-manizumu] (n) anti-humanism [Add to Longdo]
ウィッチヘーゼル[uicchihe-zeru] (n) witch hazel [Add to Longdo]
キャッチホン[kyacchihon] (n) call waiting (wasei [Add to Longdo]
クラッチヒッター[kuracchihitta-] (n) clutch hitter [Add to Longdo]
シャチハタ[shachihata] (n) self-inking (rubber) stamp (from the company name) [Add to Longdo]
スイッチヒッター[suicchihitta-] (n) switch-hitter (baseball) [Add to Longdo]
スクラッチヒット[sukuracchihitto] (n) scratch hit [Add to Longdo]
スケッチホン[sukecchihon] (n) sketch phone [Add to Longdo]
チヒロザメ属[チヒロザメぞく, chihirozame zoku] (n) Pseudotriakis (genus of ground shark in the family Pseudotriakidae whose sole member is the false catshark) [Add to Longdo]
チワワ[chiwawa] (n) chihuahua [Add to Longdo]
ヒッチハイカー[hicchihaika-] (n) hitchhiker [Add to Longdo]
ヒッチハイク[hicchihaiku] (n) hitch-hike; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ビーチハウス[bi-chihausu] (n) beach house [Add to Longdo]
ピンチヒッター[pinchihitta-] (n) pinch hitter; (P) [Add to Longdo]
フレンチホルン[furenchihorun] (n) French horn [Add to Longdo]
マルクチヒメジ[marukuchihimeji] (n) gold-saddle goatfish (Parupeneus cyclostomus); yellowsaddle goatfish; blue goatfish [Add to Longdo]
マルチハビテーション[maruchihabite-shon] (n) multihabitation [Add to Longdo]
マルチホスティング[maruchihosuteingu] (n) { comp } multi-hosting [Add to Longdo]
悪の道へ誘う[あくのみちへいざなう, akunomichiheizanau] (exp, v5u) (obsc) to lead astray; to lure a person to evil ways [Add to Longdo]
一知半解[いっちはんかい, icchihankai] (adj-na, n) superficial knowledge; half knowledge [Add to Longdo]
一致判定[いっちはんてい, icchihantei] (n) { comp } matching [Add to Longdo]
一日片時[いちにちへんじ, ichinichihenji] (n) short time [Add to Longdo]
一飛[いちひ, ichihi] (n) first fly [Add to Longdo]
一姫二太郎[いちひめにたろう, ichihimenitarou] (n) It's good to have a girl first and then a boy [Add to Longdo]
一方向[いちほうこう, ichihoukou] (adj-no, n) one direction; unidirectional; non-interactive [Add to Longdo]
一方向性関数[いちほうこうせいかんすう, ichihoukouseikansuu] (n) { comp } one-way function [Add to Longdo]
逸早く;いち早く;逸速く[いちはやく, ichihayaku] (adv) (1) promptly; quickly; without delay; (2) before others; first [Add to Longdo]
価値判断[かちはんだん, kachihandan] (n) value judgement; value judgment [Add to Longdo]
価値法則[かちほうそく, kachihousoku] (n) law of value [Add to Longdo]
関西地方[かんさいちほう, kansaichihou] (n) Kansai region (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka) [Add to Longdo]
関東地方[かんとうちほう, kantouchihou] (n) Kanto region (inc. Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures) [Add to Longdo]
基地閉鎖[きちへいさ, kichiheisa] (n) (military) base closing [Add to Longdo]
記憶装置表示[きおくそうちひょうじ, kiokusouchihyouji] (n) { comp } memory indication; storage indication [Add to Longdo]
朽ち果てる;朽果てる[くちはてる, kuchihateru] (v1, vi) to rust away; to rot away; to decay; to fall to ruins; to die in obscurity [Add to Longdo]
京滋地方[けいじちほう, keijichihou] (n) Kyoto-Shiga district [Add to Longdo]
近畿地方[きんきちほう, kinkichihou] (n) Kinki region (inc. Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama, Mie and Shiga prefectures) [Add to Longdo]
金鯱;金の鯱[きんしゃち(金鯱);きんのしゃちほこ(金の鯱);きんのしゃち(金の鯱), kinshachi ( kinshachi ); kinnoshachihoko ( kin no shachi ); kinnoshachi ( kin no sh] (n) golden dolphin [Add to Longdo]
九州地方[きゅうしゅうちほう, kyuushuuchihou] (n) Kyushu region (incl. Southwestern Islands) [Add to Longdo]
撃ち払う;撃払う[うちはらう, uchiharau] (v5u) to drive someone off with gunfire [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
アンチハッキング[あんちはっきんぐ, anchihakkingu] anti-hacking [Add to Longdo]
一致判定[いっちはんてい, icchihantei] matching [Add to Longdo]
一方向性関数[いちほうこうせいかんすう, ichihoukouseikansuu] one-way function [Add to Longdo]
記憶装置表示[きおくそうちひょうじ, kiokusouchihyouji] memory indication, storage indication [Add to Longdo]
後置表記法[こうちひょうきほう, kouchihyoukihou] suffix notation, postfix notation, reverse Polish notation [Add to Longdo]
真理値表[しんりちひょう, shinrichihyou] truth table [Add to Longdo]
数値表現[すうちひょうげん, suuchihyougen] numeric representation [Add to Longdo]
数値変数[すうちへんすう, suuchihensuu] numeric variable [Add to Longdo]
前置表記法[ぜんちひょうきほう, zenchihyoukihou] prefix notation, Polish notation, parenthesis-free notation, Lukasiewicz notation [Add to Longdo]
属性値表現[ぞくせいちひょうげん, zokuseichihyougen] attribute value literal [Add to Longdo]
地方時[ちほうじ, chihouji] local time [Add to Longdo]
中置表記法[ちゅうちひょうきほう, chuuchihyoukihou] infix notation [Add to Longdo]
アルティアハチハチゼロゼロ[あるていあはちはちぜろぜろ, aruteiahachihachizerozero] Altair8800 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
勝ち誇る[かちほこる, kachihokoru] triumphieren, siegestrunken [Add to Longdo]
地平線[ちへいせん, chiheisen] Horizont [Add to Longdo]
地方[ちほう, chihou] Gegend, Region, Provinz [Add to Longdo]
遅配[ちはい, chihai] Aufschub, Verzoegerung, Verspaetung [Add to Longdo]


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