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ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
For all you know, there's a tiny Chihuahua in here.Da steckt wahrscheinlich ein kleiner Chihuahua drin. The Anything Can Happen Recurrence (2014)
OK! No way will I send him to a school with corporal punishment.Es kommt nicht in Frage, dassichihn auf eine Schule lasse, die Prügelstrafe anwendet. A Lovebirds' Divorce (2014)
Our informant says that he was paid 1.5 million Euros by a jihadist group in the Philippines.Unsere Informantin sagte, dass ihm 1, 5 Millionen Euro von einer Dschihad-Gruppe auf den Philippinen gezahlt wurden. Orange Blossom Ice Cream (2014)
Looks like he was connected to a jihadist group in the Philippines.Sieht aus, als stand er in Verbindung mit einer Dschihadisten-Gruppe auf den Philippinen. Orange Blossom Ice Cream (2014)
He's a teacup Chihuahua.- Ein Chihuahua. Father's Day (2014)
And not for nothing, but he was a little judgmental when I told him I had a teacup Chihuahua.Noch dazu war er ein wenig herablassend wegen meines Minichihuahuas. Father's Day (2014)
like he's some kindergartner instead of a grown adult who's been smuggling drugs to jihadists.als wäre er noch im Kindergarten, und kein Erwachsener, der Drogen zu Dschihadisten geschmuggelt hat. From A to B and Back Again (2014)
Then she made this high-pitched squeal like... have you ever stepped on a Chihuahua and then taken all its money?Und dann machte sie diesen hohen Piepton, den man bekommt... Sind Sie schon mal auf einen Chihuahua getreten... und haben ihm dann auch noch all sein Geld weggenommen? Charlie and Lacey Go for Broke (2014)
Special Makeup Effects Assistant Chiharu RIKUTASpecial Makeup Effects - Assistent Chiharu RIKUDEN Mai-chan's Daily Life: The Movie (2014)
Ay, Chihuahua! No, wait. They're not Chihuahuas.Ay, Chihuahua, Nein, warte, Das sind keine Chihuahuas, The Muppets' Wizard of Oz (2005)
Narrator: "Perfect Strangers" star Mark Linn-Baker departed on October 14, 2012, but "Hard 10" tracked him down to this sleepy village in the Chihuahua province of Mexico.Chihuahua in Mexiko aufgespürt. REPORTERIN: Axis Mundi (2015)
It's a chihuahua. And the cat surely has both rabies and the plague.Es ist ein Chihuahua, und die Katze hat sicher Tollwut und Pest. A Man Called Ove (2015)
But we all need to remember, this program was a response to a bona fide issue-- jihadis finding safe harbor in Europe while your hands are tied by German law.Aber wir müssen alle daran denken, dass dieses Programm die Antwort auf ein echtes Problem war... nämlich dass Dschihadisten in Europa einen sicheren Hafen fanden, während Ihnen die Hände durch das deutsche Recht gebunden waren. Separation Anxiety (2015)
Hard-core jihadis right here in Germany.Hardcore Dschihadisten hier in Deutschland. Separation Anxiety (2015)
You wouldn't know the difference between right and wrong if it sat on your rich face.- Eigentlich war es ein Chihuahua. Love Hurts (2015)
If you really are a jihadist, don't you think we would have found some hard-core stuff hanging about?Wenn Sie wirklich ein Dschihadist sind, hätten wir doch islamistisches Material gefunden. Episode #1.3 (2015)
Well, the greatest minds in human history put their collective genius towards solving that puzzle.Die größten Wissenschaftler der Geschihte versuchten bereits dieses Rätsel zu lösen. Fallout (2015)
Ay, chihuahua!Ay, Chihuahua! Hot Girls Wanted (2015)
"The burning wrath of God. " It's some kind of Jihad...Gottes brennender Zorn. So was wie Dschihad. Innan frosten (2005)
Etsuko Ichihara as YoshikoYOSHIKO: ETSUKO ICHIHARA Sweet Bean (2015)
Uh, that rat you're doting on like a purse Chihuahua could end civilization as we know it.Diese Ratte, für die du schwärmst, wie für einen Handtaschen-Chihuahua, könnte die Zivilisation, wie wir sie kennen, beenden. Dead Air (2015)
I have been captured and interrogated During the interrogation, I've revealed to you the existence of the Osgood box.WährenddesVerhörs, habeichIhnen von der Existenz der Osgood-Box erzählt. The Zygon Inversion (2015)
Um, so, let's cross-check the surnames and see if anybody from any of these families left to go fight jihad in Syria.Lass uns die Nachnamen vergleichen, damit wir sehen, ob eine dieser Familien in Syrien für den Dschihad kämpft. Super Powers (2015)
A dozen Muslim men, all convicted jihadis, are being released here tonight, their sentences vacated by the very courts that found them guilty in the first place.Ein Dutzend muslimischer Männer, alle verurteilte Dschihadisten, werden hier heute Abend entlassen, ihre Urteile wurden von den Gerichten aufgehoben, die sie ursprünglich für schuldig befanden. Parabiosis (2015)
Your operation, Quinn taking out jihadis, someone got inside it, put my name there as a target.Deine Operation mit Quinn, Dschihadisten auszuschalten, jemand drang ein und machte mich zur Zielperson. Parabiosis (2015)
The real jihad is in Syria.Der wahre Dschihad... ist in Syrien. Parabiosis (2015)
Your operation- - Quinn taking out jihadis-- someone got inside it, put my name there as a target.Deine Operation mit Quinn, Dschihadisten auszu- schalten, jemand drang ein, machte mich zum Ziel. Oriole (2015)
Fell in with some of the jihadis released the other night from Plötzensee Prison.Ich traf einen der Dschihadisten, die damals aus dem Gefängnis Plötzensee entlassen wurden. - Ja? Oriole (2015)
We do construction work in Istanbul and not jihad in Syria.Wir arbeiten auf dem Bau in Istanbul, nicht am Dschihad in Syrien. Oriole (2015)
Fell in with some of the jihadis released the other night from Plötzensee Prison.Ich traf einen der Dschihadisten, die damals aus dem Gefängnis Plötzensee entlassen wurden. All About Allison (2015)
Next thing you know, he's a terrorist mastermind supplying communications equipment to a jihadi network.Und auf einmal war Drahtzieher des Terrors, der Kommunikationsausrüstung an ein dschihadistisches Netzwerk liefert. New Normal (2015)
23 people with jihadi connections bought phones or-or SIM cards in your store.23 Personen mit Verbindungen zum Dschihad haben in Ihrem Laden Handys und/oder SIM-Karten gekauft. New Normal (2015)
And did you hear anyone talk about jihad? About Syria?Und haben Sie gehört, dass jemand über den Dschihad gesprochen hat? New Normal (2015)
What he reported was a group of jihadis on their way to Syria.Er berichtete von einer Gruppe Dschihadisten, die auf dem Weg nach Syrien sind. New Normal (2015)
Did you hear anyone talk about jihad?Haben Sie gehört, dass jemand über den Dschihad gesprochen hat? Our Man in Damascus (2015)
What he reported was a group of jihadis on their way to Syria.Er berichtete von einer Gruppe Dschihadisten, die auf dem Weg nach Syrien sind. Our Man in Damascus (2015)
He's no jihadi, though.- Er ist aber kein Dschihadist. Our Man in Damascus (2015)
[ distorted static ] [ gunfire ] Ay, Chihuahua!Ay, Chihuahua! The Bleedin' in Sweden (2015)
Jihad is our way. - Takbir!Der Dschihad ist unser Weg. City of Tiny Lights (2016)
You're a fucking Chihuahua.- Du verfickter Chihuahua! 31 (2016)
We're pinning Kalloor's hit on a fictional jihadi shooter.Ein fiktionaler Dschihadist wird Kalloor getötet haben. Jason Bourne (2016)
This is my second day in Big Sur, and I'm standing there with this like woman who wants to make sure that the death of her like Chihuahua has been avenged.An meinem zweiten Tag in Big Sur stand ich da mit dieser Frau, die unbedingt wollte, dass der Tod ihres Chihuahuas gerächt wird. Always Shine (2016)
We've got hours of him talking about waging jihad and killing children.Er hat stundenlang vom Dschihad geredet, - davon, Kinder töten zu wollen. Imperium (2016)
Why aren't you showering? 'Cause I left my phone down here.Der bösartige Chihuahua meiner Mutter. #TeamLucifer (2016)
Born another jihad.Und so werden kleine Dschihadisten gemacht. Sniper: Ghost Shooter (2016)
I'm not comfortable with that, but uh, shooting at Jihadis affects a man, you know?Ich fühle mich damit nicht wohl, aber... Auf Dschihadisten zu schießen wirkt sich auf einen Menschen aus, weißt du? Last Call (2016)
And just last week, he translated an ISIS tract called "39 Ways to Serve and Participate in Jihad."Und erst letzte Woche hat er ein ISIS-Traktat übersetzt. Es heißt "39 Wege zum Dienst und zur Teilnahme im Dschihad". Fair Game (2016)
Now, I get asked all the time, "How do we deal with homegrown violent, do-it-yourself jihadists?" Like this, ladies and gentlemen.Ich werde ständig gefragt, "Wie gehen wir mit einheimischen, gewalttätigen Do-it-yourself Dschihadisten um?" Genau so, meine Damen und Herrn. Fair Game (2016)
Yousayjihadi. I say Maserati.Sie sagen Dschihad, ich sage Maserati. Station to Station (2016)
And my friend Jihad here will share what she's hidin' in her scarf.Dann zeigt Freundin Dschihad, was sie im Kopftuch hat. Toast Can't Never Be Bread Again (2016)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
chihuahua(n) a city in northern Mexico in the state of Chihuahua; commercial center of northern Mexico
chihuahua(n) a state in northern Mexico; mostly high plateau
chihuahua(n) an old breed of tiny short-haired dog with protruding eyes from Mexico held to antedate Aztec civilization
chihuahuan desert(n) a desert in western Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and northern Mexico
chihuahuan spotted whiptail(n) having longitudinal stripes overlaid with light spots; upland lizard of United States southwest and Mexico, Syn. Cnemidophorus exsanguis
turfing daisy(n) low densely tufted perennial herb of Turkey having small white flowers; used as a ground cover in dry places; sometimes included in genus Matricaria, Syn. Matricaria tchihatchewii, Tripleurospermum tchihatchewii
turfing daisy(n) mat-forming perennial herb of Asia Minor; sometimes included in genus Matricaria, Syn. Matricaria oreades, Tripleurospermum oreades tchihatchewii

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

‖n. (Min.) The Mexican name for turquoise. See Turquoise. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chih fu

[ Chin. chih fu, lit., (He who) knows (the) prefecture. ] An official administering a prefecture of China; a prefect, supervising the civil business of the hsiens or districts comprised in his fu (which see). [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Chih hsien

[ Chin. chih hsien, lit., (He who) knows (the) district. ] An official having charge of a hsien, or administrative district, in China; a district magistrate, responsible for good order in his hsien (which see), and having jurisdiction in its civil and criminal cases. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Chih tai

[ Chin. chih to govern + t‘ai an honorary title. ] A Chinese governor general; a tsung tu (which see). [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. An old breed of tiny short-coated dogs with protruding eyes, originating in Mexico, believed to antedate Aztec civilization. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
顾恺之[Gù Kǎi zhī, ㄍㄨˋ ㄎㄞˇ ㄓ,    /   ] Gu Kaizhi or Ku K'aichih (346-407), famous painter of Eastern Jin dynasty, one of the Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties 六朝四大家 #105,717 [Add to Longdo]
三芝乡[Sān zhī xiāng, ㄙㄢ ㄓ ㄒㄧㄤ,    /   ] (N) Sanchih (village in Taiwan) #558,159 [Add to Longdo]
长治乡[Cháng zhì xiāng, ㄔㄤˊ ㄓˋ ㄒㄧㄤ,    /   ] (N) Changchih (village in Taiwan) #1,044,909 [Add to Longdo]
汐止[Xī zhǐ, ㄒㄧ ㄓˇ,  ] (N) Hsichih (city in Taiwan) [Add to Longdo]
池上乡[Chí shàng xiāng, ㄔˊ ㄕㄤˋ ㄒㄧㄤ,    /   ] (N) Chihshang (village in Taiwan) [Add to Longdo]
鱼池乡[Yú chí xiāng, ㄩˊ ㄔˊ ㄒㄧㄤ,    /   ] (N) Yuchih (village in Taiwan) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
地方[ちほう, chihou] TH: ภูมิภาค
地方[ちほう, chihou] TH: ท้องถิ่น

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Dschihad { m }Jihad [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
地方[ちほう(P);じかた, chihou (P); jikata] (n, adj-no) (1) area; locality; district; region; province; (2) countryside; rural area; (3) coast (esp. as seen from the water); (4) (じかた only) person singing ballads in noh; person in charge of music in a Japanese dance performance; (P) #416 [Add to Longdo]
父母[ふぼ(P);ちちはは, fubo (P); chichihaha] (n) father and mother; parents; (P) #6,790 [Add to Longdo]
地方裁判所[ちほうさいばんしょ, chihousaibansho] (n) (See 地裁) district court; local court #7,152 [Add to Longdo]
地方自治体[ちほうじちたい, chihoujichitai] (n) local authority; local government; locality; local self-governing body; municipality; (P) #13,196 [Add to Longdo]
地表[ちひょう, chihyou] (n, adj-no) surface of the earth; ground surface; (P) #14,508 [Add to Longdo]
襅(oK)[ちはや, chihaya] (n) (obsc) (uk) thin, white ceremonial haori worn by miko [Add to Longdo]
こんにちわ(ik);こにちわ(ik);こにちは(ik)[konnichiwa (ik); konichiwa (ik); konichiha (ik)] (int) (col) (misspelling of こんにちは) (See 今日は) hello; good day (daytime greeting) [Add to Longdo]
しゃちほこ張る;鯱張る[しゃちほこばる;しゃっちょこばる(鯱張る);しゃちこばる(鯱張る), shachihokobaru ; shacchokobaru ( shachihokobaru ); shachikobaru ( shachihokobaru )] (v5r) (1) to stand on ceremony; (2) to stiffen up (the nerves); to be tense [Add to Longdo]
アルティアハチハチゼロゼロ[aruteiahachihachizerozero] (n) { comp } Altair8800 [Add to Longdo]
アンチハッキング[anchihakkingu] (n) { comp } anti-hacking [Add to Longdo]
アンチヒーロー[anchihi-ro-] (n) antihero [Add to Longdo]
アンチヒューマニズム[anchihyu-manizumu] (n) anti-humanism [Add to Longdo]
ウィッチヘーゼル[uicchihe-zeru] (n) witch hazel [Add to Longdo]
キャッチホン[kyacchihon] (n) call waiting (wasei [Add to Longdo]
クラッチヒッター[kuracchihitta-] (n) clutch hitter [Add to Longdo]
シャチハタ[shachihata] (n) self-inking (rubber) stamp (from the company name) [Add to Longdo]
スイッチヒッター[suicchihitta-] (n) switch-hitter (baseball) [Add to Longdo]
スクラッチヒット[sukuracchihitto] (n) scratch hit [Add to Longdo]
スケッチホン[sukecchihon] (n) sketch phone [Add to Longdo]
チヒロザメ属[チヒロザメぞく, chihirozame zoku] (n) Pseudotriakis (genus of ground shark in the family Pseudotriakidae whose sole member is the false catshark) [Add to Longdo]
チワワ[chiwawa] (n) chihuahua [Add to Longdo]
ヒッチハイカー[hicchihaika-] (n) hitchhiker [Add to Longdo]
ヒッチハイク[hicchihaiku] (n) hitch-hike; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ビーチハウス[bi-chihausu] (n) beach house [Add to Longdo]
ピンチヒッター[pinchihitta-] (n) pinch hitter; (P) [Add to Longdo]
フレンチホルン[furenchihorun] (n) French horn [Add to Longdo]
マルクチヒメジ[marukuchihimeji] (n) gold-saddle goatfish (Parupeneus cyclostomus); yellowsaddle goatfish; blue goatfish [Add to Longdo]
マルチハビテーション[maruchihabite-shon] (n) multihabitation [Add to Longdo]
マルチホスティング[maruchihosuteingu] (n) { comp } multi-hosting [Add to Longdo]
悪の道へ誘う[あくのみちへいざなう, akunomichiheizanau] (exp, v5u) (obsc) to lead astray; to lure a person to evil ways [Add to Longdo]
一知半解[いっちはんかい, icchihankai] (adj-na, n) superficial knowledge; half knowledge [Add to Longdo]
一致判定[いっちはんてい, icchihantei] (n) { comp } matching [Add to Longdo]
一日片時[いちにちへんじ, ichinichihenji] (n) short time [Add to Longdo]
一飛[いちひ, ichihi] (n) first fly [Add to Longdo]
一姫二太郎[いちひめにたろう, ichihimenitarou] (n) It's good to have a girl first and then a boy [Add to Longdo]
一方向[いちほうこう, ichihoukou] (adj-no, n) one direction; unidirectional; non-interactive [Add to Longdo]
一方向性関数[いちほうこうせいかんすう, ichihoukouseikansuu] (n) { comp } one-way function [Add to Longdo]
逸早く;いち早く;逸速く[いちはやく, ichihayaku] (adv) (1) promptly; quickly; without delay; (2) before others; first [Add to Longdo]
価値判断[かちはんだん, kachihandan] (n) value judgement; value judgment [Add to Longdo]
価値法則[かちほうそく, kachihousoku] (n) law of value [Add to Longdo]
関西地方[かんさいちほう, kansaichihou] (n) Kansai region (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka) [Add to Longdo]
関東地方[かんとうちほう, kantouchihou] (n) Kanto region (inc. Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures) [Add to Longdo]
基地閉鎖[きちへいさ, kichiheisa] (n) (military) base closing [Add to Longdo]
記憶装置表示[きおくそうちひょうじ, kiokusouchihyouji] (n) { comp } memory indication; storage indication [Add to Longdo]
朽ち果てる;朽果てる[くちはてる, kuchihateru] (v1, vi) to rust away; to rot away; to decay; to fall to ruins; to die in obscurity [Add to Longdo]
京滋地方[けいじちほう, keijichihou] (n) Kyoto-Shiga district [Add to Longdo]
近畿地方[きんきちほう, kinkichihou] (n) Kinki region (inc. Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama, Mie and Shiga prefectures) [Add to Longdo]
金鯱;金の鯱[きんしゃち(金鯱);きんのしゃちほこ(金の鯱);きんのしゃち(金の鯱), kinshachi ( kinshachi ); kinnoshachihoko ( kin no shachi ); kinnoshachi ( kin no sh] (n) golden dolphin [Add to Longdo]
九州地方[きゅうしゅうちほう, kyuushuuchihou] (n) Kyushu region (incl. Southwestern Islands) [Add to Longdo]
撃ち払う;撃払う[うちはらう, uchiharau] (v5u) to drive someone off with gunfire [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
アンチハッキング[あんちはっきんぐ, anchihakkingu] anti-hacking [Add to Longdo]
一致判定[いっちはんてい, icchihantei] matching [Add to Longdo]
一方向性関数[いちほうこうせいかんすう, ichihoukouseikansuu] one-way function [Add to Longdo]
記憶装置表示[きおくそうちひょうじ, kiokusouchihyouji] memory indication, storage indication [Add to Longdo]
後置表記法[こうちひょうきほう, kouchihyoukihou] suffix notation, postfix notation, reverse Polish notation [Add to Longdo]
真理値表[しんりちひょう, shinrichihyou] truth table [Add to Longdo]
数値表現[すうちひょうげん, suuchihyougen] numeric representation [Add to Longdo]
数値変数[すうちへんすう, suuchihensuu] numeric variable [Add to Longdo]
前置表記法[ぜんちひょうきほう, zenchihyoukihou] prefix notation, Polish notation, parenthesis-free notation, Lukasiewicz notation [Add to Longdo]
属性値表現[ぞくせいちひょうげん, zokuseichihyougen] attribute value literal [Add to Longdo]
地方時[ちほうじ, chihouji] local time [Add to Longdo]
中置表記法[ちゅうちひょうきほう, chuuchihyoukihou] infix notation [Add to Longdo]
アルティアハチハチゼロゼロ[あるていあはちはちぜろぜろ, aruteiahachihachizerozero] Altair8800 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
勝ち誇る[かちほこる, kachihokoru] triumphieren, siegestrunken [Add to Longdo]
地平線[ちへいせん, chiheisen] Horizont [Add to Longdo]
地方[ちほう, chihou] Gegend, Region, Provinz [Add to Longdo]
遅配[ちはい, chihai] Aufschub, Verzoegerung, Verspaetung [Add to Longdo]


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