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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, ào, ㄠˋ] proud, haughty, overbearing
Radical: , Decomposition:   亻 [rén, ㄖㄣˊ]  敖 [áo, ㄠˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] person
Rank: 1960

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: be proud
On-yomi: ゴウ, gou
Kun-yomi: おご.る, あなど.る, ogo.ru, anado.ru
Radical: , Decomposition:     

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[ào, ㄠˋ, ] proud; overbearing; insolent; arrogant #5,966 [Add to Longdo]
[jiāo ào, ㄐㄧㄠ ㄠˋ,   /  ] arrogant; conceited; full of oneself; proud #4,689 [Add to Longdo]
[gāo ào, ㄍㄠ ㄠˋ,  ] arrogant #16,910 [Add to Longdo]
[ào màn, ㄠˋ ㄇㄢˋ,  ] arrogant; haughty #18,315 [Add to Longdo]
[ào rán, ㄠˋ ㄖㄢˊ,  ] loftily; proudly; unyieldingly #31,837 [Add to Longdo]
[ào qì, ㄠˋ ㄑㄧˋ,   /  ] air of arrogance; haughtiness #33,819 [Add to Longdo]
[ào shì, ㄠˋ ㄕˋ,   /  ] turn up one's nose; show disdain for; regard superciliously #36,043 [Add to Longdo]
[zì ào, ㄗˋ ㄠˋ,  ] arrogance; proud of sth #38,311 [Add to Longdo]
[kuáng ào, ㄎㄨㄤˊ ㄠˋ,  ] domineering; haughty #49,031 [Add to Longdo]
[ào gǔ, ㄠˋ ㄍㄨˇ,  ] lofty and unyielding character #55,540 [Add to Longdo]
[ào àn, ㄠˋ ㄢˋ,  ] proud; haughty [Add to Longdo]
慢与偏见[Ào màn yǔ piān jiàn, ㄠˋ ㄇㄢˋ ㄩˇ ㄆㄧㄢ ㄐㄧㄢˋ,      /     ] Pride and prejudice, novel by Jane Austen 珍·奧斯汀|珍·奥斯汀 [Add to Longdo]
[ào lì, ㄠˋ ㄌㄧˋ,  ] standing proud [Add to Longdo]
[ào zì, ㄠˋ ㄗˋ,  ] pride; overbearing [Add to Longdo]
虚心使人进步骄使人落后[xū xīn shǐ rén jìn bù jiāo ào shǐ rén luò hòu, ㄒㄩ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄕˇ ㄖㄣˊ ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄐㄧㄠ ㄠˋ ㄕˇ ㄖㄣˊ ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄏㄡˋ,   使      使    /   使      使   ] Modesty leads to progress, arrogance makes you drop behind (favorite slogan of Mao Dzedong 毛澤東|毛泽东, noted for his modesty). [Add to Longdo]
虚心使人进步,骄使人落后[xū xīn shǐ rén jìn bù, jiāo ào shǐ rén luò hòu, ㄒㄩ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄕˇ ㄖㄣˊ ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄅㄨˋ, ㄐㄧㄠ ㄠˋ ㄕˇ ㄖㄣˊ ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄏㄡˋ,   使       使    /   使       使   ] Modesty can make people progress, conceit make people lag behind. [Add to Longdo]
[wéi ào, ㄨㄟˊ ㄠˋ,   /  ] to disobey [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
慢;ごう慢;強慢(iK)[ごうまん, gouman] (adj-na, n) pride; haughtiness; arrogance; insolence; hubris #19,699 [Add to Longdo]
[きょごう, kyogou] (adj-na, n) pride; arrogance [Add to Longdo]
[ごうがん, gougan] (adj-na, n) haughtiness; pride [Add to Longdo]
岸不遜[ごうがんふそん, gouganfuson] (n) arrogance [Add to Longdo]
岸無礼[ごうがんぶれい, gouganburei] (n) arrogance [Add to Longdo]
然;慠然(oK)[ごうぜん, gouzen] (adj-t, adv-to) (arch) proud; arrogant; haughty [Add to Longdo]
慢不遜[ごうまんふそん, goumanfuson] (adj-na) haughty; arrogant; overbearing [Add to Longdo]
慢無礼[ごうまんぶれい, goumanburei] (n) (arrogance and) insolence [Add to Longdo]
[ごうきょ, goukyo] (n) arrogance [Add to Longdo]
奢る(P);る;驕る[おごる, ogoru] (v5r, vt) (1) (esp. 奢る) to give (someone) a treat; (v5r, vi) (2) to be extravagant; to live luxuriously; (3) (esp. 驕る る) to be proud; to be haughty; (P) [Add to Longdo]
[きょうごう, kyougou] (adj-na, n) pride; arrogance [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
That lady is haughty to a great degree.あの婦人はひどく慢だ。
The hostess couldn't possibly put up with his arrogance.その女性の司会者は彼の慢さがどうしても我慢できなかった。
The hostess couldn't possibly tolerate his arrogance.その女性幹事は彼の慢さにどうしても我慢できなかった。
The hostess couldn't possibly put up with his arrogance.その彼女の司会者は彼の慢さがどうしても我慢できなかった。
I can not stand his arrogance any longer.私は彼の慢さにこれ以上我慢できない。
I can't stand his arrogance any longer.私は彼の慢さにもうこれ以上我慢できない。
I cannot put up with his arrogance.私は彼の慢な態度が我慢できない。
It is his laziness that he must overcome.彼が直さなければならないのはその慢さだ。
I can't do with his arrogance.彼の慢さには我慢できない。
I get mad at his arrogance.彼の慢さは頭に来るよ。
He is very clever and is not proud either.彼はとても頭がいいが慢ではない。
He is arrogant toward us.彼は我々に対し慢だ。
When he was young, he had an arrogant air.彼は若いころは慢なところがあった。
Besides being ignorant, he is too proud.彼は無知である上に、慢でもある。
He tends to be arrogant.彼は慢になる傾向がある。
No other woman in our company is as proud as she is.彼女ほど慢な女性はいない。
You're an arrogant dirty foreigner who claims their dictionary is correct even though they don't understand the nuances of Japanese.日本語のニュアンスが分からないくせに、自分の辞書のほうが正しいと言い張る慢な毛唐だ。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- I am so proud of you![CN] -我太为你骄 Grudge Match (2013)
Yes, but-- it-- was arrogance of me. Stupid marriage.[JP] だが 私の慢でもある 愚かな結婚だった Night Train to Lisbon (2013)
The Tooth Fairy was smart... and arrogant.[JP] "歯の妖精"は ずる賢く. . 慢だ Smokey and the Bandit (2011)
Their weakness invited our enemies to strike... and their corruption and arrogance... have brought the Empire to the brink of defeat![JP] 奴らの弱さが敵にチャンスを与えた そして、奴らの堕落と 慢が帝国を敗北に導く In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II (2005)
Oh, I'm proud of you.[CN] 哦,我为你感到骄 Goddess (2013)
You have the arrogance of Andorians, the stubborn pride of Tellarites.[JP] アンドリア人のような慢さ タラライト人のような強情さ The Forge (2004)
I'm so proud of you.[CN] 我真为你骄 Diana (2013)
The hubris of creating something as powerful as the machine.[JP] マシンのような強力な物を 作り出す慢さを Firewall (2012)
That's a bit of hubris.[CN] 这是一个有点慢。 We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks (2013)
It's because of your overbearing attitude like that that we got dragged into this![JP] お前が そうやって慢かましてるから→ 俺たちまで とばっちり受けたんだろ! Episode #1.8 (2012)
And the instant that you even show the slightest crack in that smug facade, [CN] 即使你显示了 { \1cHF0F0F0 }{ \3cH202020 }And the instant that you even show 你的慢上有轻微的裂纹 { \1cHF0F0F0 }{ \3cH202020 }the slightest crack in that smug facade, Now You See Me (2013)
Well, then Gideon best get his pretentious ass up here because I'm about to kick yours out of the Great White North.[JP] "ギデオン" の慢なケツ の後始末はする― グレート・ホワイト・ノースから お前を 蹴り落とす! ! Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
What so proudly we hailed At the twilight's last gleaming?[CN] 是什么让我们如此骄 Grudge Match (2013)
a "derelict," "arrogant," "thin-skinned," "conspiratorial,"[CN] "废弃","慢" "脸皮薄","阴谋" We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks (2013)
Instead of insulting you to make you feel at home, and putting up with your arrogance as a sign of my respect, why don't the two of you try behaving like humans for a change?[JP] あなたを侮辱して和ませる代わりに Instead of insulting you to make you feel at home, 尊敬の印としてあなたの 慢を我慢する代わりに and putting up with your arrogance as a sign of my respect, 変化のために人間のように 振舞ったらどうだ? United (2005)
But isn't L so arrogant that he only takes cases that interest him?[JP] しかし「 { fnCloisterBlackfe120fs30 }L{ fnMSPGothicfe128fs14 }」は、 自分が興味を持った事件にしか動かない、 慢な人物というじゃないか Confrontation (2006)
We are so proud of you.[CN] 我们为你骄 The Spectacular Now (2013)
...he's an arrogant sod.[JP] アイツは 慢な奴だな The Blind Banker (2010)
That's what we call arrogance.[JP] それが慢だっていうんですよ。 Episode #1.3 (2012)
And my arrogance cost a good man his life.[JP] その慢さが 善人だった彼の人生を壊した Bury the Lede (2012)
So I warn you, I can maintain my resolve much longer than you can maintain that phony arrogance.[CN] 所以我警告你我可以保持我的决心 { \1cHF0F0F0 }{ \3cH202020 }So I warn you, I can maintain my resolve much longer 比你保持那种慢更长时间 { \1cHF0F0F0 }{ \3cH202020 }than you can maintain that phony arrogance. Now You See Me (2013)
Proud of you.[CN] 我为你们感到骄 Pacific Rim (2013)
From the beginning, your manners convinced me of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain for the feelings of others.[JP] 初めてお会いした時から あなたは慢で 自尊心が強く 人を軽蔑して Episode #1.3 (1995)
My father would have been proud.[CN] 这能让父亲骄 Cannibal (2013)
Proud to have my own feelings about the world like... the times I've worried about you... things... that hurt me, things I want...[CN] 很骄自己能有这些感受 对于这个世界有所感受 有时候我会为你担心 那些伤害过我的事情... Her (2013)
I was arrogant. I was overconfident.[CN] 慢 太自负 Grudge Match (2013)
I think you'd be really proud of me.[CN] 我想你会 真的为我感到骄 The Truth About Emanuel (2013)
Hybris.[JP] 300 (2006)
♪ See her pride ♪ See her fall[CN] ? 见她的骄 ? 见她摔倒 Goddess (2013)
- Frankly, he was a pompous ass.[CN] - 老实说 是个骄自满的混蛋 Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)
I was so in love with you, you arrogant bastard.[JP] 私は あなたのことを深く愛してたのに あなたみたいな慢なヤツを! Russet Potatoes (2009)
Lazy, arrogant.[JP] 怠け者で 慢で Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
Agamemnon is a proud man.[JP] アガメムノンは 慢だが Troy (2004)
and-- and I was so proud of what you did, then I should be able to get through Hell Week, which is nowhere near what you had to deal with."[CN] 还有 - 我是如此骄 你做了什么, 那么我应该能够 打通地狱周, Murph: The Protector (2013)
I'm so proud of you. Thank you.[CN] { \fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs22\shad1\3cHF2AA45\be1 }我很为你而骄 谢谢 { \fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\3cH6C3308\be1 }I'm so proud of you. Nurse 3D (2013)
He possesses no measurable talent, his arrogance rivals that of his father and he seems to relish his fame.[JP] これといった才能もなしに 父親と同じく慢で― 有名であることを 鼻にかけている Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
Mamy is making things up and Louise is getting arrogant.[JP] マミーは考え込んじゃってるし ルイーズは慢になってる 8 Women (2002)
His abilities have made him, well, arrogant.[JP] 優れた技術が慢にしてます Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002)
I love you and I'm very proud.[CN] 我爱你 我以你为 Blood Ties (2013)
That's awesome.[CN] 你无法阻止我这样做」 - 很棒,我为你骄 The Spectacular Now (2013)
- Can't you see your stubborn arrogance is gonna bite you in the--agent Darcy.[JP] あなたのその強情な慢さが 自分の首を絞めて・・・ダーシー捜査官 Cheap Burgundy (2012)
I'm really proud of you, Sutter. Congratulations.[CN] 我真的为你骄,萨特,恭喜你 The Spectacular Now (2013)
Proud of us all.[CN] 为我们所有的骄 Pacific Rim (2013)
Your arrogance astounds me. Do you really think you'll find him?[JP] 君の慢さに驚くね 本当に君に見つけられると? The Chorus (2004)
And you're like Jesus, if he was arrogant and all of his miracles were fake.[CN] 你就像耶稣 { \1cHF0F0F0 }{ \3cH202020 }And you're like Jesus, 如果他有那么慢和他所有的奇迹都是假的 { \1cHF0F0F0 }{ \3cH202020 }if he was arrogant and all of his miracles were fake. Now You See Me (2013)
I'm arrogant and I'm dishonest and I'm childish. But you know what? I'm not stupid.[JP] 慢で 不正直で 子供っぽい だけど 馬鹿じゃない A Dozen Red Roses (2009)
Aya, you're amazing. I'm so proud of you. That was great.[CN] 你很出色 我为你骄 刚才很精彩 Make Your Move (2013)
And is that why she left you, because of your arrogance?[JP] あなたが慢だから 彼女は去ったの? Night Train to Lisbon (2013)
But isn't there a proud tradition in the FBI of men wearing dresses?[CN] 但是在FBI中没有一个骄的传统是 { \1cHF0F0F0 }{ \3cH202020 }But isn't there a proud tradition in the FBI 男人穿裙子 { \1cHF0F0F0 }{ \3cH202020 }of men wearing dresses? Now You See Me (2013)
Assuming, of course, that you've been there.[CN] 慢的,当然, 你曾经去过那里。 Life of Crime (2013)


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