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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: lili, -lili-
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
milliliter(n) มิลลิลิตร
millilitre(n) มิลลิลิตร

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
helilift(เฮล'ละลิฟทฺ) vt., n. (การ) ขนส่งโดยเฮลิคอปเตอร์.
millilitre(มิล'ละลี'เทอะ) n. 1/1000 ลิตร;

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Millilitersมิลลิลิตร [การแพทย์]
Millilitresมิลลิลิตร [การแพทย์]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
liliA smell of lilies filled the room.
liliI bought flowers - roses, lilies, and so on.
liliThe lilies have been beaten down by the rain.
liliThese lilies smell lovely.
liliI like flowers such as roses and lilies.
liliTiger lilies are one species of the lily family.
liliLilies smell sweet.
liliRose and lilies are in bloom in the garden. I like these better than those.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
มล.(clas) millilitre, See also: ml, milliliter, Syn. มิลลิลิตร, Thai Definition: มาตราตวงตามวิธีเมตริก มีอัตราเท่ากับ 1 ใน 1, 000 ของ 1 ลิตร
มิลลิลิตร(clas) millilitre, See also: milliliter, Syn. มล., Example: กระเพาะปัสสาวะมีความจุประมาณ 550 มิลลิลิตร, Thai Definition: ชื่อมาตราตวงตามวิธีเมตริก มีอัตราเท่ากับ 1 ใน 1, 000 ของ 1 ลิตร
มิลลิลิตร(clas) millilitre, See also: milliliter, Syn. มล., Example: กระเพาะปัสสาวะมีความจุประมาณ 550 มิลลิลิตร, Thai Definition: ชื่อมาตราตวงตามวิธีเมตริก มีอัตราเท่ากับ 1 ใน 1, 000 ของ 1 ลิตร

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
มิลลิลิตร[millilit] (n) EN: millilitre ; milliliter (am.)  FR: millilitre [ m ]
สระบัว[sa būa] (n, exp) EN: pond full of water lilies

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
Liliaceae(n) includes species sometimes divided among the following families: Alliaceae; Aloeaceae; Alstroemeriaceae; Aphyllanthaceae; Asparagaceae; Asphodelaceae; Colchicaceae; Convallariaceae; Hemerocallidaceae; Hostaceae; Hyacinthaceae; Melanthiaceae; Ruscaceae; Smilacaceae; Tecophilaeacea; Xanthorrhoeaceae, Syn. family Liliaceae, lily family
liliaceous(adj) of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Liliaceae
Liliales(n) an order of monocotyledonous plants including Amaryllidaceae and Liliaceae and Iridaceae, Syn. order Liliales
Liliidae(n) one of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises 17 families including: Liliaceae; Alliaceae; Amaryllidaceae; Iridaceae; Orchidaceae; Trilliaceae, Syn. subclass Liliidae
Lilith(n) in ancient Semitic folklore: a female demon who attacks children
Lilium(n) type genus of Liliaceae, Syn. genus Lilium
Liliuokalani(n) queen of the Hawaiian islands (1838-1917), Syn. Lydia Kamekeha Paki Liliuokalani
milliliter(n) a metric unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter, Syn. cc, millilitre, mil, cubic centimeter, cubic centimetre, ml
Markova(n) English ballet dancer (born in 1910), Syn. Dame Alicia Markova, Lilian Alicia Marks
monocot(n) a monocotyledonous flowering plant; the stem grows by deposits on its inside, Syn. endogen, liliopsid, monocotyledon
Monocotyledones(n) comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with a single cotyledon and parallel-veined leaves: includes grasses and lilies and palms and orchids; divided into four subclasses or superorders: Alismatidae; Arecidae; Commelinidae; and Liliidae, Syn. Monocotyledonae, class Monocotyledones, class Monocotyledonae, Liliopsida, class Liliopsida
Saint-Bernard's-lily(n) southern European plant commonly cultivated for its spikes of small starry greenish-white flowers, Syn. Anthericum liliago
St.-Bruno's-lily(n) a variety of spiderwort, Syn. Paradisea liliastrum
Turk's-cap(n) lily of the eastern United States with orange to red maroon-spotted flowers, Syn. Lilium superbum, Turk's cap-lily
Turk's-cap(n) lily with small dull purple flowers of northwestern Europe and northwestern Asia, Syn. Lilium martagon, martagon

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ L. liliaceus, fr. lilium lily. See Lily. ] (Bot.) (a) Of or pertaining to a natural order of which the lily, tulip, and hyacinth are well-known examples. (b) Like the blossom of a lily in general form. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Bot.) Having a general resemblance to lilies or to liliaceous plants. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Covered with, or having many, lilies. [ 1913 Webster ]

By sandy Ladon's lilied banks. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]


prop. n. one of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; it comprises 17 families including: Liliaceae; Alliaceae; Amaryllidaceae; Iridaceae; Orchidaceae; Trilliaceae.
Syn. -- subclass Liliidae. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. A flowering plant.
Syn. -- monocot, monocotyledon. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. A class comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with a single cotyledon and parallel-veined leaves. It includes the grasses; lilies; palms; and orchids. It is divided into four subclasses or superorders: Alismatidae; Arecidae; Commelinidae; and Liliidae.
Syn. -- Monocotyledones, class Monocotyledones, Monocotyledonae, class Monocotyledonae, class Liliopsida. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. a female demon who attacks children. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. The type genus of the Liliaceae.
Syn. -- genus Lilium. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. [ Gr. me`li honey + -lite; cf. F. mélilithe. ] (Min.) A mineral occurring in small yellow crystals, found in the lavas (melilite basalt) of Vesuvius, and elsewhere. [ Written also mellilite. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } n. [ F. millilitre; milli- milli- + litre. See Liter. ] A measure of capacity in the metric system, containing the thousandth part of a liter. It is very nearly equal to a cubic centimeter, and is equal to .061025 of an English cubic inch, or to .033815 of an American fluid ounce. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Milliliter

‖n. (Zool.) A long-tailed, crested Javan monkey (Semnopithecus mitratus). The head, the crest, and the upper surface of the tail, are black. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[lī, ㄌㄧ, ] (onomat.); see 哩哩羅羅|哩哩罗罗 lililuoluo endless mumbling noise; see 哩哩啦啦 lililala, scattered or intermittent #6,057 [Add to Longdo]
毫升[háo shēng, ㄏㄠˊ ㄕㄥ,  ] milliliter #43,983 [Add to Longdo]
醴陵[Lǐ líng, ㄌㄧˇ ㄌㄧㄥˊ,  ] (N) Liling (city in Hunan) #67,454 [Add to Longdo]
公撮[gōng cuō, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄘㄨㄛ,  ] milliliter [Add to Longdo]
月孛[yuè bèi, ㄩㄝˋ ㄅㄟˋ,  ] lunar apogee (point in the moon's orbit furthest from earth); imaginary heavenly body occupying the second focus of the moon's elliptic orbit; dark moon; Lilith [Add to Longdo]
百合科[bǎi hé kē, ㄅㄞˇ ㄏㄜˊ ㄎㄜ,   ] Liliaceae; the lily family [Add to Longdo]
丽丽[lì lì, ㄌㄧˋ ㄌㄧˋ,   /  ] Lili (panda name) [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Benetzbarkeit { f }wettablility [Add to Longdo]
Lilie { f } [ bot. ] | Lilien { pl }lily | lilies [Add to Longdo]
Liliputaner { m }Lilliputian [Add to Longdo]
Milliliter { m }millilitre; milliliter [ Am. ] [Add to Longdo]
Schwertlilie { f } [ bot. ] | Schwertlilien { pl }iris; flag | irises [Add to Longdo]
Seerose { f } [ bot. ] | Seerosen { pl }water lily | water lilies [Add to Longdo]
Lazuliliest [ ornith. ]South Moluccan Kingfisher [Add to Longdo]
Liliputlaubpicker { m } [ ornith. ]Cassin's Honeybird [Add to Longdo]
Thailand-Hakenlilie { f } (Crinum thaianum)onion bulb [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
ミリリットル[miririttoru] (n) millilitre (fre [Add to Longdo]
メリライト[meriraito] (n) melilite [Add to Longdo]
ユリ科;百合科[ユリか(ユリ科);ゆりか(百合科), yuri ka ( yuri ka ); yurika ( yuri ka )] (n) Liliaceae (the lily family) [Add to Longdo]
牡丹鸚哥[ぼたんいんこ, botan'inko] (n) (uk) lovebird (esp. Lilian's lovebird, Agapornis lilianae) [Add to Longdo]
鬼百合[おにゆり, oniyuri] (n) tiger lily (East Asian plant, Lilium lancifolium) [Add to Longdo]
山百合[やまゆり;ヤマユリ, yamayuri ; yamayuri] (n) (uk) golden-rayed lily (Lilium auratum) [Add to Longdo]
紫木蓮;紫木蘭[しもくれん;シモクレン, shimokuren ; shimokuren] (n) (uk) (See 木蓮・もくれん) alternative name for lily magnolia (Magnolia quinquepeta, Magnolia liliiflora) [Add to Longdo]
姫百合[ひめゆり, himeyuri] (n) star lily (Lilium Concolor) [Add to Longdo]
百合[ゆり(P);ユリ, yuri (P); yuri] (n) (1) lily; Lilium; (2) (sl) (also ユリ) comics and novels about female homosexuality; (P) [Add to Longdo]
蒜;葫[ひる, hiru] (n) (arch) strong-smelling edible plant (esp. perennials of the family Liliaceae, e.g. Welsh onion, garlic, wild rocambole, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
木蓮;木蘭[もくれん;モクレン, mokuren ; mokuren] (n) (uk) lily magnolia (Magnolia quinquepeta, Magnolia liliiflora) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
小人[しょうにん, shounin] Zwerg, Liliputaner [Add to Longdo]

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