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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: appeas, -appeas-
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
appease(vt) ทำให้สงบ, See also: ระงับ, Syn. soothe, pacify
appease(vt) พะเน้าพะนอ, See also: ปลอบ, เอาใจ, Syn. satisfy, allay
appeasement(n) การพะเน้าพะนอ

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
appease(อะพีซ') vt. ทำให้สงบ, ปลอบใจ, ยอมตาม, สนองความอยากรู้อยากเห็น, แก้กระหาย.

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
appease(vt) ทำให้สงบ, ระงับโทสะ, ปลอบใจ, เอาใจ

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
appeasementการจำยอมสละ [รัฐศาสตร์ ๑๗ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
appeasA hearty dinner well appeased my hunger.
appeasHer kindness appeased his anger.
appeasManagement tried to appease labor by offering them a bonus.
appeasOnly a sincere apology will appease my anger.
appeasThe apple appeased my hunger temporarily.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
เล้าโลม(v) wheedle, See also: console, soothe, appease, coax, cajole, Syn. โลมเล้า, โลม, โอ้โลม, Example: เขาค่อยๆ เล้าโลมทั้งคำพูดและการคลอเคลียใกล้ชิด เพื่อให้เธอยกโทษให้
สำราญใจ(v) content, See also: be happy, appease, delight, Syn. เบิกบาน, รื่นเริง, สราญ, Example: ผู้คนจำนวนมากสำราญใจกับการจับจ่ายซื้อสินค้าราคาถูก, Thai Definition: รู้สึกสุขกายสบายใจ
สำรวมใจ(v) calm, See also: still, quiet, appease, allay, pacify, tranquilize, soothe, compose, assuage, Syn. สงบใจ, สงบจิตสงบใจ, Example: เราต้องสำรวมใจแน่วแน่อยู่ในสมาธินั้นจึงจะได้ผลจริง, Thai Definition: ทำใจให้แน่วแน่

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
เบิกไม้[boēkmāi] (v, exp) EN: perform rites to appease the spirits of the forest  FR: accomplir les rites destinés à apaiser les esprits de la forêt
บวงสรวง[būangsūang] (v, exp) EN: appease a spirit ; appease a deity ; worship a spirit ; worship a deity  FR: apaiser un esprit ; apaiser une déité ; adorer un esprit ; adorer une déité
ปลอบใจ[pløp] (v) EN: appease ; soothe ; pacify ; comfort  FR: calmer ; apaiser
ปลอบใจ[pløpjai] (v) EN: comfort ; console ; appease  FR: réconforter ; consoler ; soulager ; tranquiliser ; apporter un réconfort ; rassurer
สำรวมใจ[samrūamjai] (v) EN: calm ; still ; quiet ; appease ; allay ; pacify ; tranquilize ; soothe ; compose ; assuage

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
appeasable(adj) capable of being pacified, Syn. conciliable
appeasement(n) the act of appeasing (as by acceding to the demands of), Syn. calming
appeaser(n) someone who tries to bring peace by acceding to demands; --Winston Churchill
grim(adj) not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty, Syn. relentless, inexorable, unrelenting, stern, unforgiving, unappeasable
pacify(v) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of, Syn. placate, appease, mollify, gentle, assuage, gruntle, conciliate, lenify
propitiate(v) make peace with, Syn. appease
quell(v) overcome or allay, Syn. stay, appease

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. Capable of being appeased or pacified; placable. -- Ap*peas"a*ble*ness, n. [1913 Webster]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Appealed p. pr. & vb. n. Appeasing. ] [ OE. apesen, apaisen, OF. apaisier, apaissier, F. apaiser, fr. a (L. ad) + OF. pais peace, F. paix, fr. L. pax, pacis. See Peace. ] To make quiet; to calm; to reduce to a state of peace; to still; to pacify; to dispel (anger or hatred); as, to appease the tumult of the ocean, or of the passions; to appease hunger or thirst. [ 1913 Webster ]

Syn. -- To pacify; quiet; conciliate; propitiate; assuage; compose; calm; allay; hush; soothe; tranquilize. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The act of appeasing, or the state of being appeased; pacification. Hayward. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who appeases; a pacifier. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Tending to appease. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Incapable of being appeased or satisfied; unappeasable. [ 1913 Webster ]


See abolishable.
See absolvable.
See absurd.
See abundant.
See accordant.
See adoptable.
See adventurous.
See affable.
See affectionate.
See afraid.
See alliable.
See allowable.
See alterable.
See ambiguous.
See ambitious.
See amendable.
See -American.
See amusive.
See angular.
See anxious.
See apocryphal.
See apostolic.
See apparent.
See appeasable.
See applausive.
See appreciable.
See apprehensible.
See apprehensive.
See approachable.
See artificial.
See artistic.
See assailable.
See attainable.
See attentive.
See authentic.
See available.
See bailable.
See bearable.
See beautiful.
See beliefful.
See believable.
See beneficial.
See benevolent.
See blamable.
See blemishable.
See blissful.
See boastful.
See bold.
See bookish.
See bounteous.
See bribable.
See brotherly.
See burdensome.
See businesslike.
See busy.
See candid.
See canonical.
See captious.
See careful.
See celestial.
See ceremonious.
See challengeable.
See changeable.
See chary.
See chastisable.
See cheerful.
See cheery.
See childish.
See chivalrous.
See choleric.
See christianlike.
See circumspect.
See civic.
See classible.
See classic.
See classical.
See cleanly.
See clear.
See clerical.
See clerklike.
See close.
See cloudy.
See clubbable.
See coagulable.
See cogitable.
See collectible.
See comic.
See commendable.
See commercial.
See communicable.
See communicative.
See compact.
See companionable.
See compassionate.
See compellable.
See competitive.
See complaisant.
See compliant. See complimentary.
See concealable.
See concurrent.
See conditionate.
See confinable.
See confutable.
See congealable.
See congenial.
See conjugal.
See conjunctive.
See conquerable.
See consecrate.
See containable.
See contaminate.
See contradictable.
See contrite.
See convenable.
See conventional.
See conversable.
See conversant.
See convertible.
See coquettish.
See cordial.
See corpulent.
See correspondent.
See corruptible.
See corruptive.
See costly.
See counselable.
See countable.
See counterfeit.
See courteous.
See courtierlike.
See courtly.
See crafty.
See creatable.
See critical.
See crystalline.
See cultivable.
See curious.
See customary.
See dangerous.
See daughterly.
See dead.
See deceivable.
See decidable.
See decipherable.
See declinable.
See decomposable.
See definable.
See delectable.
See deliberate.
See delightful.
See deliverable.
See democratic.
See demonstrable.
See demonstrative.
See deniable.
See derogatory.
See descendible.
See describable.
See desirable.
See desirous.
See despondent.
See devout.
See diaphanous.
See diligent.
See diminishable.
See discernible.
See disciplinable.
See discordant.
See discoverable.
See dissolvable.
See distinguishable.
See dividable.
See divine.
See domestic.
See doubtful.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Undomestic, Undivine, Undividable, Undistinguishable, Undissolvable, Undiscoverable, Undiscordant, Undisciplinable, Undiscernible, Undiminishable, Undiligent, Undiaphanous, Undevout, Undespondent, Undesirous, Undesirable, Undescribable, Undescendible, Underogatory, Undeniable, Undemonstrative, Undemonstrable, Undemocratic, Undeliverable, Undelightful, Undeliberate, Undelectable, Undefinable, Undecomposable, Undeclinable, Undecipherable, Undecidable, Undeceivable, Undead, Undaughterly, Undangerous, Uncustomary, Uncurious, Uncultivable, Uncrystalline, Uncritical, Uncreatable, Uncrafty, Uncourtly, Uncourtierlike, Uncourteous, Uncounterfeit, Uncountable, Uncounselable, Uncostly, Uncorruptive, Uncorruptible, Uncorrespondent, Uncorpulent, Uncordial, Uncoquettish, Unconvertible, Unconversant, Unconversable, Unconventional, Unconvenable, Uncontrite, Uncontradictable, Uncontaminate, Uncontainable, Unconsecrate, Unconquerable, Unconjunctive, Unconjugal, Uncongenial, Uncongealable, Unconfutable, Unconfinable, Unconditionate, Unconcurrent, Unconcealable, Uncomplimentary, Uncompliant, Uncomplaisant, Uncompetitive, Uncompellable, Uncompassionate, Uncompanionable, Uncompact, Uncommunicative, Uncommunicable, Uncommercial, Uncommendable, Uncomic, Uncollectible, Uncogitable, Uncoagulable, Unclubbable, Uncloudy, Unclose, Unclerklike, Unclerical, Unclear, Uncleanly, Unclassical, Unclassic, Unclassible, Uncivic, Uncircumspect, Unchristianlike, Uncholeric, Unchivalrous, Unchildish, Uncheery, Uncheerful, Unchastisable, Unchary, Unchangeable, Unchallengeable, Unceremonious, Uncelestial, Uncareful, Uncaptious, Uncanonical, Uncandid, Unbusy, Unbusinesslike, Unburdensome, Unbrotherly, Unbribable, Unbounteous, Unbookish, Unbold, Unboastful, Unblissful, Unblemishable, Unblamable, Unbenevolent, Unbeneficial, Unbelievable, Unbeliefful, Unbeautiful, Unbearable, Unbailable, Unavailable, Unauthentic, Unattentive, Unattainable, Unassailable, Unartistic, Unartificial, Unapproachable, Unapprehensive, Unapprehensible, Unappreciable, Unapplausive, Unappeasable, Unapparent, Unapostolic, Unapocryphal, Unanxious, Unangular, Unamusive, Un-American, Unamendable, Unambitious, Unambiguous, Unalterable, Unallowable, Unalliable, Unafraid, Unaffectionate, Unaffable, Unadventurous, Unadoptable, Unaccordant, Unabundant, Unabsurd, Unabsolvable, Unabolishable

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
安抚[ān fǔ, ㄢ ㄈㄨˇ,   /  ] to placate; to pacify; to appease #14,128 [Add to Longdo]
姑息[gū xī, ㄍㄨ ㄒㄧ,  ] excessively tolerant; to indulge; to appease #32,625 [Add to Longdo]
绥靖[suí jìng, ㄙㄨㄟˊ ㄐㄧㄥˋ,   /  ] to pacify; to appease; appeasement #57,142 [Add to Longdo]
稳贴[wěn tiē, ㄨㄣˇ ㄊㄧㄝ,   /  ] safe; to appease; to reassure [Add to Longdo]
绥靖主义[suí jìng zhǔ yì, ㄙㄨㄟˊ ㄐㄧㄥˋ ㄓㄨˇ ㄧˋ,     /    ] appeasement [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Beschwichtigungspolitik { f }appeasement [Add to Longdo]
Erfüllungspolitik { f }policy of appeasement [Add to Longdo]
abwiegelnto appease [Add to Longdo]
befriedigungsfähigappeasable [Add to Longdo]
besänftigen | besänftigend | besänftigtto appease | appeasing | appeased [Add to Longdo]
beschwichtigen; beruhigen | beschwichtigend; beruhigend | beschwichtigt; beruhigtto appease | appeasing | appeases [Add to Longdo]
lindern; mildernto appease [Add to Longdo]
unanfechtbar; unstillbar { adj } | unanfechtbarer; unstillbarer | am unanfechtbarsten; am unstillbarstenunappeasable | more unappeasable | most unappeasable [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
満たす(P);充たす[みたす, mitasu] (v5s, vt) (1) to satisfy; to fulfill; to appease; (2) to fill (e.g. a cup); to pack; (3) to reach (a certain number); (P) #4,597 [Add to Longdo]
アピーズメントポリシー[api-zumentoporishi-] (n) appeasement policy [Add to Longdo]
御霊会[ごりょうえ, goryoue] (n) ceremony to appease evil gods and the spirits of the dead [Add to Longdo]
喉を潤す[のどをうるおす, nodowouruosu] (exp, v5s) to appease one's thirst; to wet one's whistle [Add to Longdo]
水子供養[みずごくよう, mizugokuyou] (n) memorial service to appease an aborted foetus [Add to Longdo]
静める(P);鎮める(P)[しずめる, shizumeru] (v1, vt) to appease; to suppress; to calm; (P) [Add to Longdo]
鎮祭[ちんさい, chinsai] (n, vs) religious ceremony (to appease the gods) [Add to Longdo]
鎮静[ちんせい, chinsei] (n, vs, adj-no) (esp. human-induced) (See 沈静・ちんせい) calm; quiet; tranquility; tranquillity; appeasement; pacification [Add to Longdo]
宥和[ゆうわ, yuuwa] (n, vs) appeasement [Add to Longdo]
宥和政策[ゆうわせいさく, yuuwaseisaku] (n) appeasement policy [Add to Longdo]
和める[なごめる, nagomeru] (v1, vt) to calm; to soothe; to quiet; to appease [Add to Longdo]

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