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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
动词[dòng cí, ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄘˊ,   /  ] verb #13,355 [Add to Longdo]
助动词[zhù dòng cí, ㄓㄨˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄘˊ,    /   ] auxiliary verb; modal verb #95,406 [Add to Longdo]
不及物动词[bù jí wù dòng cí, ㄅㄨˋ ㄐㄧˊ ㄨˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄘˊ,      /     ] intransitive verb [Add to Longdo]
动词结构[dòng cí jié gòu, ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄘˊ ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄍㄡˋ,     /    ] verbal construction (clause) [Add to Longdo]
动词重叠[dòng cí chóng dié, ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄘˊ ㄔㄨㄥˊ ㄉㄧㄝˊ,     /    ] verb reduplication [Add to Longdo]
及物动词[jí wù dòng cí, ㄐㄧˊ ㄨˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄘˊ,     /    ] transitive verb [Add to Longdo]
能愿动词[néng yuán dòng cí, ㄋㄥˊ ㄩㄢˊ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄘˊ,     /    ] optative verb (能, 可以, 會|会 etc) [Add to Longdo]
连缀动词[lián zhuì dòng cí, ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄓㄨㄟˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄘˊ,     /    ] linking verb [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
動詞[じどうし, jidoushi] (n) อกรรมกริยา, See also: A. 他動詞(たどうし)
動詞[じょどうし, jodoushi] (n) คำกริยานุเคราะห์, See also: R. auxiliary verb

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
動詞[どうし, doushi] (n, adj-no) { ling } verb; (P) #10,003 [Add to Longdo]
be動詞[ビーどうし, bi-doushi] (n) { ling } (See 一般動詞) the 'to be' verb [Add to Longdo]
ある動詞[あるどうし, arudoushi] (n) irregularly conjugating honorific verb (gozaru, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
グループ1動詞[グループいちどうし, guru-pu ichidoushi] (n) (See 五段動詞) godan verb [Add to Longdo]
グループ2動詞[グループにどうし, guru-pu nidoushi] (n) (See 一段動詞) ichidan verb; type II verb [Add to Longdo]
一段動詞[いちだんどうし, ichidandoushi] (n) (See 五段動詞, 食べる・1) ichidan verb (one of the two main conjugation classes of verbs in modern Japanese, usually ending in -eru or -iru); type II verb [Add to Longdo]
一般動詞[いっぱんどうし, ippandoushi] (n) { ling } (See be動詞) general verbs [Add to Longdo]
可能動詞[かのうどうし, kanoudoushi] (n) { ling } potential verb [Add to Longdo]
完全自動詞[かんぜんじどうし, kanzenjidoushi] (n) { ling } (See 不完全自動詞) complete intransitive verb [Add to Longdo]
動詞[かんどうし, kandoushi] (n) { ling } interjection [Add to Longdo]
規則動詞[きそくどうし, kisokudoushi] (n) { ling } regular verb [Add to Longdo]
強変化動詞[きょうへんかどうし, kyouhenkadoushi] (n) strong verb [Add to Longdo]
動詞[くどうし, kudoushi] (n) { ling } phrasal verb [Add to Longdo]
形容動詞[けいようどうし, keiyoudoushi] (n) { ling } na-adjective (adj-na); quasi-adjective; adjectival noun; nominal adjective [Add to Longdo]
五段動詞[ごだんどうし, godandoushi] (n) (See 一段動詞, 話す・1) godan verb (one of the two main conjugation classes of verbs in modern Japanese, usually ending in -u, -ku, -su, -tsu, -gu, -bu, -mu, etc.); type I verb [Add to Longdo]
再帰動詞[さいきどうし, saikidoushi] (n) { ling } reflexive verb [Add to Longdo]
使役動詞[しえきどうし, shiekidoushi] (n) { ling } causative verb [Add to Longdo]
子音動詞[しいんどうし, shiindoushi] (n) (See 五段動詞) consonantal verb (e.g. godan verb); consonant stem verb [Add to Longdo]
動詞[じどうし, jidoushi] (n) { ling } intransitive verb (no direct obj) [Add to Longdo]
弱変化動詞[じゃくへんかどうし, jakuhenkadoushi] (n) weak verb [Add to Longdo]
主語助動詞倒置[しゅごじょどうしとうち, shugojodoushitouchi] (n) { ling } subject-auxiliary inversion [Add to Longdo]
述語動詞[じゅつごどうし, jutsugodoushi] (n) { ling } predicate verb; predicator [Add to Longdo]
動詞[じょどうし, jodoushi] (n) { ling } auxiliary verb [Add to Longdo]
状態動詞[じょうたいどうし, joutaidoushi] (n) { ling } (ant [Add to Longdo]
動詞[たどうし, tadoushi] (n) { ling } transitive verb (direct obj.) [Add to Longdo]
動詞[だいどうし, daidoushi] (n) { ling } pro-verb (e.g. "to do") [Add to Longdo]
代名動詞[だいめいどうし, daimeidoushi] (n) (See 代名詞) pronominal verb [Add to Longdo]
定形動詞[ていけいどうし, teikeidoushi] (n) { ling } finite verb [Add to Longdo]
動詞[ていどうし, teidoushi] (n) { ling } finite verb [Add to Longdo]
動詞[どうしく, doushiku] (n) { ling } verb phrase; verbal phrase [Add to Longdo]
動詞句否定[どうしくひてい, doushikuhitei] (n) { ling } verb-phrase negation [Add to Longdo]
動詞状名詞[どうしじょうめいし, doushijoumeishi] (n) { ling } gerund [Add to Longdo]
動態動詞[どうたいどうし, doutaidoushi] (n) { ling } (ant [Add to Longdo]
同族目的語動詞[どうぞくもくてきごどうし, douzokumokutekigodoushi] (n) { ling } cognate object verb [Add to Longdo]
同族目的語動詞[どうぞくもくてきごどうしく, douzokumokutekigodoushiku] (n) { ling } cognate object verb phrase [Add to Longdo]
能格動詞[のうかくどうし, noukakudoushi] (n) { ling } ergative verb [Add to Longdo]
非定形動詞[ひていけいどうし, hiteikeidoushi] (n) { ling } non-finite verb [Add to Longdo]
不完全自動詞[ふかんぜんじどうし, fukanzenjidoushi] (n) { ling } (See 完全自動詞) incomplete intransitive verb [Add to Longdo]
不規則動詞[ふきそくどうし, fukisokudoushi] (n) { ling } irregular verb [Add to Longdo]
複合動詞[ふくごうどうし, fukugoudoushi] (n) { ling } compound verb [Add to Longdo]
補助動詞[ほじょどうし, hojodoushi] (n) { ling } subsidiary verb; auxiliary verb [Add to Longdo]
母音動詞[ぼおんどうし, boondoushi] (n) vowel stem verb [Add to Longdo]
法助動詞[ほうじょどうし, houjodoushi] (n) { ling } modal auxiliary [Add to Longdo]
動詞[ほんどうし, hondoushi] (n) { ling } main verb [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Can you conjugate this verb?この動詞の変化を言えますか。
In English the verb precedes the object.英語では動詞が目的語の前に来る。
In English, a sentence structure is usually Subject Verb Object/Complement.英語の文構造は大抵、主語、動詞、目的語/補語だ。
A sentence normally has a subject and a verb.文には普通、主語と動詞がある。
Sometimes a verb is derived from a noun and sometimes it is the other way around.名詞から動詞が派生していることもあれば、その逆のこともある。
Accordingly, besides noun declension patterns, there also existed a greater variety of verb conjugation patterns than in Modern English.このように、名詞の変化のパターンがある他に、動詞の語形変化も現代英語よりもいろいろな種類がありました。
In English there are eight main parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction and finally interjection.英語には8つの主な品詞があります: 名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞、代名詞、前置詞、接続詞そして感嘆詞。
This sentence is in the present perfect. 'have' is not a verb, but an auxiliary verb.この文は現在完了形です。haveは動詞ではなく、助動詞
'can' is an auxiliary verb, so in question sentences it is brought to the start of the phrase.canは助動詞ですので、疑問文では文頭に持ってきます。
In a progressive tense sentence it becomes the -ing form verb, that is the present participle.進行形の文では、動詞のing形、つまり現在分詞となります。
A complete intransitive verb takes neither complement or object.完全自動詞は補語も目的語もとらない。
With verbs there are intransitive verbs that don't take an object, and transitive verbs that do take an object.動詞には目的語をとらない自動詞と、目的語をとる他動詞があります。
Conjugation of irregular verbs - essential for those learning English.英語を学習する上で不可欠な、不規則動詞の活用。
The verb 'help' takes to-infinitives and bare infinitives but bare infinitives are said to be the most common in casual text; as also used in this example sentence.動詞helpはto不定詞・原形不定詞の両方をとりますが、くだけた文体では原形不定詞が多いとされており、この例文でもそれが使われています。
With the subjunctive past all the 'be' verbs become 'were', OK?仮定法過去の場合be動詞はすべてwereになるんだよ?
'Verb' refers to the predicate verb. Predicate verbs change their form depending on the subject and the time expressed.動詞は述語動詞のことです。述語動詞は、主語や表す時によって形を変えます。
The following verbs only take the to-infinitive as their object.次の動詞はto不定詞だけを目的語にとります。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
We can't inform HQ on a hunch.[CN] 動詞擱架的樣子現下狀況搜查本身不行。 Exte: Hair Extensions (2007)
F word in gerund form. F word again, what's wrong with you?[JP] F の動詞形態 またFだって 一体どうした? The Martian (2015)
Miss Vlaminck will write the present participle of the first group verb "signifier", namely "signifiant".[CN] 弗拉明克將寫出 第一組動詞"signifier"裏的 現在分詞, 也就是"signifiant" Stella (2008)
Stop changing subjects.[JP] - 名詞 動詞 国籍 - 話を逸らすのは やめて While You Were Sleeping (2012)
And not for nothing, but "think" is a verb, all right, making "different" an adverb.[CN] 也不是沒原因的 但「想」是個動詞 好麼 「非同」就成了副詞 [ 指蘋果廣告詞 think different 非同凡想 ] Steve Jobs (2015)
I'll conjugate verbs.[CN] 我可以羅列動詞的變化形式... ... Vagabond (1985)
Irregular, English ones.[CN] 不規則動詞, 英文動詞... ... Vagabond (1985)
A verb.[JP] 動詞 Eastern Boys (2013)
"Fillet." It's a nice word.[CN] 多么美麗的動詞 我以前怎么沒有注意到 Limitless (2011)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
動詞[どうし, doushi] verb [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
動詞[たどうし, tadoushi] (transitives) Verb [Add to Longdo]
動詞[どうし, doushi] (transitives) Verb [Add to Longdo]

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