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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: avers, -avers-
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
averse(adj) ซึ่งไม่ชอบ, See also: ซึ่งรังเกียจ, ซึ่งคัดค้าน, Syn. unfavorable, Ant. agreeable
aversion(n) การเกลียดชัง, See also: การรังเกียจ, Syn. dislike, antipathy, repugnance, Ant. attraction, affinity
traverse(vi) เดินข้าม
traverse(n) สิ่งที่ขวาง
traverse(adj) ที่กีดขวาง
haversack(n) กระเป๋าผ้าใบที่สะพายบนไหล่เดียว ของทหารหรือนักปีนเขา

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
averse(อะเวิร์ส') adj. คัดค้าน, ไม่ชอบ, รังเกียจ, ไม่ยินยอม, ไม่สมัครใจ, หันไปด้านตรงกันข้ามกับต้น, Syn. opposed, hostile
aversion(อะเวอ'เชิน) n. ความรังเกียจ, ความไม่ชอบ, คำไม่พอใจ. -aversive adj.
cleavers n.หญ้าเจ้าชู้
haversackn. กระเป๋าสะพาย ผ้าใบบนไหล่เดียว
haversian canalร่องจิ๋วในกระดูก เป็นทางเดินของเส้นโลหิต
traverse(แทรฟ'เวิร์ส) vt. เดินข้าม, ขวาง, ขัดขวาง, ตัดผ่าน, ตัดทะลุ, กระโดดเชือก, เดินขึ้นลงข้ามเขา, ทำให้เดินขวาง, สำรวจ, พิจารณาอย่างละเอียด, ตรวจตรา, ต้าน, ปฎิเสธ, หันและเล็งปืนไปยัง. vi. เดินข้าม, ผ่าน, หันกระบอกปลายปืนไปยัง, ปืนเขาในรูปตัวZ, การเดินข้าม, การเดินผ่าน, การขวาง

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
averse(adj) ไม่ถูกใจ, ไม่ชอบใจ, เกลียด, รังเกียจ, ไม่สมัครใจ
aversion(n) ความรังเกียจ, ความไม่ชอบ, ความเกลียดชัง
haversack(n) เป้ทหาร, กระเป๋าสะพาย, เครื่องหลัง
traverse(adj) ตัดกัน, ขวาง
traverse(n) เครื่องกีดขวาง, เส้นขวาง, การเดินข้าม, การสำรวจ
traverse(vt) ข้าม, ตัดผ่าน, ค้าน, สำรวจ, ตรวจตรา

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
supraduction; superversion; supravergence; supraversion; sursumduction; sursumvergence; sursumversion(จักษุ.) การกลอกขึ้น, การหมุนขึ้น [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
supraversion; superversion; supraduction; supravergence; sursumduction; sursumvergence; sursumversion(จักษุ.) การกลอกขึ้น, การหมุนขึ้น [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
sursumduction; superversion; supraduction; supravergence; supraversion; sursumvergence; sursumversion(จักษุ.) การกลอกขึ้น, การหมุนขึ้น [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
sursumvergence; superversion; supraduction; supravergence; supraversion; sursumduction; sursumversion(จักษุ.) การกลอกขึ้น, การหมุนขึ้น [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
sursumversion; superversion; supraduction; supravergence; supraversion; sursumduction; sursumvergence(จักษุ.) การกลอกขึ้น, การหมุนขึ้น [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
superversion; supraduction; supravergence; supraversion; sursumduction; sursumvergence; sursumversion(จักษุ.) การกลอกขึ้น, การหมุนขึ้น [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
supravergence; superversion; supraduction; supraversion; sursumduction; sursumvergence; sursumversion(จักษุ.) การกลอกขึ้น, การหมุนขึ้น [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
averseหันกลับ [พฤกษศาสตร์ ๑๘ ก.พ. ๒๕๔๕]
aversionการยับยั้งเชื้ออื่น [ จุลินทรีย์ ] [พฤกษศาสตร์ ๑๘ ก.พ. ๒๕๔๕]
introversion; intraversionการปลิ้นเข้า [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
intraversion; introversionการปลิ้นเข้า [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
traversalการแวะผ่าน [คอมพิวเตอร์ ๑๙ มิ.ย. ๒๕๔๔]
traversalการแวะผ่าน [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
traverseคำปฏิเสธข้อกล่าวหา [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Women weaversช่างทอสตรี [TU Subject Heading]
Haversian systemระบบฮาเวอร์เซียน [TU Subject Heading]
Weaversช่างทอ [TU Subject Heading]
Aversion Therapyอะเวอร์ชั่นเทอราปี [การแพทย์]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Metaverse(n, name) จักรวาลนฤมิต หรือทับศัพท์ว่า "เมตาเวิร์ส" คือ โลกเสมือน (virtual reality) ที่มนุษย์ในอยู่ในโลกเสมือนนั้นสามารถมีปฏิสัมพันธ์กับมนุษย์คนอื่นๆ และ สิ่งที่ระบบคอมพิวเตอร์สร้างขึ้นมาให้ปรากฏในโลกเสมือนได้ โดยการแสดงผลอาจเป็นได้ทั้ง VR (virtual reality), AR (Augmented reality) และมีการนำเทคโนโลยีบล็อกเชน (blockchain) มาประยุกต์ใช้

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Hurry up, Travers.- Beeil dich, Travers. Cliffhanger (1993)
Travers, my lord.Travers, Mylord. Slaughter of Innocence (2014)
What about Colonel Weaver's hand?- Was ist mit Colonel Weavers Hand? Door Number Three (2014)
The original prosecutor, a.D.A. Vince travers.Bezirksstaatsanwalt Vince Travers. Freakin' Whack-a-Mole (2014)
Travers left the case mid-trial.Travers gab den Fall mittendrin ab. Freakin' Whack-a-Mole (2014)
Travers won't admit to any of this on record, But apparently he was tipped to there being Perjured testimony in the david allen case.Travers wollte nichts davon öffentlich zugeben, aber anscheinend bekam er den Tipp, dass es meineidige Aussagen im Fall David Allen gab. Freakin' Whack-a-Mole (2014)
Okay, guys, this travers guy is clearly a whack job.Was? Okay Leute, dieser Travers Typ ist eindeutig verrückt. Freakin' Whack-a-Mole (2014)
Michaela: Travers was re-assigned To a different case by the d.A.Travers wurde vom Bundesstaatsanwalt einem anderen Fall zugewiesen. Freakin' Whack-a-Mole (2014)
Maybe travers was just trying to get me out of his office.Vielleicht hatte Asher recht. Vielleicht wollte uns Travers doch nur aus seinem Büro raushaben. Freakin' Whack-a-Mole (2014)
Did the a.D.A. In that case, vince travers, Tell you that someone had committed perjury?Hat dir der stellvertretende Bundesstaatsanwalt, Vince Travers, davon erzählt, dass jemand einen Meineid beging? Freakin' Whack-a-Mole (2014)
I ran my labs yesterday after we found Mr. Weaver's tumor.- Ich habe meine Werte gestern überprüfen lassen, nachdem wir Mr. Weavers Tumor gefunden haben. Don't Let's Start (2014)
The Traverse must persevere or struggling if you are too deep.Die Traverse muss man durchhalten oder kämpfen, wenn man zu tief ist. Streif: One Hell of a Ride (2014)
I had a scary moment in the crossbeam, where I overlooked a bump.Ich hatte eine Schrecksekunde in der Traverse, wo ich eine Bodenwelle übersah. Streif: One Hell of a Ride (2014)
Not the traditional route via the Hausberg and to drive in the Traverse.Nicht über die traditionelle Strecke über den Hausberg und in die Traverse zu fahren. Streif: One Hell of a Ride (2014)
Most likely a horizontal support.Ist wahrscheinlich 'ne Längstraverse. The 33 (2015)
There's no fixed ropes on the traverse to the Hillary Step, over.Es gibt keine Fixseil auf der Traverse zum Hillary Step, Ende. Everest (2015)
It will stop your body from producing testosterone, which in turn will suppress your urges.EST, Aversionstherapie? Aber dies hier ist weniger brutal. Und privater. Episode #4.3 (2015)
Secretary Travers is a good example.Minister Travers ist ein gutes Beispiel. Chapter 31 (2015)
Half-pass.(Mann) Traversale. Ostwind 2 (2015)
Haverson cornered me in the bathroom this morning.Haverson fing mich heute früh auf der Toilette ab. Nelson v. Murdock (2015)
Mr. Travers... show me the hard drive, or I'll have you arrested.Mr. Travers... zeigen Sie mir die Festplatte, oder Sie werden verhaftet. Control-Alt-Delete (2015)
The fourth, Yasin Said, remains at large, and Mr. Travers, our Samaritan representative, just shut down Research.Der Vierte, Yasin Said, ist weiter auf freiem Fuß und Mr. Travers, unser Samaritan Beauftragter, hat soeben Research heruntergefahren. Control-Alt-Delete (2015)
Travers won't let us see it.Tavers gibt uns keinen Zugang. Control-Alt-Delete (2015)
What the hell, Travers?Was zur Hölle, Travers? Control-Alt-Delete (2015)
Who the hell do you think you are, Travers?Für wen zum Teufel halten Sie sich, Travers? Control-Alt-Delete (2015)
Mr. Travers is my eyes and ears inside your operation.Mr. Tavers ist meine Augen und Ohren innerhalb Ihrer Operation. Control-Alt-Delete (2015)
I'm wondering, would you like Mr. Travers to put the key back in the ignition?Ich frage mich, ob Sie möchten, dass Mr. Travers wieder die Schlüssel in das Zündschloss legt? Control-Alt-Delete (2015)
The Waynes and the Vanavers have both spent generations... trying to make this city great.Die Waynes und Vanavers haben beide Generationen damit verbracht, die Stadt zu einer großartigen Metropole zu machen. Batman vs. Robin (2015)
Vanavers have controlled the Court for generations.Die Vanavers haben den Rat seit Generationen kontrolliert. Batman vs. Robin (2015)
But then I made a large wager with Lord Travers.Aber dann habe ich eine große Wette mit Lord Travers. Fugitive (2015)
Maybe he shares my aversion to hospitals.Vielleicht teilt er meine Aversion gegen Krankenhäuser. Eats, Shoots and Leaves (2015)
Maybe he shares my aversion to hospitals.Vielleicht teilt er meine Aversion gegen Krankenhäuser. Wild Things (2015)
Haywood "Big Skillet" Shavers defends his title against Irish Mickey Ireland, out to avenge his heartbreaking loss, forever known now as "The Bleedin' in Sweden!"Haywood "Big Skillet" Shavers verteidigt den Titel gegen Irish Mickey Ireland, der seine Niederlage rächt, die bekannt ist als "Das Bluten in Schweden". The Bleedin' in Sweden (2015)
Ya know, he would've beat Shavers the last time, but lost on a technicality 'cause the ref thought he was bleeding too much, which he wasn't.Er hätte Shavers besiegt. Er verlor wegen einer Formalität. Der Schiri dachte, er blutet zu stark. The Bleedin' in Sweden (2015)
[ announcer ] Shavers and Ireland meet in the center of the ring for the traditional greeting.Shavers und Ireland treffen sich in der Mitte des Rings zum Gruß. The Bleedin' in Sweden (2015)
- Look, I'll even show you the famous Craverston grip, okay?Ich zeige dir den berühmten Craverston-Griff. Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016)
Do you mind if I skip the Craverston grip?Macht es dir was aus, wenn ich den Craverston-Griff auslasse? Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016)
Suck on that, Craverston.Da hast du's, Craverston! Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016)
And yet, here we are. Forced to bury our true selves from the Meg Craverstons of the world.Und doch sind wir gezwungen, unser wahres Ich vor Leuten wie Meg Craverston zu verbergen. Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016)
Of course. Ain't you got no home to go to? Never known a man make a pint last longer.Die kleine Travers hat schön zugelegt, jetzt wo die Bauchkrämpfe vorüber sind. Episode #5.2 (2016)
Treatments will include immersive aversion therapy and radical psychotropics.Die Behandlungen werden eine immersive Aversionstherapie und radikale Psychopharmaka umfassen. Wrath of the Villains: Mr. Freeze (2016)
You're all wearing beta versions of Wayne Tech's latest breakthrough in communications.Sie tragen alle Betaversionen der neuesten Kommunikationsinvention von Wayne Tech. Batman: Bad Blood (2016)
Captain, analysis of Miss Seavers' blood reveals traces of silicate minerals.Captain, die Blutanalyse von Miss Seavers weist auf Silicatmineralspuren hin. Night of the Hawk (2016)
Miss Seavers, do you recall Tommy coming into contact with a meteor of some kind?Ms. Seavers, erinnern Sie sich daran, ob Tommy auf irgendeine Weise in Kontakt mit einem Meteor kam. Night of the Hawk (2016)
Apparently, Miss Seavers' boyfriend has been exposed to the same type of meteor that Kendra came into contact with.Miss Seavers Freund wurde dem gleichen Meteorit ausgesetzt, mit dem Kendra in Kontakt kam. Night of the Hawk (2016)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
aversShe felt an aversion to him.
aversRabbits are related to beavers and squirrels.
aversSomebody who wavers between hope and fear over superficial things should not be appointed to a management position.
aversBeavers rarely inflict damage on people.
aversA fishing light wavers under the lee of an island.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
สวนกระแส(v) go against, See also: be opposed to, be averse to, Syn. สวนทาง, Ant. ตามกระแส, Example: กระทรวงศึกษาธิการประกาศขึ้นค่าเทอมสวนกระแสเศรษฐกิจ, Thai Definition: กระทำตรงกันข้ามกับสิ่งที่คนส่วนใหญ่ทำ หรือเสนอออกสู่สาธารณะชน
เครื่องหลัง(n) haversack, See also: kit-bag, knapsack, Example: ทหารปลดเครื่องหลังออกจากบ่า, Count Unit: ชิ้น, ชุด, Thai Definition: สัมภาระที่ทหารหรือนักเดินทางเป็นต้นนำติดตัวไป โดยผูกรัดไว้ข้างหลัง
เป้(n) rucksack, See also: knapsack, kit-bag, packsack, haversack, infantry pack, backpack, Syn. ย่าม, กระเป๋า, Example: เขาควักแบงก์สิบให้ รับเหรียญ ทอนใส่กระเป๋า แล้วเหวี่ยงเป้ขึ้นไหล่, Count Unit: ใบ
ทุราคม(n) faraway, See also: difficult approach, remote dwelling, be traversed with difficulty, be inaccessible, Syn. ทุรคม, ที่ห่างไกล, Thai Definition: การถึงลำบาก, การอยู่ทางไกล, Notes: (บาลี)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อาฆาต[ākhāt] (n) EN: feud ; grudge ; enmity ; hostility  FR: inimitié [ f ] ; aversion [ f ]
อาฆาต[ākhāt] (v) EN: feud ; spite ; look upon with hatred ; be hostile to ; regard as an enemy ; have an enmity against  FR: garder rancune ; se venger ; éprouver un sentiment d'aversion
เฉ[chē] (adj) EN: slanting ; leaning ; inclined ; crooked ; oblique ; sloping ; slanted ; askew  FR: oblique ; incliné ; penché ; de travers
ชั่ว[chūa] (prep) EN: during ; for a length of time ; throughout ; in every part of  FR: durant ; à travers
เดินข้ามไป[doēn khām pai] (v, exp) FR: traverser
ด้วย[dūay] (x) EN: with ; by ; through ; due to  FR: avec ; par ; en ; au moyen de ; à l'aide de ; à travers ; dû à ; de
การเดินข้าม[kān doēn khām] (n, exp) FR: traversée [ f ]
เก[kē] (adj) EN: not straight ; askew ; awry ; irregular ; crooked ; lame ; limping  FR: de travers ; tordu
ข้าม[khām] (v) EN: go across ; cross ; pass through ; go through  FR: traverser ; passer
ข้าม[khām] (prep) EN: across  FR: à travers
ข้ามแดน[khām daēn] (v, exp) EN: cross the frontier  FR: passer la frontière ; traverser la frontière
ข้ามฟาก[khām fāk] (v, exp) EN: cross the opposite shore ; cross over a river ; cross  FR: changer de rive ; traverser
ข้ามเรือ[khām reūa] (v, exp) EN: cross the river (by a boat)  FR: traverser en bateau
ข้ามถนน[khām thanon] (v, exp) EN: cross the street  FR: traverser la rue ; traverser la chaussée
ความไม่ชอบ[khwām mai chøp] (n) EN: dislike  FR: aversion [ f ]
ขวาง[khwāng] (x) EN: cross ; across ; horizontal ; tranversal  FR: à travers ; transversal
เขว[khwē] (x) FR: de travers ; de guingois
ไหลผ่าน[lai phān] (v, exp) EN: flow through  FR: couler à travers ; traverser ; arroser
ลัด[lat] (v) EN: cut across ; take a short cut  FR: couper par ; traverser
ลอด[løt] (v) EN: pass through ; go under ; go through ; slip through ; duck under ; come through ; escape from/out of  FR: passer dans ; passer par ; passer à travers ; passer sous ; s'échapper
หมอนข้าง[møn khāng] (n) EN: bolster  FR: traversin [ m ] ; polochon [ m ]
หน้า[nā] (n) EN: face  FR: face [ f ] ; avers [ m ] ; côté face [ m ]
ผ่าน[phān] (v) EN: pass ; pass through ; cross  FR: passer ; traverser
ผิด ๆ ถูก ๆ[phit-phit thūk-thūk] (adv) EN: à tort ; à tort et à travers ; de travers ; incorrectement
สำลัก[samlak] (v) EN: choke ; suffocate ; smother ; stifle  FR: s'étrangler ; avaler de travers
เซี่ยว[sīo] (adj) EN: oblique ; skew  FR: de travers
ตามขวาง[tām khwāng] (adv) EN: crosswise ; transversely ; obliquely ; on the skew  FR: transversalement ; obliquement ; en travers
ตัดผ่าน[tat phān] (v, exp) FR: traverser ; passer par
ทะลุ[thalu] (v) EN: pierce through ; go through ; bore through ; puncture through ; penetrate through  FR: percer ; pénétrer ; traverser , transpercer
ทาง[thāng] (x) EN: in ; by ; in the field of  FR: en ; à ; par ; au moyen de ; à travers ; dans le domaine de(s)
ทางลัด[thāng lat] (n, exp) EN: shortcut ; shorter course  FR: chemin de traverse [ m ]
ท่อง[thǿng = thøng] (v) EN: ford ; wade ; walk  FR: traverser
ทั่วประเทศ[thūa prathēt] (x) EN: nationwide ; throughout the country ; all over the country  FR: à travers le pays ; dans tout le pays ; partout dans le pays
ตกทุกข์ได้ยาก[tok thuk dāi yāk] (v, exp) EN: distress ; be in low circumstances ; fall on hard times ; be in difficulty  FR: traverser une période difficile
ว่ายข้าม[wāi khām] (v, exp) FR: traverser à la nage
วิ่งทะลุ[wing thalu] (v, exp) EN: run through  FR: courir à travers

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
aversion(n) the act of turning yourself (or your gaze) away, Syn. averting
aversive(adj) tending to repel or dissuade
cleavers(n) annual having the stem beset with curved prickles; North America and Europe and Asia, Syn. catchweed, Galium aparine, clivers, goose grass, spring cleavers
extraversion(n) (psychology) an extroverted disposition; concern with what is outside the self, Syn. extroversion, Ant. ambiversion, introversion
traversable(adj) capable of being traversed, Syn. travelable
traversal(n) taking a zigzag path on skis, Syn. traverse
traversal(n) travel across, Syn. traverse
traverse(v) travel across or pass over, Syn. cross, pass over, get across, cut through, get over, cut across, track, cover
traverse(v) deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suit, Syn. deny
traverser(n) someone who moves or passes across
untraversable(adj) incapable of being traversed
untraversed(adj) not traveled over or through
antipathetic(adj) (usually followed by `to') strongly opposed, Syn. loath, averse, indisposed, antipathetical, loth
antipathy(n) a feeling of intense dislike, Syn. distaste, aversion
backpack(n) a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder, Syn. haversack, rucksack, knapsack, back pack, packsack
cross(v) to cover or extend over an area or time period; , , Syn. sweep, traverse, span
extroversive(adj) directed outward; marked by interest in others or concerned with external reality, Syn. extraversive, Ant. ambiversive, introversive
Harris(n) British marshal of the Royal Air Force; during World War II he directed mass bombing raids against German cities that resulted in heavy civilian casualties (1892-1984), Syn. Bomber Harris, Sir Arthur Travers Harris
transom(n) a horizontal crosspiece across a window or separating a door from a window over it, Syn. traverse
trave(n) a horizontal beam that extends across something, Syn. crosspiece, traverse, crossbeam

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. [ L. aversatio, fr. aversari to turn away, v. intens. of avertere. See Avert. ] A turning from with dislike; aversion. [ Obs.or Archaic ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Some men have a natural aversation to some vices or virtues, and a natural affection to others. Jer. Taylor. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. aversus, p. p. of avertere. See Avert. ] 1. Turned away or backward. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

The tracks averse a lying notice gave,
And led the searcher backward from the cave. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Having a repugnance or opposition of mind; disliking; disinclined; unwilling; reluctant. [ 1913 Webster ]

Averse alike to flatter, or offend. Pope. [ 1913 Webster ]

Men who were averse to the life of camps. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]

Pass by securely as men averse from war. Micah ii. 8. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The prevailing usage now is to employ to after averse and its derivatives rather than from, as was formerly the usage. In this the word is in agreement with its kindred terms, hatred, dislike, dissimilar, contrary, repugnant, etc., expressing a relation or an affection of the mind to an object. [ 1913 Webster ]

Syn. -- Averse, Reluctant, Adverse. Averse expresses an habitual, though not of necessity a very strong, dislike; as, averse to active pursuits; averse to study. Reluctant, a term of the of the will, implies an internal struggle as to making some sacrifice of interest or feeling; as, reluctant to yield; reluctant to make the necessary arrangements; a reluctant will or consent. Adverse denotes active opposition or hostility; as, adverse interests; adverse feelings, plans, or movements; the adverse party. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. & i. To turn away. [ Obs. ] B. Jonson. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. 1. Backward; in a backward direction; as, emitted aversely. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. With repugnance or aversion; unwillingly. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The quality of being averse; opposition of mind; unwillingness. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. aversio: cf. F. aversion. See Avert. ] 1. A turning away. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Adhesion to vice and aversion from goodness. Bp. Atterbury. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Opposition or repugnance of mind; fixed dislike; antipathy; disinclination; reluctance. [ 1913 Webster ]

Mutual aversion of races. Prescott. [ 1913 Webster ]

His rapacity had made him an object of general aversion. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ It is now generally followed by to before the object. [ See Averse. ] Sometimes towards and for are found; from is obsolete. [ 1913 Webster ]

A freeholder is bred with an aversion to subjection. Addison. [ 1913 Webster ]

His aversion towards the house of York. Bacon. [ 1913 Webster ]

It is not difficult for a man to see that a person has conceived an aversion for him. Spectator. [ 1913 Webster ]

The Khasias . . . have an aversion to milk. J. D. Hooker. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. The object of dislike or repugnance. [ 1913 Webster ]

Pain their aversion, pleasure their desire. Pope. [ 1913 Webster ]

Syn. -- Antipathy; dislike; repugnance; disgust. See Dislike. [ 1913 Webster ]


adj. 1. of or pertaining to aversion. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. exhibiting avoidance or causing avoidance. aversive conditioning aversive behavior [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. [ From Cleave to stick. ] (Bot.) A species of Galium (Galium Aparine), having a fruit set with hooked bristles, which adhere to whatever they come in contact with; -- called also, goose grass, catchweed, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A turning to the opposite side; antistrophe. Congreve. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Pref. extra- + L. vertere, versum, to turn: cf. F. extraversion. ] The act of throwing out; the state of being turned or thrown out. [ Obs. ] Boyle. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. havresac, G. habersack, sack for oats. See 2d Haver, and Sack a bag. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. A bag for oats or oatmeal. [ Prov. Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A bag or case, usually of stout cloth, in which a soldier carries his rations when on a march; -- distinguished from knapsack. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A gunner's case or bag used to carry cartridges from the ammunition chest to the piece in loading. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Pertaining to, or discovered by, Clopton Havers, an English physician of the seventeenth century. [ 1913 Webster ]

Haversian canals (Anat.), the small canals through which the blood vessels ramify in bone.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. quaqua wheresoever, whithersoever + versus, p. p. of vertere to turn. ] 1. Turning or dipping in any or every direction. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Geol.) Dipping toward all points of the compass round a center, as beds of lava round a crater. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. [ F. travers, breadth, extent from side, à travers, en travers, de travers, across, athwart. See Traverse, a. ] Across; athwart. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

The earl . . . caused . . . high trees to be hewn down, and laid travers one over another. Ld. Berners. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Capable of being traversed, or passed over; as, a traversable region. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Deniable; specifically (Law), liable to legal objection; as, a traversable presentment. Sir M. Hale. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ OF. travers, L. transversus, p. p. of transvertere to turn or direct across. See Transverse, and cf. Travers. ] Lying across; being in a direction across something else; as, paths cut with traverse trenches. [ 1913 Webster ]

Oak . . . being strong in all positions, may be better trusted in cross and traverse work. Sir H. Wotton. [ 1913 Webster ]

The ridges of the fallow field traverse. Hayward. [ 1913 Webster ]

Traverse drill (Mach.), a machine tool for drilling slots, in which the work or tool has a lateral motion back and forth; also, a drilling machine in which the spindle holder can be adjusted laterally.
[ 1913 Webster ]


adv. Athwart; across; crosswise. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. traverse. See Traverse, a. ] 1. Anything that traverses, or crosses. Specifically: -- [ 1913 Webster ]

(a) Something that thwarts, crosses, or obstructs; a cross accident; as, he would have succeeded, had it not been for unlucky traverses not under his control. [ 1913 Webster ]

(b) A barrier, sliding door, movable screen, curtain, or the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

Men drinken and the travers draw anon. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

And the entrance of the king,
The first traverse was drawn. F. Beaumont. [ 1913 Webster ]

(c) (Arch.) A gallery or loft of communication from side to side of a church or other large building. Gwilt. [ 1913 Webster ]

(d) (Fort.) A work thrown up to intercept an enfilade, or reverse fire, along exposed passage, or line of work. [ 1913 Webster ]

(e) (Law) A formal denial of some matter of fact alleged by the opposite party in any stage of the pleadings. The technical words introducing a traverse are absque hoc, without this; that is, without this which follows. [ 1913 Webster ]

(f) (Naut.) The zigzag course or courses made by a ship in passing from one place to another; a compound course. [ 1913 Webster ]

(g) (Geom.) A line lying across a figure or other lines; a transversal. [ 1913 Webster ]

(h) (Surv.) A line surveyed across a plot of ground. [ 1913 Webster ]

(i) (Gun.) The turning of a gun so as to make it point in any desired direction. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A turning; a trick; a subterfuge. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

To work a traverse or
To solve a traverse
(Naut.), to reduce a series of courses or distances to an equivalent single one; to calculate the resultant of a traverse. --
Traverse board (Naut.), a small board hung in the steerage, having the points of the compass marked on it, and for each point as many holes as there are half hours in a watch. It is used for recording the courses made by the ship in each half hour, by putting a peg in the corresponding hole. --
Traverse jury (Law), a jury that tries cases; a petit jury. --
Traverse sailing (Naut.), a sailing by compound courses; the method or process of finding the resulting course and distance from a series of different shorter courses and distances actually passed over by a ship. --
Traverse table. (a) (Naut. & Surv.) A table by means of which the difference of latitude and departure corresponding to any given course and distance may be found by inspection. It contains the lengths of the two sides of a right-angled triangle, usually for every quarter of a degree of angle, and for lengths of the hypothenuse, from 1 to 100. (b) (Railroad) A platform with one or more tracks, and arranged to move laterally on wheels, for shifting cars, etc., from one line of track to another.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Traversed p. pr. & vb. n. Traversing. ] [ Cf. F. traverser. See Traverse, a. ] 1. To lay in a cross direction; to cross. [ 1913 Webster ]

The parts should be often traversed, or crossed, by the flowing of the folds. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To cross by way of opposition; to thwart with obstacles; to obstruct; to bring to naught. [ 1913 Webster ]

I can not but . . . admit the force of this reasoning, which I yet hope to traverse. Sir W. Scott. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. To wander over; to cross in traveling; as, to traverse the habitable globe. [ 1913 Webster ]

What seas you traversed, and what fields you fought. Pope. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. To pass over and view; to survey carefully. [ 1913 Webster ]

My purpose is to traverse the nature, principles, and properties of this detestable vice -- ingratitude. South. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. (Gun.) To turn to the one side or the other, in order to point in any direction; as, to traverse a cannon. [ 1913 Webster ]

6. (Carp.) To plane in a direction across the grain of the wood; as, to traverse a board. [ 1913 Webster ]

7. (Law) To deny formally, as what the opposite party has alleged. When the plaintiff or defendant advances new matter, he avers it to be true, and traverses what the other party has affirmed. To traverse an indictment or an office is to deny it. [ 1913 Webster ]

And save the expense of long litigious laws,
Where suits are traversed, and so little won
That he who conquers is but last undone. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

To traverse a yard (Naut.), to brace it fore and aft.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. 1. To use the posture or motions of opposition or counteraction, as in fencing. [ 1913 Webster ]

To see thee fight, to see thee foin, to see thee traverse. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To turn, as on a pivot; to move round; to swivel; as, the needle of a compass traverses; if it does not traverse well, it is an unsafe guide. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. To tread or move crosswise, as a horse that throws his croup to one side and his head to the other. [ 1913 Webster ]

Traverse drill

. (Mach.) A machine tool for drilling slots, in which the work or tool has a lateral motion back and forth; also, a drilling machine in which the spindle holder can be adjusted laterally. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. 1. One who, or that which, traverses, or moves, as an index on a scale, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Law) One who traverses, or denies. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Railroad) A traverse table. See under Traverse, n. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Adjustable laterally; having a lateral motion, or a swinging motion; adapted for giving lateral motion. [ 1913 Webster ]

Traversing plate (Mil.), one of two thick iron plates at the hinder part of a gun carriage, where the handspike is applied in traversing the piece. Wilhelm. --
Traversing platform (Mil.), a platform for traversing guns.
[ 1913 Webster ]


See obnoxious.
See observable.
See observant.
See obstructive.
See obvious.
See official.
See officious.
See oppressive.
See ordinary.
See ordinate.
See original.
See ornamental.
See orthodox.
See ostentatious.
See pacifiable.
See pacific.
See painful.
See palatable.
See parallelable.
See pardonable.
See partable.
See participant.
See passionate.
See pastoral.
See pathetic.
See patriotic.
See peaceable.
See peaceful.
See pedantic.
See perceivable.
See perceptible.
See perilous.
See permanent.
See personable.
See perspirable.
See persuadable.
See persuasive.
See philanthropic.
See philosophic.
See philosophical.
See physical.
See picturesque.
See pierceable.
See pitiful.
See plain.
See plausible.
See plausive.
See pleadable.
See pleasurable.
See pliable.
See pliant.
See plumb.
See poetic.
See poetical.
See political.
See popular.
See populous.
See portable.
See potable.
See precarious.
See precise.
See pregnant.
See prejudicate.
See prelatical.
See premeditable.
See presentable.
See preservable.
See presumptuous.
See pretentious.
See pretty.
See prevalent.
See priestly.
See primitive.
See princely.
See procurable.
See producible.
See productive.
See professional.
See profitable.
See prolific.
See pronounceable.
See prophetic.
See propitious.
See proportionable.
See proportionate.
See prosperous.
See provable.
See punctilious.
See punctual.
See punishable.
See pure.
See qualifiable.
See quenchable.
See quiet.
See rational.
See readable.
See reasonable.
See recallable.
See reclaimable.
See recognizable.
See reconcilable.
See recoverable.
See recumbent.
See reformable.
See refusable.
See regardable.
See regardant.
See relative.
See relievable.
See reluctant.
See remarkable.
See remediable.
See rememberable.
See remorseful.
See removable.
See remunerative.
See repairable.
See repealable.
See repentant.
See reprovable.
See repugnant.
See requisite.
See requitable.
See resolvable.
See respectable.
See restful.
See retentive.
See returnable.
See revengeful.
See ridable.
See ridiculous.
See rightful.
See romantic.
See rough.
See royal.
See ruinable.
See ruly.
See sacrificial.
See safe.
See sage.
See sailable.
See salable.
See sane.
See sanguine.
See sanitary.
See satisfactory.
See satisfiable.
See saturable.
See savory.
See scalable.
See scaly.
See scholarly.
See scholastic.
See scientific.
See scornful.
See scriptural.
See sculptural.
See seaworthy.
See sectarian.
See secular.
See sedentary.
See selfish.
See sentient.
See sentimental.
See serviceable.
See severe.
See shamefaced.
See shamefast.
See shapely.
See shy.
See sick.
See sicker.
See sightly.
See simple.
See sinewy.
See sizable.
See sleek.
See slumberous.
See sly.
See smooth.
See smotherable.
See smutty.
See sober.
See sociable.
See social.
See solemn.
See soliciutous.
See solvable.
See speakable.
See speedy.
See spiritual.
See spontaneous.
See sportful.
See sportsmanlike.
See statutable.
See steadfast.
See steady.
See stormy.
See stout.
See strong.
See subduable.
See subject.
See submissive.
See subordinate.
See substantial.
See successive.
See succorable.
See suggestive.
See suitable.
See sunny.
See superfluous.
See supple.
See sure.
See surpassable.
See susceptible.
See suspect.
See suspectable.
See suspicious.
See sustainable.
See sweet.
See syllogistical.
See symbolic.
See sympathetic.
See systematic.
See tamable.
See tame.
See teachable.
See technical.
See tellable.
See tenable.
See tender.
See terrestrial.
See terrific.
See thankful.
See theological.
See thinkable.
See thirsty.
See thorny.
See thoughtful.
See tidy.
See tillable.
See toothsome.
See touchable.
See traceable.
See tractable.
See tragic.
See tranquil.
See transferable.
See translatable.
See transmutable.
See transparent.
See transpassable.
See traversable.
See tremulous.
See trimphant.
See trustworthy.
See trusty.
See tumultous.
See tunable.
See uniform.
See usable.
See useful.
See vanquishable.
See variant.
See venerable.
See venomous.
See veracious.
See verdant.
See veritable.
See vigilant.
See vigorous.
See virtuous.
See vital.
See vitrifiable.
See vocal.
See voidable.
See voluptuous.
See voyageable.
See vulgar.
See walkable.
See warlike.
See watchful.
See watery.
See wealthy.
See wearable.
See weary.
See welcome.
See wet.
See wholesome.
See wieldsome.
See willful.
See wily.
See witty.
See womanly.
See workable.
See workmanlike.
See worldly.
See worshipful.
See wrathful.
See writable.
See zealous.
------ and the like.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unwritable, Unwrathful, Unworshipful, Unworldly, Unworkmanlike, Unworkable, Unwomanly, Unwitty, Unwily, Unwillful, Unwieldsome, Unwholesome, Unwet, Unwelcome, Unweary, Unwearable, Unwealthy, Unwatery, Unwatchful, Unwarlike, Unwalkable, Unvulgar, Unvoyageable, Unvoluptuous, Unvoidable, Unvocal, Unvitrifiable, Unvital, Unvirtuous, Unvigorous, Unvigilant, Unveritable, Unverdant, Unveracious, Unvenomous, Unvenerable, Unvariant, Unvanquishable, Unuseful, Unusable, Ununiform, Untunable, Untumultous, Untrusty, Untrustworthy, Untrimphant, Untremulous, Untraversable, Untranspassable, Untransparent, Untransmutable, Untranslatable, Untransferable, Untranquil, Untragic, Untractable, Untraceable, Untouchable, Untoothsome, Untillable, Untidy, Unthoughtful, Unthorny, Unthirsty, Unthinkable, Untheological, Unthankful, Unterrific, Unterrestrial, Untender, Untenable, Untellable, Untechnical, Unteachable, Untame, Untamable, Unsystematic, Unsympathetic, Unsymbolic, Unsyllogistical, Unsweet, Unsustainable, Unsuspicious, Unsuspectable, Unsuspect, Unsusceptible, Unsurpassable, Unsure, Unsupple, Unsuperfluous, Unsunny, Unsuitable, Unsuggestive, Unsuccorable, Unsuccessive, Unsubstantial, Unsubordinate, Unsubmissive, Unsubject, Unsubduable, Unstrong, Unstout, Unstormy, Unsteady, Unsteadfast, Unstatutable, Unsportsmanlike, Unsportful, Unspontaneous, Unspiritual, Unspeedy, Unspeakable, Unsolvable, Unsoliciutous, Unsolemn, Unsocial, Unsociable, Unsober, Unsmutty, Unsmotherable, Unsmooth, Unsly, Unslumberous, Unsleek, Unsizable, Unsinewy, Unsimple, Unsightly, Unsicker, Unsick, Unshy, Unshapely, Unshamefast, Unshamefaced, Unsevere, Unserviceable, Unsentimental, Unsentient, Unselfish, Unsedentary, Unsecular, Unsectarian, Unseaworthy, Unsculptural, Unscriptural, Unscornful, Unscientific, Unscholastic, Unscholarly, Unscaly, Unscalable, Unsavory, Unsaturable, Unsatisfiable, Unsatisfactory, Unsanitary, Unsanguine, Unsane, Unsalable, Unsailable, Unsage, Unsafe, Unsacrificial, Unruly, Unruinable, Unroyal, Unrough, Unromantic, Unrightful, Unridiculous, Unridable, Unrevengeful, Unreturnable, Unretentive, Unrestful, Unrespectable, Unresolvable, Unrequitable, Unrequisite, Unrepugnant, Unreprovable, Unrepentant, Unrepealable, Unrepairable, Unremunerative, Unremovable, Unremorseful, Unrememberable, Unremediable, Unremarkable, Unreluctant, Unrelievable, Unrelative, Unregardant, Unregardable, Unrefusable, Unreformable, Unrecumbent, Unrecoverable, Unreconcilable, Unrecognizable, Unreclaimable, Unrecallable, Unreasonable, Unreadable, Unrational, Unquiet, Unquenchable, Unqualifiable, Unpure, Unpunishable, Unpunctual, Unpunctilious, Unprovable, Unprosperous, Unproportionate, Unproportionable, Unpropitious, Unprophetic, Unpronounceable, Unprolific, Unprofitable, Unprofessional, Unproductive, Unproducible, Unprocurable, Unprincely, Unprimitive, Unpriestly, Unprevalent, Unpretty, Unpretentious, Unpresumptuous, Unpreservable, Unpresentable, Unpremeditable, Unprelatical, Unprejudicate, Unpregnant, Unprecise, Unprecarious, Unpotable, Unportable, Unpopulous, Unpopular, Unpolitical, Unpoetical, Unpoetic, Unplumb, Unpliant, Unpliable, Unpleasurable, Unpleadable, Unplausive, Unplausible, Unplain, Unpitiful, Unpierceable, Unpicturesque, Unphysical, Unphilosophical, Unphilosophic, Unphilanthropic, Unpersuasive, Unpersuadable, Unperspirable, Unpersonable, Unpermanent, Unperilous, Unperceptible, Unperceivable, Unpedantic, Unpeaceful, Unpeaceable, Unpatriotic, Unpathetic, Unpastoral, Unpassionate, Unparticipant, Unpartable, Unpardonable, Unparallelable, Unpalatable, Unpainful, Unpacific, Unpacifiable, Unostentatious, Unorthodox, Unornamental, Unoriginal, Unordinate, Unordinary, Unoppressive, Unofficious, Unofficial, Unobvious, Unobstructive, Unobservant, Unobservable, Unobnoxious

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
横穿[héng chuān, ㄏㄥˊ ㄔㄨㄢ,  穿 /  穿] to cross; to traverse #23,239 [Add to Longdo]
上山下乡[shàng shān xià xiāng, ㄕㄤˋ ㄕㄢ ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄒㄧㄤ,     /    ] to work in the fields (esp. young school-leavers); forced agricultural experience for city intellectuals #30,967 [Add to Longdo]
横贯[héng guàn, ㄏㄥˊ ㄍㄨㄢˋ,   /  ] horizontal traverse; to cut across; to cross transversally #39,293 [Add to Longdo]
横过[héng guò, ㄏㄥˊ ㄍㄨㄛˋ,   /  ] to traverse [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Abgeneigtheit { f }averseness [Add to Longdo]
Abneigung { f }; Aversion { f }; Gräuel { m }; Greuel { m } [ alt ] | Abneigungen { pl }aversion | aversions [Add to Longdo]
Aufhängetraverse { f } (am Zug)suspension cross bar [Add to Longdo]
Brotbeutel { m }haversack [Add to Longdo]
Einzugstraversenkühlung { f } [ techn. ]feed traverse cooling [Add to Longdo]
Ekel { m }; Abscheu { f } (vor) | Abscheu vor etw. habenaversion; loathing (of; for) | to have a loathing of sth. [Add to Longdo]
Elektrorasierer { m } | Elektrorasierer { pl }shaver | shavers [Add to Longdo]
Extraversion { f }; Extravertiertheit { n }; nach außen gerichtetes Interesseextroversion [Add to Longdo]
Fahrwerkstraverse { f }travel unit cross bar [Add to Longdo]
Graveur { m } | Graveure { pl }engraver | engravers [Add to Longdo]
Hackmesser { n } | Hackmesser { pl }chopper; cleaver | choppers; cleavers [Add to Longdo]
Kipptraverse { f } [ techn. ]pivoting cross bar [Add to Longdo]
Kommaverschiebung { f }point shifting [Add to Longdo]
Seitentraverse { f }lateral cross bar [Add to Longdo]
Sparer { m } | Sparer { pl }saver | savers [Add to Longdo]
Traverse { f }traverse [Add to Longdo]
Traverse { f } (als Lastaufnahmemittel)lifting beam [Add to Longdo]
Traverse { f } mit Umlenkrollecross beam with return sheave [Add to Longdo]
Traversengeschwindigkeit { f }traverse speed [Add to Longdo]
Traversenhub { m }traverse stroke [Add to Longdo]
Traversenwegauflösung { f }traverse resolution [Add to Longdo]
Traversenwegsensor { m }traverse path sensor [Add to Longdo]
Traversierrahmen { m }traversing frame [Add to Longdo]
Umlenktraverse { f }return cross-bar [Add to Longdo]
Verbindungstraverse { f }connection cross bar [Add to Longdo]
Weber { m }; Weberin { f } | Weber { pl }; Weberinnen { pl }weaver | weavers [Add to Longdo]
Zweiunddreißigstelnote { f } [ mus. ] | Zweiunddreißigstelnoten { pl }demisemiquaver | demisemiquavers [Add to Longdo]
abgeneigt { adj } | abgeneigt sein, etw. zu tun | einer Sache abgeneigt seinaverse | to be averse from doing sth. | to be averse to (from) sth. [Add to Longdo]
abgeneigt { adv }aversely [Add to Longdo]
arbeitsscheuworkshy; aversion to work [Add to Longdo]
behaupten | behauptend | behauptete | behauptetto aver | avering; averring | avered; averred | avers [Add to Longdo]
durchkreuzen (Plan)to traverse [Add to Longdo]
durchlaufento traverse [Add to Longdo]
durchqueren; überqueren | durchquerend | durchquert | durchquert | durchquerteto traverse | traversing | traversed | traverses | traversed [Add to Longdo]
durchziehen; durchfließento traverse [Add to Longdo]
kreuzen; schneiden (Linie)to traverse [Add to Longdo]
kreuzen [ naut. ]to traverse [Add to Longdo]
malariaverseucht { adj }malarial; malarian; malarious [Add to Longdo]
queren (Hang; Bergsteigen; Skifahren)to traverse [Add to Longdo]
sabbern; geifern | sabbernd; geifernd | gesabbert; gegeifert | sabbert; geifert | sabberte; geiferteto slaver | slavering | slavered | slavers | slaveres [Add to Longdo]
schmeicheltpalavers [Add to Longdo]
schwanken; wanken | schwankend; wankend | schwankt; wankt | schwankte; wankteto waver; to waffle | wavering; waffling | wavers; waffles | wavered; waffled [Add to Longdo]
traversieren (Fechten; Reitsport)to traverse [Add to Longdo]
trillern | trillernd | getrillert | trillertto quaver | quavering | quavered | quavers [Add to Longdo]
überquerendtraversal [Add to Longdo]
überquerbartraversable [Add to Longdo]
überspannen (Fluss)to traverse [Add to Longdo]
wegkehrendaversive [Add to Longdo]
widerstrebtaverses [Add to Longdo]
zittern | zitternd | gezittert | zittert | zitterteto quaver | quavering | quavered | quavers | quavered [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[wo] (prt) (1) indicates direct object of action; (2) indicates subject of causative expression; (3) indicates an area traversed; (4) indicates time (period) over which action takes place; (5) indicates point of departure or separation of action; (6) (See が) indicates object of desire, like, hate, etc.; (P) #3 [Add to Longdo]
縦貫[じゅうかん, juukan] (n, vs) running through; traversal #11,735 [Add to Longdo]
渡す[わたす, watasu] (v5s, vt) (1) to ferry across (a river, etc.); to carry across; to traverse; (2) to lay across; to build across; (3) to hand over; to hand in; to pass; to give; to transfer; (P) #13,640 [Add to Longdo]
トラバーサル順序[トラバーサルじゅんじょ, toraba-saru junjo] (n) { comp } traversal sequence [Add to Longdo]
トラバース[toraba-su] (n, vs) traverse [Add to Longdo]
トラバース測量[トラバースそくりょう, toraba-su sokuryou] (n) traverse survey [Add to Longdo]
リスク回避[りすくかいひ, risukukaihi] (n) risk aversion; risk reduction [Add to Longdo]
畏怖嫌厭[いふけんえん, ifuken'en] (n, vs) feelings of dread and aversion [Add to Longdo]
横切る(P);横ぎる[よこぎる, yokogiru] (v5r, vt) to cross (e.g. road); to traverse; (P) [Add to Longdo]
嫌忌[けんき;けんぎ, kenki ; kengi] (n, vs) dislike; aversion [Add to Longdo]
斜滑降[しゃかっこう, shakakkou] (n) traversing (in skiing) [Add to Longdo]
縦走[じゅうそう, juusou] (n, vs) traverse; walk along the ridge [Add to Longdo]
食わず嫌い;食わずぎらい[くわずぎらい, kuwazugirai] (exp) disliking a certain food without having tried it; disliking something without having tried it; prejudiced against; aversion without even trying [Add to Longdo]
遷車台[せんしゃだい, senshadai] (n) traverse table; transfer table; car transfer [Add to Longdo]
走査[そうさ, sousa] (n, vs) scanning (e.g. TV); traversal [Add to Longdo]
走査状態リスト[そうさじょうたいリスト, sousajoutai risuto] (n) { comp } traversal state list [Add to Longdo]
知者不惑;智者不惑[ちしゃふわく, chishafuwaku] (exp) a wise person always follows the right course; a wise man never wavers [Add to Longdo]
八重葎[やえむぐら;ヤエムグラ, yaemugura ; yaemugura] (n) (1) (uk) thick patch of mixed weeds; (2) false cleavers (species of bedstraw, Galium spurium var. echinospermon) [Add to Longdo]
美的嫌悪[びてきけんお, bitekiken'o] (n) aesthetic aversion [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
トラバーサル順序[トラバーサルじゅんじょ, toraba-saru junjo] traversal sequence [Add to Longdo]
走査[そうさ, sousa] scanning (vs), traversal [Add to Longdo]
走査状態リスト[そうさじょうたいリスト, sousajoutai risuto] traversal state list [Add to Longdo]

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