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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: , -呉-
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: give; do something for; kingdom of Wu
On-yomi: ゴ, go
Kun-yomi: く.れる, くれ, ku.reru, kure
Radical: , Decomposition:     𠃑      
Variants: , , Rank: 1729
[] Meaning: mistake; err; do wrong; mislead
On-yomi: ゴ, go
Kun-yomi: あやま.る, -あやま.る,,
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 1150
[] Meaning: recreation; pleasure
On-yomi: ゴ, go
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , , Rank: 1827
[] Meaning: fear; uneasiness; anxiety; concern; expectation; consideration
On-yomi: グ, gu
Kun-yomi: おそれ, おもんぱか.る, はか.る, うれ.える, あざむ.く, あやま.る, のぞ.む, たの.しむ, osore,,, ure.eru, azamu.ku,,, tano.shimu
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: name of warring state; surname
On-yomi: ゴ, go
Kun-yomi: く.れる, くれ, ku.reru, kure
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: ,

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[Wú, ㄨˊ, ] Japanese variant of 吳|吴 #162,022 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
呉服[ごふく, gofuku] (n) draperies; dry-goods; piece goods; (P) #15,996 [Add to Longdo]
何くれ;何呉[なにくれ, nanikure] (adv-to, adv) in various ways [Add to Longdo]
何くれとなく;何呉と無く;何呉となく[なにくれとなく, nanikuretonaku] (adv) in various ways [Add to Longdo]
見て呉れ;見てくれ[みてくれ, mitekure] (n) appearance; outward show [Add to Longdo]
呉の母;懐香[くれのおも, kurenoomo] (n) (arch) (See 茴香) fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) [Add to Longdo]
呉りゃる[くりゃる, kuryaru] (aux-v, v5r, vt) (uk) (arch) (hon) (See くださる) to receive from another [Add to Longdo]
呉れてやる;呉れて遣る[くれてやる, kureteyaru] (v5r) (uk) to give; to do (something) for [Add to Longdo]
呉れる[くれる, kureru] (v1, vt) (uk) (くれ is an irregular alternative imperative form) to give; to let one have; to do for one; to be given; (P) [Add to Longdo]
呉れ呉れも[くれぐれも, kureguremo] (adv) (uk) repeatedly; sincerely; earnestly; (P) [Add to Longdo]
呉れ手[くれて, kurete] (n) donor; one who does something for you [Add to Longdo]
呉越[ごえつ, goetsu] (n) Go-Etsu; two rival states in ancient China [Add to Longdo]
呉越同舟[ごえつどうしゅう, goetsudoushuu] (n) bitter enemies (placed by fate) in the same boat; (P) [Add to Longdo]
呉音[ごおん, goon] (n) Wu-dynasty reading of Chinese characters [Add to Longdo]
呉須[ごす, gosu] (n) gosu porcelain; asbolite [Add to Longdo]
呉竹[くれたけ;クレタケ, kuretake ; kuretake] (n) (uk) (See ハチク) Alternative name for henon bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis) [Add to Longdo]
呉服屋[ごふくや, gofukuya] (n) draper; dry-goods store [Add to Longdo]
呉服尺[ごふくじゃく, gofukujaku] (n) (obs) fabric shaku (approx. 36.4 cm) [Add to Longdo]
呉服商[ごふくしょう, gofukushou] (n) dry-goods dealer [Add to Longdo]
呉服店[ごふくてん, gofukuten] (n) dry-goods store [Add to Longdo]
呉服物[ごふくもの, gofukumono] (n) piece; dry-goods; piece goods [Add to Longdo]
茣蓙(P);蓙;呉蓙(iK)[ござ, goza] (n) mat; matting; rush mat; (P) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The Dodgers and Giants, traditional rivals, arrived together.ドジャースとジャイアンツが呉越同舟でやってきた。
#B: 乾く{ 乾いた } 心(こころ) 乃{ の } 奥底 を 潤す{ うるおして } 呉れる{ くれる } 無償 乃{ の } 愛 を 探し求める

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Woo was wrong.[JP] 呉(ウー)は間違ってた. The Turk (2008)
If he eventually joins forces with Sun Quan's Wu clan, then I fear that...[JP] あやつが最後に勢力を結集するなら 孫権の呉一族と共に 私はそれを恐れる... Red Cliff (2008)
We agreed on a boat ticket[JP] 乗船券を呉れる約束よ The Crossing 2 (2015)
My son is married to the daughter of a kimono shop owner.[JP] (アヤ)息子が呉服屋に 婿入りしてるのよ Oitsumerarete (2015)
He forgave you a long time ago.[JP] ずっと前に赦して呉れているよ The Light Between Oceans (2016)
Today, he beheaded a man of Wu to crush our morale![JP] 今日. . 彼は呉の男の首をはねた Red Cliff (2008)
What does he mean by a hunt for Wu?[JP] 呉の国を「狩る」とは何の意味? Red Cliff (2008)
To destroy Wu, we will need the hard work of General Cai and his navy![JP] 呉を滅ぼすために 蔡将軍と彼の水軍に 大いに頑張ってもらいたい! Red Cliff (2008)
Can you get back to me ASAP?[JP] すぐ戻って呉れるか? Eye in the Sky (2015)
Water is allowed only in Yin and Wu hours.[JP] 水は、陰と呉の 時間だけに許可されています。 The Monkey King (2014)
But, we men of Wu are not cowards, and we are not afraid[JP] しかし 呉の男たちは臆病者ではない そして 我々は恐れていない Red Cliff (2008)
What Ra gave, he took back.[JP] ラーが呉れたけど 持ってった Gods of Egypt (2016)
Prime Minister, a messenger from Wu has arrived![JP] 宰相殿 呉の国からの使者です! Red Cliff (2008)
The Wu army does not tolerate looting![JP] 呉の軍隊は略奪を許さない! Red Cliff (2008)
Do you think God will forgive me?[JP] 神は私を赦して呉れると思う? The Light Between Oceans (2016)
My Lord, I will go to the state of Wu tonight, to ask for Sun Quan's support[JP] ご領主さま 私は今夜呉の国に出発します 孫権の支援を求めるために Red Cliff (2008)
He gave you a lot of books.[JP] 本を沢山呉れたんでしょ Grotesque (2016)
This is a map of Wu that I drew taking great pains to be precise[JP] 私が描いた呉の地図です 正確を記すのに苦心しました Red Cliff (2008)
Do you think Tong Po would give you a break?[JP] トン・ポが休ませて呉れると 思ってるのか? Kickboxer: Vengeance (2016)
I just need one of those pills. -OK OK.[JP] お願いだ その薬のどれかを呉れ Criminal (2016)
He's willing to help, but he only knows when Heydrich arrives in the morning and when he leaves.[JP] 喜んで協力するそうだ 彼は教えて呉れる ハイドリヒの朝の到着時間と 帰宅時間を Anthropoid (2016)
Cao Cao's real target is not to defeat Liu Bei but to conquer Wu![JP] 曹操の真の目標は 劉備を打倒するだけではなく 呉の征服です! Red Cliff (2008)
To the first hero who sacrificed his life for Wu[JP] 呉のために自分の生命を 犠牲にした最初の英雄に Red Cliff (2008)
I hear you have frequent exchanges with the State of Wu[JP] 聞き及びますのは 貴方が頻繁に交換していると 呉の国と Red Cliff (2008)
Liu Bei must have already formed an alliance with Wu, brazenly opposing the empire[JP] 劉備は呉と既に同盟を結んだに 違いありません 図々しく 帝国に反抗します Red Cliff (2008)
This is Wu's Viceroy in Chief, Zhou Yu[JP] こちらは呉の周瑜総督です Red Cliff (2008)
Liu Bei is Your Majesty's uncle, and Sun Quan is the third-generation heir to the Dukedom of Wu[JP] 劉備は陛下の叔父です そして 孫権は呉の 三代目の継承者です Red Cliff (2008)
I wish to meet Your Highness at the hunt for Wu[JP] 私は呉の国を「狩る」際に 殿下にお会いしたい Red Cliff (2008)
When he gave me this.[JP] そして彼はこれを呉れました Persona Non Grata (2015)
I have declared war on Wu many times[JP] 私は呉に何回も宣戦布告しました Red Cliff (2008)
That paper is the only reason I'm here today. Alive.[JP] この紙が私に命を呉れました Persona Non Grata (2015)
If we join forces with the elite generals and troops of Wu, the alliance will strengthen us both[JP] 我々が呉の精鋭将軍と勢力を 結集するなら 同盟は我々両方を強化するでしょう Red Cliff (2008)
With the strength and power of our current navy, we will surely defeat Wu[JP] 現在の水軍の強さと力で 確実に呉の国を 打ち負かすつもりです Red Cliff (2008)
The mandarin word for "five" is wu.[JP] 聞くものもそうだ 北京語の"5"は呉 Focus (2015)
Wu needs us just as much as we need Wu[JP] 我々が呉を必要とするくらい 呉は我々を必要です Red Cliff (2008)
The road to Wu is long, and you will need energy[JP] 呉への道程は長い エネルギーが必要だ Red Cliff (2008)
Can we have some of yours?[JP] 少し呉れないか? April 9th (2015)
We sons of Wu, must protect our homeland[JP] 私たち呉の息子は 故国を守らないといけません Red Cliff (2008)
You've brought me some more easy money, have ya?[JP] 少しあぶく銭を 稼がして呉れないか? Kickboxer: Vengeance (2016)
Ah! You got it![JP] 呉れてやる! R.I.P.D. (2013)
There are 124 "whoo-whoos" in "sympathy for the devil." # and after all, it was you and me # now, he's not registering it, but it's all there.[JP] 124 "呉呉」が"悪魔を憐れむ歌」 今 彼は登録してない でも 抜け目はない それで 彼が双眼鏡を手に取る時 Focus (2015)
Gojira.[JP] 呉爾羅 Shin Godzilla (2016)
Just give me a minute to catch my breath.[JP] 息を整えるのに1分呉れ Kickboxer: Vengeance (2016)
All the style in your attitude that's society[JP] 言葉遣いと話の間と姿勢に気をつけよう 呉越同舟で機知に富んだ人物と Le roi soleil (2006)
No signs of the Wu army, within eight miles of the rear hill![JP] 背後の丘陵の約十三キロ以内に 呉の部隊はいません! Red Cliff (2008)
After I pacify Wu, she will be mine[JP] 私が呉の国を平定した後に 彼女は私のものになるだろう Red Cliff (2008)
- Would you stop doing that?[JP] - やめて呉れませんか? Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
Call me as soon as you can.[JP] 出来るだけ早く電話呉れ Eye in the Sky (2015)
My father gave this to me.[JP] 父親が呉れた Mechanic: Resurrection (2016)
Could you get me something from the officers' mess?[JP] 何か貰って呉れますか? Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
[ご, go] (NAME EINES LANDES IM ALTEN CHINA) [Add to Longdo]
呉服[ごふく, gofuku] Kimonostoff [Add to Longdo]
呉服屋[ごふくや, gofukuya] Kimonogeschaeft [Add to Longdo]
呉越[ごえつ, goetsu] Go-Etsu, (2 rivalisierende Staaten im alten China) [Add to Longdo]
呉越同舟[ごえつどうしゅう, goetsudoushuu] bittere_Feinde_im_gleichen_Boot [Add to Longdo]

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