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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, xù, ㄒㄩˋ] to express, to state; to relate, to narrate
Radical: , Decomposition:   余 [, ㄩˊ]  又 [yòu, ㄧㄡˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] again
Variants: , Rank: 1607
[, xù, ㄒㄩˋ] to express, to state; to relate, to narrate
Radical: , Decomposition:   余 [, ㄩˊ]  攵 [, ㄆㄨ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] again
[, xù, ㄒㄩˋ] a river in Hunan
Radical: , Decomposition:   氵 [shuǐ, ㄕㄨㄟˇ]  叙 [, ㄒㄩˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] water
Variants: , Rank: 5366

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: confer; relate; narrate; describe
On-yomi: ジョ, jo
Kun-yomi: つい.ず, ついで, tsui.zu, tsuide
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , , Rank: 1954
[] Meaning: express; state; relate; narrate
On-yomi: ジョ, jo
Kun-yomi: つい.ず, ついで, tsui.zu, tsuide
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: ,
[] Meaning: express; state; relate; narrate
On-yomi: ジョ, jo
Kun-yomi: つい.ず, ついで, tsui.zu, tsuide
Variants: ,

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[xù, ㄒㄩˋ, / ] to narrate; to chat; abbr. for Syria 敘利亞|叙利亚 #13,419 [Add to Longdo]
叙利亚[Xù lì yà, ㄒㄩˋ ㄌㄧˋ ㄧㄚˋ,    /   ] Syria #8,358 [Add to Longdo]
叙述[xù shù, ㄒㄩˋ ㄕㄨˋ,   /  ] to relate (a story or information); to tell or talk about; to recount; narration; telling; narrative; account #9,407 [Add to Longdo]
叙事[xù shì, ㄒㄩˋ ㄕˋ,   /  ] narrative #18,922 [Add to Longdo]
叙旧[xù jiù, ㄒㄩˋ ㄐㄧㄡˋ,   /  ] to reminisce; to talk about former times #45,989 [Add to Longdo]
倒叙[dào xù, ㄉㄠˋ ㄒㄩˋ,   /  ] a flash-back (in novel or film) #79,504 [Add to Longdo]
叙谈[xù tán, ㄒㄩˋ ㄊㄢˊ,   /  ] to chat #104,832 [Add to Longdo]
叙述性[xù shù xìng, ㄒㄩˋ ㄕㄨˋ ㄒㄧㄥˋ,    /   ] narrative #119,170 [Add to Longdo]
叙永[Xù yǒng, ㄒㄩˋ ㄩㄥˇ,   /  ] (N) Xuyong (place in Sichuan) #124,538 [Add to Longdo]
铺叙[pū xù, ㄆㄨ ㄒㄩˋ,   /  ] to explain all the details; complete narrative #127,926 [Add to Longdo]
顺叙[shùn xù, ㄕㄨㄣˋ ㄒㄩˋ,   /  ] chronological narrative #195,376 [Add to Longdo]
叙拉古[Xù lā gǔ, ㄒㄩˋ ㄌㄚ ㄍㄨˇ,    /   ] Syracuse, Sicily #314,206 [Add to Longdo]
面叙[miàn xù, ㄇㄧㄢˋ ㄒㄩˋ,   /  ] to talk face-to-face #334,412 [Add to Longdo]
埃叙[Āi Xù, ㄞ ㄒㄩˋ,   /  ] Egypt-Syria #866,744 [Add to Longdo]
叙利亚文[Xù lì yà wén, ㄒㄩˋ ㄌㄧˋ ㄧㄚˋ ㄨㄣˊ,     /    ] Syriac language (from c. 2nd century BC); the Syriac script #1,017,620 [Add to Longdo]
以叙[Yǐ Xù, ㄧˇ ㄒㄩˋ,   /  ] Israel-Syria [Add to Longdo]
引叙[yǐn xù, ㄧㄣˇ ㄒㄩˋ,   /  ] reported speech (in grammar) [Add to Longdo]
综合叙述[zōng hé xù shù, ㄗㄨㄥ ㄏㄜˊ ㄒㄩˋ ㄕㄨˋ,     /    ] to summarize; a round-up [Add to Longdo]
茶叙会[chá xù huì, ㄔㄚˊ ㄒㄩˋ ㄏㄨㄟˋ,    /   ] tea-time talk [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
叙任[じょにん, jonin] (n, vs) investiture #7,305 [Add to Longdo]
叙勲[じょくん, jokun] (n) conferring of decorations; (P) #14,803 [Add to Longdo]
叙事詩[じょじし, jojishi] (n) descriptive poetry; epic poem; (P) #18,811 [Add to Longdo]
叙爵[じょしゃく, joshaku] (n) conferring a peerage #19,757 [Add to Longdo]
久闊を叙する[きゅうかつをじょする, kyuukatsuwojosuru] (exp, vs-s) to apologize for a long neglect of friends (apologise) [Add to Longdo]
久濶を叙す[きゅうかつをじょす, kyuukatsuwojosu] (exp) (arch) (See 久闊を叙する) to apologize for a long neglect of friends (apologise) [Add to Longdo]
自叙[じじょ, jijo] (n, vs) autobiography [Add to Longdo]
自叙伝[じじょでん, jijoden] (n) autobiography; (P) [Add to Longdo]
叙す[じょす, josu] (v5s, vt) (1) (See 叙する) to relate; to narrate; to describe; (2) to confer (a rank) [Add to Longdo]
叙する[じょする, josuru] (vs-s, vt) (1) to relate; to narrate; to describe; (2) to confer (a rank) [Add to Longdo]
叙位[じょい, joi] (n) investiture [Add to Longdo]
叙位叙勲[じょいじょくん, joijokun] (n) conferment of Court ranks and decorations [Add to Longdo]
叙階[じょかい, jokai] (n, vs) ordination (esp. Catholic) [Add to Longdo]
叙景[じょけい, jokei] (n) scenery; description [Add to Longdo]
叙賜[じょし, joshi] (n, vs) distributing ranks, rewards and pensions [Add to Longdo]
叙事[じょじ, joji] (n) narration; description [Add to Longdo]
叙事的[じょじてき, jojiteki] (n) epic (e.g. poem); descriptive; narrative [Add to Longdo]
叙事文[じょじぶん, jojibun] (n) narration; description [Add to Longdo]
叙述[じょじゅつ, jojutsu] (n, vs, adj-no) description; (P) [Add to Longdo]
叙述形容詞[じょじゅつけいようし, jojutsukeiyoushi] (n) { ling } predicate adjective; predicative adjective [Add to Longdo]
叙述名詞[じょじゅつめいし, jojutsumeishi] (n) { ling } predicate noun [Add to Longdo]
叙述名詞形[じょじゅつめいしけい, jojutsumeishikei] (n) { ling } predicate nominal [Add to Longdo]
叙述用法[じょじゅつようほう, jojutsuyouhou] (n) { ling } predicative (use); descriptive (use) [Add to Longdo]
叙情(P);抒情[じょじょう, jojou] (n, adj-no) lyricism; description or expression of one's feelings; (P) [Add to Longdo]
叙情詩;抒情詩[じょじょうし, jojoushi] (n) lyric poetry; lyric poem; ode [Add to Longdo]
叙説[じょせつ, josetsu] (n, vs) explanation; interpretation [Add to Longdo]
叙文[じょぶん, jobun] (n) preface; introduction [Add to Longdo]
叙法[じょほう, johou] (adj-no) modal [Add to Longdo]
叙法性[じょほうせい, johousei] (n) modality [Add to Longdo]
昇叙[しょうじょ, shoujo] (n, vs) promotion; advancement [Add to Longdo]
伝承叙事詩[でんしょうじょじし, denshoujojishi] (n) oral epic [Add to Longdo]
倒叙[とうじょ, toujo] (n) reverse chronological order [Add to Longdo]
平叙文[へいじょぶん, heijobun] (n) { ling } declarative sentence [Add to Longdo]
略叙[りゃくじょ, ryakujo] (n, vs) brief account [Add to Longdo]
陞叙[しょうじょ, shoujo] (n, vs) advancement; promotion [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Jealousy embellishes a page of the epic.やがてジェラシーは叙事詩の1ページを飾り。
I like lyric better than epic.私は叙事詩よりも叙情詩の方が好きだ。
His autobiography was released today and was sold out by noon.彼の自叙伝が今日発売され、午前中に完売した。
There are two ways of using the infinitive as an adjective, 1. attributive, 2. predicative. Naturally 2. is a subject complement.不定詞の形容詞的用法には2種類あり、①限定用法、②叙述用法。②はもちろん主格補語です。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Here, I brought you these, all the way from Syria.[CN] 瞧,这些都是我从叙利亚给你带回来的 Sherlock Holmes (2009)
I spent the next 24 hours trying to figure out if you were working for Mossad, the Syrians or the Russians.[CN] 接下来的24小时里我都在估算着 你是否为摩萨德(以色列情报局) 叙利亚或者俄罗斯做事 Duplicity (2009)
You know, talk about old times.[CN] 叙叙旧 The Bounty Hunter (2010)
You see, you can send a helicopter, or force me to take what's left of my platoon and be on our way... without even knowing how many fucking Syrians...[CN] 你们可以派架直升机来, 或者强迫我在不知道有多少杂种叙利亚人的情况下 带着剩下的小队继续上路 Lebanon (2009)
They turned Greek theology, literature and philosophy into their native Syriac to argue the case.[CN] 为了便于讨论,他们将希腊的神学、 文学和哲学翻译成当地的古叙利亚语, The First Christianity (2009)
You're an anointed knight. There's quite a difference.[JP] お前は叙任騎士だ 大きな違いだ The Broken Man (2016)
That's Expulsion. The beast is gone.[JP] 叙霊された 魔物は去った Deliver Us from Evil (2014)
Syria was emerging as an alternative Christian centre of gravity to the West.[CN] 叙利亚成为取代西方的 另一个基督教重心。 The First Christianity (2009)
John, he is a highly decorated police officer.[JP] 高く叙勲された警官です Arrhythmia (2013)
And come to the lyrical part, then ...[JP] そして、それから、叙情詩調の一員のところへ行ってください ... Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)
There are Syrian forces around here.[CN] 这到处是叙利亚部队. Lebanon (2009)
- And his autobiography...[JP] - そして、彼の自叙伝も。 - へえ。 Stronger Together (2015)
But, I'm sorry, you're not a student: It was so nice talking to you:[CN] 但是,实在抱歉,你不是学生 潦此一叙,深感荣幸 The House Bunny (2008)
In the north of Syria there is one of the oddest souvenirs of the new religious movement in Eastern Christianity.[CN] 在叙利亚北部,东部基督教所发起的新 宗教运动遗留下一件很奇特的纪念品。 The First Christianity (2009)
But no one has so far succeeded... in singing an epic of peace.[JP] だれひとり平和な叙事詩を まだ- うまく物語れないでいる Wings of Desire (1987)
I think maybe she's helping you tell it, Christopher.[CN] 而她择帮助你叙述, 克里斯托佛 The Steam Experiment (2009)
There's the road stretching into infinity, bordered with lacy mists, favored by sentimental poets.[JP] フロストの 叙情的な詩に謳われた The Way (2010)
You the children of Constantinople the queen city of the world I know that when the day comes you will all become fıghters worthy of St. Theodora and make another saga.[JP] あなた方、 地上の全都市の女王である、 コンスタンチノープルの子供たち、 その日が来れば、 あなた方は皆 聖セオドアにふさわしい兵となられると私は知っている そして新たな叙事詩を書くのだ Conquest 1453 (2012)
Have fun with your friends. Don't come home too late.[CN] 与朋友叙旧没关系,可别太晚回家 Vengeance (2009)
- We can swap stories later.[CN] - 我们晚点再叙旧 Jughead (2009)
These Syrian Christians honoured the memory of Cyril and other Christians felt the same way.[CN] 这些叙利亚教会的基督徒 依然珍藏着对西利尔的记忆。 而其他的基督徒也是心有同感。 The First Christianity (2009)
Hiding and revealing identity is a constant theme throughout the Greek epics.[JP] アイデンティティーを隠し、そして明らかにすることは ギリシア叙事詩の不変のテーマだ。 Tome-wan (2014)
It was epic."[JP] それは叙事詩 The Night of the Comet (2009)
Once you let the Iranians and Syrians hear that the missiles are completely useless against the Israelis they will cancel their orders and the IBBC will collapse.[CN] 一旦让伊朗人和叙利亚人听到 他们的飞弹根本无法对付以色列 他们会撤销订单 而国际商业信贷银行就会破产倒闭 The International (2009)
And I think you're telling it.[CN] 而你是叙述人 The Steam Experiment (2009)
Well, since it's a Kennedy Center honor, [JP] ケネディセンターの叙勲でのすで Madness Ends (2013)
You have problems with Syrians?[CN] 叙利亚人碍着你了吗 ? Lebanon (2009)
We met, and we talked, And it was epic, but...[JP] あなたと話したことは... 叙事詩 The Night of the Comet (2009)
He was a good man and a decorated agent. And I...[JP] 父は善人で叙勲を 受けた捜査官だったのに― Kill (2015)
You deviated from your course and entered an area controlled by the Syrians.[CN] 你们偏离航向了, 你们在叙利亚人控制的区域 Lebanon (2009)
No. I want to do this.[JP] いや 自叙伝を出したいんだ She Spat at Me (2007)
I discussed all this with Islamic scholar and Syrian politician Mouhammad Habash.[CN] 我与伊斯兰学者和叙利亚政治家 穆罕默德・哈巴什讨论了这些问题。 The First Christianity (2009)
Lyrical.[JP] 叙情的で。 Fight or Flight (2015)
So, the myth is your autobiography.[JP] ところで、神話はあなたの自叙伝です。 The Well (2013)
What are you doing here, Syrian soldier boy?[CN] 你在这干嘛, 叙利亚佬 ? Lebanon (2009)
Why would he agree to help us provide missiles to the Iranians and the Syrians that have a first-strike capability against the Israelis?[CN] 他为何要帮我们提供飞弹 给伊朗人和叙利亚人 让他们有能力突袭以色列? The International (2009)
Wouldn't there be written accounts of them?[CN] 那是否应该有叙述他们的文学作品呢 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009)
I guess we've got a lot of catching up to do.[CN] 我们还要好好叙叙旧呢 The Window (2009)
Because you're talking like you're old friends. No.[CN] 你们看着像老朋友叙旧 A Price Above Rubies (2009)
He says that first he wants to talk to the Syrian prisoner.[CN] 他们要先和那个叙利亚俘虏谈一下. Lebanon (2009)
It was Eastern Christians here in Syria who led the way... ..showing Western Christianity a pattern for spiritual life.[CN] 正是东方的基督徒在叙 利亚引领了这一方向... 向西部的基督徒展示了 一种灵性的生活模式, The First Christianity (2009)
We are both anointed knights.[JP] あんたも俺も叙任された騎士だ The Red Woman (2016)
And then I move on to something juicy.[JP] それから叙々に生ナマしくなるの Paddington (2014)
He was knighted almost immediately after his master's untimely death.[JP] 彼は、主人の 早すぎる死の直後に 騎士に叙任されたそうです Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things (2011)
It was that or Stephen Hawking's new autobiography, and we both know how he feels about Hawking.[JP] それか ホーキンスの自叙伝ね 彼がホーキングを どう思ってるか知ってるし The Man in the Yellow Suit (2014)
After the First World War it became a community in exile, over the border in neighbouring Syria.[CN] 在第一次世界大战后,它成为了一个 流亡中的社区,位于接壤的叙利亚边境上。 The First Christianity (2009)
I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about.[CN] 我想你们俩一定 有许多话要叙旧 Namaste (2009)
I am really... Really stupid to think it will not happen again.[JP] 私は愚かな叙述私はそれが停止したと思います The Whole Truth (2016)
And people... talk about the war as this epic battle between, um... civilizations... freedom versus tyranny, democracy versus Nazism, armies of millions bleeding into the ground, fleets of ships weighing down the oceans, [JP] そして人々は この戦争の 叙事詩について話す 文明として The Imitation Game (2014)
Key sections of this service are in the ancient language called Syriac.[CN] 这一仪式的关键部分 是用古叙利亚语进行的。 The First Christianity (2009)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
[じょ, jo] ERZAEHLEN, BESCHREIBEN [Add to Longdo]
叙事詩[じょじし, jojishi] erzaehlende_Dichtung, Epos [Add to Longdo]
叙情詩[じょじょうし, jojoushi] lyrisches_Gedicht, Lyrik [Add to Longdo]
叙景[じょけい, jokei] Landschaftsbeschreibung, Naturschilderung [Add to Longdo]
叙述[じょじゅつ, jojutsu] Darstellung, Schilderung [Add to Longdo]
自叙伝[じじょでん, jijoden] Autobiographie [Add to Longdo]

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