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ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Spadone, Roberto!Spadone, Roberto. City of Women (1980)
Take your top off.Zieh dein Oberteil aus! Sleeping Beauty (2011)
-lt's okay.(Robert) Es ist alles ok. Part One (1984)
Robert Redford.Robert Redford. The Woman in Red (1984)
Does Roberta have orgasms?Hat Roberta Orgasmen? Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
Robert Mitchum, Kirk Douglas. RKO, 1947.Robert Mitchum, Kirk Douglas, RKO 1947. Steele in the Spotlight (1986)
- Them all.Alle, Robert! The Power of Albion (1986)
Robert has got it all wrong.Ja. Der Robert liegt total falsch. Sleeper (2005)
Robert Sanborn.Robert Sanborn. Fraternity of Thieves (1989)
What was his name?Robert Phelps. The Cell Within (1989)
- Robert.Robert! Glory (1989)
- Roberta.- Roberta. When Harry Met Sally... (1989)
- And then Robert brought you home.- Und dann brachte Robert Sie hierher. The Comfort of Strangers (1990)
Robert?- Robert? Terribly Happy (2008)
- (Sobs) - The man you saw was Robert Underhay?- Der Mann war Robert Underhay. Taken at the Flood (2006)
Come on, Robert.Hör auf, Robert. Terribly Happy (2008)
The Castis conquered their home planet and renamed it "Casti."Die Castis haben ihren Heimatplaneten erobert und ihn Casti getauft. If You Could See Her Through My Eyes (2014)
Mr. Robertson was standing on the table, and he fell off and hit his head.Mr. Robertson stand auf dem Tisch, fiel herunter und landete auf dem Kopf. The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014)
I have conquered as many cities through audacious persuasion as I have through military acumen.Ich eroberte viele Städte durch Überredungskunst wie durch militärischen Scharfsinn. 1505 (2014)
Cesare Borgia ran rampant, overthrowing duke after duke, sending the entirety of Italy into upheaval.Cesare Borgia war völlig zügellos, eroberte ein Herzogtum nach dem anderen und versetzte ganz Italien in Aufruhr. 1505 (2014)
Did you say double pillow top?Hast du gesagt, Doppelkissen-Oberteil? Like Hell: Part 1 (2014)
Robert, there's been a slight change of plan.Robert, es gibt eine kleine Planänderung. Silence (2014)
If it should come to it, let Robert be the hero today.Sollte es soweit kommen, lass Robert heute den Helden sein. Silence (2014)
You shot Robert.Du hast Robert erschossen. Silence (2014)
Julia Roberts.Julia Roberts. Lan mao shi zai wuding shang (2014)
I'm Robert Siegel, and this is All Things Considered.Wer sind Sie? Ich bin Robert Siegel und dies ist "All Things Considered". Opposites A-Frack (2014)
The Cube has been retaken.Der Würfel wurde zurückerobert. Providence (2014)
- Fuck the past, in the ass.- "Nicht zurück, Robert." Mommy (2014)
Fuck the past, in the ass.Nicht zurück, Robert. Mommy (2014)
That belongs to Robert Oppenheimer.Die gehört Robert Oppenheimer. The Prisoner's Dilemma (2014)
Let's get another $40 Roberto Benigni and keep our party going.Lass uns noch einen 40 Dollar Roberto Begini holen und weiterfeiern. And the Kilt Trip (2014)
1976, director...Robert De Niro in "Taxi Driver" 1976. Pilot: Day One/Välkommen (2014)
Yeah, well, Pretty Woman may have been a romantic movie, but Julia Roberts was still a hooker.Pretty Woman mag ein romantischer Film sein, aber Julia Roberts spielte trotzdem eine Nutte. Buried Secrets (2014)
- Robert Quarles, bodies in Mexico, narcotics trafficking.Robert Quarles, Leichen in Mexiko, Drogenschmuggel. - Alles geschlossene Fälle. Restitution (2014)
Robert Rogers was the one that pulled you out?- Robert Rogers hat dich rausgeholt? Challenge (2014)
- Robert Rogers?- Robert Rogers? Challenge (2014)
Robert Rogers showed no discipline, no respect for the rule of law.Robert Rogers hat weder Disziplin... noch Respekt vor dem Gesetz. Challenge (2014)
You're not Robert Frost.Du bist kein Robert Frost. Up Helly Aa (2014)
Do not worry, Robert.Keine Sorge, Robert. The Incontrovertible Truth (2014)
Yeah, well, Pretty Woman may have been a romantic movie, but Julia Roberts was still a hooker.Pretty Woman mag ein romantischer Film sein, aber Julia Roberts spielte trotzdem eine Nutte. Yesterday's Gone (2014)
Schizo drifter named robert mccombs.Schizophrener Herumtreiber namens Robert McCombs. Lords of War (2014)
London, 1829, Robert Peele forms the metropolitan police, the first modern force responsive to the people.London, 1829, Robert Peele gründet die Metropolitan Police, die erste moderne Kraft, die auf die Menschen eingeht. Minute Changes (2014)
Cousin Robert, did you see this article about how wirelesses are getting cheaper and more reliable?- Cousin Robert? Hast du den Artikel über Radios gelesen? Sie werden billiger und besser. Episode #5.2 (2014)
"Cousin Robert, please buy a wireless for Downton.""Cousin Robert, bitte kauf ein Radio." Episode #5.2 (2014)
Cousin Robert, did you see that the King is going to speak on the wireless?- Cousin Robert. Hast du gesehen, dass der König im Radio sprechen wird? Episode #5.2 (2014)
Do you think there's any chance Cousin Robert really might get a wireless?Glaubst du, dass Cousin Robert ein Radio besorgen würde? Episode #5.2 (2014)
Not only did we reclaim Calais, but I have news of my own:Wir eroberten Calais zurück, und ich möchte etwas verkünden: Long Live the King (2014)
God doesn't work for Robert Oppenheimer either.Gott mag auch Robert Oppenheimer nicht. Last Reasoning of Kings (2014)
McCombs, Robert J.McCombs, Robert J. Betrayal (2014)
We have a warrant to search the premises for evidence pertaining to the disappearance of Detective Robert Bunch.Wir haben einen Durchsuchungsbefehl für das Gelände, für Beweise betreffend des Verschwindens von Detective Robert Bunch. Massacres and Matinees (2014)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
obertWe called Robert "Bob".
obertRobert broke off in the middle of his phone call.
obertWe know Robert.
obertRobert used to help his father in the store on weekends.
obertRobert tends to talk big.
obertJohn is senior to Robert.
obertThe "People's Choice" award, by public polling, was announced again this year and Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts were selected as the most popular male, and female, film actors.
obertJack once gave a helping hand to Robert, who was in trouble; and now Robert, in turn, is of great help to Jack.
obertI was named Robert by my grandfather.
obertThey call Robert "Bob".
obertHere comes our teacher, Robert Brown.
obertMy name is Robert, so they call me Bob for short.
obertRobert is content with his present position.
obertYesterday I nearly ran into Robert in Ginza.
obertI hear Robert is sick.
obertRobert Hansen was arrested on suspicion of having sold off secret information to the former Soviet Union.
obertRobert comes to visit me every now and then.
obertRobert was so busy he had to turn down an invitation to play golf.
obertRobert got the better of Jack in the game of chess.
obertRichard Roberts is the author of numerous books.
obertEdward is junior to Robert.
obertRobert is the fifth wheel on the safety committee.
obertYesterday I went to see Robert, whose father is a pilot.
obertHe was named Robert after his father.
obertHe named his son Robert after his own father.
obertRobert got a small proportion of the profit.
obertRobert enjoyed talking with his girlfriend.
obertRobert has never yet been last for a meeting.

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
โรเบิร์ต ฟร็อสต์[Rōboēt Frǿst] (n, prop) EN: Robert Lee Frost  FR: Robert Lee Frost

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
herb robert(n) a sticky low herb with small reddish-purple flowers; widespread in the northern hemisphere, Syn. herb roberts, Geranium robertianum, herbs robert
robert(n) United States parliamentary authority and author (in 1876) of Robert's Rules of Order (1837-1923), Syn. Henry M. Robert, Henry Martyn Robert
robert e lee's birthday(n) celebrated in southern United States, Syn. January 19, Lee's Birthday, Robert E Lee Day
roberts(n) United States biochemist (born in England) honored for his discovery that some genes contain introns (born in 1943), Syn. Richard John Roberts, Richard J. Roberts
roberts(n) United States evangelist (born 1918), Syn. Oral Roberts
roberts(n) United States writer remembered for his historical novels about colonial America (1885-1957), Syn. Kenneth Roberts
roberts(n) a Welsh pirate credited with having taken more than 400 ships (1682-1722), Syn. Bartholomew Roberts
robertson(n) United States basketball guard (born in 1938), Syn. Oscar Robertson, Oscar Palmer Robertson
robert's rules of order(n) a book of rules for presiding over a meeting; written by Henry M. Martin in 1876 and subsequently updated through many editions
adam(n) Scottish architect who designed many public buildings in England and Scotland (1728-1792), Syn. Robert Adam
ashe(n) United States tennis player who was the first Black to win United States and English singles championships (1943-1993), Syn. Arthur Robert Ashe, Arthur Ashe
barany(n) Austrian physician who developed a rotational method for testing the middle ear (1876-1936), Syn. Robert Barany
bartlett(n) United States explorer who accompanied Peary's expedition to the North Pole and who led many other Arctic trips (1875-1946), Syn. Robert Abram Bartlett, Captain Bob, Robert Bartlett
bellarmine(n) Italian cardinal and theologian (1542-1621), Syn. Cardinal Bellarmine, Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmine, Bellarmino
benchley(n) United States humorist (1889-1945), Syn. Robert Benchley, Robert Charles Benchley
boyle(n) Irish chemist who established that air has weight and whose definitions of chemical elements and chemical reactions helped to dissociate chemistry from alchemy (1627-1691), Syn. Robert Boyle
brown(n) Scottish botanist who first observed the movement of small particles in fluids now known a Brownian motion (1773-1858), Syn. Robert Brown
browning(n) English poet and husband of Elizabeth Barrett Browning noted for his dramatic monologues (1812-1889), Syn. Robert Browning
bruce(n) king of Scotland from 1306 to 1329; defeated the English army under Edward II at Bannockburn and gained recognition of Scottish independence (1274-1329), Syn. Robert the Bruce, Robert I
bunsen(n) German chemist who with Kirchhoff pioneered spectrum analysis but is remembered mainly for his invention of the Bunsen burner (1811-1899), Syn. Robert Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Bunsen
burns(n) celebrated Scottish poet (1759-1796), Syn. Robert Burns
clive(n) British general and statesman whose victory at Plassey in 1757 strengthened British control of India (1725-1774), Syn. Baron Clive, Robert Clive, Baron Clive of Plassey
curl(n) American chemist who with Richard Smalley and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1933), Syn. Robert Floyd Curl Jr., Robert Curl, Robert F. Curl
cuvier(n) French naturalist known as the father of comparative anatomy (1769-1832), Syn. Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert Cuvier, Georges Cuvier, Baron Georges Cuvier
darwin(n) English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882), Syn. Charles Darwin, Charles Robert Darwin
de niro(n) United States film actor who frequently plays tough characters (born 1943), Syn. Robert De Niro
fischer(n) United States chess master; world champion from 1972 to 1975 (born in 1943), Syn. Robert James Fischer, Bobby Fischer
frisch(n) British physicist (born in Austria) who with Lise Meitner recognized that Otto Hahn had produced a new kind of nuclear reaction which they named nuclear fission; Frisch described the explosive potential of a chain nuclear reaction (1904-1979), Syn. Otto Robert Frisch, Otto Frisch
frost(n) United States poet famous for his lyrical poems on country life in New England (1874-1963), Syn. Robert Lee Frost, Robert Frost
fulton(n) American inventor who designed the first commercially successful steamboat and the first steam warship (1765-1815), Syn. Robert Fulton
goddard(n) United States physicist who developed the first successful liquid-fueled rocket (1882-1945), Syn. Robert Hutchings Goddard
graves(n) English writer known for his interest in mythology and in the classics (1895-1985), Syn. Robert Graves, Robert Ranke Graves
gray(n) American navigator who twice circumnavigated the globe and who discovered the Columbia River (1755-1806), Syn. Robert Gray
heinlein(n) United States writer of science fiction (1907-1988), Syn. Robert Anson Heinlein, Robert A. Heinlein
herrick(n) English lyric poet (1591-1674), Syn. Robert Herrick
hooke(n) English scientist who formulated the law of elasticity and proposed a wave theory of light and formulated a theory of planetary motion and proposed the inverse square law of gravitational attraction and discovered the cellular structure of cork and introduced the term `cell' into biology and invented a balance spring for watches (1635-1703), Syn. Robert Hooke
hutchins(n) United States educator who was president of the University of Chicago (1899-1977), Syn. Robert Maynard Hutchins
indiana(n) United States pop artist (born 1928), Syn. Robert Indiana
joffrey(n) United States choreographer (1930-1988), Syn. Robert Joffrey
jones(n) United States golfer (1902-1971), Syn. Bobby Jones, Robert Tyre Jones
kirchhoff(n) German physicist who with Bunsen pioneered spectrum analysis and formulated two laws governing electric networks (1824-1887), Syn. G. R. Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
koch(n) German bacteriologist who isolated the anthrax bacillus and the tubercle bacillus and the cholera bacillus (1843-1910), Syn. Robert Koch
lasalle(n) French explorer who claimed Louisiana for France (1643-1687), Syn. Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de LaSalle
lee(n) American general who led the Confederate Armies in the American Civil War (1807-1870), Syn. Robert Edward Lee, Robert E. Lee
limestone fern(n) yellow-green fern of rocky areas of northern hemisphere, Syn. northern oak fern, Gymnocarpium robertianum
livingston(n) American Revolutionary leader who served in the Continental Congress and as minister to France (1746-1813), Syn. Robert R. Livingston
lowell(n) United States poet (1917-1977), Syn. Robert Traill Spence Lowell Jr., Robert Lowell
macgregor(n) Scottish clan leader and outlaw who was the subject of a 1817 novel by Sir Walter Scott (1671-1734), Syn. Rob Roy, Robert MacGregor
malthus(n) an English economist who argued that increases in population would outgrow increases in the means of subsistence (1766-1834), Syn. Thomas Malthus, Thomas Robert Malthus
marley(n) Jamaican singer who popularized reggae (1945-1981), Syn. Bob Marley, Robert Nesta Marley

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. (Gun.) A small cartridge designed for target shooting; -- sometimes called ball cap. [ 1913 Webster ]

Flobert rifle, a rifle adapted to the use of floberts.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Nobert's lines

[ After F. A. Nobert, German manufacturer in Pomerania. ] Fine lines ruled on glass in a series of groups of different closeness of line, and used to test the power of a microscope. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. (Bot.) See Herb Robert, under Herb. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } n.; pl. -men. /plu> (Old Statutes of Eng.) A bold, stout robber, or night thief; -- said to be so called from Robin Hood. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Roberdsman

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
盖茨[Gài cí, ㄍㄞˋ ㄘˊ,   /  ] Gates (name); Bill Gates (1955-), chairman of Microsoft; Robert Gates (1943-), US Secretary of Defense since 2006 #18,010 [Add to Longdo]
罗伯特[Luó bó tè, ㄌㄨㄛˊ ㄅㄛˊ ㄊㄜˋ,    /   ] Robert (name) #23,370 [Add to Longdo]
赫德[Hè dé, ㄏㄜˋ ㄉㄜˊ,  ] Hart or Herd (name); Robert Hart (1835-1911), Englishman who served fifty years in Qing customs office #26,134 [Add to Longdo]
舒曼[Shū màn, ㄕㄨ ㄇㄢˋ,  ] Schumann (name); Robert Schumann (1810-1856), romantic composer #62,864 [Add to Longdo]
胡克[Hú kè, ㄏㄨˊ ㄎㄜˋ,  ] Hook or Hooke (name); Robert Hooke (1635-1703), brilliant English experimental scientist and inventor #63,949 [Add to Longdo]
鲁宾[Lǔ bīn, ㄌㄨˇ ㄅㄧㄣ,   /  ] Rubin (name); Robert E. Rubin (1938-), US Treasury Secretary 1995-1999 under President Clinton #77,575 [Add to Longdo]
穆加贝[Mù jiā bèi, ㄇㄨˋ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄅㄟˋ,    /   ] Robert Mugabe (1924-), Zimbabwean ZANU-PF politician, President of Zimbabwe 1980-2008 #83,835 [Add to Longdo]
玻意耳[Bō yì ěr, ㄅㄛ ㄧˋ ㄦˇ,   ] Robert Boyle (1627-1691), English chemist [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Oberteil { n }entablature [Add to Longdo]
Oberteil { n }upper part; top part [Add to Longdo]
Oberteil { n } eines Ventilsbonnet [Add to Longdo]
Obertransport { m } [ techn. ]top feed [Add to Longdo]
Obertrottel { m }silly great clod [Add to Longdo]
Steckoberteil { n }upper connector cover part [Add to Longdo]
Top { n }; Oberteil { n } | Tops { pl }; Oberteile { pl }top | tops [Add to Longdo]
besiegen; bezwingen; erobern | besiegend; bezwingend; erobernd | besiegt; bezwingt; erobertto conquer | conquering | conquers [Add to Longdo]
erobern; besiegen | erobernd; besiegend | erobert; besiegt | erobert; besiegt | eroberte; besiegteto conquer | conquering | conquered | conquers | conquered [Add to Longdo]
eroberte zurück; zurückerobertreconquered [Add to Longdo]
Robertsprinie { f } [ ornith. ]Roberts' Prinia [Add to Longdo]
Zinnobertangare { f } [ ornith. ]Hepatic Tanager [Add to Longdo]
Protektoroberteil { n }camelback; top cap [ Am. ] [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
陥る[おちいる, ochiiru] fallen_in, kommen_in, geraten_in;, fallen;, eingenommen_werden, erobert_werden [Add to Longdo]


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