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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
下场[xià chǎng, ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄔㄤˇ,   /  ] the end; to leave (the stage, an exam room, the field etc) #8,779 [Add to Longdo]
下场[xià chang, ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄔㄤ˙,   /  ] the end; to conclude #8,779 [Add to Longdo]
下场[xià chǎng mén, ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄔㄤˇ ㄇㄣˊ,    /   ] exit door (of the stage) [Add to Longdo]

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- shall suffer the same fate.[CN] -就会跟他一个下场 Tristan + Isolde (2006)
One more word out of you and you know what's coming... mommy, please don't get the belt![CN] 再抱怨一句 你知道有什么下场! 妈咪 求求你 别拉绳子 Scared to Death (2007)
- And look where he ended up.[CN] - 看看他的下场 Live Together, Die Alone (2006)
Bad things happen to people who hang around with me.[CN] 跟我沾上边的人都没好下场 Further Instructions (2006)
I'll teach you what happens when you run away.[CN] 我会让你知道 当你想逃跑时会有什么下场 Sakuran (2006)
Well, that's what I get for not going to the expert in the first place.[CN] 没有请教专家就是这种下场 Dave (2006)
Fantastic. Give it to the guy who's not even in the game![CN] 太好了 传给根本没下场的人 Dave (2006)
Something terrible happens to the marble faun.[CN] 这些玉石雕雕像下场很糟糕 The Beales of Grey Gardens (2006)
You know, because he looks so much like the marble faun... and that had a very, um - that had quite a disastrous ending.[CN] 因为他长得和玉石雕像太像了 但是它后来... 下场很悲惨 The Beales of Grey Gardens (2006)
You're just like all the rest.[CN] 你和其他人一样的下场 All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006)
I will do to your spine what I just did to your front door.[CN] 你的背脊骨就会和你的门一样的下场 Sweetheart, I Have to Confess (2006)
But if you don't, things are gonna play out just like you said.[CN] 但若你不画 下场就如你自己说的一样 The Whole Truth (2006)


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