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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
跌幅[diē fú, ㄉㄧㄝ ㄈㄨˊ,  ] decline (in value); extent of a drop #6,023 [Add to Longdo]
跌幅限制[zhǎng diē fú xiàn zhì, ㄓㄤˇ ㄉㄧㄝ ㄈㄨˊ ㄒㄧㄢˋ ㄓˋ,      /     ] limit up, limit down; limit on daily price variation [Add to Longdo]

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Thought I'd drop over there tomorrow with a little peace offering.[CN] 想我会跌幅超有明天 有一点平安祭。 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
First of all the fact, that buyer impressive margin in new home purchases took most of the brunt of that decline.[CN] 第一点,以给人深刻印象的差距... 新的购房消费成为我们跌幅的主力。 Cypher (2002)
Yes, you see that after the third date happiness decreases very fast?[CN] 是的,你看到,经过第三次约会 幸福的跌幅非常快? Simply Irresistible (1999)
The greatest percentage drop in U.S. history.[CN] 這是美國歷史上最大的百分比跌幅 The Money Masters (1996)
- Losers.[CN] - 跌幅 Trojan War (1997)
Our projections indicate it could be in the... 30 to 40 percent, range.[CN] 预计股票跌幅应该在 三成到四成之间 Unstoppable (2010)
The stock market plunged-- plunged to the single greatest point loss in the Dow average in one day ever.[CN] 股票市场猛跌 跌幅已达道琼斯指数 单日最大跌幅 Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)
The largest single point drop in history.[CN] 史上单日跌幅最大 Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)
Up 2.8% in the last quarter, while psoriasis ointment dried up substantially... up 5.5%.[CN] 在最后一个季度上升到 2.8% 而牛皮癣药膏大幅下跌... 跌幅为5.5% $5 a Day (2008)
Your blood pressure went down from 160 over 84 which would be high blood pressure, down to 136 over 70, which is a perfectly normal blood pressure.[CN] 你的血压下去 从超过84 160 这将是高血 压力,跌幅超过70至136, 这是一个完全正常的 血压。 Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead (2010)
You know what?[CN] 跌幅titrari. Gone Fishin' (1997)
The result was that only $6.67 per capita remained in circulation, a 760% decline in buying power in just 20 years.[CN] 結果是在流通領域人均隻有6.67美元 僅僅20年購買力跌幅高達84% The Money Masters (1996)


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