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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
穿着[chuān zhuó, ㄔㄨㄢ ㄓㄨㄛˊ, 穿  / 穿 ] dress; to wear; clothes; attire [Add to Longdo]
穿着打扮[chuān zhuó dǎ bàn, ㄔㄨㄢ ㄓㄨㄛˊ ㄉㄚˇ ㄅㄢˋ, 穿    / 穿   ] style of dress; one's appearance [Add to Longdo]
穿着讲究[chuān zhuó jiǎng jiu, ㄔㄨㄢ ㄓㄨㄛˊ ㄐㄧㄤˇ ㄐㄧㄡ˙, 穿    / 穿   ] smart clothes; particular about one's dress [Add to Longdo]

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I like the librarian who called about the mountain man wearing sandals.[CN] 我喜欢谁打电话叫人上山的人穿着凉鞋的图书管理员。 Slaughter of the Innocents (1993)
Caught such a chill last night, I slept in my shoes, you know[CN] 好象昨天晚上着凉了 你看,我睡觉都穿着 Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995)
I can't modify this collar, you should just wear it the way it is.[CN] 我不会修改这个领子, 你就穿着 The White Balloon (1995)
In your red dress.[CN] 穿着红色套装的形象, Copycat (1995)
Me, home alone, in a shlumpy robe... crying into a tub of Rocky Road.[CN] 我一个人在家,穿着破袍子... 哭着要吃冰淇淋 I've Got a Crush on You (1993)
You're wearing only one shoe. - That's the leg that caught the chill[CN] 你只穿着一只鞋 -那就是腿着凉了 Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995)
Now, he's been in before, but what I noticed this time... was that he was wearing an old pair of sandals.[CN] 现在,我已经过之前,但我注意到这一次... 那是我穿着一双旧凉鞋。 Slaughter of the Innocents (1993)
I'm mean, think about the money they spend each year, and this Dr. Fishburn got goes out in his backyard in his underwear one morning, and picks up the cure for AIDS![CN] 你想,每年他们花费了巨额的金钱 但这个Fishburn医生只是一天早晨穿着他的睡衣在后院里 就找到了治疗艾滋的方法! The Cure (1995)
Nope. Just a guy in a pair of tights and a cape.[CN] 不是,只是一个 穿着紧身裤跟斗蓬的人 Pilot (1993)
I might be wearin' one of them uniforms, flippin' some burgers... salting' some fries.[CN] 也许我会穿着他们的制服 做些汉堡包还有薯条 What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
Craig, divide up all the stuff except my boots from Marion. I want to walk to my execution in these here boots.[CN] 除了我这双靴子 我要穿着这双鞋行刑 Dead Man Walking (1995)
So, the flannel shirt deal... is that a nod to the crispy Seattle weather... or you trying to stay warm in front of the refrigerator?[CN] 穿着法兰绒衬衫干嘛 是被西雅图天有不测风云弄怕了 还是你想在冰箱前待暖和点? Clueless (1995)


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