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Queensราชินี [TU Subject Heading]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Queens?Queens hier? Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
Uh-uh. I am from Queens, New York.Ich bin aus Queens, New York. And the Not Broke Parents (2014)
I'm already in Queens.Tja, wie das Glück so spielt, bin ich bereits in Queens. No Lack of Void (2014)
I'm a Queens girl.Kell, komm schon. Ich bin aus Queens. Occultation (2014)
Ms. Shaw will be Betty Harris of Queens, and you, Mr. Reese, will be Frank Mercer of Kenosha, Wisconsin.Ms. Shaw wird Betty Harris aus Queens sein, und Sie, Mr. Reese, werden Frank Mercer aus Kenosha, Wiscosin sein. Most Likely to... (2014)
Queen's Rangers.Queens Rangers. Was? Challenge (2014)
Remains of queen's woman found in vacant lot.Überreste der Frau aus Queens auf Grundstück gefunden A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
[ Remains of queens woman found in vacant lot ]Überreste der Frau aus Queens auf Grundstück gefunden A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
I go to queens, this guy I know to score.Fahre nach Queens, zu dem Typen... A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
He owns a bookstore in Queens.Er besitzt einen Buchladen in Queens. Art in the Blood (2014)
In Queens by the racetrack.In Queens, nahe der Pferderennbahn. A Day's Work (2014)
I say go for it, but if it's Queens... It's not either...Wenn es die Bahamas sind oder Hawaii, nur zu, aber wenn es Queens ist... Ever After (2014)
Well, up 6th is Harlem and then after Harlem is Queens.Nach der Sixth kommt Harlem und dann Queens. Und was ist in Queens? Operation Fake Date (2014)
Guy from Queens landing himself an Upper East Side princess.Ein Typ aus Queens schafft es bei einer Upper East Side Prinzessin zu landen. The Art of Murder (2014)
I live in Queens now.Ich wohne jetzt in Queens. Good Air/Bad Air (2014)
Well, she keeps saying she has to take the bus back to Queens.Na ja, sie sagt sie muss den Bus kriegen, um zurück nach Queens zu fahren. Good Air/Bad Air (2014)
To Queens?Nach Queens? Good Air/Bad Air (2014)
- So there's malaria in Queens?- Also gibt es da Malaria in Queens? Good Air/Bad Air (2014)
Maybe she thought the Queens still had money.Vielleicht dachte sie, die Queens hätten noch Geld. The Magician (2014)
At the moment, I'm 18 minutes away from owning Steve McQueen's Shelby Cobra.Im Moment bin ich 18 Minuten entfernt davon, den Shelby Cobra von Steve McQueens zu besitzen. Two in the Knees (2014)
It turns out that Eric used the Hytch rideshare app to catch a ride to an address in Queens tonight, a couple of hours before he was killed.Eric verwendete die Hytch Ride Share App, um eine Fahrt zu buchen, an eine Adresse in Queens heute Nacht, ein paar Stunden bevor er getötet wurde. Bad Santa (2014)
Let's head to Queens and find out.Lass uns nach Queens fahren und es herausfinden. Bad Santa (2014)
Uh, his main offices are over in Queens.Seine Hauptbüros sind drüben in Queens. Bad Santa (2014)
Eric missed work two days ago, and his Hytch app showed that he went to that surgical suite in Queens.Eric war nicht arbeiten vor zwei Tagen und seine Hytch App zeigte, dass er zu dem Operationssaal in Queens fuhr. Bad Santa (2014)
I was hired by one of his rivals to find out why he's been circling this old office building in Jamaica, Queens.Ich wurde von einem seiner Rivalen angeheuert, um herauszufinden, warum er in Jamaica, Queens dieses alte Bürogebäude umkreist. Just a Regular Irregular (2014)
They're for an old industrial area in Queens.Sie sind für ein altes Industriegebiet in Queens. Just a Regular Irregular (2014)
We got a tip that he was operating out of a warehouse in Queens.Wir bekamen einen Tipp, dass er aus einem Lagerhaus in Queens arbeitet. End of Watch (2014)
They belonged to Casey Hatem, the cop you murdered in Queens the other night.Sie gehörten Casey Hatem, der Polizist, den Sie letzte Nacht in Queens ermordet haben. End of Watch (2014)
Queens, maybe.Queens könnte klappen. Straight Outta Compton (2015)
Queensbridge leader, no equalQueensbridge leader, no equal Run All Night (2015)
Woodhaven, Queens.Woodhaven, Queens. Run All Night (2015)
They killed two cops and a couple of squarehead gangsters in Queens.Die haben 2 Polizisten umgelegt und 2 dämliche Gangster in Queens. Run All Night (2015)
- Our other guide out of Queenstown.- Bergführer aus Queenstown. Everest (2015)
Hey, listen up, queens.Hört her, Queens! I Am Michael (2015)
You were living in Queens.Du hast in Queens gewohnt. Mother's Day (2015)
Sherry, last name Miller. 19 years old from Queens.Sherry, Nachname Miller. 19 Jahre alt, aus Queens. New Blood (2015)
I hear you got family in Queens.Du hast doch Familie in Queens. Ching Chong Chang (2015)
Ra's al Ghul wants Oliver Queen's remains.Ra's al Ghul möchte Oliver Queens Überreste. Midnight City (2015)
- Mr. Queensbury-Rules-and-Discipline.- Mr. Queensberry-Regeln-und-Disziplin. Red Hood (2015)
My first place, I lived with this girl from Queens.Meine erste Wohnung teilte ich mir mit einem Mädchen aus Queens. Bridge and Tunnel (2015)
Well, I'm with the Queens County 4H.Nun ich bin vom Queens County 4H. A Sin to Err (2015)
One of your three, his cell signal vanished in the armpit of Queens.Einer der drei, sein Handysignal ist in Queens ausgegangen. Guilty (2015)
And a queen-size bed.Und ein Bett in Queensize-Größe. Chapter 39 (2015)
Serial numbers track back to a government office in Queens.Die Seriennummern verweisen auf ein Büro in Queens. The Hunt (2015)
Queens.Queens. Fort Defiance (2015)
The E-mail's IP address was traced back to a building in Queens.Die IP-Adresse der E-Mail wurde bis zu einem Gebäude in Queens zurückverfolgt. Exposed (2015)
The Queensbury All-service Club in London.Der Queensbury Wohltätigkeitsklub in London. Memories of Murder (2015)
We want to talk to you about your old neighbor in Queens.Wir wollen mit Ihnen über Ihren alten Nachbarn in Queens sprechen. The Illustrious Client (2015)
A John Doe just checked into a hospice in Queen's with nosebleeds, possibly leukemic, but his symptoms don't exactly fit the profile.Ein Mann wurde mit Nasenbluten in ein Hospiz in Queens eingeliefert, möglicherweise Leukämie, aber seine Symptome passen nicht zum Profil. Patient X (2015)
- Go to Queen's.- Geh nach Queens. Patient X (2015)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
queensThere was a time when kings and queens reigned over the world.

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ควีนส์ปาร์ค[Khwīnspāk] (n, prop) EN: Queen's Park  FR: Queens's Park [ m ] ; Queen's Park Rangers [ mpl ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
queens(n) a borough of New York City
queensboro bridge(n) a cantilever bridge across the East River between Manhattan and Queens
queensland(n) a state in northeastern Australia
queensland bottletree(n) large tree of Queensland having cream-colored flowers blotched with red inside; sometimes placed in genus Sterculia, Syn. Brachychiton rupestris, Sterculia rupestris, narrow-leaved bottletree
queensland grass-cloth plant(n) Australian plant of genus Pipturus whose fiber is used in making cloth, Syn. Pipturus argenteus
queensland hemp(n) herb widely distributed in tropics and subtropics used for forage and medicinally as a demulcent and having a fine soft bast stronger than jute; sometimes an aggressive weed, Syn. jellyleaf, Sida rhombifolia
queensland nut(n) bushy tree with pink to purple flowers, Syn. Macadamia tetraphylla
australian lungfish(n) an endangered species of lungfish found in rivers in Queensland, Syn. Neoceratodus forsteri, Queensland lungfish
dundathu pine(n) Australian timber tree resembling the kauri but having wood much lighter in weight and softer, Syn. smooth bark kauri, Agathis robusta, queensland kauri

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. The state, rank, or dignity of a queen. [ 1913 Webster ]

Queensland nut

(Bot.) The nut of an Australian tree (Macadamia ternifolia). It is about an inch in diameter, and contains a single round edible seed, or sometimes two hemispherical seeds. So called from Queensland in Australia. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
昆士兰州[Kūn shì lán zhōu, ㄎㄨㄣ ㄕˋ ㄌㄢˊ ㄓㄡ,     /    ] Queensland (Australia) #68,398 [Add to Longdo]
昆士兰[Kūn shì lán, ㄎㄨㄣ ㄕˋ ㄌㄢˊ,    /   ] Queensland, northeast Australian state #69,266 [Add to Longdo]
布里斯班[Bù lǐ sī bān, ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧˇ ㄙ ㄅㄢ,     /    ] Brisbane, capital of Queensland, Australia #71,732 [Add to Longdo]
大堡礁[Dà bǎo jiāo, ㄉㄚˋ ㄅㄠˇ ㄐㄧㄠ,   ] Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia #75,621 [Add to Longdo]
法拉盛[Fǎ lā shèng, ㄈㄚˇ ㄌㄚ ㄕㄥˋ,   ] Flushing Chinatown, a predominantly Chinese and Korean neighborhood of Queens, New York City [Add to Longdo]
皇后区[Huáng hòu qū, ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄏㄡˋ ㄑㄩ,    /   ] Queens, one of the five boroughs of New York City [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Königin { f } | Königinnen { pl }queen | queens [Add to Longdo]
Rochade { f } (Schach) | kleine Rochade; kurze Rochade | große Rochade; lange Rochadecastling; castle (chess) | castling king's side; castling kingside | castling queen's side; castling queenside [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
エメラルドツリーモニター;エメラルド・ツリー・モニター[emerarudotsuri-monita-; emerarudo . tsuri-. monita-] (n) emerald tree monitor (Varanus prasinus, species of arboreal carnivorous monitor lizard found from New Guinea to Queensland, Australia); green tree monitor [Add to Longdo]
クイーンズランド[kui-nzurando] (n) Queensland [Add to Longdo]
クイーンズランドイエローテールエンジェルフィッシュ[kui-nzurandoiero-te-ruenjierufisshu] (n) Queensland yellowtail angelfish (Chaetodontoplus meredithi); Meredith's angelfish [Add to Longdo]
サビイロオオトカゲ[sabiiroootokage] (n) rusty monitor (Varanus semiremex, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to the east coast of Queensland, Australia) [Add to Longdo]
タマカイ[tamakai] (n) giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus); brindle bass; bumblebee grouper; Queensland grouper [Add to Longdo]
ホシヒレイソハゼ[hoshihireisohaze] (n) Queensland pygmy goby (Eviota queenslandica) [Add to Longdo]
緑細大蜥蜴[みどりほそおおとかげ;ミドリホソオオトカゲ, midorihosoootokage ; midorihosoootokage] (n) (uk) (See エメラルドツリーモニター) emerald tree monitor (Varanus prasinus, species of arboreal carnivorous monitor lizard found from New Guinea to Queensland, Australia); green tree monitor [Add to Longdo]


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