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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
穿着[chuān zhuó, ㄔㄨㄢ ㄓㄨㄛˊ, 穿  / 穿 ] dress; to wear; clothes; attire [Add to Longdo]
穿着打扮[chuān zhuó dǎ bàn, ㄔㄨㄢ ㄓㄨㄛˊ ㄉㄚˇ ㄅㄢˋ, 穿    / 穿   ] style of dress; one's appearance [Add to Longdo]
穿着讲究[chuān zhuó jiǎng jiu, ㄔㄨㄢ ㄓㄨㄛˊ ㄐㄧㄤˇ ㄐㄧㄡ˙, 穿    / 穿   ] smart clothes; particular about one's dress [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- A grown man in pyjamas?[CN] - 一个成年男子穿着睡衣? The Right Kind of Wrong (2013)
Can't swim with your clothes on.[CN] 穿着衣服怎么游泳 Dark Skies (2013)
- She's wearing a stole, right?[CN] - 她是穿着裘皮的吧 Venus in Fur (2013)
- I remember when I wore this.[CN] - 我记得当我穿着这个。 Bruno & Earlene Go to Vegas (2013)
Or a woman walking home drunk, late at night in a short skirt?[CN] 或者是深夜酒醉回家 Or a woman walking home drunk, 穿着超短裙的女人呢 late at night in a short skirt? Insolence & Wine (2013)
They picked me up with silk pajamas on, a mink coat, and a Chanel scarf on my head.[CN] 他们把我接走时 我还穿着丝绸睡衣 裹着貂皮大衣 头戴香奈儿的围巾 20 Feet from Stardom (2013)
You hung around wearing that scent.[CN] 你挂在穿着那香味。 Le Week-End (2013)
The problem is he was wearing the uniform.[CN] 问题是那时他穿着制服 Shootout at Wadala (2013)
- This is a misstatement.[CN] - 这种说法很不准确 当时女人的穿着... Venus in Fur (2013)
Mounts a stallion as white as snow wearing boots and black leather.[CN] 他穿着黑色皮靴 骑上了一匹雪白的骏马 Venus in Fur (2013)
You'll get noticed, looking like terrorists in Care Bear suits![CN] 你们会被发现的 穿着毛绒玩具的恐怖分子 Vive la France (2013)
Do you really think that Annie Lennox is singing about whether she happened to travel the world in Levis or Wranglers?[CN] 你当真觉得会唱 均为美国著名牛仔裤品牌 她穿着李维斯还是牧马人环游世界吗 I Give It a Year (2013)
But you look stupid.[CN] 可是你穿着不好看啊 Enough Said (2013)
- He would just sit there in his pants.[CN] -他穿着裤子坐在那里 I Give It a Year (2013)
Especially for a man in heels.[CN] 还穿着高跟鞋呢 Frozen (2013)
You fell asleep on top of the bed with all your clothes on.[CN] 你还穿着衣服就在床上睡着了 我想溜进来打个盹儿 On Thin Ice (2013)
Here she is in her letter jacket.[CN] 这是她穿着队服夹克 Chapter 3 (2013)
Now, are you part of a justice system or gangsters in uniform?[CN] 你们究竟是执法人员还是穿着制服的暴徒 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013)
I'm in my heels. I've been working all day.[CN] 我穿着高跟鞋工作一天了 In a World... (2013)
And now when I, uh, fall asleep on the couch with my socks on, [CN] 现在 每当我 穿着袜子在沙发上睡着 Homecoming (2013)
I hope the noise above doesn't bother you when I walk in heels.[CN] 我穿着高跟鞋在上面走来走去时 希望没有打扰到您 Venus in Fur (2013)
All the bull-riders are wearing fancy buckets like at this season.[CN] 所有的牛仔这个季节 穿着都很花哨 All the bull -riders are wearing fancy buckets like at this season. A Night in Old Mexico (2013)
A flip-flops on the stairs - extremely dangerous ![CN] 穿着人字拖上楼梯可是极度的危险呐! Les Profs (2013)
What answer would a lab rat understand from a scientist in a white coat putting electrodes in its brain, giving it cancer?[CN] 穿着白大褂的科学家给实验鼠脑子里插电极 致它们患癌,但实验鼠能从中明白什么呢? Dark Skies (2013)
I'm in a rented flat wearing a SpongeBob SquarePants dressing gown, eating a mixture of animal fat and sugar made to look like a fried egg.[CN] 住出租公寓 穿着海绵宝宝睡袍 吃着做成煎蛋形状的 I Give It a Year (2013)
I mean, I had lots of lonely nights, eating in front of the TV, falling asleep with my socks on, but thank God for my biological clock.[CN] 很多个夜晚我孤单一人 在电视前吃饭 穿着袜子睡觉 但谢天谢地我的生物钟 Homecoming (2013)
(Se/ima) ljusz' loved when the shorts were short.[CN] 赛莉玛: 我喜欢看他 穿着短裤的样子。 Fading Gigolo (2013)
No, no, I'm telling you, when this war is finished up, you, my friend, are gonna be standing behind a counter serving hot dogs and super slurps to bubble heads in Hawaiian shirts.[CN] 不不 我告诉你 等战争结束 你 我的朋友 将会站在柜台后面 为穿着夏威夷衬衫的外星人 On Thin Ice (2013)
I'll have you know I dress appropriately.[CN] 告诉你,我穿着可得体了 The Heat (2013)
I saw a photograph of her friend in a thong.[CN] ... 我还看过她女友的一张 穿着丁字裤的照片, Fading Gigolo (2013)
That you would be wearing cowboy boots.[CN] 我真的想象到你穿着牛仔靴 Blind Auditions (2013)
Look at those. You look really cute in those.[CN] 瞧瞧那双鞋 你穿着真可爱 I Give It a Year (2013)
-Really? Must be difficult, if you're always wearing the pants.[CN] 你要是天天穿着你那些泳装不脱, 他怎么"进得去"呢? Verliefd op Ibiza (2013)
No! No, I'm going to keep my clothes on.[CN] 不,不,我要穿着衣服 Frozen (2013)
And General Grant, so shabby in a muddy blue uniform, borrowed from a private.[CN] 格兰特将军则穿着一身从列兵那儿借来的 破烂、泥泞的蓝色军服 Killing Lincoln (2013)
Fucking awesome on you![CN] 你穿着真棒 Vive la France (2013)
Two Pakistani illegals managed to get away dressed as a rabbit and a centipede.[CN] 2名巴基斯坦非法移民试图逃脱 穿着兔子和蜈蚣的衣服 Vive la France (2013)
Was Sarah Kay clothed when she was found?[CN] 当莎拉·凯伊被发现时 她穿着衣服吗 Was Sarah Kay clothed when she was found? Insolence & Wine (2013)
Why are you wearing your training clothes on your wife's birthday?[CN] 你妻子难得的生日派对 你怎么还穿着战斗服啊 Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods (2013)
Sorry I'm late , but in flip flops walk up the stairs very difficult.[CN] 抱歉我来晚了, 但穿着一双人字拖上楼梯确实不方便. Les Profs (2013)
Why can't you dress like Ellen's mom? She looks normal.[CN] 你为什么不能穿着像艾伦的妈妈 她多正常 Enough Said (2013)
You know, I tried to look nice and I tried to carry myself in a decent way, but how it comes across, I mean, I don't set out to say, [CN] 我尽量打扮得漂亮 还得尽量穿着得体 但给人留下什么样的印象呢 20 Feet from Stardom (2013)
- How does it look?[CN] - 你穿着感觉如何 Venus in Fur (2013)
And he kept that that thing on all the way up to St. Louis and back down to Texas.[CN] 他就一直穿着那玩意儿 从圣路易斯再到德克萨斯 Ain't Them Bodies Saints (2013)
Watch it. I'm on heels![CN] 小心, 我穿着高跟鞋呢 Family United (2013)
You really look stylish wearing your uniform.[CN] 你穿着这身侍从服 看起来真高雅 Venus in Fur (2013)
The child has an old uniform.[CN] 孩子还穿着去年的校服 Witching and Bitching (2013)
What, "I've travelled the world in generic jeans"?[CN] 什么是"我穿着普通牛仔环游世界"? I Give It a Year (2013)
You see, they pay no attention because you wear the yellow.[CN] 看啊 你们穿着黄色衣服 他们都不看你 The Hierophant (2013)


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