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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, chèng, ㄔㄥˋ] balance, scale; steelyard
Radical: , Decomposition:   禾 [, ㄏㄜˊ]  平 [píng, ㄆㄧㄥˊ]
Etymology: [ideographic] A balance 平 used to measure grain 禾
Rank: 3737

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: balances; scales; steelyard
On-yomi: ショウ, ヒン, ビン, shou, hin, bin
Kun-yomi: はかり, hakari
Radical: , Decomposition:         

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[chěng, ㄔㄥˇ, ] steel yard; scales #4,807 [Add to Longdo]
[chèng, ㄔㄥˋ, ] steelyard #4,807 [Add to Longdo]
天秤座[Tiān chèng zuò, ㄊㄧㄢ ㄔㄥˋ ㄗㄨㄛˋ,   ] Libra (constellation and sign of the zodiac) #4,585 [Add to Longdo]
秤砣[chèng tuó, ㄔㄥˋ ㄊㄨㄛˊ,  ] steelyard weight; standard weight #62,718 [Add to Longdo]
磅秤[bàng chèng, ㄅㄤˋ ㄔㄥˋ,  ] scale; platform balance #71,175 [Add to Longdo]
杆秤[gǎn chèng, ㄍㄢˇ ㄔㄥˋ,   /  ] a steelyard (a type of balance) #71,191 [Add to Longdo]
弹簧秤[tán huáng chèng, ㄊㄢˊ ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄔㄥˋ,    /   ] spring balance #100,289 [Add to Longdo]
秤杆[chèng gǎn, ㄔㄥˋ ㄍㄢˇ,   /  ] the beam of a steelyard; a balance arm #102,362 [Add to Longdo]
秤盘[chèng pán, ㄔㄥˋ ㄆㄢˊ,   /  ] the tray or pan of a steelyard #112,394 [Add to Longdo]
秤锤[chèng chuí, ㄔㄥˋ ㄔㄨㄟˊ,   /  ] steelyard weights #162,519 [Add to Longdo]
秤砣虽小压千斤[chèng tuó suī xiǎo yā qiān jīn, ㄔㄥˋ ㄊㄨㄛˊ ㄙㄨㄟ ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄧㄚ ㄑㄧㄢ ㄐㄧㄣ,        /       ] although small, a steelyard weight may tip a hundred pounds (成语 saw); #800,950 [Add to Longdo]
折秤[shé chèng, ㄕㄜˊ ㄔㄥˋ,  ] discrepancy in weight [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
天秤座[てんびんざ, tenbinza] (n) ราศีตุลย์
秤量機[ひょうりょうき, hyouryouki] (n) เครื่องชั่งน้ำหนัก (สำหรับชั่งสิ่งที่มีน้ำหนักมากๆ เช่น เครื่องชั่งน้ำหนักรถบรรทุก เป็นต้น)

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
天秤[てんびん, tenbin] (n) ตาชั่ง

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[はかり, hakari] (n) scales; weighing machine; (P) [Add to Longdo]
天秤;天びん;天平(iK)[てんびん, tenbin] (n) (1) (balance) scales; (2) shoulder carrying pole; (3) steelyard #19,176 [Add to Longdo]
ねじり秤;捩り秤[ねじりばかり, nejiribakari] (n) torsion balance [Add to Longdo]
ねじれ秤;捩れ秤[ねじればかり, nejirebakari] (n) torsion balance [Add to Longdo]
化学天秤[かがくてんびん, kagakutenbin] (n) chemical balance [Add to Longdo]
竿秤;棹秤[さおばかり, saobakari] (n) beam balance; steelyard [Add to Longdo]
皿秤[さらばかり, sarabakari] (n) balance [Add to Longdo]
水秤[みずばかり, mizubakari] (n) a water level [Add to Longdo]
台秤[だいばかり, daibakari] (n) platform scales [Add to Longdo]
鋳掛け屋の天秤棒;鋳掛屋の天秤棒[いかけやのてんびんぼう, ikakeyanotenbinbou] (exp) (obsc) intrusive person; being intrusive; a tinker's shoulder pole [Add to Longdo]
直示はかり;直示秤[ちょくじはかり, chokujihakari] (n) (See 直示天秤) direct-reading balance; direct-reading scales [Add to Longdo]
直示天秤;直示天びん[ちょくじてんびん, chokujitenbin] (n) analytical balance; direct reading balance [Add to Longdo]
天秤に掛ける;天秤にかける[てんびんにかける, tenbinnikakeru] (exp, v1) (1) to compare and contrast two alternatives; to weigh the relative merits of A and B; to weigh one's options; (2) (See 両天秤を掛ける) to try to have it both ways; to try to sit on two stools [Add to Longdo]
天秤宮[てんびんきゅう, tenbinkyuu] (n) Libra (7th zodiacal sign); the Scales [Add to Longdo]
天秤座;てんびん座[てんびんざ, tenbinza] (n) (constellation) Libra; the Scales [Add to Longdo]
天秤棒[てんびんぼう, tenbinbou] (n) shoulder carrying pole [Add to Longdo]
秤にかける;計りにかける(iK)[はかりにかける, hakarinikakeru] (exp, v1) (1) to weigh on a scale; (2) to weigh up options; to compare pros and cons [Add to Longdo]
秤動[ひょうどう, hyoudou] (n) oscillation of a heavenly body; libration [Add to Longdo]
秤量;称量[ひょうりょう;しょうりょう, hyouryou ; shouryou] (n, vs) (1) measuring weight; weighing; (2) (ひょうりょう only) maximum weight (on a scales) [Add to Longdo]
発条秤;ばね秤[ばねばかり, banebakari] (n) spring balance; spring scale; pull tension gauge [Add to Longdo]
両天秤[りょうてんびん, ryoutenbin] (n) two alternatives [Add to Longdo]
両天秤に掛ける;両天秤にかける[りょうてんびんにかける, ryoutenbinnikakeru] (exp, v1) (See 両天秤を掛ける) to try to have it both ways; to try to sit on two stools [Add to Longdo]
両天秤を掛ける;両天秤をかける[りょうてんびんをかける, ryoutenbinwokakeru] (exp, v1) (See 両天秤に掛ける) to try to have it both ways; to try to sit on two stools [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Between two stools one falls to the ground.両天秤をかけて失敗した。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Good luck.[CN] 纔秤產笲 The Internship (2013)
-l gotta weigh--[CN] 包起来! -我要秤 The Happy Wanderer (2000)
Well, the sickly parts, of course.[CN] 当然是病态的秤盘 Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt? (2014)
Weigh-station inspector needs to learn some adult words and a bit of hygiene, but he waved us through.[JP] 秤量所の検査官は言葉を学ぶ必要がある。 それと衛生面でも・・・ しかし、彼は終わるまで手を振ってたよ。 The Asset (2013)
I mean, in the exact manner Of a case he just tried and won?[CN] 秤禗ンいデよΑ Burden of Proof (2014)
We'll weigh it later, don't mess around.[CN] 等等会过秤的 只要少半斤你就完了 Kundo: Age of the Rampant (2014)
We crawl on the tower crane and then go down[CN] 从天秤上爬过去 然后下去 Out of Inferno (2013)
Of playing both sides against the middle?[JP] 天秤にかけて いい方を取るとか? All About Allison (2015)
"Evil doctors who place human lives on a scale.[JP] 「命を天秤にかける悪魔の外科医。 Episode #1.8 (2012)
Even if you had used a scale to measure and divide your love it couldn't be any more precise, fair, and touching than this.[CN] 放在秤里 再称一称 即使确认好几次后再平分 也没有比这个更精确 Episode #1.13 (2015)
And the upholder of law for the world[CN] 天下之法秤 Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon (2013)
We would need to use your tower crane[CN] 我要征用天秤杆 Out of Inferno (2013)
..it is that evolution always wins.[CN] ê碞琌秈てッ环穦秤 Man of Steel (2013)
Or put it on a scale?[CN] 用秤去秤吗 Episode #1.14 (2013)
In the red corner, we have Tony.[CN] 请在体重秤旁确认级别和场次 Anywhere for You (2016)
I was just reading this fascinating article ...[CN]  и弄絞ま秤ゅ彻 Phoenix Rising (2014)
So far our killer has given us three tableaus-- the intestines in the scale, the snakes victim, and the four horsemen.[JP] 犯人は3つの"描写"を 再現している -- 秤の中の腸 The Angel of Death (2011)
Unfortunately, the balancing act which you prescribe may prove unnecessary.[JP] 残念だが 君の言う両天秤作戦は 必要無いかもしれない イアン・ゲイルを見つけるのは Blood Is Thicker (2013)
- Then the next time you choose to put our lives, and the lives of the people that we love, at risk, [JP] 次に私たちや 愛する人の命をー 危険と天秤にかけるなら 先に教えてください The Sound and the Fury (2015)
Could you weigh that for me?[CN] 帮我秤一下那块儿 Miss Granny (2015)
Get someone up there to unlock the turntable and swing it to the building across the road[CN] 你叫人松开磨盘 把天秤杆摇过去 对着那边着火的窗口 Out of Inferno (2013)
Anyhow, a Zhao city.[CN] はタ琌化瓣畒 化瓣ゴ秤 Wheat (2009)
Her name is Eva Perkins... size seven shoe, libra, allergic to peanuts.[CN] 她叫Eva Perkins Her name is Eva Perkins... 七码鞋 天秤座 对花生过敏 Size seven shoe, libra, allergic to peanuts. All's Fair (2014)
I see a tower crane in the construction siteacross the road[CN] 我对面的地盘有天秤杆 Out of Inferno (2013)
Flight Number 1, please check your weight[CN] 哎! 1号航班的, 请过秤! Mimino (1977)
"Near by Libra idol"?[CN] "就在天秤座雕像的旁边"? Fugue (2013)
Move the crane to the south-west[CN] 天秤杆向西南 Out of Inferno (2013)
It depends, are you going to make me play scales?[CN] 这取决于,你去不去 让我玩秤 God Help the Girl (2014)
..has to run its course.[CN] -︽驹秤吏挂 Man of Steel (2013)
'May we have a kilo of sweets? '[CN] 能给我秤一公斤糖果吗? Queen (2013)
This machine tells us how the scale is balanced.[CN] 这机器能显示出天秤的指数 Sundown (2010)
Swing the crane back![CN] 把天秤杆摇过去 Out of Inferno (2013)
I weighed the good I see in you versus the horrible things I know you've done, and I realized if I hurt you, [JP] 秤にかけたの 貴方の内に見えた善と 私の知る貴方がやった 恐ろしい事に対して そして気づいた 貴方を傷つけたら Le Grand Guignol (2014)
The Hellcats weighs like 35, 000 pounds.[CN] 盾秤重将近 55 吨。 Saints and Soldiers: The Void (2014)
The intestines on the scale, the snakes victim, and the four horsemen.[JP] 秤の腸 ヘビ事件の被害者のだ 4頭の馬 A Horse of a Different Color (2011)
I'm a Libra too. That's why we get along so well.[JP] 私も天秤座だから 上手くやっていけるのよ Taxi Driver (1976)
- You must have lost 10 pounds. - 15. I weighed myself on the meat scales.[CN] - 十五磅 我用肉秤称了 Irma la Douce (1963)
Libra is the Scales, sir. Justice, maybe?[CN] 天秤座就是天平 长官 也许代表公正? Fugue (2013)
The coward Oakenshield has weighed the value of your life.[JP] オーケンシールドの連中は お前の命の価値を秤に掛けて The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
Tell that to the bathroom scale, 'cause one of you is lying.[CN] 是吗? 跟体重秤说去 因为你们其中一个在撒谎 The Deception Verification (2013)
We have here a scales that balances two different things.[JP] ここに、異なった二つの物を測る 秤があります An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
And the statesmen win, 34-14.[CN] 現獀產钉莉秤34ゑ14 22 Jump Street (2014)
There's no passage on intestines, but the scales of justice are all over the Bible.[JP] 腸は書かれていない だが秤は 聖書の至る所にある A Horse of a Different Color (2011)
Another perfect hookup between haythe and mcquaid.[CN] ﹁籔沉Ω礚丁 現獀產钉莉秤 22 Jump Street (2014)
- He's a Libra.[JP] - 彼は天秤座よ Taxi Driver (1976)
I'm a Libra.[CN] 我是天秤座。 Bro's Before Ho's (2013)
"It's just so perfect that we're both Libras."[CN] "我们都是天秤座 太好了" "It's just so perfect that we're both Libras." The Anxiety Optimization (2015)
And those stones are scales, which set the beast in motion.[CN] "而这些石头是秤,其中设置在运动中的野兽。" The Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power (2015)
You didn't weigh the chain, did you, doc?[CN] 你没有连铁链一起秤吧? One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
But the tower crane won't be very stable on manual mode[CN] 但改了手动 那天秤杆恐怕不稳 Out of Inferno (2013)


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