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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, hàn, ㄏㄢˋ] to incite, to move, to shake
Radical: , Decomposition:   扌 [shǒu, ㄕㄡˇ]  感 [gǎn, ㄍㄢˇ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] hand
Rank: 2987

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: move
On-yomi: カン, kan
Kun-yomi: うごか.す, ugoka.su
Radical: , Decomposition:     

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[hàn, ㄏㄢˋ, ] shake; to incite #26,853 [Add to Longdo]
震撼[zhèn hàn, ㄓㄣˋ ㄏㄢˋ,  ] shake; vibrate; shock; rock; fig. mind-blowing #5,445 [Add to Longdo]
蜻蜓撼石柱[qīng tíng hàn shí zhù, ㄑㄧㄥ ㄊㄧㄥˊ ㄏㄢˋ ㄕˊ ㄓㄨˋ,     ] lit. the dragon-fly shakes the stone tower (成语 saw); fig. to overestimate one's capabilities #570,852 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
震撼[しんかん, shinkan] (n, vs) shake [Add to Longdo]
震撼させる[しんかんさせる, shinkansaseru] (v1) to shock; to shake [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Take out just enough of it to scare me.[CN] 拿出来露出一点点来震撼我吧 Perverts & Whores (2012)
I'm sure they would have blown people away in the '80s.[CN] 我确信那在80年代会让人震撼 The Fifth Estate (2013)
Lord, you awaken our good man![CN] 主啊! 你撼醒了这个男人 Sweetwater (2013)
They won't wanna watch if nothing shocking happens.[CN] 如果没有震撼情节,他们是不会去看的 American Mary (2012)
But sometimes the partner is more shocking than the crime itself.[CN] 有時候犯罪同伙被犯罪本身更讓人震撼 Save the Last Chance (2012)
Santa'-s little secret, right?[CN] Santa小秘密 对不对? 撼动。 Santa' Silent Night (2012)
Olaf's devotion to the realm, albeit humbling, tends to cloud his judgment.[CN] Olaf的献身 境界,虽然震撼人心, 往往到云他的判断。 The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption (2012)
I shook the gears.[CN] 我... 我震撼了齿轮。 Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart (2013)
I'm wearing my fat pants.[CN] 只能穿我的发福裤了 I'm wearing my fat pants. 太震撼了 在半小时后 Remarkable. The Countdown Reflection (2012)
Powell is rocked![CN] 鲍威尔是震撼! The Philly Kid (2012)
"To further emphasize the sheer, unrelenting shock and suspense of Psycho,[CN] 为了进一步渲染本片的 绝对震撼和悬念 Hitchcock (2012)
Physically, yes, but emotionally, she's pretty shook up.[CN] 身体上,肯定, 但在感情上, 她相当震撼了。 Stranger Within (2013)
These blasts did take place in Moscow, but they were felt around the world. Good morning.[JP] モスクワへのテロ攻撃で 世界中が震撼 xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017)
Have never seen anything that rocked previous heart.[CN] 以前从来没见过,震撼 以前的心脏。 One Small Hitch (2013)
Well, then, I give to you... the astounding Bengal tiger![CN] 那麼為各位隆重介紹 令人驚歎震撼的孟加拉虎 Life of Pi (2012)
There is a deep truth to Jing's words.[CN] 王静说的话,深深的震撼了我的心! Due West: Our Sex Journey (2012)
You know, everybody is still in a kind of shock at the same time.[CN] 你知道,大家都还在 在那种震撼的同时。 Murph: The Protector (2013)
One is that we're sitting on a scoop that could shake up the NSA and maybe have the country take another look at the Patriot Act.[CN] 第一种 我们手握能撼动国安局的独家新闻 { \3cH202020 }One is that we're sitting on a scoop that could shake up the NSA 没准还能让国家重新审视爱国者法案 { \3cH202020 }and maybe have the country take another look at the Patriot Act. { \fn方正黑体简体\fs16\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }9/11事件后 政府通过爱国者法案 以防恐为目的 扩张了政府机构的监听权限 The Blackout, Part 1: Tragedy Porn (2012)
You guys, this is awesome.[CN] 大家看 实在太震撼了 Devil's Pass (2013)
I really think this could be powerful, you know? It's got sex, it's got heart.[CN] 这个新闻一定很有震撼力,它牵涉到性爱 Disconnect (2012)
I haven't even seen it yet, but it's supposed to be bonkers.[CN] 我还没去看过 I haven't even seen it yet, 不过一定很震撼 but it's supposed to be bonkers. This Is the End (2013)
Okay, I need to go to my apartment now, and stuff old socks in my ears so I don't hear your lovemaking through the wall.[CN] 我 这将保持肉。 晚安。 所以,你, 你震撼了我。 What If (2013)
Boy, these Barden University Treblemakers always thrill the judges.[CN] 这帮来自巴顿大学的刺儿头小子们总能震撼评委 Pitch Perfect (2012)
I'm not going to wait for another aftershock![CN] 我不想等等另一种震撼! Aftershock (2012)
I went in, had a little therapy session with him.[CN] 我给了他一点震撼教育 Fast & Furious 6 (2013)
The right question and we could have made the world tremble.[JP] 使い様によっては 世界を震撼させられました The Courier (No. 85) (2013)
The storm that shook our souls will smile and still itself[CN] 風暴將撼動我們的靈魂 我們會笑著面對 Dhoom 3 (2013)
I've seen the way you look at women and how shocked you were when you discovered one of them was really a man.[CN] 我见过你看女人的方式 以及如何震撼你 当你发现了 其中之一是一个真正的男人。 Real Playing Game (2013)
It's great in person.[CN] 亲眼所见更为震撼 About Cherry (2012)
Can you recall making any movements to strike or push him when he was convulsing?[CN] 你还记得 做任何动作 罢工或推他 当他被震撼? Banshee Chapter (2013)
Erica and I will conjure up spirits that will awe and amaze you, and then we will turn that awed amazement into cold, hard cash that will help feed, clothe, and educate thousands of homeless orphans.[CN] Erica和我将以魔法召唤魂灵出现 令你们大为震撼 啧啧称奇 之后 我们会将这令人畏惧的惊奇 变成冷冰冰的现金 用以帮助数以千计 无家可归的 孤儿们 提供食物 衣服以及教育 War of the Roses (2012)
I know. They're devastating.[CN] 我知道 很震撼 Liberal Arts (2012)
It's been exactly six months since...[CN] 从岩清水同学那里 收到那封震撼心灵的信 For Love's Sake (2012)
The ruthlessness of the act was surpassed only by its genius, that David had struck Goliath.[CN] 这一行为的冷血被那种胆识所带来的震撼所盖过了 The ruthlessness of the act was surpassed only by its genius. 就像《圣经》中牧羊人大卫杀死巨人格利亚斯的那一刻 The David had struck Goliath. The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2012)
When this gets out it is gonna spread fast, and a lot of wesen are gonna freak.[JP] 多くの凶獣が怯え 凶獣社会を震撼させる事になったら Natural Born Wesen (2013)
You're gonna have to say "yes." You can't shake your head. "Yes."[CN] 你得说"是"。 你不能撼动你的头。 "是的。" Let the Fire Burn (2013)
A Los Angeles neighborhood is shaken by a bank robbery that ended in homicide and terror.[JP] ロスは殺人と恐怖を伴った... 銀行強盗で震撼しています Heat (1995)
It's amazing.[CN] 太震撼了 Gravity (2013)
Look, I know I rocked your world, but you can't just follow me home.[CN] 我知道我震撼到你了 但是你不能跟蹤我到家裡 Endless Wonder (2012)
You just shocked the entire Gossip Board.[CN] 你刚刚超酷的 震撼了整个八卦板 Silent Code (2012)
We are close to an offensive that will shake the planet, yet we are continually delayed because you cannot outwit a simpleton with a shield![JP] 地球を震撼させる攻撃まで あと少しだと言うのに... 遅れ続けている。 お前が盾を持ったバカを 出し抜けないからだ。 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
It's overwhelming![CN] 令人震撼 The Best Offer (2013)
Audiences want to be shocked, Barney.[CN] 巴尼 观众想要被震撼 Hitchcock (2012)
Because a vibrance and an instinct like yours is so rare.[CN] 因为震撼像你这样的天赋太少见了 因为震撼像你这样的天赋太少见了 The Crown and the Dragon (2013)
Well, Gail, the women, typically, cannot hit the low notes, which really round out an arrangement, thrill the judges, and that can really hurt them in competition.[CN] 盖尔 通常来说 女性很难发出低音 低音能为编排增色不少 从而能震撼评委 而在比赛中 这点恰恰是女性所欠缺的 Pitch Perfect (2012)
Shit, she's convulsing![CN] 妈的,她的震撼! Lost Place (2013)
I'm the one that let him go, I'm the one that wanted this to happen and for God to shake him up.[CN] 我米一个 让他走, 我米说希望这样的事情发生一 并为神撼动他。 Not Today (2013)
We'll show you newbies some manners![CN] 第一次来就让你好好享受 BBS的震撼教育 Silent Code (2012)
Let's get John McCain and Sarah Palin elected, and let's shake up Washington and move this country forward![CN] 让我们选择约翰·麦凯恩和萨拉·佩林 震撼华盛顿 推动这个国家前进 Game Change (2012)
The car thrills weren't over, though.[CN] 汽车震撼时刻并未结束 50 Years of Bond Cars (2012)


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