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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, hàn, ㄏㄢˋ] to incite, to move, to shake
Radical: , Decomposition:   扌 [shǒu, ㄕㄡˇ]  感 [gǎn, ㄍㄢˇ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] hand
Rank: 2987

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: move
On-yomi: カン, kan
Kun-yomi: うごか.す, ugoka.su
Radical: , Decomposition:     

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[hàn, ㄏㄢˋ, ] shake; to incite #26,853 [Add to Longdo]
[zhèn hàn, ㄓㄣˋ ㄏㄢˋ,  ] shake; vibrate; shock; rock; fig. mind-blowing #5,445 [Add to Longdo]
蜻蜓石柱[qīng tíng hàn shí zhù, ㄑㄧㄥ ㄊㄧㄥˊ ㄏㄢˋ ㄕˊ ㄓㄨˋ,     ] lit. the dragon-fly shakes the stone tower (成语 saw); fig. to overestimate one's capabilities #570,852 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[しんかん, shinkan] (n, vs) shake [Add to Longdo]
させる[しんかんさせる, shinkansaseru] (v1) to shock; to shake [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
And you can forget about another X-17, or the X-18 or even the X-36.[CN] 我想动混合穿上吨告知 他们想要的东西 How to Build a Better Boy (2014)
- Yeah. - Stunning.[CN] 人心 The Expendables 3 (2014)
Fact and fiction have furnished many astounding examples of crime that have shocked the senses and staggered the reason of men.[CN] 事实与虚构 有许多装饰 犯罪令人震惊的例子 那震的感官 Lizzie Borden Took an Ax (2014)
♪ A hurricane is shaking ♪ ♪ And I'm faking To get undressed ♪[CN] 一场风暴震着 我痛苦的脱衣服 The Song (2014)
They'll open your heart.[CN] 动你心扉 Once Upon a Time in Shanghai (2014)
So imagine my shock when I visited my father at work one day and discovered he had game.[CN] 所以,想象一下我的震 当我参观了我的父亲 在工作1天 并发现他有比赛。 White Bird in a Blizzard (2014)
And I realized that day, talking to Peter, that I couldn't let that happen. When SOPA was introduced in October, 2011, it was considered inevitable. Our strategy, when it first came out, was to hopefully slow the bill down, maybe weaken it a little bit but, even we didn't think that we would be able to stop this bill.[CN] 且拥有的基本权利 { \fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3 }we'd always taken for granted. 我绝不会让它发生 { \fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3 }that I couldn't let that happen. 人们认为它是不可动的 { \fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3 }it was considered inevitable. even we The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)
Can we sing We Will Rock You?[CN] 我们能不能唱《我们要摇你》? Heaven Is for Real (2014)
This is gonna be a bumpy ride.[CN] 汽车运行极大的震了家。 Kingdom Come (2014)
So if you have any power or any say in what they do or how they use you, [CN] 如果你还有能力 可以拒绝他们利用你,或者动他们的决议 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)
Regan's rabbi is furious.[CN] 从我的理解,老师 里根的心灵震 Catch Hell (2014)
Just this morning, a journalist from a local negro paper was in my office wanting to verify the shocking rumor that buell green was embarking on a groundbreaking, top-secret study exploring negro sexuality.[CN] 就在今天早上 当地一家黑人报纸的记者来我办公室 想要核实坊间的震传闻 Blackbird (2014)
There was like a hundred representative swing. And that was when, as hard as it was for me to believe, after all this, we had won. The thing that everyone said was impossible, that some of the biggest companies in the world had written off as kind of a pipedream, had happened.[CN] 约有百来名议员被动了 { \fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3 }There was like a hundred representative swing. 我们总算赢了 { \fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3 }we had won. 成真了 { \fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3 }had happened. The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)
These blasts did take place in Moscow, but they were felt around the world. Good morning.[JP] モスクワへのテロ攻撃で 世界中が震 xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017)
Dude, even the Dean's rocked it.[CN] 老兄, 即使是院长的震吧。 Bro, What Happened? (2014)
And Martin shook me.[CN] 和马丁震了我。 The Fluffy Movie: Unity Through Laughter (2014)
I am struck by the column of bright white, placed precisely off centre here, applied over the darkened background, impasto, contrasting with the scarlet and ochre hues in the upper left corner, which in turn contrasts with the presence of God, [CN] 我被这条亮白色震到了 I am struck by the column of bright white, 正好在这中心 placed precisely off centre here, 涂在黯淡的背景上 厚涂颜料的绘画方法 applied over the darkened background, impasto, Mr. Turner (2014)
I asked them to sing We Will Rock You, but they wouldn't.[CN] 我叫他们唱《我们要摇你》 可是他们不肯 Heaven Is for Real (2014)
He's going to kill it![CN] 他一定会震全场 The Carrot in the Kudzu (2014)
Your fighting spirits are strong, your techniques fierce![CN] 的战斗精神 犀利的技巧 Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist (2014)
We just fucking got fucking rocked.[CN] 我們剛剛得到他媽的他媽的震 Korengal (2014)
China's unelected Communist Party began to fear that they might escalate and shake its undemocratic grip on power.[CN] 中国非民选的共产党政权开始担心了 因为这些群体事件继续发酵将会动它即由非民主集权得来的权利基础 How China Fooled the World: With Robert Peston (2014)
♪ shook out[CN] Lizzie Borden Took an Ax (2014)
Have faith the size of a mustard seed and you can move a mountain![CN] 只要有一点点信念... 你就能拥有动高山的力量 Get on Up (2014)
The right question and we could have made the world tremble.[JP] 使い様によっては 世界を震させられました The Courier (No. 85) (2013)
Two days later, boom, shake the room, yes please.[CN] 两天后 嘭地动房间 好了 Cuban Fury (2014)
Rock the cockblock![CN] penhalang震鸟! School Dance (2014)
Could we sing We Will Rock You?[CN] 我们能不能唱《我们要摇你》? Heaven Is for Real (2014)
Fight the shock![CN] 对斗争的震 Gun Woman (2014)
We are standing in the middle of a time when great injustice is not touched.[CN] 我们所处的时代是 巨大的不公正还未被动 { \fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3 }We are standing in the middle of a time when great injustice is not touched. The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)
Rock the cockblock![CN] 鸟屏障震 School Dance (2014)
When this gets out it is gonna spread fast, and a lot of wesen are gonna freak.[JP] 多くの凶獣が怯え 凶獣社会を震させる事になったら Natural Born Wesen (2013)
Powerful speech.[CN] 充满震力的演讲 A Few Words (2014)
What you're about to see will astound your very senses and harrow... yes, harrow your souls.[CN] 你将会看到扣动心弦 震灵魂的表演 没错 这表演足以震你的灵魂 Monsters Among Us (2014)
I was absolutely shocked at the threshold that I had to cry uncle.[CN] 我在绝对震 门槛,我不得不哭的叔叔。 America: Imagine the World Without Her (2014)
I am struck by the clarity with which you have captured the moment.[CN] 我被您在那一刻所扑捉到的纯净深深震 I am struck by the clarity with which you have captured the moment. Mr. Turner (2014)
I don't know what that is, has rocked Texas since last summer when the former Miss Texas accused her new husband of poisoning her breakfast tea.[CN] 我不知道那是什么, 已经震德州 自去年夏天 当前得克萨斯小姐 指责她的新丈夫 A Daughter's Nightmare (2014)
This is a shock.[CN] 这是一个震 Fields of the Dead (2014)
What I was told about lesbians really did shock me.[CN] 我被告知,同性恋者确实震了我。 Pride (2014)
A Los Angeles neighborhood is shaken by a bank robbery that ended in homicide and terror.[JP] ロスは殺人と恐怖を伴った... 銀行強盗で震しています Heat (1995)
It's a humbling thought.[CN] 这是一个震人心的想法。 Authors Anonymous (2014)
My Theory for Applied Music rocked.[CN] 我的应用音乐理论 震 God Help the Girl (2014)
We are close to an offensive that will shake the planet, yet we are continually delayed because you cannot outwit a simpleton with a shield![JP] 地球を震させる攻撃まで あと少しだと言うのに... 遅れ続けている。 お前が盾を持ったバカを 出し抜けないからだ。 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
I won't shake the tree until the cavalry gets there.[CN] 不会树,直到 骑兵到达那里。 Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines (2014)
And you can move a mountain![CN] 你就能拥有动高山的力量! Get on Up (2014)
The impact of the foaming brine incarnadine consuming those unfortunate Negro slaves never ceases to quicken the beat of my heart.[CN] 在起着泡沫的血红的海水上 The impact of the foaming brine incarnadine 贩卖着那些不幸的黑奴 consuming those unfortunate Negro slaves 那种震总是让我心跳加速 never ceases to quicken the beat of my heart. Mr. Turner (2014)
- Stunning delivery.[CN] -震人心的演讲 The Expendables 3 (2014)
I can feel it.[CN] 那演技都震到骨子里了 I can feel it with my bones. Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)
The one addiction I haven't been able to shake.[CN] 一个网瘾 我一直没能动。 Stretch (2014)
There's a huge explosion, and I just keep walking.[CN] 不管爆炸多剧烈场面多震 我就闲庭信步一般 There's a huge explosion, and I just keep walking. Penguins of Madagascar (2014)


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