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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
去向[qù xiàng, ㄑㄩˋ ㄒㄧㄤˋ,  ] the position of sth; whereabouts #11,493 [Add to Longdo]
去向不明[qù xiàng bù míng, ㄑㄩˋ ㄒㄧㄤˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄇㄧㄥˊ,    ] missing; lost #49,268 [Add to Longdo]
不知去向[bù zhī qù xiàng, ㄅㄨˋ ㄓ ㄑㄩˋ ㄒㄧㄤˋ,    ] whereabouts unknown; gone missing [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- I'll announce you to the Colonel. - Thank you.[CN] -我去向上校报告 To Be or Not to Be (1942)
I was just coming to say good night. - Good night.[CN] -我正要去向你道晚安 The Red Shoes (1948)
♪ 'Cause all that i need's this crazy feeling[CN] ♪ 我不在乎我是否知道我会去向何方 La La Land (2016)
I will not fail.[CN] 如果测试失败的话 Failure will find you explaining why 你要去向陛下亲自谢罪 to a far less patient audience. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Can I ask the Virgin something first?[CN] 我能先去向圣母许愿吗? Law of Desire (1987)
Ethan, come on, sit down.[CN] 我去向禁毒署报告 I'll reach out to the DEA. 告诉他们这件事和你发现的 Tell 'em about this and everything 关于克里格医生的一切 you found out about Dr. Pick Your Poison (2016)
Yeah, I'll ask Santa.[CN] 对,我要去向圣诞老人要 A Christmas Story (1983)
Why are you acting sexy?[CN] -小森也去向她请教 -嗯 -虽然这个请教延伸出了一些问题 Girl's Decision in Love (2016)
You buyin' somethin'?[CN] 请你告诉我萨莉安的去向 Can you please tell me where I can find Sally -Ann? It's Good to Be King (2016)
Because I have to make a call.[CN] 要去向大本营汇报情况 Episode #1.8 (2016)
Waps.[CN] 我去向法官申请立刻开一场听证会 I'll let the judge know we want a hearing right away. The Man in the Basement (2017)
Sergei and Odessa won't be able to tell us where Eva was going the afternoon she went missing or who she was meeting.[CN] 塞奇和奥德萨无法给我们解答 Sergei and Odessa won't be able to tell us where Eva was going 伊娃失踪的那个下午 她的去向或她去见谁 the afternoon she went missing or who she was meeting. Best Foot Forward (2015)
She's reported me.[CN] 我需要和你聊聊 你那贱人妻子去向校方举报 害我被停职了 The Secret of Sales (2017)
We create a computerized diary of all the DL's dealings.[CN] 每一分钱的去向 down to the last penny. 建立一个记录所有DL交易的电脑日记 We create a computerized diary of all the DL's dealings. Crossroads (2015)
- And Qui Wan Sing?[CN] - 去向不明 - 还有邱王森? - whereabouts unknown. Ghosts in the Machine (2016)
No clue yet as to Williams' whereabouts.[CN] 到目前还不知道威廉斯的去向 His Girl Friday (1940)
Francisco Rizi's Grand Inquisition. 1492.[CN] 我要去向长老们汇报情况 Assassin's Creed (2016)
It's Drifting Emotions .[CN] 这种情况 应该要去向她道谢才对吧? Emotions (2017)
Waterloo Road, Stanford Street and Waterloo Bridge.[CN] 我们在桥上失去了他的踪迹,但他在环岛路上只有三个去向 Criminal (2016)
You've done your homework on the A-Virus.[CN] 如果触发物是风媒传播 那就更难控制其去向和感染对象 Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)
I'm gonna advise the family to sue the city for police brutality and wrongful death.[CN] Oh. 我还要去向泰勒一家传达噩耗 I've got to go deliver the bad news to the taylor family. From the Ashes of Tragedy (2016)
- I'm going. - My compliments to Mademoiselle Martel.[CN] 一我走 一去向玛特尔小姐献殷勤去. One Hour with You (1932)
We managed to get through to the deputy of the State Duma, [CN] 你必须去向国会代理报告 Attraction (2017)
Even us: we don't know from whence we come or where we go.[CN] 我們不知從何而來 亦不知去向何方... Les Visiteurs du Soir (1942)
You know how to use one?[CN] 戴佛斯爵士说了你的去向和目的 陛下 Eastwatch (2017)
I will go to congratulate Mother.[CN] 抱歉,那我去向妈妈问好 The Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family (1941)
Then perhaps you will convey to Her Highness... that I've been waiting for some time now to congratulate her... on the great historic event of providing our country with a much-needed heir to the throne.[CN] 那么也许你会转告给女殿下... 说我一直等着某个 时候去向你祝贺... 祝贺她为我们国家提供了 一个急需的皇位继承人的 这个伟大的历史事件 The Scarlet Empress (1934)
Any clues to where they may have gone?[CN] 有他们去向的线索吗 Curtains (2013)
Any Chinese artifact brought into the U.S.[CN] 你觉得玉玺接下来的去向是哪里 当纽约警署结案之后 Worth Several Cities (2016)
That is true.[CN] 你去向Emily道歉 You went to Emily's to apologize. The Empathy Optimization (2016)
It's a hospital.[CN] 奎恩的失踪时间不明 Quinn's gone since you don't know when 去向不明 你们还要我限制看望次数 and to God knows where, and you want me to limit my visits? Fair Game (2016)
- I'm hanging up now.[CN] 我刚准备进去向基恩做简报 I'm just about to go in and brief Keane. The Covenant (2017)
- Somebody ought to tell Matt.[CN] -该有人去向马修说 Red River (1948)
I'll get these horses tended to.[CN] 我要注意那些马的去向。 Silverado (1985)
I told my parents today.[CN] 我今天回去向爸爸妈妈报告过了 Rainbow Song (2006)
To the bar![CN] 忘记过去向前走! Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)
Hey, seriously, where are you guys?[CN] 大家今天提出了各种疑问 目前正在 Questions abound today as an international manhunt is underway 对迪伦·罗德和他不知去向的魔术师犯罪团伙展开国际追捕 for Dylan Rhodes and his elusive and criminal band of illusionists. Now You See Me 2 (2016)
Now go out and make your speech to them, dear.[CN] 现在出去向他们演讲 亲爱的 Now go out and make your speech to them, dear. I Married a Witch (1942)
It's all my fault.[CN] 高达3兆元的投资金目前还不知去向 Master (2016)
"Where do you think you're going, my darling, my love?"[CN] '你想让心儿去向何方 我的甜心,我的挚爱... ' Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995)
Wait, once you get your cousin back, can't we prove the money Naz paid wasn't used to help terrorists?[CN] 一旦她威胁到了对方 Once she made her threat, 他们就跟踪这笔钱的去向找到Felix they followed the money trail to Felix, 就成了现在这样 and here we are. When Pirates Pirate Pirates (2015)
Von Sturgkh here tells me you're one of the greatest minds in Europe.[CN] 那你有去向了 Einstein: Chapter Five (2017)
You will make a novena to our Blessed Virgin.[CN] 你去向萬福聖母作九日敬禮 The Nun's Story (1959)
"Go and ask for forgiveness from god and man. "[CN] 「自己去向上帝還有人類請求寬恕吧」 Rosa Luxemburg (1986)
Oh, so that's how they beat him? The fucking Paleo Diet?[CN] 他最后的去向是... Paradise (2016)
_[CN] Drogon仍然不知去向? The Children (2014)
- Let's see how easy he scares. - Hmm.[CN] 我们手上有现金的去向 We got the list of the payouts. Undercover! (2016)
Would it be okay if I just looked around?[CN] 您知道翁主殿下的去向吗 The Last Princess (2016)
You're not using the car to propose to Sophie.[CN] 你不能用那辆车去向Sophie求婚 You're not using the car to propose to Sophie. And the Past and the Furious (2015)
- I want to say "How do you do?" to her.[CN] 一我想去向她问声好 One Hour with You (1932)


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