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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
去向[qù xiàng, ㄑㄩˋ ㄒㄧㄤˋ,  ] the position of sth; whereabouts #11,493 [Add to Longdo]
去向不明[qù xiàng bù míng, ㄑㄩˋ ㄒㄧㄤˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄇㄧㄥˊ,    ] missing; lost #49,268 [Add to Longdo]
不知去向[bù zhī qù xiàng, ㄅㄨˋ ㄓ ㄑㄩˋ ㄒㄧㄤˋ,    ] whereabouts unknown; gone missing [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'm going to report your tricks to the Supreme Commander.[CN] 我要去向总司令报告你们的诡计 Doraemon: Nobita and the New Steel Troops: ~Winged Angels~ (2011)
Enjoy the party. Have more kugel. I'll go ask my husband for your money.[CN] 多吃点 我去向我老公要你们的工钱 And the Kosher Cupcakes (2012)
Four days.[CN] 要去四天,她想了解我的去向 Four days. Goats (2012)
If somebody comes looking for the Red John case files, or asks where they've gone, you're to inform me immediately.[CN] 好 如果有人找你要血手约翰的卷宗 或者问你这些卷宗的去向 你必须立刻通知我 Red is the New Black (2012)
She moved half her semiconductor business here, and we want you to present our restructuring proposal to her.[CN] 把她半导体生意的一半搬到了这里 我们想让你去向她演示提案 And the Law Won (2012)
I will do away with my shame and ask for their help...[CN] 厚着脸皮去向他们求助吧 Thermae Romae (2012)
They have already run away without trace.[CN] 不知去向 Legendary Amazons (2011)
Then thank you for your time.[CN] 一会我要去向胡安娜公主宣誓效忠 Isabel, la reina (2011)
I'd like to to the past and complain to God.[CN] 好想回去很久很久以前 去向神抱怨一下啊 Doraemon: Nobita and the New Steel Troops: ~Winged Angels~ (2011)
And he would know where the shipments go?[CN] 他知道货物的去向 Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning (2012)
In some homes they do the paperwork for you to claim social security payments[CN] 如果你肯在他那儿买个床位呢 他就会帮你办妥所有的手续 然后就去向政府要补贴 A Simple Life (2011)
Pray to the same gods who idly stood by... as my wife and my children were stricken by disease.[CN] 去向眼睁睁看着我妻小 因病死亡的天神祈祷 Immortals (2011)
You owe Carol an apology.[CN] 你该去向卡萝道歉 Judge, Jury, Executioner (2012)
"If we go anywhere, we go together to meet what happens.[CN] 「无论去向,我们一起迎战未知 Black Butterflies (2011)
Let's go tell the colonel the news.[CN] 我们赶紧去向上校汇报吧 let's go tell the Colonel the news. Twin Destinies (2011)
My doctor said we can't choose where we come from... but we can choose where we go from there.[CN] 医生说 我们无法选择自己从何而来 但我们可以选择去向何方 The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
- Why would he want that?[CN] 以及錢的去向 Strawberries and Cream: Part 1 (2011)
Someone should report to home-world command, explain what's been going on.[CN] 得有人去向地球安全指挥部报告 Someone should report to Homeworld Command, 上报我们现在的状况 explain what's been going on. Twin Destinies (2011)
In the event of a power outage, luminous paint will guide you to the nearest exit.[CN] 一旦停电 夜光箭头将会引导你 去向最近的出口 The Roommate Transmogrification (2011)
Maybe he's getting ready to compel you to take her money as her guardian, so he can attack it.[CN] 或许他早就筹谋好 逼你这个监护人 去向她要钱 这样他就可以掌控一切 Part Five (2011)
But if I'm really gonna try to track down the money, how should I do it?[CN] 但如果我真的要追踪钱的去向, 我该怎么做? Searching for Sugar Man (2012)
"I want you to go prove to the world what I already know.[CN] 我想让你去向世界证明一些我已经知道的事情 Cars 2 (2011)
I'll apologize to Ser Alliser tonight.[CN] 我今晚会去向艾里沙爵士道歉. I'll apologize to Ser Alliser tonight. Baelor (2011)
I know you're waiting to send a report, so do it.[CN] 你们直接去向他报告吧 Tekken: Blood Vengeance (2011)
I am never going to hear the end of that damn necklace.[CN] 我這輩子都沒法知道 那項鏈的去向 Ghost World (2011)
Turn around and start walking.[CN] 转过身去向前走 Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
Follow the money.[CN] 查一下资金去向 Hijacked (2012)
I will go to the police interrogation.[CN] -我去向警方讯问案情 -随时让我知道情况 The Burma Conspiracy (2011)
What if she told them where you were going?[CN] 要是她把你的去向告訴他們怎麼辦 Unknown (2011)
You pay up and I'll say where he's gone.[CN] 你给我钱,我就告诉你他的去向 You pay up and I'll say where he's gone. Les Misérables (2012)
Well, you could ask Varys where she is.[CN] 她的去向,你可以问问瓦里斯 The North Remembers (2012)
I will tell you what's fucking bullshit, Charlie, is why I have to explain to my agent and friend of way too many years why it's absurdly inappropriate to represent my daughter's boyfriend as a client.[CN] 就是凭什么我要花很多年时间 去向我的经纪人和朋友们解释 为什么做我女儿男友的经纪人 是不靠谱的 At the Movies (2012)
Headed north about an hour ago.[CN] 一小时前去向北去了 Deadfall (2012)
Now, I'm sure that he knows a bunch of other musicians who all have valuable instruments that we could insure.[CN] 他肯定认识很多拥有价值不菲乐器 的音乐家 我们可以去向他们卖保险 Thin Ice (2011)
He's sending Wistrom to buy them from Moreau.[CN] 所以他派威斯壯去向莫露購買 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)
Say, lone/y boy, where are you going?[CN] 说吧,孤独的男孩你要去向何方 Me and You (2012)
- No. Maybe we should just go ahead and tell him ourselves.[CN] 也许我们应该直接进去向他坦白一切 Semper I (2011)
I said turn around and start walking![CN] 我说了转过身去向前走 Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
His men arrived. Dragan Lazarevic But not here.[CN] 他的人到了 但是拉扎雷维奇不知去向 The Burma Conspiracy (2011)
I know. What happens to their soul?[CN] 是啊 你说然后他们的灵魂会去向何方? Hurricane Monica (2012)
You report this to the King in private, and find out where the embezzled funds are going.[CN] 你继续秘密行动 去查一下贪污税收的去向 Detective K: Secret of Virtuous Widow (2011)
Is Dad still AWOL?[CN] 爸爸還不知去向嗎? Grace (2011)
No point in questioning her.[CN] 没必要去向她核实 Batman: Year One (2011)
When Sugino stabbed Mr. Aoyagi... why did he not surrender, you think?[CN] 杉野同学杀害青柳先生的时候 你知道他为何没有去向警方自首? The Wings of the Kirin (2011)
...and see where he goes.[CN] 然后就能知道他的去向 Hermanos (2011)
We pioneers will spawn the first generation blessed with free will, taking vengeance upon those whose arrogance once assumed our servitude.[CN] 作为先锋我们将哺育第一代 有着自主思想的战士 去向那些奴役我们的 Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning (2012)
Where the smog and trash and chemicals go[CN] 污霧垃圾去向何處 The Lorax (2012)
Did you hear about the man who shot up a woman's bar?[CN] 你听说过有人会去向一个女人的酒吧开枪? El Gringo (2012)
Including money trail from the Hawala shop-- where it went, [CN] 包括追查地下钱庄的金融交易及资金去向 Blind Spot (2011)
Sometimes my dad would be gone for a few days and he'd never call to let us know.[CN] 有時候我爸爸會失蹤幾天 他也從不告訴我們他的去向 Red Gold (2011)


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