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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
hello, larry... alf.Unsere Gäste sind Staatssekretär Simon Dryden und Sammy Davis, Jr. Pennsylvania 6-5000 (1986)
You can call me Nick Ryder.Nennen Sie mich Nick Ryder. Bonheur à Vendre (2015)
Wait outside, ryder.Warte draußen, Ryder. Rubicon (2015)
You need to rest, let Ryder take some of the load.Du musst dich ausruhen. Ryder wird dich gern entlasten. Chapter I: The Fort (2015)
He needs me, Ryder.Er braucht mich, Ryder. Chapter I: The Fort (2015)
Ryder's room is on the second floor, first door.Ryders Zimmer ist im zweiten Stock, erste Tür. Chapter I: The Fort (2015)
Ryder?Ryder? Chapter I: The Fort (2015)
Ryder is not gonna be happy about this.Ryder ist da sicher anderer Meinung. Chapter I: The Fort (2015)
Blair Dryden, age 27.Blair Dryden, Alter 27. The Last Death of Henry Morgan (2015)
What's Blair Dryden doing with an ancient Roman dagger?Was hat Blair Dryden mit einem antiken römischen Dolch gemacht? The Last Death of Henry Morgan (2015)
We're just here to ask a few questions about the death of Blair Dryden.Wir sind nur hier um ihnen ein paar Fragen zu stellen über den Tod von Blair Dryden. The Last Death of Henry Morgan (2015)
Quinn's son, Ryder.Quinns Sohn, Ryder. Chapter II: Fist Like a Bullet (2015)
I think Ryder and I should scout it out.Ryder und ich schauen nach. Chapter II: Fist Like a Bullet (2015)
Apparently, Ryder has uncovered a conspiracy.Scheinbar ist Ryder da was auf der Spur gekommen. Chapter II: Fist Like a Bullet (2015)
Ryder!Ryder! Chapter II: Fist Like a Bullet (2015)
Come now, Ryder.Komm schon, Ryder. Chapter IV: Two Tigers Subdue Dragons (2015)
Ryder's gonna be my family as well.Ryder wird auch meine Familie sein. Chapter III: White Stork Spreads Wings (2015)
- I was avenging Ryder.- Ich habe Ryder gerächt. Chapter III: White Stork Spreads Wings (2015)
You need to see Ryder.Du musst zu Ryder gehen. Chapter III: White Stork Spreads Wings (2015)
Ryder has been injured.Ryder wurde verletzt. Chapter III: White Stork Spreads Wings (2015)
I can't let Ryder die.Ich kann Ryder nicht sterben lassen. Chapter III: White Stork Spreads Wings (2015)
Ryder's bandages will need changing. I'll return in the morning.Ryders Verband muss gewechselt werden. Chapter III: White Stork Spreads Wings (2015)
At least not until Ryder's recovered.Nicht, bis Ryder gesund ist. Chapter III: White Stork Spreads Wings (2015)
I did everything for you, Ryder.Ich habe alles für dich getan, Ryder. Chapter III: White Stork Spreads Wings (2015)
- Did something happen with Ryder?Ist etwas mit Ryder? Chapter III: White Stork Spreads Wings (2015)
- No, Ryder's fine, thanks to you.Nein, Ryder geht es gut. Dank dir. Chapter III: White Stork Spreads Wings (2015)
It's about Ryder.Es geht um Ryder. Chapter VI: Hand of Five Poisons (2015)
So I went to a Dr Ryder in Harley Street.Ich ging also zu einem Dr. Ryder, der eine kleine Operation vorschlug. Episode #6.2 (2015)
Now, I'm going to take you up to London, we'll meet Dr Ryder and listen to what he has to say.Wir fahren nach London und fragen Dr. Ryder, was er meint. Episode #6.2 (2015)
Have you given any more thought to Mr Ryder's advice?Haben Sie über Mr. Ryders Rat nachgedacht? Episode #6.3 (2015)
Do you know of a house called Dryden Park, near York?Kennen Sie ein Haus namens Dryden Park, in der Nähe von York? Episode #6.3 (2015)
How did you get on at Dryden Park?Wie lief es in Dryden Park? Episode #6.3 (2015)
I'll ring Dr Ryder, there'll be a night telephone line.Ich rufe Dr. Ryder an. Es gibt einen Nachtdienst. Episode #6.4 (2015)
You're seeing Doctor Ryder.- Nein. Geh lieber zu Dr. Ryder. Episode #6.6 (2015)
He wants me to see Doctor Ryder again.Er will, dass ich zu Dr. Ryder gehe. Episode #6.6 (2015)
- Doctor Ryder was my idea, not yours.Dr. Ryder war meine Idee, nicht Ihre. Episode #6.6 (2015)
Or was it your idea, Bryden Bandweth?Oder war es deine Idee, Bryden Bandweth? The New Girl (2015)
Hello, Bryden, Adrienne, and Camryn.Hallo, Bryden, Adrienne und Camryn. The New Girl (2015)
Bryden is my full name.Die Kurzform für Bryden. Secret Agenting (2015)
So it's Bryden Bandweth.Bryden Bandweth. Secret Agenting (2015)
Bryden Bandweth.Bryden Bandweth. Secret Agenting (2015)
[ Cam ] This is my friend Bryden.Das ist Bryden. Smart Is the New Cool (2015)
Move it Maurice, the baby isn't gonna make itself.Scout Ryder. Daddy Julien (2015)
- Mr. Ryder.- Mr. Ryder. The Finest Hours (2016)
Don't worry about me, Mr. Ryder, Keine Sorge, Mr. Ryder. The Finest Hours (2016)
Thank you, Mr. Ryder, thank you..Danke, Mr. Ryder. Danke. The Finest Hours (2016)
Well, you can't be Butch Ryder, 'cause I already put my picture on this one, so, you snooze, you lose.Butch Ryder geht nicht, denn mein Bild ist schon drauf, Chance verpennt. The Do-Over (2016)
with Butch Ryder.Mit Butch Ryder. The Do-Over (2016)
So, what now, Butch Ryder? You got me.Was jetzt, Butch Ryder? The Do-Over (2016)
'Cause I found it up Butch Ryder's ass.Weil ich ihn in Butch Ryders Arsch fand. The Do-Over (2016)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
วาฬบรูดา[wān Brudā] (n, exp) EN: Bryde's Whale
วาฬซิทตัง[wān sittang] (n, exp) EN: Bryde's Whale

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
Dryden(n) the outstanding poet and dramatist of the Restoration (1631-1700), Syn. John Dryden

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

v. i. To gride. See Gride. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. A clause added to a document; a rider. See Rider. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

2. [ D. rijder, properly, a rider. ] A gold coin of Zealand [ Netherlands ] equal to 14 florins, about $5.60 (ca. 1910). [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
莱德杯[Lái dé bēi, ㄌㄞˊ ㄉㄜˊ ㄅㄟ,    /   ] the Ryder Cup (US and Europe golf team competition) [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Brydewal { m }; Tropischer Wal [ zool. ]Bryde's whale; tropical whale (Balaenoptera edeni) [Add to Longdo]

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