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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
gautaman. พระพุทธเจ้า, Syn. Buddha
gautama buddhan. พระพุทธเจ้า, Syn. Buddha

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Gautama Buddhaพระพุทธเจ้า [TU Subject Heading]
Gautama Buddha--Footprintsพระพุทธบาท [TU Subject Heading]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- A toy car!Ein Spielzeugauto. Parenthood (1989)
Fight against the subversives.Gautuma. Minute Man (2014)
Have you read Jason Barry's book, he wrote about a Gauthe case in Louisiana.Kennen Sie Jason Berry? über den Gauthe-Fall? Das war G...? Spotlight (2015)
Lucie Gauthier showed Dr. Lisowski our new protocols, outside office hours.Lucie Gauthier hat Dr. Lisowski gezeigt, wie die neuen Protokolle aussehen. In ihrer Freizeit. Post-agression (2014)
You have a beautiful daughter, Mr. Gauthier.Monsieur Gauthier, Sie haben eine tolle, hübsche Tochter. Béatrice et la thérapie (2014)
We knew that there weren't gonna be flying cars.Wir wussten, dass es keine Flugautos geben würde. Back in Time (2015)
- No one is ever gonna be in a flying car.Niemand wird jemals in einem Flugauto sitzen. Back in Time (2015)
No one wants to fly in a car.Niemand will ein Flugauto. Back in Time (2015)
The limits of physics don't prevent us from having flying cars.Die Grenzen der Physik halten uns nicht davon ab, Flugautos zu haben. Back in Time (2015)
Terrafugia is a flying car company.Terrafugia ist eine Flugautofirma. Back in Time (2015)
We're developing a practical vision for the future and creating the path for how to get from where we are today to a world with flying cars that anybody can use.Wir entwickeln eine praktische Vision der Zukunft und ebnen den Pfad für die Welt von heute zu einer Welt mit Flugautos, die jeder nutzen kann. Back in Time (2015)
Toy car?Ein Spielzeugauto? Krampus (2015)
If I win, until the time I leave, you have to get rid of your posters and the cars on your desk.Gewinne ich, nehmen Sie, bis ich gehe, alle Plakate von der Wand und die Spielzeugautos vom Schreibtisch. Rendez-vous mortels (2015)
That toy car you gave me... It's a perfect replica.Das Spielzeugauto von Ihnen ist eine perfekte Kopie. One Door Closes (2015)
Jacobeem Mugowto has deliver us the Choosen Why-yun.Jacobiem Mugauto hat uns den Ausen/vählten geliefert. Zoolander 2 (2016)
- A toy car for me?-Ein Spielzeugauto für mich? Episode #1.3 (2016)
Hang on, so you measured your toy car, multiplied it by 32 and built a full-sized one. - Yep.Sie haben also Ihr Spielzeugauto gemessen, das Ergebnis mal 32 genommen und dieses Auto gebaut. Operation Desert Stumble (2016)
Yeah, if he'd just left out some Micro Machines, SEAL Team Six would have slipped on 'em.Hätte er draußen Spielzeugautos verteilt, wäre das SEAL Team 6 darauf ausgerutscht. Friends Night Out (2017)
Like Siddhartha Gautama renouncing his father's kingdom in order to become the Buddha.So wie Siddhartha Gautama, der die Thronfolge aufgab, um Buddha zu werden. Kimmy Goes to College! (2017)
I had one of those as a toy when I was little. If you put your finger over the back window, it flashed its lights.Den hatte ich als Spielzeugauto, und wenn man über die Heckscheibe strich, leuchtete er auf. Dumb Fight at the O.K. Coral (2017)
They can drive their little toy cars right into the crater.Dann können sie mit den Spielzeugautos in den Krater fahren. Find Out Who Your Friends Are (2017)
Pedroli and Gauthier, how may I help you?Pedroli and Gauthier, wie kann ich Ihnen helfen? I am Jane Doe (2017)
Madame would like to talk to Mademoiselle Vautier for a moment.Madame möchte Monsieurs Sekretärin Mademoiselle Gautier sprechen. Trouble in Paradise (1932)
- Has Mademoiselle Vautier gone?- Ist Mademoiselle Gautier schon gegangen? Trouble in Paradise (1932)
Mademoiselle Vautier, or whatever your name is, I thank you for your free advice, but I must ask you to go.Mademoiselle Gautier, wenn das ihr wirklicher Name ist, ich danke für die Beratung, aber gehen Sie jetzt bitte. Trouble in Paradise (1932)
- Gautier.- Gautier. Camille (1936)
Marguerite Gautier.Marguerite Gautier. Camille (1936)
- From Mademoiselle Gautier?- Von Mademoiselle Gautier? Camille (1936)
- Mademoiselle Gautier?- Mademoiselle Gautier? Camille (1936)
God bless you, Marguerite Gautier.Gott segne Sie, Marguerite Gautier. Camille (1936)
This room still belongs to Mademoiselle Gautier.Dieses Zimmer gehört Mademoiselle Gautier. Camille (1936)
Good, Dana !Mr. Gauthier! Piper Maru (1996)
Excuse me.Von den Upanishaden bis hin zu Gautama Buddha. Youth Without Youth (2007)
Farragaut.Farragaut. Mercy (2011)
Gautam Shah.กิวทัม ซาฮ์ Heyy Babyy (2007)
Gauthier.Gauthier. Inspector Maigret (1958)
Adèle Gauthier.Adèle Gauthier. Inspector Maigret (1958)
-Anne Gauthier's apartment.- Anne Gauthiers Apartment. A Man and a Woman (1966)
Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, drew a circle with a piece of red chalk and said:Siddharta Gautama, der Buddha, malte mit roter Kreide einen Kreis und sagte: Le Cercle Rouge (1970)
Yeah, like when I was a kid.Und kleine Spielzeugautos. In the Midst of Strangers (1972)
Here, Gautier, analyse this for me.Analysieren Sie mir das mal, Gauthier. The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
Be so kind and go play with your toy car somewhere else!Schwirr mit deinem Spielzeugauto gefälligst woanders rum! House (1977)
She's buried right next to Marguerite Gautier.Sie freut sich sicher, dass ihr Grab neben dem von Marguerite Gauthier liegt. Love on the Run (1979)
You know who she was?Marguerite Gauthier kennst du doch? Love on the Run (1979)
We are Geats.Wir sind Gauten. Beowulf (2007)
We got one heavily armed recreational vehicle here, man.Ein schwer bewaffnetes Spielzeugauto mit allen Schikanen, Mann. Stripes (1981)
Yes, I do.Ah, ja! Lys Gauty. One Deadly Summer (1983)
Give me a visual of this year's electronic toy cars. Toy cars?Zeig mir alle ferngesteuerten Spielzeugautos der letzen zwei Jahre. Sky Knight (1985)
Really, Michael.- Spielzeugautos? Sky Knight (1985)
Anne Gauthier is wanted at the canteen.Anne Gauthier, in die Kantine bitte A Man and a Woman: 20 Years Later (1986)

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
พุทธองค์(n) Buddha, See also: Butsu, Gautama, Gautama Buddha, Example: ให้พวกเราระลึกถึงคุณของพุทธองค์ทุกคืนก่อนที่เราจะล้มตัวลงนอน, Thai Definition: องค์พระพุทธเจ้า
มหาชาติ(n) story of Gautama Buddha as Vessantara, See also: story of the last great incarnation of the Buddha, Syn. เวสสันดรชาดก, Example: ท่านฝึกเทศน์มหาชาติจนสามารถเทศน์ได้หลายกัณฑ์, Count Unit: กัณฑ์, Notes: (บาลี)
มหาพน(n) name of the seventh of the twelve sections of the story of Gautama Buddha as Vessantara, Syn. กัณฑ์มหาพน, Example: วันนี้ที่วัดมีเทศน์มหาชาติในกัณฑชูชกและมหาพน, Thai Definition: ชื่อกัณฑ์ที่ 7 ของมหาชาติว่าด้วยเรื่องป่า

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
Buddha(n) founder of Buddhism; worshipped as a god (c 563-483 BC), Syn. Gautama, Gautama Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha, Siddhartha

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

prop. n. The family name of Buddha, the founder of Buddhism; born ca. 563 b.c., died ca. 483 b.c. In He is worshipped by Buddhists as a god. See Buddha. [ Also spelled Gotama. ]
Syn. -- Buddha, the Buddha, Siddhartha, Gotama, Gautama Buddha. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
释迦牟尼[Shì jiā móu ní, ㄕˋ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄇㄡˊ ㄋㄧˊ,     /    ] Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism; Sakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit: sage of the Sakya) #34,922 [Add to Longdo]
释迦牟尼佛[Shì jiā móu ní fó, ㄕˋ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄇㄡˊ ㄋㄧˊ ㄈㄛˊ,      /     ] Sakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit: sage of the Sakya); Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism #257,947 [Add to Longdo]
乔答摩[Qiáo dā mó, ㄑㄧㄠˊ ㄉㄚ ㄇㄛˊ,    /   ] Gautama, surname of the Siddhartha, the historical Buddha [Add to Longdo]
瞿昙[Qú tán, ㄑㄩˊ ㄊㄢˊ,   /  ] Gautama, surname of the Siddhartha, the historical Buddha [Add to Longdo]
释迦佛[shì jiā fó, ㄕˋ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄈㄛˊ,    /   ] Sakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit: sage of the Sakya); Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Jungautor { m }; Jungautorin { f }fledgeling writer; fledgling writer [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
釈迦[しゃか, shaka] (n) the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama, 563 BCE-483 BCE) (san #13,995 [Add to Longdo]
バカが移る;馬鹿が移る[バカがうつる(バカが移る);ばかがうつる(馬鹿が移る), baka gautsuru ( baka ga utsuru ); bakagautsuru ( baka ga utsuru )] (exp, v5r) (col) to catch 'the stupid' (e.g. from talking to stupid people, watching mindless TV, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
一歩間違うと[いっぽまちがうと, ippomachigauto] (exp) make one wrong move and...; take one wrong step and... [Add to Longdo]
下痢が移った[げりがうつった, gerigautsutta] (exp) infected with diarrhea (diarrhoea) [Add to Longdo]
稽古本[けいこぼん, keikobon] (n) practice book used in Joruri and Nagauta [Add to Longdo]
後仏[ごぶつ, gobutsu] (n) { Buddh } (See 弥勒, 前仏・2) Maitreya (buddha appearing 5.67 billion years after the death of Gautama) [Add to Longdo]
釈迦三尊[しゃかさんぞん, shakasanzon] (n) (obsc) image of Gautama Buddha flanked by two attendants [Add to Longdo]
世尊[せそん, seson] (n) World-Honored One (honorific name for Gautama Buddha) [Add to Longdo]
前仏[ぜんぶつ, zenbutsu] (n) (1) { Buddh } Buddha prior to Gautama; (2) { Buddh } (See 後仏) Gautama Buddha; Shakyamuni [Add to Longdo]
大日如来[だいにちにょらい, dainichinyorai] (n) { Buddh } Vairocana; Mahavairocana (Bliss Body of the historical Gautama Buddha); Dainichi Buddha; Nyorai Buddha [Add to Longdo]
長唄[ながうた, nagauta] (n) long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Edo in the early 17th century); (P) [Add to Longdo]
長歌[ちょうか;ながうた, chouka ; nagauta] (n) (1) (See 短歌) traditional Japanese poem with verses of five and seven morae repeated at least three times, usu. ending with a verse of seven; (2) (ながうた only) (See 長唄) long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century) [Add to Longdo]

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