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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
耻辱[chǐ rǔ, ㄔˇ ㄖㄨˇ,   /  ] disgrace; shame; humiliation #14,589 [Add to Longdo]
含忍耻辱[hán rěn chǐ rǔ, ㄏㄢˊ ㄖㄣˇ ㄔˇ ㄖㄨˇ,     /    ] to eat humble pie; to accept humiliation; to turn the other cheek [Add to Longdo]

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Shame on you.[CN] 真是耻辱 The Immigrant (2013)
Should a samurai ever lose or fail his master, he suffers the greatest shame in all Japanese society.[CN] 一名武士一旦失去他的主子 再整个日本社会里 他将蒙受莫大的耻辱 47 Ronin (2013)
- Yeah. Oh, dear.[CN] 哎呀,亲爱的 这是一个耻辱 Movie 43 (2013)
- What of my client's suffering?[CN] - 那我当事人受的耻辱呢? The Tower (2013)
Be a shame if your place of employment burned to shit.[CN] 如果你工作的地方被烧成一片废墟会是一种耻辱 Identity Thief (2013)
It's a lifelong shame.[CN] 这是一辈子的耻辱 Grown Ups 2 (2013)
Shame we had to meet like that.[CN] 耻辱,我们必须满足这样的。 5th Street (2013)
Shame![CN] 耻辱 The Immigrant (2013)
Couldn't take the humiliation of that and getting suspended.[CN] 他承受不了那种耻辱 就崩溃了 Filth (2013)
Shame![CN] 耻辱 We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks (2013)
It'd be a shame to lose them now.[CN] 它会是一种耻辱 现在失去他们。 She Made Them Do It (2013)
I'm sure that you know, given the stigma of this kind of abuse, that the time delay is not unusual.[CN] 我确定你应该知道 伴随那种侵犯所带来的耻辱 把时间拖到现在并非不寻常 Lessons Learned (2012)
It's just a shame, having to raise a young baby like that all on your own.[CN] 这只是一个耻辱, 不得不提出一个年轻的婴儿 像所有的你自己。 The Truth About Emanuel (2013)
It was a dis-damn-grace what they did to that boy.[CN] 那简直就TMD是一种耻辱 他们对那个男孩子所做的那一切. Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013)
Did he speak before you killed him? I know you are cursed with the mark by the Orc Shaman, who calls himself Fang-Tor.[CN] 你在杀他之前 有说什么吗 我知道你被印记所诅咒 但是谋杀自己人却是耻辱 SAGA: Curse of the Shadow (2013)
You are a disgrace to our people.[CN] 你是我们一族的耻辱 Homeland (2013)
This boy's not the one who should suffer humiliation.[CN] 这个小男孩不应该在这遭受这种耻辱 The Tower (2013)
Icanhearitintherustle ofeveryleaf.[CN] 每片树叶的沙沙声都在诉说着耻辱 The Lovers (2013)
You're sure you want to do this, big man? No shame in backing down.[CN] 你确定你想要这么做吗 打退堂鼓并不是耻辱 Grown Ups 2 (2013)
No one knew that he couldn't face his shame.[CN] 没有人知道他 无法面对他的耻辱 Bless Me, Ultima (2013)
Those who do nothing are inviting shame as well as violence...[CN] 无所作为者是在自取耻辱和鼓励暴力... Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013)
Well, that's too bad.[CN] 这是一个耻辱 Breaking at the Edge (2013)
The Medicis make their fortune from this vice at the price of Florence's eternal shame.[CN] 美第奇家族从他人的犯罪中获利 代价是给佛罗伦萨留下了永久的耻辱 The Tower (2013)
I, who was slightly moved, am now so embarrassed.[CN] 心动了一下真是史上最大的耻辱 The After-Dinner Mysteries (2013)
- You're a disgrace. - No.[CN] -你是这家人的耻辱 The Immigrant (2013)
And it would be a real shame if something horrible were to happen to her, and it was your fault.[CN] 而且是一种可怕还有耻辱的死法 发生在她身上,是因为你的错 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded (2013)
It would have stigmatized the younger men.[CN] 对年轻人是一种耻辱 Lessons Learned (2012)
I've been doing this for a long time, and I understand the shame and the stigma.[CN] 我干这一行很久了 所以我了解这种羞愧和耻辱 Lessons Learned (2012)
What you did to Russo, that was a disgrace, Mickey.[CN] 你做了什么日俄 这是一种耻辱,米奇。 Gangster Squad (2013)
Disappointment. Shame. Regret.[CN] 失望 耻辱 悔恨 I Give It a Year (2013)
Shame itself![CN] 耻辱本身! Another Me (2013)
And he killed his sister so she wouldn't have to live with the shame of what had happened to her.[CN] 他杀死了自己的妹妹,让她 就不必生活在耻辱 Five Thirteen (2013)
But it would be such a shame for him to give up his writing.[CN] 但是这将是 这样一个耻辱的他 放弃了他的写作。 The English Teacher (2013)
And then he runs into TV and provides us with all seriousness in the pillory.[CN] 然后他就跑了,接着就把我们所有人 结结实实地钉在了耻辱柱上 Back on Track (2013)
How about a little Elliot Spitzer? Disgraced governor.[CN] 如何艾略特斯皮策, 州长的耻辱 Straight A's (2013)
Disgrace.[CN] - 的 - 耻辱 Man of Tai Chi (2013)
You are a disgrace to the entire Wehrmacht![CN] 你是整个德国军队的耻辱 Stalingrad (2013)
Shame about the color.[CN] 漂亮的裙子 耻辱的颜色 漂亮的裙子 耻辱的颜色 The Crown and the Dragon (2013)
But it's also the place that we look down for whenever we're hiding ourselves from shame.[CN] 但它也可以在这里 我们看不起 每当我们 隐藏自己从耻辱 Prosecuting Casey Anthony (2013)
It ends in pain and lots of walking in shame.[CN] 它在痛苦中结束 走在耻辱和意见。 Drinking Buddies (2013)
- Shame on your Romeo.[CN] - 是你罗密欧的耻辱 Romeo & Juliet (2013)
Sometimes God just fucks up your order and you got to chow down on that shitty shame sandwich.[CN] 有时上帝只是乱搞您的订单 和你有周下跌 三明治,低劣的耻辱 Pain & Gain (2013)
Ineverybreathofwind, there'sa word andthatwordisshame.[CN] 每一阵风中,都飘荡着一个词 那个词就是耻辱 The Lovers (2013)
- Uncle, 'tis a shame![CN] - 叔叔,这是一个耻辱 Romeo & Juliet (2013)
A shame sandwich with a side order of shit![CN] 一个耻辱三明治 侧顺序狗屎! Pain & Gain (2013)
- That man, he was a disgrace.[CN] -那个男人简直就是个耻辱 Pawn Shop Chronicles (2013)
Nothing heavier than the weight of shame[CN] 没有什么比重 耻辱的重量 Black Nativity (2013)
It's a damn shame.[CN] 这是一个该死的耻辱 Loves Her Gun (2013)
But it's a shame in a way.[CN] 这也算是一种耻辱 As I Lay Dying (2013)
It's humiliating, Capi.[CN] -耻辱啊 队长 Underdogs (2013)

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