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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: simoni, -simoni-
Possible hiragana form: しもに
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
parsimonious(adj) ตระหนี่, See also: เค็ม, ขี้เหนียว, Syn. frugal, stingy, Ant. generous

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
parsimonious(adj) ตระหนี่, มัธยัสถ์, ประหยัด, ใจแคบ, ขี้เหนียว

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Is the vicar of Christ not guilty of simony and lascivious pride and sexual perversity?Ist der Stellvertreter Christi nicht schuldig der Simonie, des Hochmuts und der sexuellen Perversion? 1505 (2014)
Matthieu Simonin, director.M. Simonin, Direktor. Comme un oiseau sans ailes (2015)
Simonides go to bed.Simonides, geh zu Bett. Ben-Hur (2016)
Clerical profiteers.Simoniten. Inferno (2016)
Hélie and I were Saint-Simonians.Wir waren Saint-Simoniten. Le médecin de l'Émir (2001)
We Saint-Simonians, who follow the teachings of our master, the late Count of Saint-Simon, a remarkable economist and philosopher, want to build a new society based on progress.Wir Saint-Simoniten, Anhänger der Theorien unseres Meisters, des Grafen von Saint-Simon, des hervorragenden Ökonomen und Philosophen, wollen eine neue, fortschrittliche Gesellschaft gründen. Le médecin de l'Émir (2001)
Your son Odilon is a good boy and a zealous apostle of our Saint-Simonian cause.Ihr Sohn ist ein verdienstvoller und eifriger Schüler unserer guten Saint-Simonitischen Sache. Le médecin de l'Émir (2001)
Did you know Colonel Lamoricière was Saint-Simonian too?Wusstest du, dass Lamoriciere auch Saint-Simonist ist? Le médecin de l'Émir (2001)
Yet, the Saint-Simonian mission is clear:Für uns Saint-Simonisten ist das Ziel klar: Le médecin de l'Émir (2001)
That's typical of your Saint-Simonian friends.Ich erkenne die Theorien von euch Saint-Simoniten. Le médecin de l'Émir (2001)
The Saint-Simonians' mission is clear:Für uns Saint-Simonisten ist das Ziel klar.
Ask our Saint-Simonian brothers. Ask Talabot.Frag die Saint-Simoniten!
- They are plotting in Compiègne, with General Fleury and the Saint-Simonians.Sie planen etwas mit dem Kaiser, General Fleury und den Saint-Simoniten.
Is Mr. Talabot a Saint-Simonian?Ist Talabot ein Saint-Simonit?
Simony!Simonie! The Moor (2011)
That's enough, Simon! Stop it, Emilie!Es reicht Simoni Hbr auf, Emiliei The Wind Blows Round (2005)
No, it's Simoni.Nein, hier spricht Simoni. Inspector Maigret (1958)
Simonides.Simonides. Ben-Hur (1959)
Simonides has brought gifts, as usual.Simonides hat wieder Geschenke mitgebracht. Ben-Hur (1959)
- De Simoni, De Antoni, Delori, Magnolia...De Simoni, De Antoni, Celori, Magnolia... Lulu the Tool (1971)
Of course! I was talking to Mr Simoni!Ich hab M. Simoni untersucht. Pardon Mon Affaire (1976)
Why do you talk to Mr Simoni when your mother's close to suicide?Du schließt dich mit Simoni ein, wenn deine Mutter am Gashahn hängt? - Mama! Pardon Mon Affaire (1976)
Oh, Simoni!Oh, Simoni! Le coup de sirocco (1979)
You've brought the child!Und das Soldatenkind haben Sie auch mitgebracht! Das ist nett, Simoni. Le coup de sirocco (1979)
Young Simoni.Der kleine Simoni. Le coup de sirocco (1979)
You'll have a drink, Simoni!Will er was trinken? Simoni? Le coup de sirocco (1979)
Report, Simoni.Eine Meldung, Simoni? Le coup de sirocco (1979)
Who's Simoni?Wer ist dieser Simoni? Le coup de sirocco (1979)
Drink. Simoni.Simoni. Le coup de sirocco (1979)
General Bauvergne, the son of a bitch, filled out the application with the name Simoni.Dieser verdammte General Bauvergne hat den Kredit auf Simoni ausgestellt, nicht auf Narboni. Le coup de sirocco (1979)
They want Simoni not Narboni.Sie wollen Simoni, nicht Narboni. Le coup de sirocco (1979)
Fall out, Simoni.Wegtreten, Simoni. Le coup de sirocco (1979)
It means that Niels Geck, is Lex Parsimoniae.Dies bedeutet, dass Niels Geckos Lex Parsimoniae. The Big Bang (2010)
Simonides!Simonides! Ben-Hur (2016)
- Ms. Simolini?Mademoiselle Simonini? 3 hommes à abattre (1980)
Michelagniolo di Ludovico di Lionardo di Buonarotti Simoni.Michelagniolo di Ludovico di Lionardo di Buonarotti Simoni. His Majesty's Pleasure (2008)
Lex Parsimoniae.Lex Parsimoniae? The Big Bang (2010)
- Simony!Simonie! The Assassin (2011)
If it can be proven, what many of us suspect- corruption, simony, the blatant sale of the sacred offices, and worse, the utter degradation of the office of the papacy in the eyes of the Christian world...Wenn wir das, was viele von uns vermuten, beweisen können, nämlich Korruption, Simonie, den offenkundigen Verkauf heiliger Ämter und, was noch schlimmer wiegt, die Entwürdigung des päpstlichen Amtes in den Augen der christlichen Welt... The Assassin (2011)
- Simony, usury, public lechery, and poisoning, perhaps.Simonie, Wucher, öffentliche Unzucht und womöglich Giftmord. The Art of War (2011)
- Simony, bribery, and if you will both forgive my mention of such indelicacies, fair ladies, public lechery.- Simonie, Bestechung, und, wenn Ihr mir vergebt, dass ich diese Unanständigkeit vor Euch erwähne, - öffentliche Unzucht. The Art of War (2011)
They call it simony, Father.Man nennt das Simonie, Vater. The Poisoned Chalice (2011)
And has been bought by a Spaniard up to his elbows in simony.- Und er von einem Spanier gekauft wurde, der bis zum Hals in Simonie steckt. The Poisoned Chalice (2011)
Simony!Simonie! The Poisoned Chalice (2011)
When the pope pledges to banish all suspicion of simony from the cardinalate, he keeps his word.Der Papst versprach allen Verdacht auf Simonie von der Kardinalswürde zu nehmen, hielt er sein Wort. The Poisoned Chalice (2011)
If it can be proven, what many of us suspect-- corruption, simony, the blatant sale of the sacred offices, and worse, the utter degradation of the office of the papacy in the eyes of the Christian world...Wenn erwiesen werden kann, was viele von uns erwarten... Korruption, Simonie, der eklatante Verfall des Heiligen Stuhls, und schlimmer, der völlige Abbau des Papsttums in den Augen der christlichen Welt... The Poisoned Chalice (2011)
I'm looking for the Simonins.Ich suche die Familie Simonin. Un petit bout de France (2012)
Simonian is.Simonian schon. The Treatment (2014)
Simonian? - Yes.Simonian? The Treatment (2014)
Simonian, Alerian.Simonian, Alerian. The Treatment (2014)

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
เหนียวแน่น(adv) frugally, See also: parsimoniously, Example: เขาใช้เงินของเขาอย่างตระหนี่เหนียวแน่น, Thai Definition: ระมัดระวังในการใช้จ่าย
เหนียว(adj) stingy, See also: mean, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penny-pinching, ungenerous, Syn. ตระหนี่, ขี้เหนียว, เหนียวหนืด, ขี้ตืด, ขี้งก, Example: เพื่อนฝูงรู้กันทั่วว่าเขาเป็นคนขี้เหนียว
เค็ม(v) be stingy, See also: be niggardly, be miserly, be parsimonious, Syn. ขี้เหนียว, ขี้ตืด, Example: เจ้าของบ้านเช่าเค็มมาก สลึงเดียวยังเอาเลย, Thai Definition: ไม่ยอมเสียเปรียบใคร, Notes: (ปาก)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
เหนียว[nīo] (adj) EN: stingy ; miserly ; parsimonious  FR: radin

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
parsimonious(adj) excessively unwilling to spend, Syn. penurious
simoniz(n) a brand of car polish
simonize(v) polish with wax, Syn. Simonise
meanness(n) extreme stinginess, Syn. minginess, tightfistedness, parsimoniousness, niggardness, parsimony, niggardliness, closeness, tightness
parsimony(n) extreme care in spending money; reluctance to spend money unnecessarily, Syn. thrift, parsimoniousness, penny-pinching

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ Cf. F. parcimonieux. See Parsimony. ] Exhibiting parsimony; sparing in expenditure of money; frugal to excess; penurious; niggardly; stingy. -- Par`si*mo"ni*ous*ly, adv. -- Par`si*mo"ni*ous*ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]

A prodigal king is nearer a tyrant than a parsimonious. Bacon. [ 1913 Webster ]

Extraordinary funds for one campaign may spare us the expense of many years; whereas a long, parsimonious war will drain us of more men and money. Addison. [ 1913 Webster ]

Syn. -- Covetous; niggardly; miserly; penurious; close; saving; mean; stingy; frugal. See Avaricious. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. The quality of being parsimonious; extreme care in spending money; reluctance to spend money unnecessarily.
Syn. -- parsimony, thrift, penny-pinching. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. An extreme stinginess.
Syn. -- meanness, minginess, niggardliness, niggardness, parsimony, tightfistedness. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. A follower of the Count de St. Simon, who died in 1825, and who maintained that the principle of property held in common, and the just division of the fruits of common labor among the members of society, are the true remedy for the social evils which exist. Brande & C. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The principles, doctrines, or practice of the Saint-Simonians; -- called also Saint- Simonism. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A system of socialism in which the state owns all the property and the laborer is entitled to share according to the quality and amount of his work, founded by Saint Simon (1760-1825); -- called also Saint- Simonianism. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC ]


n. [ LL. simoniacus. See Simony. ] One who practices simony, or who buys or sells preferment in the church. Ayliffe. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Of or pertaining to simony; guilty of simony; consisting of simony. -- Sim"o*ni`a*cal*ly, adv. [1913 Webster]

The flagitious profligacy of their lives, and the simoniacal arts by which they grasped at the popedom. J. S. Harford. [1913 Webster]


a. Simoniacal. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n.[ See Simony. ] One of the followers of Simon Magus; also, an adherent of certain heretical sects in the early Christian church. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Simoniacal. [ Obs. ] Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who practices simony. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
一毛不拔[yī máo bù bá, ㄧ ㄇㄠˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄅㄚˊ,    ] (saying) stingy; parsimonious #75,495 [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Simonie { f }; Ämterkauf { m }simony [Add to Longdo]
geizig { adj }parsimonious [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
サンシモニズム[sanshimonizumu] (n) Saint-Simonism [Add to Longdo]
苦竹[にがたけ;くちく, nigatake ; kuchiku] (n) (1) (See 真竹) Japanese timber bamboo (Phyllostachys bambsoides); giant timber bamboo; madake; (2) (にがたけ only) (See 女竹) Simon bamboo (Pleioblastus simonii) [Add to Longdo]
弱竹;萎ゆ竹[なよたけ(弱竹);なゆたけ;ナヨタケ;ナユタケ, nayotake ( jaku take ); nayutake ; nayotake ; nayutake] (n) (1) (uk) (obsc) Simon bamboo (Pleioblastus simonii); (2) any thin, but flexible bamboo [Add to Longdo]
女子竹[おなごだけ;オナゴダケ, onagodake ; onagodake] (n) (uk) (obsc) (See 女竹) Simon bamboo (Pleioblastus simonii) [Add to Longdo]
女竹;雌竹[めだけ;メダケ, medake ; medake] (n) (uk) Simon bamboo (Pleioblastus simonii) [Add to Longdo]
川竹;河竹[かわたけ, kawatake] (n) (1) bamboo growing along a river bank; (2) Japanese timber bamboo (Phyllostachys bambsoides); giant timber bamboo; madake; (3) Simon bamboo (Pleioblastus simonii); (4) (arch) (id) prostitute; the life of a prostitute [Add to Longdo]
貧乏性[びんぼうしょう, binboushou] (n) destined to poverty; parsimonious spirit; tendency to be frugal; poor person's mentality (e.g. inability to relax) [Add to Longdo]

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