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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: pata, -pata-
Possible hiragana form: ぱた
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
patagium n.แผ่นบาง, เยื่อบาง, ปีกค้างคาว

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
patatopharyngeal arch; palatopharyngeal arch; posterior pillarรอยนูนโค้งหลังทอนซิล [ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
posterior pillar; palatopharyngeal arch; patatopharyngeal archรอยนูนโค้งหลังทอนซิล [ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
palatopharyngeal arch; patatopharyngeal arch; posterior pillarรอยนูนโค้งหลังทอนซิล [ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
incompatability๑. ความมีลักษณะต้องห้าม (ก. ปกครอง)๒. ความมีลักษณะขัดกัน, ความเข้ากันไม่ได้ (ก. แพ่ง) [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Cookery (Patatoes)การปรุงอาหาร (มันฝรั่ง) [TU Subject Heading]
Patani (Kingdom)ปัตตานี (อาณาจักร) [TU Subject Heading]
Patato peelingการปอกเปลือกมันฝรั่ง [TU Subject Heading]
Blood Group Incompatabilityหมู่เลือดเข้ากันไม่ได้, หมู่เลือดไม่เข้ากัน, การเข้ากันไม่ได้ของกลุ่มเลือดแม่และทารก [การแพทย์]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Can I get my homeboys any more paella or patatas bravas?Will jemand Paella oder Patatas bravas? Hello Ladies: The Movie (2014)
The famous size 43 Pataugas.Schuhgröße 43, Marke Pataugas. Episode #1.2 (2014)
And Zapata is dead.Und Zapata ist tot. Eisenstein in Guanajuato (2015)
[ man ] At Patagonia, we hate the word "consumers."Bei Patagonia hassen wir das Wort "Verbraucher". The True Cost (2015)
Cockroach's dealer was Germán Zapata, a Colombian with a plumbing business that served as a front for his cocaine operation.Cockroachs Dealer hieß Germán Zapata, ein Kolumbianer mit einer Klempnerfirma, die ihm als Fassade für seinen Kokainhandel diente. Descenso (2015)
The plan was to trade vehicles, and Zapata would be arrested once he left the port.Fahrzeuge sollten getauscht werden. Zapata sollte verhaftet werden, sobald er den Hafen verließ. Descenso (2015)
How do you do?- Hallo. - (Ampata) Hi. Inca Mummy Girl (1997)
He's over at Frick and Frack's house.Er ist rüber zu Pat und Patachons Haus. The Tandyman Can (2015)
Reed, Zapata, you're on my case histories.Reed, Zapata, nehmt euch meine abgeschlossenen Fälle vor. Pilot (2015)
Zapata, get all of Times Square CCTV footage.Zapata, besorge dir das Material von den Times Square-Überwachungskameras. Pilot (2015)
Zapata, you're with me.Zapata, du kommst mit. Pilot (2015)
Zapata, can you get us onto that computer?Zapata, kannst du für uns den Computer knacken? Pilot (2015)
Zapata, you stay street side.Zapata, du bleibst auf dieser Straßenseite. Pilot (2015)
I saw the map on Zapata's tablet.Ich habe die Karte auf Zapatas Tablet gesehen. Pilot (2015)
Reed, Zapata!Reed, Zapata! A Stray Howl (2015)
I hope Reade and Zapata are having better luck.Hoffentlich haben Reade und Zapata mehr Glück. Eight Slim Grins (2015)
Zapata, far right.Zapata, ganz rechts außen. Eight Slim Grins (2015)
Call Reade and Zapata, tell them to meet me at St. Joseph's.Verständigen Sie Reade und Zapata, richten Sie ihnen aus, dass wir uns vorm Krankenhaus treffen. Eight Slim Grins (2015)
Special Agents Weller, Zapata, and Reade insisted.Die Special Agents Weller, Zapata und Reade bestanden darauf. Eight Slim Grins (2015)
Zapata!Zapata! Bone May Rot (2015)
Reade, Zapata, find out everything you can about Walter's accident and his connection to the vials.Reade, Zapata, ich will alles über Walters Unfall und seine Verbindung zu den Proben wissen. Bone May Rot (2015)
Reade, Zapata, go check the security footage from a few hours ago.Reade, Zapata, schaut euch die Überwachungsbänder von vor zwei Stunden an. Bone May Rot (2015)
Reade and Zapata are en route.Reade und Zapata sind auf dem Weg. - VKA? Split the Law (2015)
Zapata, how's my security feed coming? Moments away.Zapata, wie weit bist du mit den Überwachungskameras? Split the Law (2015)
Ana Montes, I'm Special Agent Zapata.Ana Montes, ich bin Special Agent Zapata. Cede Your Soul (2015)
Reade, Zapata.Reade, Zapata. Cede Your Soul (2015)
Let's get Reade and Zapata, we gotta move.Verständigen wir Reade und Zapata, damit wir ausrücken können. Cede Your Soul (2015)
Zapata, back me up here.Zapata, hilf mir mal. Sent on Tour (2015)
Weller and Zapata are heading to the ranger station.Weller und Zapata sind auf dem Weg zur Ranger-Station. Sent on Tour (2015)
Weller and Zapata have been out there a long time.Weller und Zapata sind schon eine ganze Weile weg. Sent on Tour (2015)
If Weller and Zapata aren't coming...Wenn Weller und Zapata nicht kommen... Sent on Tour (2015)
- It's Patagonia.In Patagonien. The Wedding Ringer (2015)
Patagonia.-Patagonien. The Wedding Ringer (2015)
- Patagonia.Pagonien. -Patagonien. The Wedding Ringer (2015)
- Pagon.Pagona. -Patagonien. The Wedding Ringer (2015)
- Pata...Pata... The Wedding Ringer (2015)
- Pata go...Pata... -...go... The Wedding Ringer (2015)
Dumb? You can't even say "Patagonia," you idiot.Du kennst nicht mal "Patagonien". The Wedding Ringer (2015)
Climbing the glaciers of Patagonia.Auf den Gletschern in Patagonien. The Wedding Ringer (2015)
But if we can get the harbor master at Le Havre to destroy St. Germain's warehouse and inventory, like he did with the Patagonia...Doch wenn wir den Hafenmeister in Le Havre dazu bringen, St. Germains Lager und die Bestände zu vernichten, so wie bei der Patagonia verliert Charles seinen Wein und das Geld. Best Laid Schemes... (2016)
Comte St. Germain told me all about your part in the burning of his pox-afflicted vessel, "The Patagonia."Comte St. Germain erzählte mir von Eurer Rolle beim Brand seines pockenverseuchten Schiffes, der Patagonia. Not in Scotland Anymore (2016)
Yoknapatawpha.Yoknapatawpha. Pilot (2016)
I'm sorry to bring this up now. We'd planned a trip to Patagonia and now Bea doesn't want to come.Tut mir leid, wenn ich jetzt damit komme, aber wir werden nach Patagonien reisen, und Bea will jetzt nicht mehr mitkommen. Julieta (2016)
Welcome to he Yoknapatawpha!Willkommen im Yoknapatawpha! 98 Seconds (2016)
Yok-na-patawpha.Yok-na-patawpha. Blind Spot (2016)
Tapas of pata negra jamón iberico, topped with queso Torta del Casar.Tapas pata negra jamón ibérico mit queso Torta del Casar. Bel Panto: Part I (2016)
That's the way we did it at my retreat.So haben wir das in Patagonien gemacht. Infiltration (2016)
That's amazing. No, I went hunting in Patagonia with my tribe.Ich war in Patagonien auf der Jagd, unserem Ursprung auf der Spur. War (2016)
I'd like to keep the team in Patagonia. Continue the search.Ich würde mit dem Team gern in Patagonien bleiben und die Suche fortführen. The Day of the Beast (2016)
- In Patagonia?- In Patagonien? - Ja. The Day of the Beast (2016)

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ปาทังกา(n) patanga, See also: a species of grasshoppers, locust, Syn. ตั๊กแตนปาทังกา, Example: ตั๊กแตนปาทังกาเป็นศัตรอันดับหนึ่งของต้นข้าวโพด, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: ชื่อตั๊กแตนชนิด Patanga succincta ในวงศ์ Acrididae ตัวยาว 6 - 7 เซนติเมตร กว้าง 7 - 8 มิลลิเมตร สีแตกต่างกันไปเป็นสีน้ำตาล น้ำตาลแก่ แดงปนเขียว มีแถบสีครีมทอดจากหน้าไปสันหลังปล้องอกจนถึงปีก ใต้ตามีแถบสีครีมยาวเรียวรูปดาบ ปีกมีรอยจุดและรอยด่างกระจายทั่วไป
ตะลุง(n) the town of Patalung in southern Thailand, See also: name of a province, Syn. จังหวัดพัทลุง, Notes: (กลอน)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ลุย[lui] (v) EN: ford ; wade trough  FR: patauger ; marcher dans l'eau
มัน[man] (n) EN: potato ; yam  FR: patate [ f ]
มันฝรั่ง[man farang] (n) EN: potato  FR: pomme de terre [ f ] ; patate [ f ]
มันเทศ[manthēt] (n) EN: sweet potato  FR: patate douce [ f ]
งุ่มง่าม[ngūm-ngām] (adj) EN: slow ; clumsy ; awkward  FR: lourdaud ; pataud ; maladroit
พรรคมัชฌิมาธิปไตย[Phak Matchimāthipatai] (org) EN: Matchimathipataya ; Matchima  FR: Matchimathipataya ; Matchima

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
pataca(n) the basic unit of money in Macao
Patagonia(n) region in southern South America between the Andes and the South Atlantic
patas(n) reddish long-tailed monkey of west Africa, Syn. hussar monkey, Erythrocebus patas
Spatangoida(n) heart-shaped sea urchins, Syn. order Spatangoida
Zapata(n) Mexican revolutionary who led a revolt for agrarian reforms (1879-1919), Syn. Emiliano Zapata
mara(n) hare-like rodent of the pampas of Argentina, Syn. Dolichotis patagonum
Padua(n) a city in Veneto, Syn. Patavium, Padova

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ Formed fr. cop, in imitation of captain. See Cop, Captain. ] Having a high crown, or a point or peak at top. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

A copatain hat made on a Flemish block. Gascoigne. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ Sp. ] The Spanish dollar; -- called also patacoon. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. & Sp. patache, P. patacho. ] (Naut.) A tender to a fleet, formerly used for conveying men, orders, or treasure. [ Spain & Portugal ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Sp. ] See Pataca. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n.; pl. Patagia [ L., an edge or border. ] 1. (Anat.) In bats, an expansion of the integument uniting the fore limb with the body and extending between the elongated fingers to form the wing; in birds, the similar fold of integument uniting the fore limb with the body. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) One of a pair of small vesicular organs situated at the bases of the anterior wings of lepidopterous insects. See Illust. of Butterfly. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Of or pertaining to Patagonia. -- n. A native of Patagonia. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ From the native name. ] (Naut.) A vessel resembling a grab, used in the coasting trade of Bombay and Ceylon. [ Written also pattemar. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Zool.) A West African long-tailed monkey (Cercopithecus ruber); the red monkey. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. patavinitas, fr. Patavium: cf. F. patavinité ] The use of local or provincial words, as in the peculiar style or diction of Livy, the Roman historian; -- so called from Patavium, now Padua, the place of Livy's nativity. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Zool.) Of or pertaining to the Spatangoidea. -- n. One of the Spatangoidea. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL. See Spatangus, and -oid. ] (Zool.) An order of irregular sea urchins, usually having a more or less heart-shaped shell with four or five petal-like ambulacra above. The mouth is edentulous and situated anteriorly, on the under side. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ NL., fr. L. spatangius a kind of sea urchin, Gr. &unr_;. ] (Zool.) A genus of heart-shaped sea urchins belonging to the Spatangoidea. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
科迪勒拉山系[Kē dí lè lā shān xì, ㄎㄜ ㄉㄧˊ ㄌㄜˋ ㄌㄚ ㄕㄢ ㄒㄧˋ,      ] Cordillera, series of mountain ranges stretching from Patagonia in South America through to Alaska and Aleutian islands #481,914 [Add to Longdo]
科迪勒拉[Kē dí lè lā, ㄎㄜ ㄉㄧˊ ㄌㄜˋ ㄌㄚ,    ] Cordillera, series of mountain ranges stretching from Patagonia in South America through to Alaska and Aleutian islands #857,150 [Add to Longdo]
褶皱山系火地岛[zhě zhòu shān xì huǒ dì dǎo, ㄓㄜˇ ㄓㄡˋ ㄕㄢ ㄒㄧˋ ㄏㄨㄛˇ ㄉㄧˋ ㄉㄠˇ,        /       ] Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Kartoffelstampfer { m }patato masher [Add to Longdo]
Patagoniensteißhuhn { n } [ ornith. ]Patagonian Tinamou [Add to Longdo]
Kubaralle { f } [ ornith. ]Zapata rail [Add to Longdo]
Patagonienmöwe { f } [ ornith. ]Brown-hooded Gull [Add to Longdo]
Marcapataschlüpfer { m } [ ornith. ]Marcapata Spinetail [Add to Longdo]
Kubazaunkönig { m } [ ornith. ]Zapata Wren [Add to Longdo]
Patagonienspottdrossel { f } [ ornith. ]Patagonian Mockingbird [Add to Longdo]
Zapataammer { f } [ ornith. ]Zapata Sparrow [Add to Longdo]
Patagonien { n }Patagonia [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
旗(P);幡;旌[はた, hata] (n) (1) flag; (2) (幡 only) { Buddh } (See 幡・ばん) pataka (banner); (P) #1,748 [Add to Longdo]
パターン(P);パタン[pata-n (P); patan] (n) pattern; (P) #4,582 [Add to Longdo]
[ばん, ban] (n) { Buddh } pataka (banner) #12,543 [Add to Longdo]
田畑(P);田畠[たはた(P);でんぱた;たはたけ, tahata (P); denpata ; tahatake] (n) fields (of rice and other crops); (P) #12,986 [Add to Longdo]
ぱたぱた[patapata] (adv, vs) (1) (on-mim) flap (sound of something light and thin such as a fan moving through the air); (2) pitter-patter (sound of light footsteps); (3) dealing with a situation quickly [Add to Longdo]
ぱたり[patari] (adv) clink; sudden stop [Add to Longdo]
アタックパターン[atakkupata-n] (n) { comp } attack pattern [Add to Longdo]
アパタイト[apataito] (n) appetite [Add to Longdo]
オンラインパターン解析認識システム[オンラインパターンかいせきにんしきシステム, onrainpata-n kaisekininshiki shisutemu] (n) { comp } online pattern analysis and recognition system [Add to Longdo]
キングペンギン[kingupengin] (n) (See 王様ペンギン) king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) [Add to Longdo]
グリッドパターン[guriddopata-n] (n) { comp } grid pattern [Add to Longdo]
サーチパタン[sa-chipatan] (n) { comp } search pattern [Add to Longdo]
サブパターン[sabupata-n] (n) sub-pattern [Add to Longdo]
サブパタン[sabupatan] (n) { comp } subpattern [Add to Longdo]
チパタマ[chipatama] (n) head of the penis [Add to Longdo]
テストパターン[tesutopata-n] (n) test pattern [Add to Longdo]
デスクトップパターン[desukutoppupata-n] (n) { comp } desktop pattern [Add to Longdo]
トラヒックパターン[torahikkupata-n] (n) { comp } traffic pattern [Add to Longdo]
トレッドパターン[toreddopata-n] (n) tread pattern [Add to Longdo]
ヌルパタン[nurupatan] (n) { comp } null pattern [Add to Longdo]
パター[pata-] (n) putter; (P) [Add to Longdo]
パターナリズム[pata-narizumu] (n) paternalism [Add to Longdo]
パターンプラクティス[pata-npurakuteisu] (n) pattern practice; pattern practise [Add to Longdo]
パターンマッチング[pata-nmacchingu] (n) pattern matching [Add to Longdo]
パターンメーカー;パターン・メーカー[pata-nme-ka-; pata-n . me-ka-] (n) pattern maker (for clothing); fashion designer [Add to Longdo]
パターン一致[パターンいっち, pata-n icchi] (n) { comp } pattern match; pattern matching [Add to Longdo]
パターン定義表[パターンていぎひょう, pata-n teigihyou] (n) { comp } pattern table [Add to Longdo]
パターン内部様式[パターンないぶようしき, pata-n naibuyoushiki] (n) { comp } pattern interior style [Add to Longdo]
パターン認識[パターンにんしき, pata-n ninshiki] (n) pattern recognition [Add to Longdo]
パタンと;ぱたんと[patan to ; patanto] (adv, vs) with a snap; with a bang; with a plonk; with a click; sudden stopping [Add to Longdo]
パタンナー[patanna-] (n) (See パターンメーカー) pattern maker (for clothing) (wasei [Add to Longdo]
パタンマッチ[patanmacchi] (n) { comp } pattern match [Add to Longdo]
パタンマッチング[patanmacchingu] (n) { comp } pattern matching [Add to Longdo]
ヒドロキシアパタイト;ハイドロキシアパタイト[hidorokishiapataito ; haidorokishiapataito] (n) hydroxyapatite [Add to Longdo]
ビットパターン[bittopata-n] (n) { comp } bit-pattern [Add to Longdo]
マジェラン鮎並;マジェラン鮎魚女[マジェランあいなめ;マジェランアイナメ, majieran ainame ; majieran'ainame] (n) (uk) Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides); Chilean sea bass [Add to Longdo]
ヨーロッパタナゴ[yo-roppatanago] (n) European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus) [Add to Longdo]
ルーティングパターン[ru-teingupata-n] (n) { comp } routing pattern [Add to Longdo]
ワンパターン[wanpata-n] (n, adj-no) repetitive (wasei [Add to Longdo]
引っ叩く;引っぱたく;引っ張たく(iK)[ひっぱたく, hippataku] (v5k) to slap; to strike; to spank [Add to Longdo]
王様ペンギン[おうさまペンギン;オウサマペンギン, ousama pengin ; ousamapengin] (n) (uk) king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) [Add to Longdo]
画像パターン認識[がぞうパターンにんしき, gazou pata-n ninshiki] (n) { comp } pictorial pattern recognition [Add to Longdo]
孔パターン[こうパターン, kou pata-n] (n) { comp } hole pattern [Add to Longdo]
試験パターン[しけんパターン, shiken pata-n] (n) { comp } test pattern [Add to Longdo]
消費パターン[しょうひパターン, shouhi pata-n] (n) consumption pattern [Add to Longdo]
睡眠パターン[すいみんパターン, suimin pata-n] (n) sleep pattern [Add to Longdo]
超音波探傷器[ちょうおんぱたんしょうき, chouonpatanshouki] (n) ultrasonic test instrument [Add to Longdo]
超音波探傷装置[ちょうおんぱたんしょうそうち, chouonpatanshousouchi] (n) ultrasonic test equipment [Add to Longdo]
電波探知機;電波探知器[でんぱたんちき, denpatanchiki] (n) radar [Add to Longdo]
飛膜[ひまく, himaku] (n) patagium (vertebrate flying or gliding membrane) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
アタックパターン[あたっくぱたーん, atakkupata-n] attack pattern [Add to Longdo]
グリッドパターン[ぐりっどぱたーん, guriddopata-n] grid pattern [Add to Longdo]
サーチパタン[さーちぱたん, sa-chipatan] search pattern [Add to Longdo]
サブパタン[さぶぱたん, sabupatan] subpattern [Add to Longdo]
トラヒックパターン[とらひっくぱたーん, torahikkupata-n] traffic pattern [Add to Longdo]
ヌルパタン[ぬるぱたん, nurupatan] null pattern [Add to Longdo]
パターン[ぱたーん, pata-n] pattern [Add to Longdo]
パターン一致[パターンいっち, pata-n icchi] pattern match, pattern matching [Add to Longdo]
パターン定義表[パターンていぎひょう, pata-n teigihyou] pattern table [Add to Longdo]
パターン内部様式[パターンないぶようしき, pata-n naibuyoushiki] pattern interior style [Add to Longdo]
パターン認識[パターンにんしき, pata-n ninshiki] pattern recognition [Add to Longdo]
パタンマッチ[ぱたんまっち, patanmacchi] pattern match [Add to Longdo]
パタンマッチング[ぱたんまっちんぐ, patanmacchingu] pattern matching [Add to Longdo]
ビットパターン[びっとぱたーん, bittopata-n] bit-pattern [Add to Longdo]
ルーティングパターン[るーていんぐぱたーん, ru-teingupata-n] routing pattern [Add to Longdo]
画像パターン認識[がぞうパターンにんしき, gazou pata-n ninshiki] pictorial pattern recognition [Add to Longdo]
孔パターン[こうパターン, kou pata-n] hole pattern [Add to Longdo]
試験パターン[しけんパターン, shiken pata-n] test pattern [Add to Longdo]

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