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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, huǎng, ㄏㄨㄤˇ] bright, dazzling; to shake, to sway
Radical: , Decomposition:   日 [, ㄖˋ]  光 [guāng, ㄍㄨㄤ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] sun
Rank: 1796
[, huǎng, ㄏㄨㄤˇ] curtain, cloth screen, signboard
Radical: , Decomposition:   巾 [jīn, ㄐㄧㄣ]  晃 [huǎng, ㄏㄨㄤˇ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] curtain
Rank: 3243

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: clear
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: あきらか, akiraka
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , Rank: 1666
[] Meaning: canopy; awning; hood; curtain
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: ほろ, とばり, horo, tobari
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , Rank: 1309
[] Meaning: clear
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: あきらか, akiraka
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: deep and broad (water)
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: ひろ.い, hiro.i
Radical: , Decomposition:     

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[huǎng, ㄏㄨㄤˇ, ] dazzle #6,581 [Add to Longdo]
[huàng, ㄏㄨㄤˋ, ] sway; to shade #6,581 [Add to Longdo]
摇晃[yáo huàng, ㄧㄠˊ ㄏㄨㄤˋ,   /  ] to rock; to shake; to sway #16,294 [Add to Longdo]
新晃侗族自治县[Xīn huǎng dòng zú zì zhì xiàn, ㄒㄧㄣ ㄏㄨㄤˇ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄗㄨˊ ㄗˋ ㄓˋ ㄒㄧㄢˋ,        /       ] Xinhuang Dong autonomous county in Hunan #210,471 [Add to Longdo]
银晃晃[yín huǎng huǎng, ㄧㄣˊ ㄏㄨㄤˇ ㄏㄨㄤˇ,    /   ] silver glitter #372,952 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
晃曜[こうよう, kouyou] (n) dazzling brightness [Add to Longdo]
晃朗[こうろう, kourou] (adj-t, adv-to) bright and brilliant [Add to Longdo]
煌々;晃々;煌煌;晃晃[こうこう, koukou] (adj-t, adv-to) brilliant; dazzling; light; bright [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The camera moves in on the nostrils of the horse... as the buckboard begins to shake.([CN] 摄影机推进 特写了马的鼻孔" "这时候马车开始摇晃" The Player (1992)
Drive around all day with our dicks in our hands.[CN] 我们握着自己的"命根子",整天开车乱晃 Money for Nothing (1993)
How about if your master fooled you?[CN] 万一你师父晃点你呢? Royal Tramp (1992)
Stay still, or else they'll be blurry. Oh, well, hurry up![CN] 别晃,否则照出来会不清楚 Heavenly Creatures (1994)
It's not rigged for two. Keep it from swinging. I'll send out my harness.[CN] 这不是为两个人建的, 别让它开始晃, 我这就把我的工具降下去 Cliffhanger (1993)
Why d'you keep hanging around?[CN] 你为何一直在这闲晃 Point Break (1991)
You know, I'm not allowed out by myself after dark.[CN] 我家不让我一个人在天黑后在外面晃 My Girl (1991)
Hey, can you stand still?[CN] 大哥,你别晃来晃去行不行? Bu wen sao (1992)
[ Stuart A. Roosa ] You can feel it shake.[CN] [ 斯图尔特·A·罗莎 ] 你感觉得到它在摇晃 For All Mankind (1989)
I'll shake it down, that damn stuffy Yankee monument.[CN] 我要把它晃塌了 这该死的美国佬纪念碑 Part IX (1989)
Whoever you are, you got no business coming around here with that equipment.[CN] 管你是谁 你不许带着那些设备来这晃悠 Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo (1984)
You have all kinds of oddities clattering around in your brain.[CN] 你脑袋里晃荡着各种古怪的想法 Far and Away (1992)
[ AG/LMP ] This is really a rocking rolling ride.[CN] [ 指令员 ]真是摇晃的厉害 For All Mankind (1989)
And while rolling the wine vigorously around in the glass, we breathe deeply and fully.[CN] 然后,当我们用力 晃杯的同时 深满的呼吸酒香 Episode #2.19 (1991)
Once I stand still I have to move from one side to the other[CN] 一站在这,我就得晃里晃去 Bu wen sao (1992)
I sure would be happy for you to marry Silvia. In that case, I don't want you around.[CN] 那样的话, 你别再乱晃了 Jamón, Jamón (1992)
Gently rocking.[CN] 慢慢的摇晃 Gently rocking. 慢慢的摇晃 Gently rocking. 慢慢的摇晃 The Natural (1984)
Settle down, Grandma.[CN] 婆婆 别在那晃来晃去的 Porco Rosso (1992)
[ Roosa ] You're going too fast to orbit the moon. You're rocking on ready.[CN] [ 罗莎 ]你们进入月球轨道的速度 过快了.有些摇晃 For All Mankind (1989)
You know, a lot of guys don't like a big ass in their face when they're trying to eat.[CN] 很多人吃东西的时候 不喜欢看见面前有个屁股在晃 Short Cuts (1993)
your eyes will get hurt[CN] 会让金子晃瞎眼睛的 Once Upon a Time in China (1991)
[ AG/MC ] I got a pitch and a roll program and this baby is really going.[CN] [ 空控 ]我感觉到摇晃震动了 这宝贝动起来了 For All Mankind (1989)
Poncing round the penalty area with their handbags.[CN] 拿着手提包在罚球区里晃悠 Life Is Sweet (1990)
--gently rocking.[CN] ...慢慢的摇晃 - -gently rocking. The Natural (1984)
Waving flashlight is not allowed in the theater.[CN] 这戏园子里头 没有用手电筒晃人的规矩 Farewell My Concubine (1993)
You're moving too much. Quit spinning![CN] 你们动作太多了 别摇晃 Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)
I want to see you laugh, dance, twirl around![CN] 我想看到你笑,舞蹈,左右摇晃! My Best Friend's Girl (1983)
Big watermelon! You told me you will fool your father around.[CN] 大西瓜,说过有好处,老爸照样会晃点你 Royal Tramp (1992)
Generally male dance features waving and shaking which reflects the postures of primitive human[CN] 一般來說男人舞的搖擺晃動 比較貼近原始人對人體的自然趨勢 Samsara (1988)
That - the old Highland fling there. You know you're doing that?[CN] 你那高地特征的晃动,你意识到了吗? Naked (1993)
You won't see us later if you don't stop bopping around here.[CN] 如果你再把这里当游乐场 晃来晃去 晚点就见不到我们了 Casualties of War (1989)
I'm going to hang by the bar, [CN] 我去吧台那儿晃晃 Dumb and Dumber (1994)
And then the whole boat started to shake.[CN] 整条船都在晃悠 The Old Man and the Sea (1990)
Yeah, you've got a couple, so why don't you... point 'em that way and crawl out of my sight?[CN] 对 你已经有两点了 为什么你不... 点向那边 别在我眼前晃来晃去? Hot Dog... The Movie (1984)
Then I'll fool him around![CN] 那就晃点他 Royal Tramp (1992)
You're shaking mount Rushmore.[CN] 你晃的是拉什莫尔山 Part IX (1989)
Hey, you wanna go for a walk downtown?[CN] 要不要出去晃晃啊? Ocean Waves (1993)
He always moved from one side to another side[CN] 站在那儿一直摇晃,左摇右晃 右摇左晃 Bu wen sao (1992)
Are you sure those germs of yours don't travel through the air?[CN] 你确定你的那些细菌不会在空气里乱晃? The Cure (1995)
Do they wobble to and fro?[CN] 前后摇晃吗? Kalifornia (1993)
Larry Levy is a comer. That's what comers do, they get in your face.[CN] 拉里·李维是后起之秀 都是这样的 他们都会在你眼前晃来晃去 The Player (1992)
A few loose sailors may be berthing or they're caught in nonessential areas and can go nowhere.[CN] 少数几个水手还在晃荡... 反正不会阻止我们的计划 Under Siege (1992)
Stop fooling around.[CN] 別到處傻晃! Waterland (1992)
What do you mean?[CN] 什么是晃点? Royal Tramp (1992)
Has he had many women before me?[CN] 他有许多女孩在我面前晃? My Best Friend's Girl (1983)
And with all this going down, where have you been? ![CN] 这个时候你到底跑到哪儿去闲晃了? Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)
I tolerate the shame and regrets accompanied by uneasiness.[JP] 恥辱と悔恨に耐え 我承受著恥辱和悔恨的臭味 すさまじい揺れに耐えながら 陪同不安靜地晃盪 Cape No. 7 (2008)
There's just a very small light right at the very end... flickering... flickering...[CN] 只有一点点的光适过来 一直在摇晃 摇晃 La Belle Noiseuse (1991)
Will you cheat your father?[CN] 那你会不会晃点你老爸呢? Royal Tramp (1992)
She's all over the place. This thing's got the response of a 747 at this speed.[CN] 她晃的厉害, 这东西在这种速度反应和747一样 Cliffhanger (1993)

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