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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, hàn, ㄏㄢˋ] to incite, to move, to shake
Radical: , Decomposition:   扌 [shǒu, ㄕㄡˇ]  感 [gǎn, ㄍㄢˇ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] hand
Rank: 2987

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: move
On-yomi: カン, kan
Kun-yomi: うごか.す,
Radical: , Decomposition:     

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[hàn, ㄏㄢˋ, ] shake; to incite #26,853 [Add to Longdo]
震撼[zhèn hàn, ㄓㄣˋ ㄏㄢˋ,  ] shake; vibrate; shock; rock; fig. mind-blowing #5,445 [Add to Longdo]
蜻蜓撼石柱[qīng tíng hàn shí zhù, ㄑㄧㄥ ㄊㄧㄥˊ ㄏㄢˋ ㄕˊ ㄓㄨˋ,     ] lit. the dragon-fly shakes the stone tower (成语 saw); fig. to overestimate one's capabilities #570,852 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
震撼[しんかん, shinkan] (n, vs) shake [Add to Longdo]
震撼させる[しんかんさせる, shinkansaseru] (v1) to shock; to shake [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The ground shakes.[CN] 大地在撼动 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
So it'll really rock the house.[CN] 所以 音像效果超震撼的 Negro Y Azul (2009)
So you're telling us this, the yarn of the century, [CN] 照你这么说 你告诉了我们这么震撼的故事 The Man from Earth (2007)
I'll take care of it. You're breaking my balls.[CN] 这事我负责 你的方案太震撼了 Valentino: The Last Emperor (2008)
-They'll get an education today.[CN] - 今天要接受震撼教育 Training Day (2001)
But what he's done for the game...[CN] 但是我不认为有人能撼动 Michael Jordan to the Max (2000)
Do you have any idea what a jolt it was?[CN] 你知道那是什么样的震撼吗 Tortured Souls (2005)
I choose not the suffocating anesthetic of the suburbs, but the violent jolt of the capital.[CN] 我选择不过郊区的宁静生活 而是大都市强烈的震撼 The Hours (2002)
Acute Stendhal Syndrome.[CN] 急性文化震撼症 Reprise (2006)
These blasts did take place in Moscow, but they were felt around the world. Good morning.[JP] モスクワへのテロ攻撃で 世界中が震撼 xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017)
We use the exciting style of all those shows. Shaky camera and everything.[CN] 运镜要有临场震撼 带点摇晃感 Down to You (2000)
Occam's Razor-- the simplest explanation is almost always that somebody screwed up.[CN] 奥卡姆剪刀论 - 最简单的解释总是令人震撼 Occam's Razor (2004)
I'm sorry he's obsessed with me but at some point it's like, "Hello!"[CN] 很遗撼他这么迷恋我 但他总得面对现实 Miss Congeniality (2000)
Swing it, give it a shake[CN] "摇摆,震撼" Ghajini (2008)
I'm Soo-in and you're Kyung-hee[CN] и琌╭くτ﹑琌春撼 Lover's Concerto (2002)
At the nuclear institute, the figures provoke a shock.[CN] [ 莫斯科 柯恰朵夫研究所 ] 这些数值 在核子研究所引发震撼 The Battle of Chernobyl (2006)
You know, things like that just kind of blow my mind.[CN] 时空无限 一切都已灰飞烟灭 这震撼着我的心灵 Seeing in the Dark (2007)
For those of you justjoining us, [CN] 拍到了一些非常震撼的画面 Cloverfield (2008)
Kyung-hee Yeah?[CN] 春撼 ぐ或ㄆ Lover's Concerto (2002)
The Vermeer is quite good.[CN] 好工作 佛密尔的作品简单、震撼人心 Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Who would like to hear a mind-blowing story?[CN] 谁想听个震撼的故事? The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby (2007)
Well, they're gonna have a hell of an education tomorrow.[CN] 明天他们就要来个震撼教育 Why We Fight (2001)
The right question and we could have made the world tremble.[JP] 使い様によっては 世界を震撼させられました The Courier (No. 85) (2013)
You sure did, man. You saved that tree. Wow.[CN] 当然,你拯救了它 哇哦,我必须要说,我太震撼了 The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby (2007)
Kyung-hee, I found Ji-hwan[CN] 春撼и笿в Lover's Concerto (2002)
I will smite thee... in his honor.[CN] 以上帝之名 吾将撼汝 Constantine (2005)
The screaming, the fights, the threats that never let up since day one of filming, were worth it.[CN] 影片震撼轰动 The Kid Stays in the Picture (2002)
A striking story.[CN] 一个震撼人心的故事 Gladiator (2000)
You know what movie I just saw again the other day, which is fucking, like, mind-blowing, and I haven't seen it since it came out is Munich.[CN] 我前两天又看了一遍那个电影 他妈的又被狠狠震撼了一次,刚出了碟,我才看到,是《慕尼黑》! Knocked Up (2007)
This shocking image of repressed femininity.[CN] . 受壓抑女性的震撼畫面! Ghost World (2001)
The results have just been thrilling.[CN] 结果是震撼的 Side Effects (2005)
Kyung-hee and I are the same type[CN] 春撼㎝и琌 Lover's Concerto (2002)
When this gets out it is gonna spread fast, and a lot of wesen are gonna freak.[JP] 多くの凶獣が怯え 凶獣社会を震撼させる事になったら Natural Born Wesen (2013)
I had such faith in our democratic system, our self-government.[CN] 曾以为... 这震撼的真相足以... An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Alan Collins, on his Explorer.[CN] 阿兰 -柯林斯 他的探险者 一段独奏非常震撼 The First Day of the Rest of Your Life (2008)
But what you said this morning shook me to the bone.[CN] 但早上你说的话 震撼到我的骨子里 Adaptation. (2002)
And we have to wonder why it's so shocking.[CN] 會感到震撼, 因此強迫人們必須反思 Ghost World (2001)
It's like playing chicken with a brick wall.[CN] 有点像蚍蜉撼大树 The Marine 2 (2009)
Soo-ln Kyung-Hee[CN] ℉╭く 春撼 Lover's Concerto (2002)
A Los Angeles neighborhood is shaken by a bank robbery that ended in homicide and terror.[JP] ロスは殺人と恐怖を伴った... 銀行強盗で震撼しています Heat (1995)
It was more like a revelation of some kind... and yet shocking-- like a shocking revelation.[CN] 这更象是个新发现... 但还是很震撼,就象震撼性的发现 Bandits (2001)
I wanted to tell you I'm sorry about the way things went.[CN] 来告诉你,很遗撼事情弄成这样 Proof of Life (2000)
We are close to an offensive that will shake the planet, yet we are continually delayed because you cannot outwit a simpleton with a shield![JP] 地球を震撼させる攻撃まで あと少しだと言うのに... 遅れ続けている。 お前が盾を持ったバカを 出し抜けないからだ。 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
The doctor shocked her, the doctor mocked her[CN] 医生震撼了她,医生挫败了她 Marci X (2003)
Kyung-hee's got a boyfriend[CN] 春撼Τ╧狟ね Lover's Concerto (2002)
That'll be fun You're Soo-in and I'm Kyung-hee[CN] ê﹚ ﹑琌╭くτи琌春撼 Lover's Concerto (2002)
"Break through the spirit in the air. Ug yee tak"[CN] 震撼大气的雷之精灵呀 Ah! My Goddess: The Movie (2000)
Linus Torvalds has created a computer system that has struck the whole industry with amazement.[CN] Linus Torvalds所创造的电脑系统 令整个业界为之震撼 The Code (2001)
Because God knows, it was a shock to me.[CN] 天知道,这对我象是个震撼 Bandits (2001)
The police are completely convinced that Chris robbed the Trust... then was killed by his accomplice.[CN] 我很震撼 震撼? 警察完全相信是克里斯抢劫了银行... Shadow of Fear (2004)

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