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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
希腊[Xī là, ㄒㄧ ㄌㄚˋ,   /  ] Greece #7,387 [Add to Longdo]
古希腊[gǔ Xī là, ㄍㄨˇ ㄒㄧ ㄌㄚˋ,    /   ] ancient Greece #24,324 [Add to Longdo]
希腊神话[Xī là shén huà, ㄒㄧ ㄌㄚˋ ㄕㄣˊ ㄏㄨㄚˋ,     /    ] Greek mythology #51,659 [Add to Longdo]
希腊字母[xī là zì mǔ, ㄒㄧ ㄌㄚˋ ㄗˋ ㄇㄨˇ,     /    ] Greek alphabet #138,053 [Add to Longdo]
希腊文[Xī là wén, ㄒㄧ ㄌㄚˋ ㄨㄣˊ,    /   ] Greek literature #181,970 [Add to Longdo]
古希腊语[gǔ xī là yǔ, ㄍㄨˇ ㄒㄧ ㄌㄚˋ ㄩˇ,     /    ] ancient Greek (language) [Add to Longdo]
希腊语[Xī là yǔ, ㄒㄧ ㄌㄚˋ ㄩˇ,    /   ] Greek language [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
希臘[ぎりしゃ;ギリシア;ギリシャ, girisha ; girishia ; girisha] (n, adj-no) (uk) Greece (por [Add to Longdo]
ギリシャ陸亀;希臘陸亀[ギリシャりくがめ;ギリシャリクガメ, girisha rikugame ; girisharikugame] (n) (uk) European tortoise; Greek tortoise (Testudo graeca) [Add to Longdo]
古代ギリシャ;古代ギリシア;古代希臘[こだいギリシャ(古代ギリシャ;古代希臘);こだいギリシア(古代ギリシア), kodai girisha ( kodai girisha ; kodai girishia ); kodai girishia ( kodai girishia )] (n) ancient Greece [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You never learned Greek![CN] 這不奇怪,您從沒學過希臘語! Born to Be King (1983)
Yes, that's right, a Greek look. - Good.[CN] 是的,希臘風 Born to Be King (1983)
- Greek father, sir.[CN] - 來自希臘的神父 Centurion (2010)
Horse breeding was fantastically developed in Greece and Macedonia.[CN] 馬的飼養捕風捉影地在 希臘和馬其頓地區發展起來 Passions (1994)
Didn't stop until I reached Greece. Then I ran for sport.[CN] 一直跑到希臘 後來就從事跑步運動 Centurion (2010)
But she held him by the heel.[CN] 但當他還是一個希臘嬰兒時 他媽媽是個女神,帶他去冥河 位於冥府,亡靈之境 Louis C.K. 2017 (2017)
Ever onward young Slavs, onward Greeks and young Spaniards.[CN] 崛起的斯拉夫青年, 希臘人和西班牙青年 Man of Marble (1977)
There are 12 Olympian gods.[CN] 希臘神話中有12位天神 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
Galatea![CN] 伽拉忒亞! (希臘神話人物,海中女神) Wesele (1973)
It is clear that he is coming apart... when he and Eudora dine at a Greek restaurant... and in the midst of the meal, Zelig begins to turn Greek.[CN] 但是這變得越來越難了。 很顯然,他的精神開始崩潰, 當他和尤朵拉在一家 希臘餐廳用餐的時候, Zelig (1983)
No, you learn the rules. We Greeks invented democracy.[CN] 你才學著點, 是我們希臘人發明民主制度的 Ghost World (2001)
What about the Flying Greco Brothers?[CN] 希臘兄弟怎麼樣飛行? The Devil's Brigade (1968)
The Greeks say "rigano", and the Italians say "oregano."[CN] 希臘人管這叫"Rigano",意大利人叫它"Oregano" The Tunnel (2001)
A princess in Greece just bought one of her gowns.[CN] 希臘公主剛訂購她的婚紗 The Parent Trap (1998)
Might as well be Greek. They use it as a form of magic.[CN] 也許是希臘語的 他們用之作為一種魔力的象徵 The Chairman (1969)
Er...[CN] 希臘人? Born to Be King (1983)
"It's Campampetes." Nobody cares what you know.[CN] 我女兒在學希臘神話 Louis C.K. 2017 (2017)
But it sounds like Greek.[CN] 可聽起來象希臘語 Born to Be King (1983)
Sometimes we also heard the Trojan victim speaking... through the mouth of the Greek Euripides.[CN] 有時我們也聽說了特洛伊受害者的演講... 從希臘歐裏庇得斯的嘴裏 Notre musique (2004)
And I wanted to be there to say, "Leave your mother alone.[CN] 去你的,阿基里斯,你這希臘渾球 Louis C.K. 2017 (2017)
Aeolus was the Greek god of the winds and the father of Sisyphus, the man condemned by the gods to the task of pushing a rock up a mountain and let it see roll back down again.[CN] 埃厄洛斯是希臘風神,也是西緒福斯的父親 就是那個被神責罰的人,把石頭推上山 再眼睜睜的看著它滾下來 Triangle (2009)
Lucky for you we've evolved.[CN] 還好我們不是古希臘人 Valkyrie (2008)
Greek, my foot[CN] 希臘,我的天啊! My Fair Lady (1964)
How long has she been in Greece?[CN] - 你們到希臘多久了? Voyager (1991)
In ancient Greece, you would have been killed for this.[CN] 在古希臘, 你會為此送命 Valkyrie (2008)
The Greek ambassador.[CN] 希臘的大使 My Fair Lady (1964)
That's because your brain is hardwired for Ancient Greek, not English.[CN] 那是你大腦自動用古希臘語重組句子 而不是用英語來讀 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
Don't you trust Greek sources?[CN] 難道你不相信 希臘神話嗎? Passions (1994)
They speak Greek? No.[CN] 他們說希臘語? Born to Be King (1983)
Everyone sits at the table, eats turkey, and argues.[CN] 很乖的希臘女孩 Melbourne (2010)
Nay, Mama, I'll start cleaning up.[CN] 像妳這樣的希臘女孩 到墨爾本幹嘛? Melbourne (2010)
It's not Greek.[CN] 不是希臘語 Born to Be King (1983)
Greek fires... like in ancient Sparta.[CN] 希臘回憶之炬... 他們在斯巴達有 Cremator (1969)
Tell me, Zoltan, some more about the Greek ambassador.[CN] 索騰,再告訴我一些 有關希臘大使的事 My Fair Lady (1964)
Not bad for a Greek. Come on.[CN] 希臘人也有這身手 走 Centurion (2010)
Then it probably is.[CN] 如果聽起來象希臘語 那大概就是希臘語吧 Born to Be King (1983)
"She helped Theseus escape the labyrinth."[CN] 她幫助特修斯(希臘神話)逃出迷宮 Wordplay (2006)
I mean it sounds like Greek.[CN] 不,我是說聽起來象希臘語 Born to Be King (1983)
- It's all Greek to me.[CN] - 我哪知道? 聽著像希臘語 Born to Be King (1983)
Greco, Guthrie, Gatling, Smith.[CN] 希臘,格思裡,格林,史密斯 The Devil's Brigade (1968)
- Omar Greco. - They call me Bronc.[CN] - 奧馬爾希臘 The Devil's Brigade (1968)
"What's not Greek, but sounds like it?" That's a good one, My Lord.[CN] "不是希臘語,可聽起來象?" 真不賴,大人 Born to Be King (1983)
Greek mythology.[CN] 希臘神話 Poltergeist III (1988)
Wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. The drachma.[CN] 等等,古希臘金幣,古希臘金幣! Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
What about your trip to Greece?[CN] 你們去希臘的旅行怎麼樣? La Notte (1961)
Norwegians learn Norwegian The Greeks are taught their Greek ln France every Frenchman Knows his language from "A " to "Z"[CN] 挪威人學習挪威語 希臘人就教希臘話 在法國每一個法國人 都非常瞭解他們的語言 My Fair Lady (1964)
It was like a shield, right?[CN] 一個希臘嬰兒 Louis C.K. 2017 (2017)
Aeolus was the Greek god of the winds and the father of Sisyphus, the man condemned by the gods to the task of pushing a rock up a mountain only to have it roll back down again.[CN] 埃厄洛斯是希臘風神,也是西緒福斯的父親 就是那個被神責罰的人,把石頭推上山 再眼睜睜的看著它滾下來 Triangle (2009)
Hell, the Greeks 3000 years ago were just as advanced as we are.[CN] 該死 三千年前的古希臘人和我們現在差不多 Waking Life (2001)
In Greek, the word for path is methodos.[CN] In Greek, the word for path is methodos. 在希臘語中 對應道路的詞為Methodos Examined Life (2008)

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