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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
处于[chǔ yú, ㄔㄨˇ ㄩˊ,   /  ] be (in some state, position, or condition) #1,294 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
They are for joining our state which is divided... in Rumelia and Anatolia together and make it a big empire.[CN] 这是为了让我们分处于鲁米利亚和安纳托利亚的国土... 联合起来形成一个大大的帝国 Conquest 1453 (2012)
Weimy and I are in good overwatch position, and I got to keep reporting back to Blackbeard Main.[CN] 怀明和我处于绝佳掩护位置 我得不间断向基地汇报 Act of Valor (2012)
Who, in light of her recent very difficult, difficult financial troubles, has asked me to adopt her damaged pet horse who was brought to my attention by my alcoholic servant, Max.[CN] Caroline Channing 她正处于破产的边缘 并曾乞求我 去收养她受了伤的宠物马 而且还是通过我的酒鬼仆人Max 来引起我的注意呢 And the Reality Check (2011)
I guess I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around you stepping down.[CN] 我想我正处于对你疏远的时候 你退休 To Be, Act 1 (2011)
Listen, Beth's in some kind of catatonic shock.[CN] 贝丝有点处于紧张性休克状态 Nebraska (2012)
Compatriotas, Mexico is under siege.[CN] 人民们, 墨西哥正处于被包围之下 For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada (2012)
The central fuel tank and booster engine are in the numbers.[CN] 中央燃料箱及增压泵 发动机处于数字。 Astronaut: The Last Push (2012)
" The officials have issued a world wide state of emergency. "[CN] 殖民地现在处于紧急状态 Total Recall (2012)
- Switched off with the mains.[CN] - 电源开关处于关闭状态 When the Lights Went Out (2012)
Currently, we're in the middle, okay. Of what I like to call the three wars.[CN] 现今我们正处于"三场战争" Game Change (2012)
Just the unfortunate state of the economy we all behind[CN] 只是我们身处于经济不景气的状况下... ATM (2012)
Things are in motion.[CN] 事情目前处于行动中 To Be, Act 1 (2011)
We are in the middle of a battle that's a trillion years in the making, [CN] 我们身处于 这场演化了万亿年的战争中 The Master (2012)
That is right on the edge of Cylon-controlled space.[CN] 那里正好处于塞隆控制区的边缘 Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (2012)
At the southern end of our planet, the Antarctic sea ice is still at its greatest extent.[CN] 在我们星球的南端 南极的海冰仍处于最大范围 Spring (2011)
At this moment, our relationship exists in two mutually contradictory states.[CN] 目前 咱俩的关系 At this moment, our relationship exists 处于两种相互矛盾的状态 in two mutually contradictory states. The Russian Rocket Reaction (2011)
You're putting my life at risk and those of everyone around you.[CN] 你正在使我的生活处于危险中和那些每个人在你周围。 Bending the Rules (2012)
They appear to be moving off Main Street and heading towards Division Avenue, where residences and businesses are more at risk.[CN] 他们从主干大街 延伸到各个街道 这使得居民和商业楼也处于危险之中 Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012)
- she's never done Anything like that before.[CN] 也许你走,处于休眠状态 不喜欢此之前 Infected (2013)
My ears are still frozen.[CN] 我的耳朵仍然处于冻结状态。 Not Fade Away (2012)
You're on release.[CN] 你还处于假释期 Hands (2011)
Your mother said you were having a hard time.[CN] 你母亲说你现在正处于困难期 Simon Killer (2012)
Prior to that voyage, the great world zones had existed largely in isolation.[CN] 在那次航海之前,地球上那两片大陆, 依然处于近乎相互完全隔绝的状态. History of the World in 2 Hours (2011)
The world economy is on the brink of collapse.[CN] 世界经济正处于崩溃边缘 Game Change (2012)
And we are on a journey that risks the dark.[CN] 我们正处于一段充满黑暗与危险的旅途中 The Master (2012)
Succession protocol requires him to be on lockdown as long as the threat to the President remains red.[CN] 继位协议要求他在针对总统的威胁 保持红色状态时必须处于高度戒备状态 The Vest (2011)
- Okay, you're right, I'm wrong.[CN] - 好吧, 我现在处于危险之中 Extracted (2012)
The world economy is on the brink of collapse.[CN] 世界经济正处于崩盘的边缘 Game Change (2012)
While halfway around the world, in the aftermath of the fall of Rome, [CN] 这时,正值全球的转捩点, 全世界正处于罗马帝国灭亡的余波中, History of the World in 2 Hours (2011)
Do you have any idea the advantage he has over us now?[CN] 知道他现在处于我们上风吗? Red Lights (2012)
It's a long list. I'll be on eight for a while.[CN] 是个很长的单子 我处于第八阶段很久了 People Like Us (2012)
It's the facts of this case that give us the advantage.[CN] 现在我们处于有利地位 The Raven (2012)
I'm sorry I put you guys in danger.[CN] - 对不起 我让你们处于危险的境地 Rhino's Revenge (2011)
Estrogen levels high intervals between menses holding steady.[CN] 雌性激素在最高水平... 正处于经期前的峰值 Underworld Awakening (2012)
So were you at the same eye level as the subject?[CN] 所以你和研究对像处于同一视平线? Red Lights (2012)
I can't have him putting other students in danger.[CN] 我不能让其他学生成天处于危险之中 People Like Us (2012)
You know, we're really in the midst of geologic scale change.[CN] 我们确实处于地质变化长河的中段 Chasing Ice (2012)
Youngsters stick close to their parents - those that are making their first migration will still be learning the way.[CN] 年轻的雪雁紧挨其父母—— 这些第一次迁徙的年轻的雪雁还处于学习阶段 North America (2011)
We are all in danger.[CN] 我们都处于威胁之中 Kiss (2011)
Mr. Nunemacher, we have reason to believe your life may be in danger.[CN] Nunemacher先生 我们有理由相信你的生命处于危险之中. Alex Cross (2012)
You and her, that jeopardizes our team, that jeopardizes me, that jeopardizes you, my family.[CN] 你和她的关系让我们队 让我们甚至我的家人都处于危险之中. Alex Cross (2012)
And major sectors of America's financial system are at risk of shutting down.[CN] 美国财务体系的主要部门 处于关闭的危机 Killing Them Softly (2012)
And it was exactly that secret that ended up placing Miss.[CN] 也正是这"密码"让赛丽亚女士和女儿处于 Two Rabbits (2012)
Maybe now, they will finally get to feed on their favourite prey, especially as the exhausted geese are at their most vulnerable.[CN] 也许现在 他们终于得以进食自己喜爱的猎物 尤其是当疲劳的雪雁正处于它们最脆弱的时刻 North America (2011)
Corruption infects the Templar ranks as the leadership sees their role shift from control and protection...[CN] 处于领导阶层的圣殿骑士日益腐败 Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker (2012)
Yeah, but her husband is in serious congestive heart failure, and a little birdie told me he's in the placebo group.[CN] 处于充血性心脏衰竭状态 serious congestive heart failure, 据称 他现在已经被安排到安慰剂组了 and a little birdie told me he's in the placebo group. The Wiggly Finger Catalyst (2011)
Tara is under psych observation.[CN] Tara目前处于精神状态观察期 Call of Duty (2011)
But we're in the homestretch now, bro.[CN] 但我们正处于关键阶段,兄弟们 Call of Duty (2011)
Protecting someone in danger.[CN] 保护处于危险中的人 Cosmopolis (2012)
My father told me to strike first and to strike fast and to always be the aggressor![CN] 我爸教我攻击要快狠准 并不能处于被攻击的状态 Here Comes the Boom (2012)

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