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处于[chǔ yú, ㄔㄨˇ ㄩˊ,   /  ] be (in some state, position, or condition) #1,294 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It's maximum security, [CN] 目前处于最高戒备 Things You Can't Outrun (2014)
In fact, every time I saw the movie, I kept thinking "Tom Baxter's so handsome."[CN] 什么意思 ? 我们正处于经济萧条 每个人都很穷 The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)
And whoever walks through there... will not return to the house that they just left.[CN] 他们最终都会随机地 处于某个地方。 And whoever walks through there... 无论谁走过那里... Coherence (2013)
-She's having...[CN] - 她现在正处于 Eat Pray Love (2010)
We were at a mobility scooter rally.[CN] 我们正处于一个代步车拉力赛。 Gangsta Granny (2013)
You'd analyze me out of existence, but I won't let you.[CN] 处于我的存在而分析我 但是我不会让你这样的 Ninotchka (1939)
What is at stake is no less than the future of our glorious Chile![CN] 我们伟大的祖国智利正处于生死存亡的关头! What is at stake is no less than the future of our glorious Chile! Rain over Santiago (1975)
Yeah. It could make Will look bad.[CN] 是的, 那可能会让Will处于劣势. Bitcoin for Dummies (2012)
What?[CN] -现在还处于惊慌状态 Quick to Say I Love You (2016)
- And you're in the acceptance stage.[CN] 处于面对的阶段 Parenthood (2012)
I don't know.[CN] 我也不知道,现在,整个时间表 都处于不断变化之中 The Nines (2007)
I can't have you like this around my son.[CN] 我不能让你这样 和我儿子同处于一室 Something Nice Back Home (2008)
He's all I have.[CN] 我们来这里 是为了帮助你 你把自己 处于很大的危险中 The Space Between Us (2017)
I don't suppose you remember much, you weren't making a lot of sense.[CN] 你大概不记得了 那时你处于半昏迷状态 A Scandal in Belgravia (2012)
Right now, I'm in a "crack heads first, ask questions later" frame of mind.[CN] 现在我处于"先砸脑袋 Right now, I'm in a "Crack heads first, 后问问题"的状态 ask questions later" frame of mind. S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
Blue seems a little troubled and the box fell down![CN] 处于暂时领先 2比1 哦 放不下来 箱子... 啊掉下来了! Robot Contest (2003)
You're in shock.[CN] 处于极度震惊状态. Missing in Action 2: The Beginning (1985)
No, no, no.[CN] 他的武器现在处于狙击模式 His weapon was in the sniper configuration. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
What are you doing?[CN] 我以后的职业生涯都会处于危险状态... Dirty Grandpa (2016)
-IS IT THE U.S. MILITARY?[CN] 紧急快讯 大阪已处于紧急事态 Gantz: O (2016)
Because of the rivalry[CN] 因为互相处于竞争关系 Rakuen Tsuiho: Expelled from Paradise (2014)
Most in critical condition.[CN] 大部分已经处于垂危状态 Himitsu (1999)
Well, you see, Max, I find myself in a rather awkward position.[CN] 迈克斯 我发觉自己处于一个相当尴尬的立场 Rebecca (1940)
Yeah.[CN] 由于联邦政府处于停摆状态 地区领导委员 普莱斯 卡斯蒂略 威尔逊和克罗夫特 Legacy (2016)
- No.[CN] - 如果她是 处于昏迷状态, A Little Bit Zombie (2012)
Fitz.[CN] 我们正处于转折点 Ghost Rider: Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire (2016)
- What's this?[CN] 因为就是他让我处于了那个处境 Brooklyn Housing (2017)
We're dead in the air up here.[CN] 我们处于盲目的状态 The Avengers (2012)
It would not remain underground for long.[CN] 长期处于地下不会。 Deep Web (2015)
A republic lives on the knife's edge.[CN] 美国处于危险的剃刀边缘 The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
The people are suffering.[CN] 民众处于水火 Back to 1942 (2012)
Dr Von Hallor here would say you were riding on those bottom waves, because you wanted to drop something burning your fingers.[CN] 我认为霍尔医师也许会说 你此正处于情绪的极低潮 如果这个人坚持进行他的计划 Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
She's cooling off with her contacts cut off.[CN] 她现在切断了与外界的一切联系 处于隐居状态 Episode #1.6 (2009)
- He can't sit up.[CN] 你先把眼睛闭上 然后一个人把大拇指放在 你胸腔下面的腹腔神经丛上 你的整个上部躯干 就会处于半麻痹状态 Everybody Wants Some!! (2016)
We're still submerged.[CN] 我们还处于淹没之中 Below (2002)
To the condition of my client.[CN] 我的客户处于这种状态 Bordertown (1935)
We are in an uncontrolled descent.[CN] 我们处于失控下落状态 我们在下坠 The Avengers (2012)
As a medical man I consider he's in his second childhood.[CN] 作为搞医学的,我认为他处于第二个童年 Baltic Deputy (1937)
If it's not Dr. Marrow, that's a pretty scary proposition.[CN] 看来发生了的事 使人处于骇人状态 The Haunting (1999)
[ Lanzmann ] But ifs astonishing that people in the Department of Special Trains never knew about the "final solution. "[CN] 我们当时处于战争状态 因为有其他在铁路工作的人 他们听说过这个事情 Shoah (1985)
And we begin together someplace... in space-time... and we synchronize it.[CN] 我们一开始处于同一个 时空点 表上的时间也一致 Insignificance (1985)
Why?[CN] 每一次失灵都是部件烧毁 所有部件都处于超载状态 Passengers (2016)
Capitalism is all the time in crisis.[CN] 资本主义一直都处于危机之中 The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012)
You merely feel you must put yourself in a romantic mood... to add to your exhilaration.[CN] 你要让自己感觉到你必须 让自己处于一种浪漫心情 以便增添你的愉悦 Ninotchka (1939)
Maybe she's in an open relationship.[CN] 或许她处于一段开放的婚姻关系中 Episode #1.6 (2014)
So...[CN] 顺便说一句,据我所知,没有 的问题,他一直处于关系 什么都没有发生在我们之间。 What If (2013)
Of humanity itself...[CN] 我们始终相信 我们身处于 20th Century Women (2016)
She is in a cryogenic suspension coma... she will die.[CN] 她正处于冬眠状态被冷冻着 30小时内不接受手术的话就没救了 Crusher Joe: The Movie (1983)
At a set time, we were to attack the SS everywhere, seize their weapons and attack the Kommandantur.[CN] 抢了他们的武器, 袭击指挥官 但是我们没有办法实现找个计划 因为当时集中营处于瘫痪的状态 Shoah (1985)
You're in a tight situation.[CN] 我们知道您现在处于非常困难的情况 The Terror Live (2013)


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