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处于[chǔ yú, ㄔㄨˇ ㄩˊ,   /  ] be (in some state, position, or condition) #1,294 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I have little experience in criminal cases and I shall be at a disadvantage with a skillful prosecutor.[CN] 我犯罪案的经验不足 可能会处于弱势 The Wrong Man (1956)
"the man who breaks is at a disadvantage.[CN] 「开球的人处于劣势」 A Game of Pool (1961)
In her delirium, she keeps calling for you[CN] 她现在处于昏迷状态 但她一直在叫你的名字 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
But we're still in the prime of life.[CN] 但还是处于巅峰状态 Lady and the Tramp (1955)
They were 5 or 6 years old in the last war.[CN] 当他们5、6岁大时,正处于 战争的末期。 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Trouble is, where are we in the Dexter case?[CN] 麻烦在于我们在德克斯特的案子里 处于什么立场? The Naked City (1948)
If we run late, we end up with nothing but sticky fingers.[CN] 如果我们进去晚了, 我们什么都得不到 还处于危险中 Violent Saturday (1955)
Without recognizing the villagers as equal human beings, we can't guarantee the equality of all people.[CN] 他们不解放处于社会最低层的部落民 还在那谈什么四民平等 Apostasy (1948)
He dreams he's back during the French Revolution.[CN] 他梦见自己身处于法国大革命 Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Do you mean to sit there and tell me... that having mischievously conjured up this ghost or spirit or whatever she is... and placed me in a hideous position... you are unable to do anything about it?[CN] 你坐在这里告诉我 你的魔法错误的召来了这个鬼 或者说魂魄什么的 让我处于危险之地 Blithe Spirit (1945)
Have some chocolate, before you get pickled.[CN] 在你处于困境前 吃点巧克力 The Bridge (1959)
We're in our prime and they're turning us out! It's an abuse of taxes![CN] 我们正处于全盛时期, 他们正要驱逐我们 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)
Now I'd like to say a few words... to the boys and girls of our graduating class.[CN] 现在我想说些话... 对处于毕业班极的男孩们和女孩们 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
I'm always hungry.[CN] 我一直处于饥饿状态 America America (1963)
He's in a state of catatonic shock and in a home for the criminally insane.[CN] 他处于震惊昏厥状态 关在犯人疯人院 Curse of the Demon (1957)
And he's in danger, terrible danger. We both are.[CN] 而且他处于危险中, 非常危险 我们二个都是 Dangerous Crossing (1953)
Where does she fit in this romantic situation?[CN] 在这场恋爱里她处于什么样的位置? The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
I tell him, what's the point of having a brain from here to here... and making a pile of money that high... if you can't take time off to keep from starving.[CN] 我告诉他, 怎么利用大脑... 去赚钱... 如果你不能让大脑休息 还不时地处于饥饿状态 The Damned Don't Cry (1950)
You said one day we're gonna tangle, Joker, you said the time was gonna come.[CN] 你说有天,我们会处于 混乱状态 你说过机会总会来的 The Defiant Ones (1958)
A great actress at the peak of her career. You have every reason for happiness.[CN] 正处于事业的颠峰 一切快乐的理由你都具备 All About Eve (1950)
Well, he's still in danger.[CN] 是的,孩子仍处于危险中 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
People are always ready to fight.[CN] 大家都一直处于战备状态 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958)
Well, there's an awful lot of money at stake.[CN] 但是,有很多钱处于危险之中 A Face in the Crowd (1957)
We are in the land of opium and there are no opiates.[CN] 我们处于吗啡王国却没吗啡 55 Days at Peking (1963)
Mrs. Bainbridge is in such a state... she has to have something for her nerves.[CN] 贝里布里奇夫人处于 这样一种状况... 她应该鼓起勇气 Compulsion (1959)
I understand. It's war.[CN] 我理解 我们处于战争状态 Ballad of a Soldier (1959)
It's got to do with trust funds... her father's estate, all sorts of legal complications.[CN] 她爸爸的产业 都处于法律和麻烦之中 House of Strangers (1949)
The thing is, the complexity of the plan only implicates you more deeply.[CN] 但这么精明的做法 使你处于一种尴尬的境地 The Bad Sleep Well (1960)
We are an island in the jungle.[CN] 我们处于热带雨林中一个孤岛. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
I would be in a worse spot then, trying to explain why I beat it.[CN] 我会处于一个更糟糕的情景: 解释我为什么逃跑 Detour (1945)
By the time I came along, the company was hanging on the ropes.[CN] 那时我椄手公司时 它处于危险情况 Marnie (1964)
Possibly aware of the fate of his two companions, he was never off guard.[CN] 可能知道他两位朋友的命运 他时常处于戒备状态 Harakiri (1962)
After all, I am in the best position of anyone to help.[CN] 毕竟我处于最有利的帮助位置 A Blueprint for Murder (1953)
It is hard when a woman leaves a man nothing but memories - and a muff.[CN] 当女人留给男人的只有记忆 男人一定处于伤悲之中 Tom Jones (1963)
It doesn 't pay to be a man.[CN] 一个处于劣势的男人 Being Two Isn't Easy (1962)
You're in danger! Please![CN] 你们都处于险境 请听我说! Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
The Sabinin party is in distress.[CN] 身在西伯利亚的国民正处于灾难当中 Letter Never Sent (1960)
So not a soul is in darkness, or done with even in the grave.[CN] 所以即使在坟墓里也没有人会处于黑暗中 或者已经结束. The Miracle Worker (1962)
On the very day of your utmost danger, he filled the house with riot and debauchery.[CN] 在你生命处于极端危险的时候 他在屋子里捣乱作乐 Tom Jones (1963)
After all you yourself are on a highly emotional state.[CN] 你处于一个高度的精神状态 Strangers in the Night (1944)
But she treated him badly, she kept him in such a state.[CN] 但是她对他很不好 让他处于那种状态 The Dark Mirror (1946)
I've been on the receiving end most of my life so I know what I'm talking about.[CN] 大部分时间里 我都处于接受馈赠的那一方... 所以我知道我在说什么 The V.I.P.s (1963)
The point is, you put yourself and your father in a very serious position by this infernal amateur meddling.[CN] 问题是,你把你和你爸... ...因为这极丑恶的事处于一个很严重的处境。 Stage Fright (1950)
If he succeeds, the crisis is over... and Crassus may stay in retirement indefinitely.[CN] 如果他成功 危机就随之解除 而柯萨斯只能永远 处于退休状态 Spartacus (1960)
I find myself at an awkward disadvantage.[CN] 我觉得我处于不利的位置 Funny Face (1957)
You boast of traditions of bravery but even the code of the House of Iyi seeks only a false front![CN] 你自夸有传统的勇敢,但是 井伊家的规则是处于错误的边缘! Harakiri (1962)
According to the neutrality law a merchant ship must be given 24 hours' notice or 24 hours' grace before an enemy warship can sail after her.[CN] 根据中立法商船必须处于24小时监控下 或者推迟24小时航行 Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1956)
We're in the most isolated part of the country entering a period of violent conflicts from within and without.[CN] 我们处于的这个国家最孤立的部分... 正陷入一个暴力冲突不断的时期... 不管有与否 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958)
- They'll pick you up. - Don't worry, I know when I'm in a spot.[CN] - 别担心 我知道我处于困境之中 Detour (1945)
The honeymoon was on.[CN] 我们处于蜜月期 All About Eve (1950)


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