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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
威胁[wēi xié, ㄨㄟ ㄒㄧㄝˊ,   /  ] to threaten; to menace #2,162 [Add to Longdo]
潜在威胁[qián zài wēi xié, ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄗㄞˋ ㄨㄟ ㄒㄧㄝˊ,     /    ] potential threat; potential menace [Add to Longdo]
军事威胁[jūn shì wēi xié, ㄐㄩㄣ ㄕˋ ㄨㄟ ㄒㄧㄝˊ,     /    ] military threat [Add to Longdo]

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We tell them to lay off his back. We tell them to stop threatening.[CN] 我们要告诉他们不要再威胁我们... The Front (1976)
I'd never interfere with that.[CN] 他不会威胁到大西部的 Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976)
What they've done is a threat to the Constitution.[CN] 他们的所作所为对宪法是很大的威胁 All the President's Men (1976)
Have you been threatened if you tell the truth?[CN] 你被威胁不能说出实情吗 All the President's Men (1976)
But if you're wrong, admiral, if you send our carriers into a Japanese ambush, the entire West Coast and Hawaii will be open for invasion.[CN] 但如果您搞错了的话... 如果您把我们的航空母舰送进日本人的圈套 那么整个西海岸和夏威夷将受到威胁 Midway (1976)
It points out that the spinneyis deregistered, not threatened.[CN] 里面指出保护区只是取消 没有受威胁 It points out that the spinneyis deregistered, not threatened. The Right to Know (1980)
Communist subversion is a real and present danger, and you can rest assured that it will never be tolerated on the network that both Mr. Prince and I have the honor to represent.[CN] 共产主义颠覆是一个现在一个真实的威胁... ...你可以放心不需要再忍受.. ...普林斯先生和我都会以名誉保证. The Front (1976)
Your lives are in danger.[CN] 你们的生命已经受到威胁 All the President's Men (1976)
Mr. Prince, this committee is just as concerned about the threat of communism as you are.[CN] 普林斯先生, 这个委员会只关心... ...像你这样的共产性质的威胁. The Front (1976)
Mother needs another operation? Bookies threatened to kill you?[CN] 老妈要做另一个手术 赌徒威胁要杀你 还是什么 Family Plot (1976)
I feel unimportant next to you.[CN] 威胁 Fellini's Casanova (1976)
Why don't you just throw a bucket of mud on the floor?[CN] 里面指出保护区只是取消 没有受威胁 It points out that the spinneyis deregistered, not threatened. 沃里克郡遍地都是獾 Badgers are very plentifulall overWarwickshire. Yes Minister (1980)


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