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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: berth, -berth-
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
berth(n) ที่นอนในเรือหรือรถไฟ, See also: ที่นอน, Syn. bunk, bed

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
berth(เบิร์ธ) { berthed, berthing, berths } n. ที่นอนในรถไฟ ในเรือ เครื่องบินหรือยานพาหนะอื่น ๆ , ห้องกัปตันเรือ, งาน, ตำแหน่ง, ที่ทอดสมอเรือ, ที่จอด vt., vi. จอดเรือ, หาที่จอดเรือ -Conf. birth

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
berth(n) ที่นอนบนเรือหรือรถไฟ, ห้องกัปตันเรือ

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Cyberthieves(n, slang) โจรกรรมทางโลกไซเบอร์ หรือ ทางอินเทอร์เนต
wide berthพื้นที่กว้าง / ทิ้งระยะห่าง เพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงผลร้ายที่จะเกิดขึ้น

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Corinne Berthier.Corinne Berthier. La vie à l'envers (2014)
llu died ages ago. I'm Bertha.llu lebt schon lange nicht mehr. Ich bin Bertha. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
No, I'm Bertha.Nein, ich bin die Bertha. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
When's Bertha coming, Zsuzsi?Wann kommt Bertha, Zsuzsi? Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
llu was Mother's favourite Sanyi was our father's, and I was just Bertha.Sanyi war Vaters Liebling, llu Mutters. Ich war nur die Bertha. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
Bertha! Today's bunch has arrived!Bertha, dein heutiger Strauß ist da. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
You're toying with me, Bertha, and if you give my flowers to the girls again, I won't wait for you any more.Sie spielen nur mit mir, Bertha. Wenn Sie meine Blumen wieder unter den Mädchen verteilen, werde ich nicht mehr auf Sie warten. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
Please, Bertha, it's unseemly to skip like that.Bertha, bitte, es ziemt sich nicht, so lebhaft zu sein. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
I've got a dream, Bertha.Ich habe einen Traum, Bertha. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
You too, Bertha.Und lhnen auch, Bertha. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
Bertha!- Bertha! Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
No, I'm Bertha.Nein, ich bin Bertha. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
BERTHA'S HATSBERTHAS HUTSALON Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
Come on Bertha, we'll miss the train.Gehen wir, Bertha, sonst verpassen wir den Zug. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
Good afternoon, Bertha.- Guten Tag, Bertha. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
It's just Bertha.Keine Angst, es ist nur Bertha. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
I see Bertha's back too.Ich sehe, dass auch Bertha da ist. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
It's Berta.Nur Bertha. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
- Hello, Bertha.Servus, Bertha. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
My daughter Bertha said she was going to the bank too.Meine Tochter Bertha hat auch mal gesagt, dass sie zur Bank geht. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
Bertha, does the child have a silver spoon?Apropos, Bertha, hat das Kind einen Silberlöffel? Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
Where are the other two Berthas?Wo sind die anderen zwei Berthas? Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
How many Berthas are there?Wie viele Berthas gibt es, Mutter? Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
What red dress? There are only two Berthas, you and me.Insgesamt gibt es zwei Berthas, du und ich. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015)
Where's Bertha?Wo ist Bertha? Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015)
Not Bertha.Nicht Bertha. Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015)
I'm talking about your sons, Berthe, we're heading for disaster because of them.Von Ihren Söhnen, Berthe, die Sie schneller ruinieren, als Sie es sich vorstellen. Deux (2015)
It was Bertholot.Das war Bertholot. Deux (2015)
Oh, I had Big Bertha reassign her.Ich habe sie von Big Bertha neu zuweisen lassen. Not Just a Pretty Face (2015)
Oh, Bertha.Oh, Bertha. The House of Mirth (2000)
Cyril and Bertha Chipper. How lovely to meet you.Cyril und Bertha Chipper. The Light Between Oceans (2016)
Don't disturb the eternal sleep of Pepin and his wife Bertha with big feet.Stört nicht den ewigen Schlaf von Pépin und seiner liebreizenden Gemahlin Berthe, der Langfüßigen. The Visitors: Bastille Day (2016)
Notorious Three got Herc's Echoplex and Bertha speakers.Die Notorious Three hatten Hercs Echoplex und Bertha-Boxen. You Have Wings, Learn to Fly (2016)
But them Berthas scare the shit out of me.Aber bei den Berthas schiebe ich Panik. You Have Wings, Learn to Fly (2016)
Yo, turn on the Berthas.Yo, stell die Berthas an. Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice (2016)
- The Berthot boy? - No, not him.- Der Sohn der Berthots? Up for Love (2016)
- I'm Counsellor Berthier. Hello.- Kollege Berthier. Up for Love (2016)
Yes, Walter und Bertha.Oh ja, Walter und Bertha. Anne of Green Gables (2016)
Do you mind me asking you what happened to Walter and Bertha?Darf ich dich was fragen? Was ist passiert mit Walter und Bertha? Anne of Green Gables (2016)
What am I missing?Was übersehe ich? Bertha. The Death in the Defense (2016)
Yeah, and it seems like we got here just in time. Wendell, you forgot about tropical storm Bertha.Wendell, du hast den tropischen Sturm, Bertha, vergessen. The Death in the Defense (2016)
Maybe Bertha struck again.Vielleicht schlug Bertha erneut zu. The Death in the Defense (2016)
So, Bertha's rainfall raised the water line of interest by approximately four inches, just enough to lift and carry the loose bones and fragments.Berthas Niederschläge ließen den Wasserpegel auf ungefähr zehn Zentimeter steigen, gerade genug, um die losen Knochen und Fragmente - zu heben und zu tragen. The Death in the Defense (2016)
And what does he even mean?Und was heißt das überthaupt? Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (2016)
The verdict comes as a result of the indictment of prosecutor Berthier, whose success is legendary.Die Härte des Urteils ist dem Antrag von Staatsanwalt Berthier geschuldet, dessen Erfolg nicht abreißt. La face (2016)
If Berthier had asked for my client to be lapidated, the jury would have rushed to get some stones.Hätte Berthier gefordert, meine Klientin zu steinigen, wäre das Gericht losgelaufen und hätte Steine gesammelt. La face (2016)
Berthier.Berthier. La face (2016)
Berthier doesn't care about glory.Der Ruhm ist ihm egal, Berthier. La face (2016)
This is Paul Berthier.Hier ist der Anrufbeantworter von Paul Berthier. La face (2016)
Another interesting element is the presence of prosecutor Berthier and Mrs. Mélanie Florian at the surroundings of the alleged crime scene.Ein weiteres interessantes Detail war, dass Staatsanwalt Paul Berthier und seine Stellvertreterin Florian in direkter Nähe des mutmaßlichen Verbrechens anwesend waren. La face (2016)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
berthI'd like to reserve a sleeping berth.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
เทียบเรือ(v) moor, See also: wharf, bring a boat up alongside a wharf, come alongside, anchor, berth, dock

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
เลขที่นอน[lēk thīnøn] (n, exp) EN: berth number  FR: numéro de couchette [ m ]
เทียบเรือ[thīep reūa] (v, exp) EN: moor ; wharf ; bring a boat up alongside a wharf ; come alongside ; anchor ; berth ; dock
ที่นอน[thīnøn] (n) EN: bed ; berth ; mattress   FR: lit [ m ] ; matelas [ m ] ; couche [ f ] (vx – litt.) ; couchette [ f ]
เตียงล่าง[tīeng lāng] (n, exp) EN: lower berth  FR: couchette inférieure [ f ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
berth(n) a bed on a ship or train; usually in tiers, Syn. bunk, built in bed
berth(v) provide with a berth
bertholletia(n) brazil nut, Syn. genus Bertholletia
lower berth(n) the lower of two berths, Syn. lower
upper berth(n) the higher of two berths, Syn. upper
brazil nut(n) tall South American tree bearing brazil nuts, Syn. Bertholletia excelsa, brazil-nut tree
coral gem(n) low-growing much-branched perennial of Canary Islands having orange-red to scarlet or purple flowers; naturalized in United States, Syn. Lotus berthelotii
moor(v) secure in or as if in a berth or dock, Syn. tie up, berth
moor(v) come into or dock at a wharf, Syn. berth, wharf
mooring(n) a place where a craft can be made fast, Syn. moorage, slip, berth
position(n) a job in an organization, Syn. office, post, billet, berth, place, spot, situation
sickbay(n) (nautical) a room for the treatment of the sick or injured (as on a ship), Syn. sick berth

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. [ From the root of bear to produce, like birth nativity. See Birth. ] [ Also written birth. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. (Naut.) (a) Convenient sea room. (b) A room in which a number of the officers or ship's company mess and reside. (c) The place where a ship lies when she is at anchor, or at a wharf. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. An allotted place; an appointment; situation or employment. “He has a good berth.” Totten. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A place in a ship to sleep in; a long box or shelf on the side of a cabin or stateroom, or of a railway car, for sleeping in. [ 1913 Webster ]

Berth deck, the deck next below the lower gun deck. Ham. Nav. Encyc. --
To give (the land or any object)
a wide berth
, to keep at a distance from it.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Berthed p. pr. & vb. n. Berthing. ] 1. To give an anchorage to, or a place to lie at; to place in a berth; as, she was berthed stem to stern with the Adelaide. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To allot or furnish berths to, on shipboard; as, to berth a ship's company. Totten. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. berthe, fr. Berthe, a woman's name. ] A kind of collar or cape worn by ladies. [ 1913 Webster ]

Big Bertha n. a large cannon used by the German army during World War I. [ PJC ]
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. A place for mooring vessels in a dock or harbor. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ From Berthier, a French naturalist. ] (Min.) A double sulphide of antimony and iron, of a dark steel-gray color. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Naut.) The planking outside of a vessel, above the sheer strake. Smyth. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
停靠[tíng kào, ㄊㄧㄥˊ ㄎㄠˋ,  ] call at; stop at; berth #12,815 [Add to Longdo]
床位[chuáng wèi, ㄔㄨㄤˊ ㄨㄟˋ,  ] bed (in hospital, hotel, train etc); berth; bunk #19,396 [Add to Longdo]
泊位[bó wèi, ㄅㄛˊ ㄨㄟˋ,  ] berth #21,130 [Add to Longdo]
铺位[pù wèi, ㄆㄨˋ ㄨㄟˋ,   /  ] bunk; berth #40,729 [Add to Longdo]
舱位[cāng wèi, ㄘㄤ ㄨㄟˋ,   /  ] shipping space; cabin berth; cabin seat #60,274 [Add to Longdo]
卧位[wò wèi, ㄨㄛˋ ㄨㄟˋ,   /  ] berth [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Fieberthermometer { n }clinical thermometer [Add to Longdo]
(große) Koje { f } | Kojen { pl }berth | berths [Add to Longdo]
Liegeplatz { m } | reservierter Liegeplatzberth; moorage | accommodation berth; appropriated berth [Add to Longdo]
Schlafabteil { n } | Schlafabteile { pl }sleeping berth | sleeping berths [Add to Longdo]
Sie nahm sich vor, ihm aus dem Weg zu gehen.She decided to give him a wide berth. [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
上段[じょうだん, joudan] (n) (1) upper tier; upper section; upper deck; upper row; upper step; upper grade; upper berth; top shelf; (2) (See 上座) place of honor; place of honour; (3) (See 上段の間) dais; raised part of floor; (4) overhead position (of a sword in kendo, etc.) #14,332 [Add to Longdo]
下段[げだん;かだん, gedan ; kadan] (n) (1) lower tier; lower step; lower column; lower berth; bottom shelf; (2) low position (of a sword in kendo, etc.) #16,000 [Add to Longdo]
シーバース[shi-ba-su] (n) sea berth [Add to Longdo]
バース[ba-su] (n) (1) berth; (2) verse; (3) birth; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ブラジルナッツ[burajirunattsu] (n) Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) [Add to Longdo]
寝床(P);寝どこ[ねどこ, nedoko] (n) bed; berth; crib; cot; kip; (P) [Add to Longdo]
寝台料金[しんだいりょうきん, shindairyoukin] (n) berth charge [Add to Longdo]
船台[せんだい, sendai] (n) (shipbuilding) berth [Add to Longdo]
泊まる(P);泊る[とまる, tomaru] (v5r, vi) (1) to stay at (e.g. hotel); (2) to be docked; to be berthed; to be moored; (P) [Add to Longdo]
泊地[はくち, hakuchi] (n) anchorage; berth [Add to Longdo]


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