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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: amis, -amis-
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
amiss(adj) ไม่ถูกต้อง, See also: ไม่เหมาะสม, Syn. wrong, faulty
amiss(adv) อย่างไม่ถูกต้อง, See also: อย่างไม่เหมาะสม, Syn. wrongty, faultily
famish(vi) อดอยาก, See also: อดตาย, Syn. starve
famish(vt) ทำให้อดอยาก, See also: ทำให้อดตาย, Syn. starve
be amiss(phrv) ผิดปกติ, See also: เสีย, Syn. come amss, go amiss
bigamist(n) ผู้มีสามีหรือภรรยาสองคน
camisole(n) ชุดชั้นในท่อนบนของผู้หญิง
go amiss(phrv) เกิดความผิดพลาด, Syn. be amiss, come amiss
squeamish(adj) ตกใจง่าย
dynamistic(adj) เกี่ยวกับพลังงาน, See also: เกี่ยวกับการเคลื่อนที่
monogamist(n) ผู้มีคู่สมรสเพียงคนเดียว
take amiss(phrv) เข้าใจผิด

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
bigamist(บิก'กะมิสทฺ) n. ผู้ที่ทำผิดในฐานมีภรรยาหรือสามีสองคน, See also: bigamistic adj.
famish(แฟม'มิช) vt., vi. ทำให้อดอยาก, อดอยาก, อดตาย, Syn. starve
monogamist(มะนอก'กะมิสทฺ) n. ผู้มีคู่สมรสคนเดียว, ผู้สนับสนุนการมีคู่สมรสคนเดียว
squeamish(สควี'มิช) adj. ตกใจง่าย, คลื่นไส้, อาเจียน, รู้สึกสะอิดสะเอียนได้ง่าย, พิถีพิถันเกินไป, จู้จี้, See also: squeamishly adv., Syn. fussy

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
amiss(adv) ผิดพลาด, ไม่เหมาะสม, เสีย, ผิดปกติ
famish(vi, vt) อดอยาก, ขาดแคลน, อดตาย
squeamish(adj) คลื่นไส้, เจ็บป่วย, ขี้แย, สนิมสร้อย

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
Pan-Islamismอุดมการณ์รวมกลุ่มอิสลาม [รัฐศาสตร์ ๑๗ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
ramicotomy; ramisection; ramisection, sympathetic; ramisectomyการตัดแขนงประสาทซิมพาเทติก [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
ramisection; ramicotomy; ramisection, sympathetic; ramisectomyการตัดแขนงประสาทซิมพาเทติก [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
ramisection, sympathetic; ramicotomy; ramisection; ramisectomyการตัดแขนงประสาทซิมพาเทติก [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
ramisectomy; ramicotomy; ramisection; ramisection, sympatheticการตัดแขนงประสาทซิมพาเทติก [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
sympathetic ramisection; ramicotomy; ramisection; ramisectomyการตัดแขนงประสาทซิมพาเทติก [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Amishอามิช [TU Subject Heading]
Tsunamisคลื่นซึนามิ [TU Subject Heading]
Lapamis Hardwickiiงูอ้ายงั่ว [การแพทย์]
Levamisoleลีวาไมโซล; เลวาไมโซล, ยา [การแพทย์]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
squeamish[สะ-กวี(ออกเสียงควบ กว)-มิช] (adj) ใจเสาะ

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
So, how's your Tiramisu?Nun, wie ist euer Tiramisu? The Real Housewives of Fat Tony (2011)
When the day arrives, the Americans come.Kaum wird's Tag, kommen die Amis. Nicht alle waren Mörder (2006)
Place looks like the start of an amish horror film.Das sieht hier wie der Start eines amischen Horrorfilm aus. For Better or Worse (2014)
This means... the Islamists have taken away my son, haven't they?Heißt das... Islamisten haben meinen Sohn entführt? 24 Days (2014)
Why wouldn't hamish become laird?Warum würde Hamish nicht Laird werden? The Gathering (2014)
I assume by now you've been apprised of the arrest of Julian Afkhami.Ich gehe davon aus, dass Sie bereits von Julian Afkhamis Festnahme in Kenntnis gesetzt wurden. The Grand Experiment (2014)
Are you Amish or something?Sind Sie ein Amischer oder so etwas? The Prisoner's Dilemma (2014)
Al-Ibrahim's cousin was part of an Islamist terrorist group that tried to blow up an American embassy in Egypt on March 11th.Al-Ibrahims Cousin, war Teil einer islamistischen Terrorgruppe, die eine US-Botschaft in Ägypten sprengen wollte, - am 11. März A House Divided (2014)
Hooah.Dr. Foster, ich bin jung, dynamisch.. Fired Up (2014)
One on one, come on, Hamish.Einer gegen einen, los, Hamish. Castle Leoch (2014)
Hamish.Hamish. Castle Leoch (2014)
Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, Hamish.Es ist mir ein Vergnügen, Hamish. Castle Leoch (2014)
Fucking amish got more flavour than you do, Matthew.Da sind ja die Amish moderner. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
Nora Jamison Durst, you have provided the appropriate documentation, certifying the respondents' status as "Departed"?Nora Jamison Durst, haben Sie die notwendige Erklärung vorgelegt, die bestätigt, dass die beklagte Person den Status "gegangen" besitzt? Guest (2014)
No. They're the Dynamic Duo.Sie sind das dynamische Duo. The Runaways (2014)
It was terrible, but it -- The research I did on catastrophic storms -- It stuck with me, leaving me withEs war schrecklich, aber, die Nachforschungen, die ich über Katastrophen-Stürme gemacht habe, sie sind mir im Gedächtnis geblieben und ich habe seither eine irrationale, aber übermächtige Angst vor Tsunamis. Driven (2014)
Hi. Ha ha! Mary Jamison.- Hey, Mary Jamison. The Garveys at Their Best (2014)
- Is Reverend Jamison here?- Ist Reverend Jamison zuhause? Nein. Solace for Tired Feet (2014)
Hooked up with some Amish people. Lives on a dairy farm.Bei den Amish, auf einem Milchbauernhof. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them (2014)
Godspeed.Der Patient ist kardiodynamisch stabil. In Gottes Namen also. Gods (2014)
He's a Yank. What can you expect?Was kann man von Amis erwarten? Cuanto (2014)
Maybe I'm a federal agent. Maybe I'm a bigamist. Maybe I'm a murderer on the run.Ich könnte ein FBI-Agent sein oder Bigamist oder ein Mörder auf der Flucht. Cuanto (2014)
Not only was I a bigamist and an adulteress, but I'd enjoyed it.Nicht nur war ich eine Bigamistin und Ehebrecherin, ich hatte es sogar genossen. The Wedding (2014)
Reverend jamison, bring him in.Ich möchte, dass du zu Reverend Jamison gehst und mit ihm herkommst. Gladys (2014)
My name is matt jamison.Mein Name ist Matt Jamison. Gladys (2014)
Tell him Matt Jamison is coming over right now. Wait a minute.Sagen Sie ihm, dass Matt Jamison gleich bei ihm ist. Two Boats and a Helicopter (2014)
The americans had just to let go.Die Amis hatten mich laufen gelassen. Labyrinth of Lies (2014)
- Amis!- Amis! The Long Dark (1994)
She's like Amish when it comes to booze.Sie ist wie die Amischen, wenn's ums Saufen geht. Scream for Me (2014)
I'm just--I'm kind of into, you know, dynamic-- yes, I was waiting up for you.Ich bin nur... ich bin sowas von drin, weißt du, dynamische... Ja, ich habe auf Dich gewartet. Electric Youth (2014)
Did y'know the bone in this knife dates back to the Mesopotamian era of ancient Greece? !Hast du gewusst, dass sich der Knochen an diesem Messer zurück auf die mesopotamische Ära des antiken Griechenlands datieren lässt? When God Opens a Window (2014)
And that you didn't come out of Mommy's tummy the way Thomas did?Und, dass du nicht aus Mamis Bauch gekommen bist, wie Thomas? Faith and Despondency (2014)
I get it... the dynamic duo, just like us, right, Parker?Ich hab's... das dynamische Duett, so wie wir, stimmt's, Parker? A Bigger Boat (2014)
You guys coming to my rescue again, the dynamic duo.Ihr kommt um mich erneut zu retten, das dynamische Duett. A Bigger Boat (2014)
She was thinking I'd come to my senses and marry Alex Jamison.Sie dachte, ich würde zu Sinnen kommen und Alex Jamison heiraten. Episode #1.3 (2014)
It's finished, but I'm worried it's not enough to protect Cami's body from Esther's magic.Es ist vollbracht, aber ich habe Bedenken, dass es nicht ausreicht, um Camis Körper vor Esthers Magie zu beschützen. The Map of Moments (2014)
She will be Rebekah's new host body instead of Cami.Sie wird Rebekahs neuer Körper, anstatt Camis. The Map of Moments (2014)
He can't balance an egg on a spoon, much less opposing thermodynamic forces.Er hat keine Ahnung von thermodynamischen Kräften. The Second Coming (2014)
After 45 the Yankees confiscated tons of files.Nach '45 bunkerten die Amis haufenweise Akten. Labyrinth of Lies (2014)
Americans, Russians.Amis, Russen... Labyrinth of Lies (2014)
Coal, actually.- Ist das eine amische Stadt? Episode #1.4 (2014)
Like Queen Consolidated.Es ist ein Prinzip mit thermodynamischer Effizienz, das mir einfiel, bei einem Gebäude anzuwenden, das über 240.000 Watt Strom erzeugt. Wie Queen Consolidated. The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak (2014)
You're running fluid dynamic specs while we're having sex.Du hast Berechnungen zu dynamischen Flüssigkeiten laufen lassen, während wir Sex hatten. Spacewalker (2014)
Amish zombies.Amish-Zombies. Full Metal Zombie (2014)
Mr.Bakshi, theteam is two minutes out, sir.Mr.Bakshi, dasTeamistzweiMinutenentfernt, Sir. Face My Enemy (2014)
Sorry, but was this sexual activity pretty vigorous?Entschuldigung, aber war dieses sexuelle Aktivität sehr dynamisch? Puzzle with a Piece Missing (2014)
You got to crack a few eggs to, uh... make an Amish.Man muss ein paar Eier aufschlagen, um einen Amisch zu machen. Dice (2014)
It's an Amish person.- Es ist ein Amischer. Dice (2014)
You fucking Americans think you can come into my place... and buy whatever you want.Ihr Amis denkt, ihr könnt hier aufkreuzen... und einfach kaufen was ihr wollt. The Equalizer (2014)
Sammy, you remember Laura. She's Mommy's work friend, right?Sammy, Laura kennst du doch, sie ist Mamis Arbeitskollegin. Godzilla (2014)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
amisIt would not be amiss to ask his views.
amisDon't take it amiss if I criticize your work.
amisIt may not be amiss to give this advice.
amisThe design was also given the finishing touch to have launch impact and dynamism provided by the novelty of the arch shaped logo design.
amisNothing comes amiss to him.
amisShe originated a new way of playing jazz on the shamisen.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ศาสนามุสลิม(n) Mohammedanism, See also: Muslimism, Islam, Islamism, Moslemism, Syn. ศาสนาอิสลาม, มุสลิม, อิสลาม, Example: ศาสนามุสลิมมีข้อห้ามไม่ให้ดื่มสุรา
ศาสนาอิสลาม(n) Mohammedanism, See also: Muslimism, Islam, Islamism, Moslemism, Syn. ศาสนามุสลิม, มุสลิม, อิสลาม, Example: ศาสนาอิสลามเป็นศาสนาใหญ่อีกศาสนาหนึ่ง ที่มีผู้นิยมเลื่อมใสและนับถือมาก, Thai Definition: ศาสนาที่สำคัญศาสนาหนึ่งของโลก มีศาสดาชื่อมุฮัมมัด นับถือพระเจ้าองค์เดียวคือพระอัลเลาะห์ มีคัมภีร์อัลกุรอานเป็นหลัก ไม่มีนักบวช
หิวจัด(v) be very hungry, See also: be starving, be ravenous, be famished, Syn. หิวมาก, Example: ผมหิวจัดจนกินไก่ได้ทั้งตัว
หิวโซ(v) be very hungry, See also: be starving, be peckish, be famished, be ravenous, Syn. หิวงั่ก, หิวซ่ก, Ant. อิ่มแปล้, Example: ทุกๆ เย็น หลังจากโรงเรียนเลิก เด็กๆ จะหิวโซกลับบ้านกันทั้งนั้น, Thai Definition: หิวมาก
ตายอดตายอยาก(v) die of starvation, See also: exhaust, famish, Syn. อดอยาก, อดอยากปากแห้ง, อดอยากปากหมอง, Example: ฉันไม่รู้ว่าเธอไปตายอดตายอยากมาจากไหน ถึงได้กินเอากินเอาขนาดนี้, Thai Definition: อดอยากมานาน
ถนิมสร้อย(adj) squeamish, See also: delicate, frail, fragile, weak, queasy, Syn. สนิมสร้อย, เหยาะแหยะ, บอบบาง, หนักไม่เอาเบาไม่สู้, Example: ของเบาๆ แค่นี้ไม่ยอมยก ทำเป็นคนถนิมสร้อยไปได้, Thai Definition: ไม่สามารถทำงานหนัก
ท้องแห้ง(v) starve, See also: be famished, Syn. อดอยาก, อดอยากปากแห้ง, อด, ฝืดเคือง, Ant. อิ่มท้อง, Example: เขาท้องแห้งเรื่อยมานับตั้งแต่ตกงาน, Notes: (ปาก)
ยกทรง(n) brassiere, See also: bra, underwear, camisole, uplift, Syn. เสื้อยกทรง, เสื้อชั้นใน, Example: ยกทรงของเธอแพลมออกมาขณะที่อยู่บนรถไฟ, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: เสื้อหรือผ้ายกทรวงผู้หญิง
คลื่นไส้(v) feel queasy, See also: be/feel nauseated, be squeamish, be sick, Syn. คลื่นเหียน, คลื่นเหียนอาเจียน, Example: ฉันรู้สึกคลื่นไส้เมื่อได้กลิ่นกระเทียมโชยมา, Thai Definition: ปั่นป่วนในลำไส้ชวนให้อาเจียน
ไส้แขวน(v) have an empty stomach, See also: be famish, be starving, Syn. ท้องแขวน, ไส้กิ่ว, Example: เขานัดทานข้าวกับเพื่อน กว่าเพื่อนจะมาเขาก็ไส้แขวน, Thai Definition: หิวมาก, หิวจัด
โหย(v) desire (food), See also: be weak with hunger, famish, Syn. หิว, อยาก, Example: ตอนนี้ฉันรู้สึกโหยของหวานๆ
อดอยากปากแห้ง(v) starve, See also: be famished, be short of food, Syn. อดอยาก, อดโซ, อดข้าวอดน้ำ, Example: พวกที่เป็นรัฐมนตรีรวย แต่ชาวบ้านต้องอดอยากปากแห้ง, Thai Definition: ขาดแคลนอาหาร, ไม่มีพอกิน, ไม่มีจะกิน

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ให้เพื่อนยืมเงิน[hai pheūoen yeūm ngoen] (v, exp) FR: emprunter de l'argent à ses amis
หิวจัด[hiū jat] (v, exp) EN: be very hungry ; be starving ; be ravenous ; be famished  FR: être affamé ; crever de faim (fam.)
หิวโซ[hiū sō] (v, exp) EN: be very hungry ; be starving ; be peckish ; be famished ; be ravenous
ขี้ลม[khīlom] (adj) EN: liable to faint ; squeamish ; queasy  FR: nauséeux
คลื่นไส้[khleūnsai] (v) EN: feel queasy ; be/feel nauseated ; be squeamish ; nausea ; feel sick  FR: avoir des nausées
เครื่องกรอง[khreūang krøng] (n, exp) EN: filter ; strainer ; screen  FR: filtre [ m ] ; passoire [ f ] ; tamis [ m ] ; chinois [ m ] ; étamine [ f ] ; chausse [ f ]
กลั่นกรอง[klankrøng] (v) EN: sift  FR: passer au crible ; tamiser
กระชอน[krachøn] (n) EN: strainer ; colander ; sieve  FR: passoire [ f ] ; tamis [ m ]
กรอง[krøng] (v) EN: filter ; strain ; sift ; percolate  FR: filtrer ; tamiser
เล่นกับเพื่อน[len kap pheūoen] (n, exp) FR: jouer avec des amis
มึง[meung] (pron) EN: you (vulg. - to a close friend)  FR: tu (vulg. - entre amis proches)
พรรคพวก[phakphūak] (n) EN: partisans ; followers ; friends ; band ; gang  FR: partisans [ mpl ] ; entourage [ m ] ; amis [ mpl ]
ผิดพลาด[phitphlāt] (v, exp) EN: be wrong ; be mistaken ; be incorrect ; be erroneous ; be amiss ; make a mistake ; miss ; err ; do something wrong  FR: se tromper ; commettre une erreur ; commettre une faute ; avoir tort ; faire erreur
ระหว่างเพื่อน ๆ[rawāng pheūoen pheūoen] (x) EN: entre amis  FR: entre amis
รอเดี๋ยวพรรคพวก[rø dīo phakphūak] (v, exp) FR: attendez les amis !
ร่อน[rǿn] (v) EN: winnow ; sift ; sieve ; pan ; separate  FR: passer au crible ; tamiser ; cribler
ร่อนแป้ง[rǿn paēng] (v, exp) EN: sieve flour ; sift flour  FR: tamiser de la farine
ไส้แขวน[saikhwaēn] (v) EN: have an empty stomach ; be famish ; be starving
ซามิเซง[sāmiseng] (n) EN: shamisen  FR: shamisen [ m ] ; luth japonais [ m ]
สร้างมิตร[sāng mit] (v, exp) EN: make friends ; socialize  FR: se faire des amis
สนิมสร้อย[sanimsøi] (adj) EN: squeamish
ศาสนาอิสลาม[sātsanā Itsalām] (n, exp) EN: Islam ; islamism ; Mohammedanism ; Muslimism ; Moslemism  FR: islam [ m ] ; islamisme [ m ]
ศาสนามุสลิม[sātsanā Mutsalim] (n, exp) EN: Mohammedanism ; Muslimism ; Islam ; Islamism ; Moslemism  FR: islamisme [ m ] ; mahométisme [ m ] (vx)
แต่[tāe] (adj) EN: only ; merely  FR: seulement ; uniquement ; simplement ; amis ; ne ... que
ตะแกรง[takraēng] (n) EN: sieve ; grate ; screen ; sifter  FR: passoire [ f ] ; tamis [ m ]
ญาติมิตร[yāt-mit] (n, exp) EN: kindred ; kin ; kinfolk (old) ; relatives and friends  FR: famille [ f ] ; parents et amis [ mpl ]
เยี่ยมเพื่อน[yīem pheūoen] (v, exp) EN: visit friends  FR: rendre visite à des amis
ยกทรง[yoksong] (n) EN: brassiere ; bra ; camisole ; uplift  FR: soutien-gorge [ m ] ; brassière [ f ] (vx)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
Abramis(n) European fishes, Syn. genus Abramis
Amish(n) an American follower of the Mennonite religion
amiss(adj) not functioning properly, Syn. haywire, wrong, awry
amiss(adv) in an improper or mistaken or unfortunate manner
beamish(adj) smiling with happiness or optimism; - Lewis Carroll, Syn. twinkly, smiling
bigamist(n) someone who marries one person while already legally married to another
camise(n) a loose shirt or tunic; originally worn in the Middle Ages
camisole(n) a short sleeveless undergarment for women, Syn. underbodice
camisole(n) a short negligee
dynamism(n) any of the various theories or doctrines or philosophical systems that attempt to explain the phenomena of the universe in terms of some immanent force or energy
dynamism(n) the activeness of an energetic personality, Syn. zing, oomph, pizzaz, pizzazz
Gilgamish(n) legendary Sumerian king and hero of Sumerian and Babylonian epics
Islamism(n) a fundamentalist Islamic revivalist movement generally characterized by moral conservatism and the literal interpretation of the Koran and the attempt to implement Islamic values in all aspects of life
Islamist(n) a scholar who knowledgeable in Islamic studies
Islamist(n) an orthodox Muslim
Jamison(n) United States dancer and choreographer (born in 1944), Syn. Judith Jamison
misogamist(n) a person who hates marriage
monogamist(n) someone who practices monogamy (one spouse at a time), Syn. monogynist
polygamist(n) someone who is married to two or more people at the same time
samisen(n) a Japanese stringed instrument resembling a banjo with a long neck and three strings and a fretted fingerboard and a rectangular soundbox; played with a plectrum, Syn. shamisen
squeamishly(adv) in a squeamish manner
squeamishness(n) the trait of being excessively fastidious and easily shocked
tiramisu(n) an Italian dessert consisting of layers of sponge cake soaked with coffee and brandy or liqueur layered with mascarpone cheese and topped with grated chocolate
Wykehamist(n) a student enrolled in (or graduated from) Winchester College
awry(adv) away from the correct or expected course, Syn. amiss
bonito(n) fish whose flesh is dried and flaked for Japanese cookery; may be same species as skipjack tuna, Syn. oceanic bonito, Katsuwonus pelamis
dainty(adj) excessively fastidious and easily disgusted, Syn. prissy, nice, overnice, squeamish
dynamize(v) make more dynamic, Syn. dynamise
dynamize(v) make (a drug) effective, Syn. dynamise
imperfectly(adv) in an imperfect or faulty way; ; - Jane Austen, Syn. amiss, Ant. perfectly
Islam(n) the monotheistic religious system of Muslims founded in Arabia in the 7th century and based on the teachings of Muhammad as laid down in the Koran, Syn. Muslimism, Mohammedanism, Islamism, Muhammadanism
Islamize(v) cause to conform to Islamic law, Syn. Islamise
Islamize(v) convert to Islam, Syn. Islamise
macadamize(v) surface with macadam, Syn. tarmac, macadamise
misconstrue(v) interpret in the wrong way, Syn. misapprehend, misunderstand, misinterpret, misconceive, be amiss
potter(n) a craftsman who shapes pottery on a potter's wheel and bakes them it a kiln, Syn. thrower, ceramist, ceramicist
queasiness(n) a mild state of nausea, Syn. qualm, squeamishness
skipjack(n) oceanic schooling tuna of considerable value in Pacific but less in Atlantic; reaches 75 pounds; very similar to if not the same as oceanic bonito, Syn. Euthynnus pelamis, skipjack tuna
starvation(n) a state of extreme hunger resulting from lack of essential nutrients over a prolonged period, Syn. famishment
starve(v) be hungry; go without food, Syn. famish, hunger, Ant. be full
starve(v) die of food deprivation, Syn. famish
starve(v) deprive of food, Syn. famish, Ant. feed
terbinafine(n) an oral antifungal drug (trade name Lamisil) used to treat cases of fungal nail disease, Syn. Lamisil
vigor(n) active strength of body or mind, Syn. vigour, dynamism, heartiness

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. 1. 1 a genus of European fishes.
Syn. -- genus Abramis [ WordNet 1.5 ]


v. t. & i. [ F. affamer, fr. L. ad + fames hunger. See Famish. ] To afflict with, or perish from, hunger. [ Obs. ] Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Starvation. Bp. Hall. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ See Agamous. ] An unmarried person; also, one opposed to marriage. Foxe. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. sing. & pl. [ Written also Omish. ] (Eccl. Hist.) The Amish Mennonites. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. [ Written also Omish. ] (Eccl. Hist.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, the followers of Jacob Amman, a strict Mennonite of the 17th century, who even proscribed the use of buttons and shaving as “worldly conformity”. There are several branches of Amish Mennonites in the United States. A branch having particularly strict adherence to the Amish principles are called Old Order Amish [ Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC ]


adv. [ Pref. a- + miss. ] Astray; faultily; improperly; wrongly; ill. [ 1913 Webster ]

What error drives our eyes and ears amiss? Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss. James iv. 3. [ 1913 Webster ]

To take (an act, thing) amiss, to impute a wrong motive to (an act or thing); to take offense at; to take unkindly; as, you must not take these questions amiss.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. Wrong; faulty; out of order; improper; as, it may not be amiss to ask advice. [ Used only in the predicate. ] Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

His wisdom and virtue can not always rectify that which is amiss in himself or his circumstances. Wollaston. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A fault, wrong, or mistake. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Each toy seems prologue to some great amiss. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


[ Cf. F. amissibilité. See Amit. ] The quality of being amissible; possibility of being lost. [ R. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Notions of popular rights and the amissibility of sovereign power for misconduct were alternately broached by the two great religious parties of Europe. Hallam. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. amissibilis: cf. F. amissible. ] Liable to be lost. [ R. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. amissio: cf. F. amission. ] Deprivation; loss. [ Obs. ] Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. That phase of the doctrine of utilitarianism taught by Jeremy Bentham; the doctrine that the morality of actions is estimated and determined by their utility; also, the theory that the sensibility to pleasure and the recoil from pain are the only motives which influence human desires and actions, and that these are the sufficient explanation of ethical and jural conceptions. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. Digamist. ] One who is guilty of bigamy. Ayliffe. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. calamus a reed. ] One who plays upon a reed or pipe. [ Obs. ] Blount. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. [ L. calamistratus, curled with the curling iron, fr. calamistrum curling iron, fr. calamus a reed. ] To curl or friz, as the hair. [ Obs. ] Cotgrave.


n. The act or process of curling the hair. [ Obs. ] Burton. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ L., a curling iron. ] (Zool.) A comblike structure on the metatarsus of the hind legs of certain spiders (Ciniflonidæ), used to curl certain fibers in the construction of their webs. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ See Chemise. ] A light, loose dress or robe. [ Also written camus. ] [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

All in a camis light of purple silk. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } n. [ F. camisade a night attack; cf. It. camiciata. See Camis. ] [ Obs. ] (Mil.) (a) A shirt worn by soldiers over their uniform, in order to be able to recognize one another in a night attack. (b) An attack by surprise by soldiers wearing the camisado. [ 1913 Webster ]

Give them a camisado in night season. Holinshed. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Camisade

‖n. [ F. ] One of the French Protestant insurgents who rebelled against Louis XIV, after the revocation of the edict of Nates; -- so called from the peasant's smock (camise) which they wore. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Dressed with a shirt over the other garments. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. See chemise. ] 1. A short dressing jacket for women. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A kind of straitjacket. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ Amer. Sp., fr. Sp. chamiza a kind of wild cane. ] 1. (Bot.) A California rosaceous shrub (Adenostoma fasciculatum) which often forms an impenetrable chaparral. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

2. A chaparral formed by dense growths of this shrub. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. One skilled in cryptogamic botany. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ See Deuterogamy. ] One who marries the second time. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. &unr_; = &unr_; twice + &unr_; to marry. Cf. Bigamist. ] One who marries a second time; a deuterogamist. Hammond. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. F. dynamisme. See Dynamics. ] The doctrine of Leibnitz, that all substance involves force. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who accounts for material phenomena by a theory of dynamics. [ 1913 Webster ]

Those who would resolve matter into centers of force may be said to constitute the school of dynamists. Ward (Dyn. Sociol. ). [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. To famish; to starve. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A sending out; emission. [ Obs. ] Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Famished p. pr. & vb. n. Famishing. ] [ OE. famen; cf. OF. afamer, L. fames. See Famine, and cf. Affamish. ] 1. To starve, kill, or destroy with hunger. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To exhaust the strength or endurance of, by hunger; to distress with hanger. [ 1913 Webster ]

And when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread. Cen. xli. 55. [ 1913 Webster ]

The pains of famished Tantalus he'll feel. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. To kill, or to cause to suffer extremity, by deprivation or denial of anything necessary. [ 1913 Webster ]

And famish him of breath, if not of bread. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. To force or constrain by famine. [ 1913 Webster ]

He had famished Paris into a surrender. Burke. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. 1. To die of hunger; to starve. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To suffer extreme hunger or thirst, so as to be exhausted in strength, or to come near to perish. [ 1913 Webster ]

You are all resolved rather to die than to famish? Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. To suffer extremity from deprivation of anything essential or necessary. [ 1913 Webster ]

The Lord will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish. Prov. x. 3. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. State of being famished. [ 1913 Webster ]


prop. n. 1. (Sumerian mythology) A legendary king of Sumeria and the hero of famous Sumerian and Babylonian epics. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. The Epic of Gilgamesh, a long Babylonian epic written in cuneiform in the Sumerian language on clay tablets. Early versions of the written story date from 2000 B. C.; it is probably the first written story still in existence. A longer version was written in the Akkadian language, on 12 clay tablets found at Nineveh in the ruins of the library of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria from 669 to 633 B. C. The story depicted the life and heroic deeds of the legendary Gilgamesh, apparently derived from stories about a real king of ancient Mesopotamia who lived around 2700 B. C. The story includes a tale of a great flood, which has some parallels to the biblical story of the flood survived by Noah. The Nineveh tablets name the author of that version of the story, a Shin-eqi-unninni. [ PJC ]

☞ The entire text may be found in:
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Translated by Maureen Gallery Kovacs
(Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990)


Translated by John Maier and John Gardner
(New York: Vintage Press, 1981)

Variants: Gilgamesh

n. A wiseacre; a person deficient in wisdom; -- so called from Gotham, in Nottinghamshire, England, noted for some pleasant blunders. Bp. Morton. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. inamissibilis: cf. F. inamissible. ] Incapable of being lost. [ R. ] Hammond. -- In`a*mis"si*ble*ness, n. [R.] [1913 Webster]


n. [ Cf. F. islamisme. ] The faith, doctrines, or religious system of the Muslims; same as Islam, but less commonly used. [ 1913 Webster + PJC ]


a. Somewhat lame. Wood. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. pl.; sing. Miami /sing>. (Ethnol.) A tribe of Indians that formerly occupied the country between the Wabash and Maumee rivers. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. misei^n to hate + &unr_; marriage. ] A hater of marriage. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The theory that the various forms of activity in nature are manifestations of the same force. G. H. Lewes. A philosophical form of the grand unified theory? [ 1913 Webster +PJC ]


n. One who practices or upholds monogamy. Goldsmith. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. neo`gamos newly married. ] A person recently married. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Pan- + Islamism. ] A desire or plan for the union of all Muslim nations for the conquest of the world. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. F. polygamiste, polygame, Gr. &unr_;, a. ] One who practices polygamy, or maintains its lawfulness. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n.; pl. Pyramides [ L. ] A pyramid. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A follower of Pierre Ramé, better known as Ramus, a celebrated French scholar, who was professor of rhetoric and philosophy at Paris in the reign of Henry II., and opposed the Aristotelians. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ Jap. ] (Mus.) A Japanese musical instrument with three strings, resembling a guitar or banjo. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. [ OE. squaimous, sweymous, probably from OE. sweem, swem, dizziness, a swimming in the head; cf. Icel. sveimr a bustle, a stir, Norw. sveim a hovering about, a sickness that comes upon one, Icel. svimi a giddiness, AS. swīma. The word has been perhaps confused with qualmish. Cf. Swim to be dizzy. ] Having a stomach that is easily turned or nauseated; hence, nice to excess in taste; fastidious; easily disgusted; apt to be offended at trifling improprieties. [ 1913 Webster ]

Quoth he, that honor's very squeamish
That takes a basting for a blemish. Hudibras. [ 1913 Webster ]

His muse is rustic, and perhaps too plain
The men of squeamish taste to entertain. Southern. [ 1913 Webster ]

So ye grow squeamish, Gods, and sniff at heaven. M. Arnold. [ 1913 Webster ]

Syn. -- Fastidious; dainty; overnice; scrupulous. See Fastidious. [ 1913 Webster ]

-- Squeam"ish*ly, adv. -- Squeam"ish*ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
力度[lì dù, ㄌㄧˋ ㄉㄨˋ,  ] dynamism; vigor #1,932 [Add to Longdo]
不对[bù duì, ㄅㄨˋ ㄉㄨㄟˋ,   /  ] incorrect; wrong; amiss; abnormal; queer #3,423 [Add to Longdo]
朝气[zhāo qì, ㄓㄠ ㄑㄧˋ,   /  ] vitality; dynamism #23,333 [Add to Longdo]
挨饿[ái è, ㄞˊ ㄜˋ,  饿 /  ] to go hungry; to endure starvation; famished #36,841 [Add to Longdo]
娇气[jiāo qì, ㄐㄧㄠ ㄑㄧˋ,   /  ] delicate; squeamish; finicky #43,512 [Add to Longdo]
忍饥挨饿[rěn jī ái è, ㄖㄣˇ ㄐㄧ ㄞˊ ㄜˋ,    饿 /    ] starving; famished #77,942 [Add to Longdo]
阿布沙耶夫[Ā bù Shā yē fū, ㄚ ㄅㄨˋ ㄕㄚ ㄧㄝ ㄈㄨ,     ] Abu Sayyaf, militant Islamist separatist group also known as al-Harakat al-Islamiyya #87,585 [Add to Longdo]
不是味儿[bù shì wèi er, ㄅㄨˋ ㄕˋ ㄨㄟˋ ㄦ˙,     /    ] not the right flavor; not quite right; a bit off; fishy; queer; amiss; feel bad; be upset #126,416 [Add to Longdo]
[nì, ㄋㄧˋ, ] distressed; famished #816,999 [Add to Longdo]
提拉米苏[tí lā mǐ sū, ㄊㄧˊ ㄌㄚ ㄇㄧˇ ㄙㄨ,     /    ] tiramisù (loan from Italian: pull-me-up), dessert made of ladyfingers dipped in coffee and mascarpone cream [Add to Longdo]
阿美族[Ā měi zú, ㄚ ㄇㄟˇ ㄗㄨˊ,   ] Amis or Pangcah, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Bigamist { m } | Bigamisten { pl }bigamist | bigamists [Add to Longdo]
Dynamik { f }dynamism [Add to Longdo]
Ehefeind { m }misogamist [Add to Longdo]
Keramiker { m }ceramist [Add to Longdo]
Last { f }; Belastung { f }; Ladung { f }; Beladung { f } | kritische Last | statische Last | zulässige Last | dynamische Belastung | vorgeschriebene Belastung | zulässige Belastungload; loading | critical load | static load | design load | dynamic loading | specified load | maximum rated load [Add to Longdo]
Mörtel { m } | keramischer Mörtel | keramisch erhärtender Mörtelmortar | ceramic mortar | heat-setting mortar [Add to Longdo]
Monogamist { m }monogamist [Add to Longdo]
Mutti { f }; Mama { f }; Mami { f } | Muttis { pl }; Mamas { pl }; Mamis { pl }mum; mummy [ Br. ] | mommies [Add to Longdo]
Polygamist { m }polygamist [Add to Longdo]
gasdynamisches Pulverbeschichtengasdynamic spray coating [Add to Longdo]
Überempfindlichkeit { f }squeamishness [Add to Longdo]
Unwucht { f } | dynamische Unwuchtunbalance | dynamic unbalance [Add to Longdo]
Welle { f }; Woge { f } | Wellen { pl }; Wogen { pl } | kleine Welle | abklingende Welle | dynamische Welle | stehende Wellewave | waves | wavelet | decaying wave | dynamic wave | standing wave; stationary wave [Add to Longdo]
aerodynamisch { adj }aerodynamic [Add to Longdo]
aerodynamisch { adv }aerodynamically [Add to Longdo]
akeramisch { adj }aceramic [Add to Longdo]
bigamisch { adj }bigamous [Add to Longdo]
bigamisch { adv }bigamously [Add to Longdo]
biodynamisch; ökologisch { adv }organically [Add to Longdo]
dynamisch { adj } | dynamischer | am dynamischstendynamic | more dynamic | most dymanic [Add to Longdo]
dynamisch { adv }dynamicly [Add to Longdo]
dynamische Abfühlungflight sensing [Add to Longdo]
dynamische Kraftdynamism [Add to Longdo]
dynamisch { adv }dynamically [Add to Longdo]
fehlend; schlechtamiss [Add to Longdo]
hungern | hungernd | gehungert | hungertto famish | famishing | famished | famishes [Add to Longdo]
hyper-dynamisch { adj }high-octane [Add to Longdo]
islamisch { adj }Islamic [Add to Longdo]
keramischceramic [Add to Longdo]
keramische Bindung { f }; keramische Erhärtung { f }ceramic bond [Add to Longdo]
lebendig; lebhaft; quirlig; aufgeweckt; munter; dynamisch; flott; temperamentvoll { adj } | lebendiger; lebhafter | am lebendigsten; am lebhaftestenlively | livelier | liveliest [Add to Longdo]
panoramischpanoramic [Add to Longdo]
panoramisch { adv }panoramically [Add to Longdo]
penibelsqueamish [Add to Longdo]
penibel { adv }squeamishly [Add to Longdo]
thermodynamisch { adv }thermodynamically [Add to Longdo]
verhungern | verhungernd | verhungert | verhungerteto famish | famishing | famishes | famished [Add to Longdo]
verkehrtamiss [Add to Longdo]
verkehrt { adv }amissly [Add to Longdo]
zimperlichsqueamish [Add to Longdo]
zimperlich { adv }squeamishly [Add to Longdo]
Nehmen Sie es nicht übel.Don't take it amiss. [Add to Longdo]
Anamischnepfe { f } [ ornith. ]Amami Woodcock [Add to Longdo]
Papuamistelfresser { m } [ ornith. ]Olive-crowned Flowerpecker [Add to Longdo]
bahamisch { adj }Bahamian [Add to Longdo]
Halbmesser { m } | dynamischer Halbmesser | statischer Halbmesserradius | dynamic loaded radius; dynamic rolling radius | static loaded radius; static imbalance; static out-of- balance; static unbalance [Add to Longdo]
Lastverlagerung { f } | dynamische Lastverlagerungload transfer; weight transfer | dynamic load transfer [Add to Longdo]
Reifeneigenschaften { pl } | dynamische Reifeneigenschaftentyre characteristics | dynamic tyre characteristics [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[ち, chi] (n) (1) (abbr) ground; land; earth; soil; (2) the region in question; the local area; (3) skin; (4) texture; fabric; material; weave; (5) base; background; (6) one's true nature; (7) narrative (i.e. descriptive part of a story); (8) real life; actuality; (9) (in the game of go) captured territory; (10) (See 地謡) noh chorus; (11) (in Japanese dance) accompaniment music; (12) (in Japanese music) basic phrase (usu. repetitive); (13) base part (of multiple shamisens) #208 [Add to Longdo]
歌(P);唄(P);詩[うた, uta] (n) (1) (歌, 唄 only) (唄 is primarily used for shamisen songs) song; (2) (歌 only) (See 短歌) classical Japanese poetry (esp. tanka); (3) (歌, 詩 only) modern poetry; (P) #610 [Add to Longdo]
[ねこ, neko] (n) (1) cat; (2) shamisen; (3) geisha; (4) (abbr) (See 猫車) wheelbarrow; (5) (abbr) (See 猫火鉢) clay bed-warmer; (6) (uk) (col) (ant #1,982 [Add to Longdo]
[てい;ひのと, tei ; hinoto] (ctr) (1) counter for sheets, pages, leaves, etc.; (2) counter for blocks of tofu; counter for servings in a restaurant; (3) (See 挺) counter for long and narrow things such as guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc.; (n) (4) (See 半・はん・3) even number; (5) (See 町・3) 109.09 m #2,197 [Add to Longdo]
床(P);牀[ゆか, yuka] (n) (1) floor; (2) stage (for the narrator and the shamisen player); (3) dining platform built across a river; (P) #2,631 [Add to Longdo]
箱(P);函;匣;筥;筐;凾[はこ(P);こう(匣), hako (P); kou ( kou )] (n) (1) box; (2) car (of a train, etc.); (3) shamisen case; shamisen; (4) (arch) (See 箱屋) man who carries a geisha's shamisen; (5) (arch) receptacle for human waste; feces (faeces); (P) #3,163 [Add to Longdo]
[げん, gen] (n) (1) (arch) bowstring; (2) (See 絃) string (of a shamisen, etc.); stringed instrument; (3) { geom } chord; (4) hypotenuse #5,687 [Add to Longdo]
弦(P);絃;鉉[つる, tsuru] (n) (1) bowstring; (2) string (of shamisen, guitar, violin, etc.); (3) (esp. 鉉) bail (arched pot handle); (4) (also written as 梁) (See 枡・1) diagonal levelling wire across the top of a masu; (P) #5,687 [Add to Longdo]
神様[かみさま, kamisama] (n) God; (P) #7,047 [Add to Longdo]
[どう, dou] (n) (1) trunk; torso; body; abdomen; waist; (2) plastron (in kendo); touching the plastron (kimari-te in kendo); (3) frame (of a drum, etc.); sound box (of a shamisen, etc.); hull (of a ship); (P) #11,135 [Add to Longdo]
三味線[しゃみせん(P);さみせん, shamisen (P); samisen] (n) three-stringed Japanese guitar; shamisen; (P) #13,053 [Add to Longdo]
挺;梃[ちょう, chou] (ctr) counter for long and narrow things such as guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc. #16,451 [Add to Longdo]
浪曲[ろうきょく, roukyoku] (n) recitation of stories accompanied by samisen (called naniwabushi) #19,928 [Add to Longdo]
うた沢;歌沢;哥沢[うたざわ, utazawa] (n) (歌沢 was used especially by the Tora school that emphasized voice; 哥沢 was used especially by the Shiba school that emphasized shamisen) slow-paced style of shamisen music with vocal accompaniment (popular during the late Edo period) [Add to Longdo]
うた沢節;歌沢節;哥沢節[うたざわぶし, utazawabushi] (n) (歌沢節 was used especially by the Tora school that emphasized voice; 哥沢節 was used especially by the Shiba school that emphasized shamisen) (See うた沢) slow-paced style of shamisen music with vocal accompaniment (popular during the late Edo period) [Add to Longdo]
お上さん;お内儀さん;御上さん;御内儀さん[おかみさん, okamisan] (n) (uk) missus (orig. honorific, now familiar); missis [Add to Longdo]
ぺこぺこ[pekopeko] (adj-na) (1) (on-mim) very hungry; starving; famished; (adv-to, adv, vs) (2) (on-mim) fawning; being obsequious; being servile; kowtowing; cringing; (3) (on-mim) giving in; being dented; (P) [Add to Longdo]
アーミッシュ[a-misshu] (n) Amish [Add to Longdo]
アマミスズメダイ[amamisuzumedai] (n) stout chromis (Chromis chrysura) [Add to Longdo]
アミセチン[amisechin] (n) amicetin [Add to Longdo]
オッカムの剃刀[オッカムのかみそり, okkamu nokamisori] (n) Occam's razor; Ockham's razor [Add to Longdo]
カミセン[kamisen] (n) (abbr) younger members of the group (wasei [Add to Longdo]
キャミソール[kyamiso-ru] (n) camisole [Add to Longdo]
ダイナミサイザ[dainamisaiza] (n) { comp } serializer; parallel-serial converter; dynamicizer [Add to Longdo]
ダイナミズム[dainamizumu] (n) dynamism; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ティラミス[teiramisu] (n) tiramisu [Add to Longdo]
デュナミス[deyunamisu] (n) dunamis (gre [Add to Longdo]
ナミシュモクザメ;スモールアイ・ハンマーヘッド;スモールアイハンマーヘッド[namishumokuzame ; sumo-ruai . hanma-heddo ; sumo-ruaihanma-heddo] (n) smalleye hammerhead (Sphyrna tudes, species of hammerhead shark common in the western Atlantic) [Add to Longdo]
ニアミス[niamisu] (n) near-miss; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ハンロンの剃刀[ハンロンのかみそり, hanron nokamisori] (n) (obsc) (See オッカムの剃刀) Hanlon's razor ("Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity") [Add to Longdo]
パミス;パマス[pamisu ; pamasu] (n) pumice [Add to Longdo]
パミストン;パミストーン;バミストン[pamisuton ; pamisuto-n ; bamisuton] (n) pumice stone [Add to Longdo]
フカミスズメダイ[fukamisuzumedai] (n) whitetail chromis (Chromis leucura) [Add to Longdo]
ポカミス[pokamisu] (n) careless mistake [Add to Longdo]
ヨハネの手紙三[ヨハネのてがみさん, yohane notegamisan] (n) Third Epistle of John (book of the Bible) [Add to Longdo]
安全剃刀[あんぜんかみそり, anzenkamisori] (n) safety razor [Add to Longdo]
闇再販[やみさいはん, yamisaihan] (n) price-support measures for contraband goods [Add to Longdo]
闇市場[やみしじょう, yamishijou] (n) black market [Add to Longdo]
闇社会[やみしゃかい, yamishakai] (n) underground world; underground society [Add to Longdo]
闇商人[やみしょうにん, yamishounin] (n) black marketeer [Add to Longdo]
闇将軍[やみしょうぐん, yamishougun] (n) behind-the-scenes fixer; éminence grise; kingmaker; wire-puller; (lit) shadow shogun [Add to Longdo]
闇相場[やみそうば, yamisouba] (n) black-market price [Add to Longdo]
一の糸[いちのいと, ichinoito] (n) first string (of a shamisen, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
一中節[いっちゅうぶし, icchuubushi] (n) (See 浄瑠璃) type of Joruri (dramatic recitation accompanied by a shamisen) [Add to Longdo]
一丁[いっちょう, icchou] (n) (1) one sheet; one page; one leaf; (2) one block of tofu; one serving (in a restaurant); (3) (also written as 一挺, 一梃) one long and narrow thing (e.g. guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc.); (4) one cho (unit of distance, 109.09 m); (5) one game; one task; (n-adv) (6) well then; come then; (P) [Add to Longdo]
音曲[おんぎょく, ongyoku] (n) songs with samisen accompaniment; musical performance [Add to Longdo]
可能態[かのうたい, kanoutai] (n) (See デュナミス) dunamis [Add to Longdo]
歌妓[かぎ, kagi] (n) woman who earns her living by entertaining with song, dance and playing the shamisen; geisha who sings at parties [Add to Longdo]
海老尾;蝦尾[えびお;かいろうび(海老尾), ebio ; kairoubi ( ebi o )] (n) (1) (えびお only) goldfish with a shrimp-like tail; (2) head of a shamisen or lute (bent back like a shrimp's tail) [Add to Longdo]
活力[かつりょく, katsuryoku] (n) vitality; energy; dynamism; (P) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
ダイナミサイザ[だいなみさいざ, dainamisaiza] serializer, parallel-serial converter, dynamicizer [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
三味線[しゃみせん, shamisen] dreisaitiges_jap.Zupfinstrument [Add to Longdo]
宗谷岬[そうやみさき, souyamisaki] (Nordspitze Hokkaidos) [Add to Longdo]
神様[かみさま, kamisama] Gott [Add to Longdo]


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