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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
那样的[nà yàng de, ㄋㄚˋ ㄧㄤˋ ㄉㄜ˙,    /   ] that kind of; that sort of [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
He says that now he can't understand how a man can do that to another human being.[CN] 他说即使现在他也不明白 一个人怎么可以对 同类做那样的事 Shoah (1985)
Ninety-nine thou – I mean, $100, 000 – in that neighborhood.[CN] 九万九... 我说,那样的地方要花10万块 The Palm Beach Story (1942)
But I haven't Professor Siletsky's distinguished beard.[CN] 可是我没有希利特教授那样的胡子 To Be or Not to Be (1942)
It didn't seem right that a man like that should have all that money.[CN] 看起来不公平,一个那样的人拥有那么多钱. When Strangers Marry (1944)
When the Jews talked to each other, as he showed us, the Ukrainians wanted things quiet, and they asked...[CN] 当犹太人互相交谈 就像他那样的 乌克兰人却希望安静 因此他们要求犹太人闭嘴 Shoah (1985)
- I'm glad you feel that way.[CN] -真高兴您有那样的感觉 To Be or Not to Be (1942)
He shouldn't do things like that on a night like this. Good night.[CN] 他不应该在晚上做那样的事情 晚安 The Palm Beach Story (1942)
It's... It's just that I feel at such a disadvantage.[CN] 不是那样的 只是我感到有点处于劣势 Rebecca (1940)
But Mr. carpenter... Just a minute! What do you want to stick to a guy like that for?[CN] 你帮那样的人有什么用 他在每个城市都有相好的 The Whole Town's Talking (1935)
Where you going with a head like that?[CN] 有那样的头你还想去哪里? Labyrinth (1986)
I was in love with someone like him.[CN] 我爱过像他那样的人 The Decline of the American Empire (1986)
To a man like that, two years in prison is worse than hell.[CN] 对于一个像他那样的人 在监狱里呆两年比 地狱还要糟糕 Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
I mean it like it is, like it sounds.[CN] 听起来像是那样的 Episode #1.3 (1990)
Oh, no, no. Only, do you think that sort of thing's right for you?[CN] 不 只是你觉得那样的东西适合你吗 Rebecca (1940)
Oh, in that case, I'Il sleep in the middle.[CN] 哦 如果那样的话 我想我睡中间好了 The Lady Vanishes (1938)
You never tasted such food in your life. Especially seafood.[CN] 你从未吃过那样的菜 特别是海鲜 Lifeboat (1944)
What for? If it takes a few swigs to bring out that personality of yours, [CN] 得需要好几杯烈酒才能让你有那样的魄力 The Whole Town's Talking (1935)
She was that. She was a wonderful woman.[CN] 她是那样的,她是个很棒的女人 The House on Telegraph Hill (1951)
BENEDICT: Oh, no, no. It's nothing like it.[CN] 不不 不是那样的 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
Well, I... I've never met anyone quite like her before.[CN] 以前我从未见过像她那样的人 Rebecca (1940)
One day, you too wil be a wise and important person, [CN] 村越先生您很快一定也会 成为像老爷那样的贵人的 Taki no shiraito (1933)
When will I ever get stuff like that again? Of all the stupid, clumsy —[CN] 何时才会再拍到像那样的镜头 笨蛋 Lifeboat (1944)
It's terrible to be in love, to love like Romeo when you resemble Bluebeard.[CN] 像罗密欧那样的爱情多可怕 我看起来就像蓝胡子 Port of Shadows (1938)
to save them[CN] 现在写西线无战事那样的体材 Final Take: The Golden Age of Movies (1986)
Koharu That's a lie.[CN] 田中小春不是那样的人 Final Take: The Golden Age of Movies (1986)
FATHER: Too bad you don't have a building like that.[CN] 太糟了,你们都没一个像 那样的教学楼 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
- Yes, that would do nicely.[CN] ―是的,就是那样的 The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Because I can't understand protecting that guy.[CN] 因为我不明白 你为什么要保护那样的男人 'G' Men (1935)
- Yes. Things like that just don't happen.[CN] 是的 那样的事不会发生的 The Lady Vanishes (1938)
Who taught you that?[CN] 谁教你那样的? The Ages of Lulu (1990)
-That's not true.[CN] 不是那样的. Corky Romano (2001)
We shouldn't have...[CN] 我们不应该那样的... Beyond Re-Animator (2003)
That shouldn't be a very difficult neighborhood to find.[CN] 那样的地方不难找 The Palm Beach Story (1942)
No, not congenital or anything like that.[CN] 不,他本来不是那样的 The Palm Beach Story (1942)
Oh, that's not it.[CN] 哦, 不是那样的 Bordertown (1935)
Maybe that's the kind of friend I am.[CN] 也许我本身就是那样的朋友。 Silverado (1985)
That is a much more pleasant word.[CN] 那样的字眼比较好听 Casablanca (1942)
- A thing like that would play hard with anybody's nerves.[CN] - 那样的事情会加重人的紧张情绪 The House on Telegraph Hill (1951)
I'm the one should be yelling, not you. We need those men. Lots of them.[CN] 该大叫的人是我 不是你 我们需要很多那样的人 'G' Men (1935)
You don't lie, make insults, and leave me, like my people.[CN] 你不说谎,也不像我的人那样的离开我 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
And with that personality, that profile, that physique...[CN] 拥有那样的个性、那样的外形 那样的体格 Pinocchio (1940)
Am I qualified to discuss this subject?[CN] 那样的我有什么资格 写这样的题材 A Chaos of Flowers (1988)
A man like that.[CN] 一个像那样的男人 Ninotchka (1939)
Not easy to find you[CN] 根据饭店的等级还有那样的差别? Final Take: The Golden Age of Movies (1986)
Well, in that case, i can only humor you and hope for the best.[CN] 如果是那样的话,我只能迁就你了 希望能凑效 The Mask of Dimitrios (1944)
Why are there people like Frank?[CN] 为何会有弗兰克那样的人? Blue Velvet (1986)
It must be lots of fun to be with a woman like that, so witty and...[CN] 和那样的女人在一起 一定很高兴 她如此诙谐而且 Ninotchka (1939)
That puts me on the other side of the fence from you.[CN] 那样的话 我就和你对立了 'G' Men (1935)
#With a girl like that #[CN] 同那样的一个女孩在一起 One Hour with You (1932)


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