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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
避难[bì nàn, ㄅㄧˋ ㄋㄢˋ,   /  ] refuge; to take refuge; to seek asylum (political etc) #24,734 [Add to Longdo]
避难所[bì nàn suǒ, ㄅㄧˋ ㄋㄢˋ ㄙㄨㄛˇ,    /   ] refuge #44,813 [Add to Longdo]
逃灾避难[táo zāi bì nàn, ㄊㄠˊ ㄗㄞ ㄅㄧˋ ㄋㄢˋ,     /    ] to seek refuge from calamities [Add to Longdo]

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Well, they say it's a sanctuary for them, but it's- - Here it is.[CN] 他们说这是流浪狗的避难所,就是这了 This Means War (2012)
Sanctuary![CN] 避难所,避难所! Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
With the seas that fed them throughout the summer all but frozen, this is the eider's last refuge.[CN] 它们整个夏季进食的大海都已冰封 这里是它们最后的避难所 Winter (2011)
- A safe hiding place?[CN] -一个安全的避难所? Darkness Rising (2011)
She's a political refugee.[CN] 她是政治避难者 She's a political refugee. Goats (2012)
Yushchenko![CN] 尤先科! Yushchenko! 这是他逃离楼下工作的避难所 a refuge from the work below. How to Start a Revolution (2011)
Er... no, but perhaps some boats, more walkways, shelters for the poor... blankets.[CN] 也许是应该造几艘船 更多的走道 给穷人的避难所 还有毛毯 A Monster in Paris (2011)
We'll find shelter somewhere. There's gotta be a place.[CN] 我们会找到避难所的 一定有这种地方 Beside the Dying Fire (2012)
You can feed and shelter the ones who come through.[CN] 你可以为那些路过的人提供食物和避难所 For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada (2012)
There's a place where you can take refuge... a place inside you... a place to which... no one else has access... a place that no one can destroy.[CN] 在你心里 总有一处避难所 此地 The Skin I Live In (2011)
But welfare groups say the tunnels are a refuge for Sydney's homeless building underground water recycling infrastructure would leave them with nowhere to go.[CN] 福利机构称隧道是悉尼流浪汉的避难所 建造地下水循环设施 他们会失去容身之地 The Tunnel (2011)
Her cousin owns an inn in Avnevi, 5km from here, and he took in a bride seeking shelter.[CN] 她说她表亲在艾奈维开了家小旅馆 离这儿5公里 不久前有个新娘去了那里避难 5 Days of War (2011)
Right before they took her to the asylum.[CN] 就在他们把她带去避难所之前 My Week with Marilyn (2011)
We've got to find shelter before the ground troops get here![CN] 地面部队到达之前我们得找地方避难 5 Days of War (2011)
There's no point looking for shelter.[CN] 这里找不到避难所 Water (2010)
They gonna find us and stick us in a damn shelter.[CN] 会把我们通通送去避难所 Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)
Government officials in each city are currently being evacuated to nuclear shelters.[CN] 各个城市的政府官员 现在都疏散到了核武器避难所 Unthinkable (2010)
We need to find a refuge from the often-deafening noise floor of life... to hear the still, small voice of God.[CN] 我们需要找到一个避难 从经常震耳欲聋 生活的噪底. 听到的是, 小 上帝的声音。 Blue Like Jazz (2012)
After Talus burned their village by the river, they took refuge here in the forest.[CN] SILDA: 距骨烧后 他们村河, 他们避难 这里的森林。 The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption (2012)
Forget about a hiding place.[CN] 别找避难所了 Darkness Rising (2011)
What's needed now is a physical haven.[CN] 现在需要做的是物理的避难所。 WikiRebels: The Documentary (2010)
My grandmother fled and hid in the woods.[CN] 我祖母逃到森林里避难 Footnote (2011)
We ended up in the stables. Our last hope of refuge.[CN] 我们最后的避难所是个马廊 Hyde Park on Hudson (2012)
PRIEST'S HOLE?[CN] 牧师避难所? Skyfall (2012)
And when the refuge is found, you will slaughter Cobra and his army without mercy.[CN] 避难时被发现, 你将宰杀眼镜蛇 和他的军队,毫不手软。 The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption (2012)
It was our refuge.[CN] 这是我们的避难所 The Wolfman (2010)
You are my refuge and strength.[CN] 你是我的避难所和力量 Priest (2011)
She said everybody else had to go to nearby villages for shelter, so...[CN] 她说其他人都去了附近的村庄避难 所以 5 Days of War (2011)
It's time everyone going to the mountains, seek to a shelter where it should be safe, [CN] 大家都去山里了 找一个安全的避难所 The Impossible (2012)
PLEASE, TAKE COVER.[CN] 去吧 去避难吧 Secret of the Wings (2012)
But for now, I order all to leave the city.[CN] 请各位立即到城外避难 Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions (2010)
Shelter[CN] 避难所 Footnote (2011)
I'll look in all hospitals, and I'll look in all shelters find everything OK.[CN] 我会寻找每个医院和避难所 The Impossible (2012)
And you can use my apartment to hide in.[CN] 并且这儿就是你的避难所了 What's Your Number? (2011)
But, why didn't the two of you evacuate?[CN] 但是您二位为什麽没有到城外避难呢 Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions (2010)
Tomorrow, I'll escape to the east with my family.[CN] 等这里成了战线呢? 我明天会把家人送往东部避难 Wunderkinder (2011)
THE FREEZE IS UPON US. YOU MUST TAKE COVER.[CN] 冻结已临近 你们得找地方避难 Secret of the Wings (2012)
- And a hiding place. - I'm counting on you.[CN] 还要一个避难所 都靠你了 Darkness Rising (2011)
You know, in point of fact, it's the armor to survive the reality of everyday life.[CN] 在我看来... 它像是远离现实生活的避难所 Bill Cunningham: New York (2010)
Homeless guy. Walker met him at the shelter.[CN] 无家可归的人 Walker在避难所遇到他的 Representative Brody (2011)
And bulletproof. Also, Curt Schilling's been in here, because I know him.[CN] 而且防弹 姚明也来过避难,我认识他 Hall Pass (2011)
Tsukai, I want you to search the ether for my prey, Cobra, and reveal to me his hidden refuge.[CN] Tsukai,我想你搜索 我的猎物,眼镜蛇乙醚, 并透露给我 他隐藏的避难所。 The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption (2012)
You, Lord, are my refuge.[CN] "上帝,您是我的避难所" Intruders (2011)
It's really more of a sanctuary for me.[CN] - 这对我来说更像个避难所 This Means War (2012)
You just want to seek sanctuary.[CN] 无非就是想留在我们少林寺避难嘛 Shaolin (2011)
There be no refuge on land![CN] 岸上没地方避难! Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Father, do you need shelter?[CN] 神父, 你需要避难所吗? There Be Dragons (2011)
He just orders us around and explains nothing.[CN] 到别的避难所了 Reunion (2011)
There will be a service for E.B. in the egg painting room. Carrots and coffee to follow.[CN] 这个人会再大开杀戒 请大家避难 Hop (2011)


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