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汉堡[Hàn bǎo, ㄏㄢˋ ㄅㄠˇ,   /  ] Hamburg (German city); (loan.) hamburger #11,999 [Add to Longdo]
汉堡包[hàn bǎo bāo, ㄏㄢˋ ㄅㄠˇ ㄅㄠ,    /   ] hamburger #41,502 [Add to Longdo]

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Right? And stay away from the burgers. Curds are good, though.[CN] 这儿的汉堡难吃 但是干酪还不错 Thin Ice (2011)
Listen, a week ago I was mopping up puke in a burger bar.[CN] 听着,一周前我在汉堡店清理呕吐物 Chalet Girl (2011)
If you wanted chips, you could've gotten a bag at the hamburger store.[CN] 如果你想吃 在汉堡店的时候咋不买一包 The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
You don't serve burgers here? Steaks? Brats?[CN] 你们这儿不卖汉堡 或是牛排 牛肉 Thin Ice (2011)
- Shit. - Hamburg?[CN] -汉堡呢? Killer Elite (2011)
Could you hold on one second, Dennis? Okay, so that's a double-double cheeseburger meal with a extra-large chocolate shake?[CN] 好的,你想要双层奶酪汉堡和超大杯 The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
Oh, yeah, it was like that David Hasselhoff video, eating a cheeseburger.[CN] 美国著名演员 2007年醉酒吃汉堡被拍 ] 那段视频 { \3cH202020 }eating a cheeseburger. Three Boys (2011)
Lucky beggars.[CN] 还有幸运汉堡 The Awakening (2011)
- We're gonna go meet Sticks at Jim's.[CN] - 去吉姆汉堡店找Sticks The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
Are you trying to blame Ethan's death on a bad hamburger?[CN] 你是想把伊桑的死归于变质了的汉堡包? Iron Golem (2011)
No, on the road, it's all burgers and fries and pizza.[CN] 汉堡包,炸薯条和比萨饼。 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011)
- Is the burger done?[CN] 汉堡做好了吗? 马上就好 Gantz: Perfect Answer (2011)
Hamburger.[CN] 跟汉堡扒似的 The Killer Inside Me (2010)
I wanna eat a cheeseburger.[CN] 我想吃起司汉堡 The Spirit of Vegas (2011)
Let's grab a burger and a beer.[CN] 得来顿汉堡加啤酒. Sacrifice (2011)
- Mini-burgers. Don't blame me.[CN] - 迷你汉堡,别怪我哦 Chalet Girl (2011)
Shut the fuck up, burger boy.[CN] 闭嘴! 汉堡小子 Killing Bono (2011)
I definitely regret you getting quadruple onions on your burger.[CN] 我更后悔不该让你在汉堡里 放四倍量的洋葱 The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
- Hamburger steak.[CN] 米饭 汉堡包 Tomie: Unlimited (2011)
Uhh...[CN] 汉堡... Our Idiot Brother (2011)
The burgers.[CN] - 汉堡 Pilot (2011)
So now I gotta waste my time checking out this burger-flipper's story.[CN] 所以现在我的浪费时间 核实这个做汉堡的编的瞎话 End Times (2011)
Um, can you go ahead and throw an extra double cheeseburger on there, please?[CN] 能再加个双层奶酪汉堡吗? 因为我非常饿了 The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
Lucky beggars. You always say that.[CN] 幸运汉堡 你总是这么说 The Awakening (2011)
You go out for a burger?[CN] 你去休息吃汉堡了? Courageous (2011)
You're not flipping hamburgers here, pal.[CN] 这跟做汉堡不一样 老兄 Box Cutter (2011)
Cheeseburger, extra bloody.[CN] 干酪汉堡包,大份番茄酱 Black Swan (2010)
I feel like a big slab of hamburger that's been mushed into a human.[CN] 我觉得像一个大 板汉堡包 这一直 到一个人mushed。 L!fe Happens (2011)
Man, I'm just sitting here trying to get my shrimp.[CN] 哥们,我只是坐在这等我的虾仁汉堡 Rampart (2011)
Let's just say there's a reason I'll never eat a hamburger again.[CN] 这么说吧,从那以后 我就再也不吃汉堡包了 Setup (2011)
Ah-ah-ah![CN] 吃完奶昔和薯条再吃汉堡 { \3cH202020 }After you finish your shake and fries. Frank the Plank (2011)
Well, I hope the buggers like sand in their burgers, huh?[CN] 希望他们爱吃加砂的汉堡 Killer Elite (2011)
- I'll just grab a burger or somethin'.[CN] 我就抓住一个汉堡 或事端。 Loosies (2011)
If you wanted the goddamn chami, you should have gotten the goddamn chips at the hamburger shop![CN] 在汉堡店的时候怎么不买! 停,冷静,冷静点,听着 The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
Well, two cheeseburgers and two Cokes.[CN] 两个起司汉堡和两杯可乐 Nightmare (2011)
Makes you a burger-flipper.[CN] 顶多是个有手艺的做汉堡的 End Times (2011)
- You want a burger, I'll make you a burger.[CN] 你想要一个汉堡, 我会让你一个汉堡。 Loosies (2011)
Because you work at a restaurant that charges $14 for a burger that don't make you a chef.[CN] 可是在餐厅打工 一个汉堡卖到14块 不能算是厨师 End Times (2011)
Let's go grab a burger.[CN] 我们去吃个汉堡吧 { \3cH202020 }Let's go grab a burger. It's Time to Kill the Turtle (2011)
Two small beef burgers, believe it or not.[CN] 这是两份小号的牛肉汉堡,信不信由你 Life in a Day (2011)
A quarter-pounder with cheese.[CN] 四分之一磅汉堡 Cedar Rapids (2011)
Chili burger. Best American invention since jazz.[CN] 辣椒汉堡,继爵士舞后美国最好的发明 Dolphin Tale (2011)
'Cause I'm very hungry. Mac, now is not the time to run off and get a hamburger![CN] 麦克,现在不是逃跑去买汉堡的时候! The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
Although I have no idea what that has to do with kids. Or burgers.[CN] 尽管我想不出那和孩子或者汉堡有啥关系 { \3cH202020 }Although I have no idea what that has to do with kids or burgers. It's Time to Kill the Turtle (2011)
Burgers or Chinese?[CN] 汉堡包还是中餐? Scream of the Banshee (2011)
Toxic hamburgers.[CN] "吃到了有毒的汉堡包 Monsieur Papa (2011)
Yeah, but could we order a burger or something?[CN] 嗯 { \3cH202020 }Yeah. 能叫汉堡吃吗 { \3cH202020 }But c Frank Gallagher: Loving Husband, Devoted Father (2011)
Karen and I are gonna grab some burgers later. - I'll take some little red potatoes. - Of course, sweetie.[CN] 我和凯伦一会去吃点汉堡什么的 { \3cH202020 }I think Karen and I are just gonna grab some burgers later. sweetie. Aunt Ginger (2011)
Dude, you stood up on your chair in that burger restaurant and said that speech for everybody![CN] 老兄,你可是站在汉堡店的椅子上 在大家面前做的那个演讲! The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
People that don't want planked whitefish, special hamburgers, they want the little sandwiches I got, and the fruit salads.[CN] 客人不喜欢现成烤熟的白鲑鱼和特制汉堡 倒喜欢上我卖的三明治和水果沙拉 Part Four (2011)


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