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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
江河[jiāng hé, ㄐㄧㄤ ㄏㄜˊ,  ] rivers #17,511 [Add to Longdo]
黑龙江河[Hēi lóng jiāng hé, ㄏㄟ ㄌㄨㄥˊ ㄐㄧㄤ ㄏㄜˊ,     /    ] Heilongjiang river; the Amur river the Amur River (the border between north east China and Russia) #384,029 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
江河[こうが, kouga] (n) Yangtze and Yellow rivers; large river [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
-We must be swift as a coursing river[CN] 行动快速像那江河湍急 Mulan (1998)
- "And the river so full of song" - "And the river so full of song[CN] 江河唱着歌 Man on the Moon (1999)
400 miles long and over a mile deep, Baikal contains one fifth of all the fresh water found in our planet's lakes and rivers.[CN] 贝加尔湖长400英里,深度超过1英里, 其中的淡水储量占到了全球江河湖泊淡水总量的1/5 Fresh Water (2006)
The rivers and the seas will dry up.'[CN] `江河和海洋也将会干涸' Paheli (2005)
Worldwide lakes hold twenty times more fresh water than all the rivers.[CN] 全球湖泊淡水储量比江河多20倍 Fresh Water (2006)
Even for giant rivers like the Amazon the journey to the sea is not always smooth or uninterrupted.[CN] 即使像亚马逊河这般巨大的江河 流向大海的过程也并非都是平缓连续的 Fresh Water (2006)
-We must be swift as a coursing river[CN] 男子汉 行动快速像那江河湍急 Mulan (1998)
The desire to meet the sea turns the stream into a river[CN] 溪流因为想见大海而汇入江河. Devdas (2002)
But making fools out of two thousand people is...[CN] 银行诈骗,盗贼四起 世风如江河日下 Czech Dream (2004)
When rivers finally reach the sea they slow down, release their sediment and build deltas.[CN] 江河最终汇入大海时 水流减缓,留下大量泥沙, 堆成了三角洲 Fresh Water (2006)
"And the rivers and waters of Egypt ran red... and were as blood."[CN] 埃及的江河一片殷红... 如鲜血一般 The Mummy (1999)


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