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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
气势[qì shì, ㄑㄧˋ ㄕˋ,   /  ] momentum; manner; energy; look of great force or imposing manner; powerful #6,806 [Add to Longdo]
气势汹汹[qì shì xiōng xiōng, ㄑㄧˋ ㄕˋ ㄒㄩㄥ ㄒㄩㄥ,     /    ] aggressive #34,357 [Add to Longdo]

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Sir, you are so smart today.[CN] 大人,你今天好有官威,好有气势 是吗? Hail the Judge (1994)
Top dog him, Phil. Top dog him.[CN] 压过他的气势,压过他气势 Marmaduke (2010)
We got momentum now.[CN] 我们现在气势正旺 Moonlight Mile (2002)
Do you know the level of who you're dealing with?[CN] -你气势汹汹地过来干嘛? Ride Along 2 (2016)
If we don't execute him, the governments will regain strength and the revolutionary movements will be weakened, because we've triggered a revolutionary mechanism without being able to enforce it, or respect ourselves enough to see it through.[CN] 如果我们不处决, 他们政府的气势会增长 而解放运动的气势会削弱 我们启动了一个民族解放的机制 State of Siege (1972)
If I may add something personal, it is a courageous work.[CN] 我再补充一点个人感受 这就是他雄伟有力 气势磅礴 因为他体现了现代精神 Mephisto (1981)
Now I get it.[CN] 我明白了 你想用我的气势为你堵路 Now I get it. Viva Las Vegas (1964)
I admire the bravado with which you drive... and I would like you to drive for me.[CN] 我欣赏你开车的气势 I admire the bravado with which you drive... 我想要你为我赛车 and I would like you to drive for me. Viva Las Vegas (1964)
Yes. Looking awesome[CN] 他来了,气势很凶啊 Gorgeous (1999)
That's a good line![CN] 气势不错 Crows Zero II (2009)
Good qi![CN] 气势不错嘛! Shaolin Girl (2008)
I'm sorry.[CN] -气势太强了吗? -对 Midsummer Intimacy (2016)


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