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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
气势[qì shì, ㄑㄧˋ ㄕˋ,   /  ] momentum; manner; energy; look of great force or imposing manner; powerful #6,806 [Add to Longdo]
气势汹汹[qì shì xiōng xiōng, ㄑㄧˋ ㄕˋ ㄒㄩㄥ ㄒㄩㄥ,     /    ] aggressive #34,357 [Add to Longdo]

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This whole move was done behind Will's back and he just found out now, and he stormed off to his agent's office to see why he doesn't have approval.[CN] 他们瞒着威尔雇了我,他现在才知道 于是他气势汹汹地去经纪人办公室了 想搞明白为什么自己没有批准权 We Just Decided To (2012)
Gentlemen, we are now approaching today's location, the magnificent Jericho manor, [CN] 先生们,我们现在接近今天的 位置,气势磅礴杰里科庄园, Dead of the Nite (2013)
It's been a hellacious display of courage by both fighters.[CN] 两位选手都表现出了难得的气势 Grudge Match (2013)
But when seven people play together, you feel heroic![CN] 七个人一起打 就很有气势 Din Tao: Leader of the Parade (2012)
Approaching today's location, the magnificent Jericho manor, considered by many to be one of[CN] 走近今天的位置,气势磅礴 杰里科的庄园,被许多人认为是一个 Dead of the Nite (2013)
Li may well be Grand Champion[CN] 已经看到李子天有问鼎总台主的气势 Unbeatable (2013)
You should show the momentum as a green card is a piece of toilet paper[CN] 你要表现出视绿卡为一张手纸的气势 American Dreams in China (2013)
Come out of the gate running.[CN] 拿出你的气势 Girls' Night Out (2012)
It's regal.[CN] 它看起来更有气势 No. It's regal. Goodbye World (2013)
Shit, it's powerful, don't you think?[CN] 很有气势 对吗? The Great Beauty (2013)
The U.S. and its Afghan allies clearly have the momentum in the battle for Tora Bora.[CN] 美国及其阿富汗 盟友显然有气势 在战斗中托拉博拉。 The Unknown Known (2013)
Go strong from the start.[CN] 集中点精神 要气势夺人 知道吗 Traffickers (2012)


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