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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
有方[yǒu fāng, ㄧㄡˇ ㄈㄤ,  ] to do things right; to use the correct method #30,463 [Add to Longdo]
指挥有方,人人乐从[zhǐ huī yǒu fāng, rén rén lè cóng, ㄓˇ ㄏㄨㄟ ㄧㄡˇ ㄈㄤ, ㄖㄣˊ ㄖㄣˊ ㄌㄜˋ ㄘㄨㄥˊ,          /         ] command right and you will be obeyed cheerfully (谚语 proverb) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I just did what Maximo said, even when I didn't understand.[CN] 这都是导演的指导有方 Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (1989)
They should have been in diamonds.[CN] 他们应该有方 The Trouble with Harry (1955)
There's always a way to bend the law.[CN] 不管怎么说,总会有方法获得胜诉 Over the Top (1987)
We must start by going down every path, until we find the right one.[CN] 一开始我们不得不按所有方向找 直到知道唯一的正确方向 Calling All Police Cars (1975)
It is in the bath and for the bath, that the lines are drawn and no quarter given.[CN] 在洗浴室里 洗澡 那些线没有方 Marnie (1964)
There must be a way to work it out.[CN] 肯定有方法的。 The King of Comedy (1982)
- And ravioli. - That's not all.[CN] - 还有方形饺(意大利菜,用肉﹑ 乳酪等做馅, 通常加调味汁食用) Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Incredible, I had the seven of diamonds, and the swine trumped me with two Jacks.[CN] 难以置信 我有方块七 这卑鄙的家伙用两张J打败我 Come Dance with Me! (1959)
Can't you do something about the cold?[CN] 好冷,有沒有方法啊? Eros + Massacre (1969)
However, it can be avoided by paying a tribute to our organization, amounting to 25% of your respective countries' annual oil purchases.[CN] 但也有方法消灾解难 只要向我们组织付出 贵国每年购入石油的 百分之二十五就行 Never Say Never Again (1983)
Any news about Fang Shih-yu?[CN] 你们一点也没有方世玉的消息 Kung Fu Invaders (1974)
- Is there any way to make it play itself?[CN] -有方法使它自己玩吗? WarGames (1983)
But do you have an answer?[CN] 可你有方案吗? The Wild Geese (1978)
Anvil was meant to begin the pincer movement on Hitler's Germany from all sides - the pincer movement that was to squeeze the Third Reich dry.[CN] "铁砧"的目的是从所有方向 对希特勒德国开始进行钳形运动... 将要把第三帝国榨干的钳形运动 Pincers: August 1944-March 1945 (1974)
But public opinion has a way of changing.[CN] 但大众舆论有方法去改变 A Clockwork Orange (1971)
You better tell Ka Kui I didn't do it by myself I acted according to orders[CN] 这些场面我见惯了 你对家驹说吧 这不是我一个人的功劳 全靠上级计划周详,调配有方 Police Story (1985)
My own way. I'm here with your old friend Angel Eyes.[CN] 我自有方法 我和你的朋友天使眼一起来的 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
I wanted to find out if there's any way to determine his safety[CN] 有没有方法能确认我儿子的安危 Tokyo Sonata (2008)
Here they built a giant minaret, which doubled as a tower of victory.[CN] 「印度人几乎在所有方面和我们都完全不同 The Meeting of Two Oceans (2007)
- He's got the jack of diamonds.[CN] -他有方块杰克 The Cincinnati Kid (1965)
Old people have joy in their own way, right?[CN] 老人家也有方法自得其乐,对吧? The Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family (1941)
There's a way out of anything.[CN] 有方法解决的 Platoon (1986)
In all directions just like... a single sphere of light.[CN] 光同时朝所有方向运动... 就像一个完整的光球 Insignificance (1985)
Hey, cousin, you're out of diamonds![CN] 表弟,你知道没有方块了! The Tin Drum (1979)
I will continue in the future, as I have in the past, to oppose this law in any way I can.[CN] 我会在将来一如既往地 用所有方式来反对这条法律 Inherit the Wind (1960)
Just keep your pecker hard and your powder dry and the worm will turn.[CN] 只要你振作精神 一定有方法的 Platoon (1986)
- There's an answer for that too.[CN] - 那也有方 High Society (1956)
On the whole thing.[CN] 有方面的专家 On what? On the whole thing. The Challenge (1982)
There's gotta be a way to wipe it out, goddamn it.[CN] 完全没有人去理会 一定有方法可以铲除他们的 Serpico (1973)
There's no moment between human beings that I cannot record... and there's no method that I cannot figure out.[CN] 人们的所有谈话我都能录下来 使用的所有方法我都能弄清楚 The Conversation (1974)
You've helped us in the past, and there are aspects of this case... that might interest you professionally.[CN] 您过去帮过我们 而且这案子有方面 You've helped us in the past, and there are aspects of this case... 可能您有专业兴趣 that might interest you professionally. Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972)
If there's any way of destroying hatred and all that goes with it... it's not through evil and hatred and cruelty... through charity, love, understanding.[CN] 如果有方法能消除 憎恨及一类的东西... 那不是通过邪恶, 憎恨和残忍... 而是慈善,爱,理解 Compulsion (1959)
I know it. I'm a girl with a sense of direction.[CN] 我知道 我是个有方向感的女孩子 House of Strangers (1949)
Our superiors' leadership accounts for the success[CN] 这次我们的功劳 是归功于上级英明. 领导有方 称赞你 Police Story (1985)
You got it. You have the azimuth?[CN] 是的 你有方位角吗 The 33 (2015)
- Yeah, yeah.[CN] -我會嘗試所有方 Charlie Wilson's War (2007)
Maybe he can do something to not draft your son.[CN] 也许他有方法 让你儿子不用参军 The Garden of Stones (1976)
And now, you have to silence the Human Beings! We'll soon walk a road that leads nowhere.[CN] 而现在,你决定"人类" 将很快走向没有方向的路 Little Big Man (1970)
There has to be something else![CN] 一定有方 Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997)
The detachment have placed the emergency climbing irons in the Wall... to a height where you can stand, pull yourself and the lady over the top.[CN] 墙上已经有方便你爬的铁棍 在一个直到你能够站的位置 翻过墙去就可以了 The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965)
The second thing you have to know is... that light absolutely always travels at the same speed... in all directions at once.[CN] 第二件你必须记住的事是... 光在向所有方向运动时速度都是恒定不变的 光在向所有方向运动时速度都是恒定不变的 Insignificance (1985)
Any way to stop Kiryu?[CN] 有没有方法可以停止它? 有没有方法? Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla (2002)
- There are ways around alarm tape.[CN] -有方法处理警铃 Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)
There's a way to explain it, you see.[CN] 有方式能解释的 Vertigo (1958)
Take her away. I got ways to make her talk.[CN] 带她走 我有方法让她说话 His Girl Friday (1940)
That was their great invention, and that is what made this entire process different from all others that had preceded that event.[CN] 那是他们伟大的发明 也就是这样, 这次的处理方式 跟那次事件以前的所有方 Shoah (1985)
I've my own skills[CN] 做魚蛋當然有方 Qing chun 1000 ri (1982)
All Of it?[CN] 都看开了吗 所有方面 All of it? Proof of Concept (2014)
There's gotta be a way.[CN] 他妈的, 一定有方法的 Serpico (1973)
So the buckshot just flies out in any and every direction.[CN] 子彈會像所有方向發射 Punishment Park (1971)


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