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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
托运[tuō yùn, ㄊㄨㄛ ㄩㄣˋ,   /  ] to book or check through (baggage) #20,040 [Add to Longdo]
托运行李[tuō yùn xíng li, ㄊㄨㄛ ㄩㄣˋ ㄒㄧㄥˊ ㄌㄧ˙,     /    ] luggage that has been checked in (on flight) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I received your shipping application, Mr...[CN] 我接到了你的托运申请... 先生 Contraband (2012)
-The cityman is here.[CN] - 办行李托运的人来了 Everlasting Moments (2008)
We don't handle train baggage on this side.[CN] 我们这边不办理火车托运 Union Station (1950)
Sir, do you need to check any luggage[CN] 先生, 您的行李需要托运 Lost on Journey (2010)
And the tow company won't release our property unless we pay them a 15-dollar processing fee.[CN] 托运公司不想还给我们东西... 除非我们付给他们15元手续费 Date Night (2010)
Sir, please hurry to check in your items[CN] 先生, 麻烦您把这些东西收拾一下 赶紧下去托运 Lost on Journey (2010)
But the case, they made him check it.[CN] 不过他们一定要他 把那个箱子托运 Whatever the Case May Be (2005)
He/she bills my suitcase, Mark. I Fly 204 of TWA to Los Angeles.[CN] 能帮我托运行李箱吗 是TW204去洛杉矶的航班 The State of Things (1982)
Ma'am, these goods were presented for consignment, but your man here refuses to pay full freight for it, owing to the condition of the barrels they're in.[CN] 小姐 这些是托运的货物 但你的人拒绝全额支付运费 他说装货的桶有损伤 IX. (2015)
Guy leaves. I said, "We can't take the dog." He says, "You know, he'll be right back--"[CN] 那男的把狗放这 我说 "我们这 不能托运狗" 他说他过会就回来 Valentine's Day (2010)
Phase two, the lance corporal will then meet the secret consignment from Berlin.[CN] 第二阶段一等兵会见到从 柏林送来的秘密托运 The Night of the Generals (1967)
Routine question about your checked baggage.[CN] 只是对托运行李的例行检查 The Two Live Crew Job (2009)
It will be very much a long ride over there.[CN] 托运完 准备进去 Episode #1.15 (2016)
You can check it in with your knives[CN] 那您可以跟着你的菜刀一起下去托运 Lost on Journey (2010)
Beyond that, you have to make special customs arrangements.[CN] 超过的话 必须经海关托运 Bottle Shock (2008)
Big score coming from Air France. Bags of money coming in.[CN] 法国航空公司有大生意了 有一袋袋的钱要托运 Goodfellas (1990)
Fine, I'll go check these in[CN] 行, 我答应你我一会儿就去托运 Lost on Journey (2010)
-Check any bags?[CN] - 有托运行李吗? Valentine's Day (2010)
Are you gonna check that? Oh. No, I'm gonna carry it on.[CN] - 你有托运的行李吗? Knight and Day (2010)
Waaaa, I don't want to be "checked-in"![CN] 我不要托运哪 我不要托运 McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten (2009)
Steve Tucker, take you, and check it to Dalton.[CN] 史蒂夫塔克带你,并把它托运到道尔顿。 Insidious (2010)
-This counter for oversized items.[CN] - 此柜台受理超重物品托运 Valentine's Day (2010)
Is that everything from Paris?[CN] 从巴黎托运来的行李就只有这些吗 Three Colors: White (1994)
He wanted to check through for a train, Lieutenant.[CN] 他要托运到一个火车上, 队长 Union Station (1950)
I'm not a piece of luggage you check through.[CN] 要知道,我可不是一件托运的行李 The Cassandra Crossing (1976)
"S. Larsson's Rides"[CN] "美国拉森托运公司" Everlasting Moments (2008)
Checked it.[CN] 托运行李 Walkabout (2004)
We will put in the luggage compartment.[CN] 我看最好把她扔进行李箱办个托运算了. Raid on Entebbe (1976)
I don't want to go...![CN] 我不托运哪 我不托运 McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten (2009)
No problem, I can handle it[CN] -还是托运的比较好 -没事没事, 我这有劲儿拎得动 Lost on Journey (2010)
It's checked baggage this time[CN] 又是手提呀 啊 这次是托运 McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten (2009)
Um, i don't have any checked baggage, so... that's your name, isn't it?[CN] 等等 我没有托运行李 那么 这是你的名字 对吗 The Two Live Crew Job (2009)
How many bags did you check?[CN] - 你托运了几件行李? 4C (2014)
We're gonna have to gate-check those.[CN] 你只能办理托运 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (2011)
I got to bring it in. It's the shippers request.[CN] 我得搬进去,是托运人的要求 The Dramatics: A Comedy (2015)
- I'll ship it back as soon as I get there.[CN] - 到了洛杉矶就托运回来 Due Date (2010)
Your consignment has suffered some damage.[CN] 托运的货物有些许损伤 The World's Fastest Indian (2005)
- They'll send it down. I've laid on transport.[CN] -他们会送下来,我办理了托运 The V.I.P.s (1963)
Said it was very rare. He was afraid it'd get chipped if he sent it by freight.[CN] 他害怕如果托运的话会弄碎 The Lineup (1958)
I can't bring this, I can't bring that and I must check these in[CN] 你这个也不让我带, 你这也不让我带 这些行李还让我去托运 Lost on Journey (2010)
- Checked-in luggage or carry-on? - What?[CN] 托运还是手提呀 McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten (2009)
Where are your papers of transit?[CN] 你们的托运文件呢? Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)
And the Colombians have found subs being built capable of hauling 200 tons of cocaine.[CN] 哥伦比亚已经制造了 能够托运200吨可卡因的潜艇 Deep Trouble: Part 2 (2014)
♬ Only you ♬[CN] 剩余物品由陆路托运 明晚可以到达 Episode #1.3 (2016)
You are "checking me in"?[CN] 哇哇哇 你送我去托运 McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten (2009)
- We don't handle train baggage here.[CN] - 我们这里不办理火车托运 Union Station (1950)
Hello my love, I took care of the car they'll deliver it to neice in two days, [CN] 你好 我亲爱的 我托运好车了 会在两天内送到尼斯 The Sweet Body of Deborah (1968)
It says right there, he's the guy shipping the van, so maybe you should talk to him.[CN] 上面写着啊, 他就是托运车的人 你们或许应该去找他谈谈 Contraband (2012)


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